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Largely thanks to a wave of investor enthusiasm for artificial intelligence, 30% of the Forbes 400 total $500 billion gain in wealth over the past 12 months came from just four people.
這主要歸功於投資者對人工智能的熱情。福布斯 400 強中有 30% 的人總財富增加了 5000 億美元。 在過去的 12 個月裡,只有四個人提供了這些資訊。
Oracle co-founder, Larry Ellison, Meadow co-founder of Mark Zuckerberg and video co-founder Jensen Huang and Dell Technologies founder Michael Dell.
Here's a list of the tech billionaires who have gained the most in wealth since last year's Forbes 400.
以下是自去年福布斯 400 富豪榜排名第 10 位以來財富增長最多的科技富豪榜 比爾-蓋茨和其他人一樣,蓋茨也在全力投入 A I,他在 3 月份寫了一封信,稱這項技術與行動電話和互聯網一樣具有革命性意義,蓋茨在 6 月份加入了 A I 哈拉機器人初創公司 inflection dot A I 的一輪 13 億美元的融資。
At number 10, Bill Gates.
Like everyone else, Gates is going all in on AI, heading a letter in March calling the technology as revolutionary as mobile phones and the internet.
In June, Gates joined a 1.3-billion-dollar funding round for AI chatbot startup
6 月,蓋茲參與了人工智慧聊天機器人新創公司 的 13 億美元融資。
He personally invested alongside Microsoft, which has been benefiting from its own early bets on artificial intelligence including a stake in chat GPT developer OpenAI.
他個人與微軟一起進行了投資,而微軟也從自己對人工智能的早期押注中獲益匪淺,包括入股聊天工具 GP T 開發商。
Shareholders are bullish too, driving up Microsoft stock by 31% over the past year.
開放式 A I 股東也看漲。在過去一年裡,微軟股價上漲了 31%。
At number nine, Rick Cohen and his family.
The billionaire behind Walmart's warehouse robots saw his fortune rise 113% this year,
今年,機器人讓他的財富分別增長了 100% 和 13%。
thanks mostly to soaring share prices for Symbotic, his company, named for the symbiotic relationship between warehousing and robots.
At number eight, Jeff Bezos.
Amazon's share price is rebounding, thanks in part to higher profits and cost-cutting measures, including 27,000 layoffs within the year.
亞馬遜股價正在反彈,部分原因是利潤增加和成本削減措施,包括年內裁員 27,000 人。
So is Bezos.
In May, he reportedly got engaged to Lauren Sanchez, a former La TV anchor whose apparent likeness he had carved onto his new 417-foot sailing yacht Kuru.
據報道,5 月,他與前洛杉磯電視台主播勞倫·桑切斯 (Lauren Sanchez) 訂婚,他將桑切斯的肖像刻在了他的新 417 英尺長的帆船 Kuru 上。
At number 7 Steve Ballmer.
第七位 史蒂夫鮑爾默
The former CEO of Microsoft is mostly focused on the LA Clippers these days, including spearheading construction of a 2-billion-dollar Ultra Lux new arena for that NBA team.
這位微軟前執行長目前主要關注洛杉磯快艇隊,包括領導為這支 NBA 球隊建造一座耗資 20 億美元的超豪華新球場。
But he still owns enough Microsoft stock to push his net worth up. An estimated 18 billion dollars this year.
但他仍然擁有足夠多的微軟股票,使他今年的淨資產估計增加了 180 億美元。
At number six, Sergey Brin and number five, Larry Page.
第六位是謝爾蓋-布林,第五位是拉里-佩奇 谷歌公司成立 25 週年之際,聯合創始人佩奇和布林賺得盆滿缽滿。
Google's 25th anniversary year was lucrative one for co-founders Paige and Brynn.
對於共同創辦人 Paige 和 Brynn 來說,Google 成立 25 週年是利潤豐厚的一年
They're each 21 billion dollars richer this year thanks to a 26% jump in the shares of Google parent Alphabet.
由於 goo 母公司字母表的股價飆升了 26%,今年他們每人的財富都增加了 210 億美元。
Brin is also turning his Focus to AI, returning to the Tech Giant in his most hands-on role in years working on Google's AI efforts.
Page and Brin both stepped down from day-to-day rules in 2019 but remained on Alphabet's board.
佩奇和布林都在 2019 年從日常事務中卸任,但仍留在 Alphabet 董事會中,第四位是邁克爾-戴爾,這主要得益於 A I 公司對服務器的貪得無厭的需求,以及可能被納入 S 和 P 500 指數的戴爾技術股價自去年以來上漲了 87%。
At number 4, Michael Dell.
Largely thanks to an insatiable demand for servers from AI companies and possible inclusion in the S&P 500, shares of Dell Technologies are up 87 since last year.
戴爾科技集團的股價自去年以來上漲了 87%,這在很大程度上要歸功於人工智慧公司對伺服器的無限需求以及可能被納入標準普爾 500 指數的可能性。
Dell is also in line for a potential 20 billion-dollar payday in October when Dell's cloud computing spin-off VMware is set to sell to semiconductor giant Broadcom for 61 billion dollars after receiving regulatory approval in August.
戴爾的雲計算分拆公司 VM Ware 在 8 月份獲得監管部門準許後,將以 610 億美元的價格出售給半導體巨頭 Broadcom,戴爾也有望在 10 月份獲得 200 億美元的收入。
At number three, Johnson Hong.
排名第三的是約翰遜-洪(Johnson Hong),
The Taiwan-born Oregon State graduate founded Nvidia in 1994, took it public in 1999 and has the company logo tattooed on his arm.
這位出生於臺灣的俄勒岡州立大學畢業生於 1994 年創立了英偉達公司,並於 1999 年將公司上市,他的手臂上還紋有公司的標誌。
Nvidia produces more of the chips used for AI systems than pretty much anyone else.
As such shares are up more than 200% since last year's Forbes 400 and optimistic analysts say the newly crowned trillion-dollar company doesn't show signs of slowing down anytime soon.
自去年入選福布斯 400 強以來,公司股價上漲了 200% 以上。分析師稱,這家新晉的萬億美元公司並沒有很快放緩腳步的跡象。
At number two, Mark Zuckerberg.
排名第二的是馬克-扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),
After a terrible 2022 for Meta with the collapsing share price crumbling profits and substantial fourth-quarter layoffs, a share price U-turn boosted Zuckerberg's fortune by nearly 50 billion dollars this year to 106 billion.
他在 2022 年的表現對我來說非常糟糕,股價暴跌、利潤下滑,第四季度還大幅裁員。股價的上漲使扎克伯格今年的財富增加了近 500 億美元,達到 1,060 億美元。
And at number one, Larry Ellison.
而排名第一的是拉里-埃裡森(Larry Ellison),
In absolute terms no one in America has gotten richer this year than Ellison, who is 57 billion dollars better off after a 47% rise in shares of his software firm, Oracle.
從絕對值來看,今年美國沒有人比埃裡森更富有了。6 月份,埃裡森的軟件公司甲骨文(oracle)的股價上漲了 47%,他的身家增加了 570 億美元。埃裡森是該公司的創始人、首席技術官,也是 40% 的股東,他趁機兌現了稅前價值約 6.4 億美元的股票期權。
In June, Ellison, the company's founder, chief technology officer, and 40% shareholder, took the opportunity to cash out about $640 million pre-tax worth of stock options—the first time he sold shares in two years."
今年 6 月,公司創始人、首席技術官兼 40% 股東埃里森趁機兌現了價值約 6.4 億美元的稅前股票期權,這是他兩年來首次出售股票。”