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  • In his celebrated book on organization, The Bullet Journal Method, Ryder Carroll describes

  • his personal organization and productivity system: the bullet journal.

  • Throughout his life, Carroll struggled with keeping track of tasks, often forgetting important

  • information, and feeling overwhelmed by tasks.

  • However, through trial and error (and after trying countless other organization systems),

  • he finally hit upon a way to, as he puts it, “track the past, order the present, and

  • design the future.”

  • Enter: the bullet journal, a pen and notebook system that takes things back to basics.

  • Part to-do list and part journal, the bullet journal revolutionized the way Carroll approached

  • his life, his work, and how he got things done.

  • And it's helped many others do the same.

  • In his book, Carroll breaks down exactly how to use the bullet journal system, but he also

  • offers some insights on how to plan your days more effectively.

  • Many of these tips can actually apply to whatever productivity system you use in your own life.

  • Whether you use the bullet journal method yourself or stick with a simple to-do list,

  • or use an online system like Notion, Google Calendar, or something else entirely, you

  • can implement some of these principles to make your life simpler and more productive.

  • Here are five of Carroll's tips for planning your week effectively:

  • 1.

  • Take a mental inventory Before you dive into color-coding all the

  • hours of your day or assigning time to each task you hope to accomplish, take a moment

  • to create a mental inventory.

  • It's a great idea to do this the Friday before your week starts, so when Monday comes

  • you're ready to hit the ground running.

  • To take a mental inventory, write down anything and everything that you know you want to accomplish.

  • Don't hold back, just let it all out, either on a piece of paper or in a digital list.

  • You'll probably discover you have a lot more tasks you hope to complete than you thought

  • you did.

  • This is because we often suffer from decision fatigue — a phenomenon that occurs when

  • we have too many choices for how to spend our time, leading to burnout.

  • Carroll writes thatThe first step to recovering from decision fatigue, to get out from under

  • the pile of choices weighing on you, is to get some distance from them.”

  • And the best way to get distance?

  • Write it all down!

  • Once your brain isn't taking up energy thinking about all the tasks you need to accomplish,

  • it will have the space to step back and evaluate what's really important.

  • Now that all your tasks for the next week are written down, consider each task individually.

  • How important is this task?

  • Is it vital?

  • Is it necessary?

  • Taking a mental inventory gives you the chance to cross tasks off your list that actually

  • aren't that important, and would have kept you from working on the things that really

  • matter.

  • 2.

  • Time Blocking If you find yourself particularly overwhelmed

  • by a task, or are not sure when you'll get a chance to work on it, a good way to make

  • sure you get around to it is by using time blocking.

  • Time blocking is a method where you set aside a certain amount of time to work on a task.

  • So for example, instead of your to-do list saying:

  • Write Essay Work on Project

  • Clean Room You would set up your to-do list like this:

  • 10 am - 11 am: Draft essay 11:30 am - 12 pm: Make final edits to project

  • 1 pm - 2 pm: Clean room This way, you only have a certain amount of

  • time to work on the task, allowing you to give it your full attention and adding pressure

  • to get the task done in that time frame.

  • As Carroll explains, “time boxing adds two key motivational ingredients to a task you've

  • been putting off: structure and urgency.”

  • 3.

  • Morning Reflection While setting up your week the Friday before

  • helps get your thoughts organized, it's also a good practice to include a morning

  • reflection period.

  • This reflection doesn't have to be very long: only about five to fifteen minutes.

  • But it can set your day up for massive success.

  • Take a few moments to sit down for a reflection with your to-do list, Notion board, bullet

  • journal, or whatever you use.

  • You can do this while you drink your morning coffee, or just as you're sitting down at

  • your desk.

  • The morning reflection is a time to go over the tasks you have prepared for the day and

  • think about why you're doing each of them.

  • Another good tip is to imagine yourself completing each task to give yourself an extra burst

  • of motivation.

  • 4.

  • Evening Reflection Where the morning reflection helps you kickstart

  • your day with the right attitude, the evening reflection helps you unwind and unburden your

  • mind.

  • During your evening reflection, consider each task you completed during the day and ask

  • yourself questions like: why is this important?

  • why am I doing this?

  • why is this a priority?

  • An evening reflection practice helps focus and clarify your priorities so you can plan

  • accordingly.

  • Not only does it put a nice bookend on your day, but you get the chance to mark any completed

  • tasks as done and move uncompleted tasks to another day.

  • This is an important aspect of the evening reflection because it helps you feel like

  • the day iscomplete,” instead of a never-ending to-do list.

  • You should also take this moment to appreciate your progress and put a close on the day.

  • As Carroll writes: “Reflection helps identify what nourishes you so you can make better

  • decisions as you seed the next season of your life.”

  • 5.

  • Celebrate!

  • Our brains love dopamine.

  • When we scroll for hours on TikTok, our brains get tiny bursts of dopamine every time we

  • laugh at a video or think something is interesting.

  • That's why we scroll for so longour brains are getting tons of what they love:

  • dopamine.

  • That's why it's also so important to celebrate every task that you accomplish.

  • So each time you cross something off your list, give yourself a high-five, a thumbs

  • up, a big smile!

  • Get up from your desk and do a dance!

  • Do a fist pump!

  • Sayyou got this!”

  • If it's a big achievement, give yourself an even bigger celebration!

  • Call a friend or take the day off early.

  • Do whatever you need to do to make sure you properly celebrate.

  • Carroll puts it this way: “Celebrating your victories isn't just about patting yourself

  • on the back; it trains you to identify positive moments, which allows you to discoverand

  • enjoymore of them.”

  • Of course, the most important thing about whatever tips or system you implement is that

  • it works.

  • Any system that becomes too complicated for you to keep track of, or that bogs you down,

  • or that keeps you from being able to work on your tasks is not a good system.

  • So take what tips interest you, test them out, see how they fit into your system and

  • leave behind anything that causes more friction and frustration in your life.

  • Your productivity system should always help you more than it hurts!

  • No matter what productivity or organization system you use in your life, whether it's

  • the bullet journal or something else, hopefully, you can implement some of these tips to make

  • your system even more effective and make your life that much easier.

In his celebrated book on organization, The Bullet Journal Method, Ryder Carroll describes

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教你如何有效率的安排一週的計畫 (How to Plan Your Week Effectively)

  • 33 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2023/07/06
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