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  • A Nobel prize for the Covid vaccine scientists.

    Covid 疫苗科學家獲得諾貝爾獎。

  • This is News Review from BBC Learning English. I'm Beth.

    這是 BBC Learning English 的新聞回顧。我叫 Beth。

  • And I'm Phil. Make sure you watch to the end to learn the vocabulary that you need to talk about this story.

    我叫 Phil,請務必看完學習談論這個故事所需的詞彙。

  • And don't forget to subscribe to our channel, like this video and try the quiz on our website.


  • Now, the story.


  • The scientists whose research made some of the Covid vaccines possible have won the Nobel Prize for medicine.

    其研究成果造就了部分 Covid 疫苗的科學家們有可能獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。

  • Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman's research means that something called mRNA can be used to make vaccines.

    卡塔林-卡里科和德魯-魏斯曼的研究意味著一種叫做 mRNA 的東西可用於製造疫苗。

  • Kariko had previously been criticised by fellow academics who felt that her approach would not work.


  • You've been looking at the headlines, what's the vocabulary?


  • We have: 'laid foundation', 'maverick' and 'spurred'.

    我們有「奠定基礎」、「特立獨行」和 「鞭策」。

  • This is News Review from BBC Learning English.

    這是 BBC Learning English 的新聞回顧。

  • Let's have a look now at our first headline.


  • This is from the Washington Post: Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines.


  • As this headline says, the Nobel Prize in medicine has been awarded to the scientists whose research led to the development of certain Covid vaccines.


  • Let's look at 'laid foundations', though, isn't foundations something to do with building?


  • Yes, a foundation is the bit at the bottom of the building, often under the ground and it's the bit that you build, or lay, first and then everything else is built on top of it.


  • OK, but this headline, isn't about buildings.


  • So, are there other things that we can use the word 'foundation' for?


  • Well, we use this idea that a foundation supports other things.


  • So, for example, when you're learning a language, if you know grammar very well, then that's a good foundation to learn the rest of the language.


  • It supports learning the rest of the language.


  • OK, so the research that these scientists carried out, supported the development of the mRNA vaccines - it laid the foundation for them.

    好的,這些科學家進行的研究支持了mRNA疫苗的開發 - 它為它們奠定了基礎。

  • Now Beth, could you say that visiting the BBC Learning English website every day lays a great foundation for learning English?

    現在,Beth,每天訪問BBC Learning English網站能為學習英語打下了良好的基礎嗎?

  • Do you know what? I think you could. And you should!


  • OK, let's look at that again.


  • Let's have our next headline.


  • This is from RFI: Katalin Kariko, scientific maverick who paved way for mRNA vaccines.

    這是來自RFI的報導:Katalin Kariko,為mRNA疫苗鋪平道路的科學獨行俠。

  • This headline is about one of the scientists, Katalin Kariko, who paved the way - that means she made this vaccine possible.

    這個標題是關於科學家Katalin Kariko的,她為這項疫苗鋪路 - 這表示她使得這種疫苗的發展成為可能。

  • We are going to look at 'maverick' - that's how she is described in the headline.

    我們將看看「maverick」 - 這是在標題中用來描述她的詞語。

  • Can you tell us about it, Phil?


  • Yes, we use the word 'maverick' to describe people who think and do things that no one else would even think of doing.


  • Beth, are you a bit of a maverick?


  • Well, Phil. You write these scripts.


  • It takes you a long time. You come in, you learn your lines, so does Neil.

    這需要很長時間。你進來,你練習你的臺詞,Neil 也是。

  • I just come in and say what I want. I don't need your scripts!


  • You are a maverick, Beth.


  • Now, Katalin Kariko is being described as a maverick here because originally, lots of other scientists didn't believe that her approach would work.

    現在,Katalin Kariko 被形容為一個獨行俠,因為最初許多其他科學家並不相信她的方法會奏效。

  • That's right. OK, let's look at that again.


  • Next headline, please.


  • This is from CBC: Scientists who spurred development of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines win Nobel medicine prize.

    這是 CBC 的報導:推動 mRNA 新冠疫苗發展的科學家獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。

  • Now we're going to learn the word 'spurred'. Isn't this something to do with horses?


  • Yes, it is.


  • We've all seen cowboy films, right?


  • Think about what the cowboys wear, particularly think about their boots.


  • Now, on the back of their boots they have these spiky things called 'spurs' and cowboys used to use these to make the horses go faster - by hurting them.

    在他們的靴子後面有一種叫做「spurs」的尖刺狀物,牛仔過去用這些來催促馬走得更快 - 通過刺激牠們而達到目的。

  • That doesn't sound very nice.


  • I don't think it is.


  • But nowadays, we use this word 'spur' to mean, encourage or make something happen.


  • We can also say that something spurs something on and that's a phrasal verb.

    我們還可以說某事「spurs something on」,這是一個片語動詞,意指激勵或推動某事。

  • Now, that reminds me, I've just been to India and I had the most incredible food and it's really spurred me to try some new recipes or spurred me on to try some new recipes.


  • Beth, you're gonna have to bring some of that in for us to try, I think.


  • In the original story, the research that these scientists did spurred on the development of new vaccines.


  • They made it or encouraged it to happen


  • Taht's right. OK, let's look at that again.


  • We've had 'laid foundations' - made something possible.

    我們談到了「laid foundations」 - 使某事成為可能。

  • 'Maverick' - not like anyone else.

    「Maverick」 - 不像其他人。

  • 'Spurred' - encouraged to happen.

    「Spurred」 - 鼓勵發生。

  • Now, if you're interested in vaccines, you'll love our episode of News Review about a potential cancer vaccine.


  • Click here to watch it.


  • And don't forget to click here to subscribe to our channel, so you never miss another video.


  • Thanks for joining us. Bye! - Bye.

    感謝您加入我們。再見。 - 掰!

A Nobel prize for the Covid vaccine scientists.

Covid 疫苗科學家獲得諾貝爾獎。

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