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Poulter Mansion Estate Bodega Bay, California
Godzilla vs Destroyah
Addams Family
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003
Dawn of The Dead
Boy In The Dark
Twins of Evil
Hellboy 2019
The Horror at 37,000 Feet
Twilight Zone The Movie
Haunted House of Horror
Creature Features
IT: Chapter One
Dark Shadows
Sleepy Hollow
Interview with The Vampire
The Fifth Element
Creature Features
Terminator Genisys
The Omen
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Death Race 2000
Creature Features
Creature Features
Monster Club
The Shining
Creature Features
Interview with The Vampire
Alien Covenant
Phantom Of The Paradise
Dark Shadows
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
Damnation Alley
The Smiling Man
The Birds
ladies and gentlemen allow me to express my heartfelt admiration and praise for the remarkable
Scottish author Robert Lewis Stevenson Stevenson's literary Legacy has left an indelible Mark upon
the world of literature captivating readers across generations with his enchanting storytelling and
profound insights into The Human Condition through his words he could transport us to distant lands
ignite our imagination and Inspire us to embark on thrilling Adventures what sets Stevenson apart
as a literary genius is his unparalleled ability to craft stories that resonate with both young
and old transcending the boundaries of time and age from the Timeless classic Treasure Island
which continues to ignite the dreams of young aspiring adventurers to the gripping duality
of human nature explored in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Stevenson's
Tales are not merely stories but windows and the complexities of human nature in his passion for
storytelling was infused with an Exquisite blend of Adventure mystery and a deep understanding of
the human psyche Robert Louis Stevenson with his boundless creativity and enduring Tales
has truly in his place among the literary Immortals leaving an enduring Legacy that
continues to Captivate the hearts and minds of readers worldwide living sin would you be
so kind as to put an end to the cacophony in the background it would be my pleasure
ah good evening and welcome to Creature Features I'm your host Vincent you've just met my Noble
Houseman Mr Livingston a studious gentleman that knows how to properly maintain and manage
a formidable estate like my lovely Porter mansion and the tiny Creature terrorizing
some of my household staff would be the typically demure Miss Tangella whose Grace
wit and charm are second only tour ability to hotwire a 2008 BMW 3 Series sedan in order to
ghost ride the poor vehicle over the edge of one of the Cliffs at our lovely Bodega Bay
and do we have a most remarkable program in store for you my purpose in my prior Praise
of Mr Stevenson is because tonight you you do know that one of these days the two of them
shall conspire to smother you in your sleep do you not hopefully sooner rather than later
tonight we'll Feature an impressive film based upon one of his stories the two faces of Dr
Jekyll from 1960. this is a fan film featuring the wonderful Christopher Lee but not in the
titular role that part goes to Paul Massey and his troubled fiance is portrayed by the lovely
and talented Dawn Adams Livingston who might be our guest this evening nobody very good tonight
we'll be joined by nobody to tell us nothing about this film but since we'll have some extra time
perhaps we'll read more of your mail and check in with the crew of this ill-mannered meta so don't
go away for this to be another night of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde fright right here on Creature Features
stay tuned [Music]
oh my goodness Livingston yeah you know what is on at 9pm on channel 4. I do not
Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry now listen the action-packed tough Cup movie that tops them all
oh there's a there's a disclaimer intended for mature audiences parental discretion is advised we
cannot let her watch this could we she's probably seen it 20 times that's right well no we don't
want her to get any ideas is a problem anyways now for that welcome to Creature Features it's
another one of those nights where we show a film hopefully but it's not one of those nights where
we have a guess because all they've got is Tangella and her her umbrella parasol parasol and her ugly
baby baby no it's okay if she brings the ugly baby when she has a parasol because she can cover it up
right I'm not understanding she can take the light off of it and then it won't come up on the cameras
right see it's in the shade anyways a great movie tonight the two faces of Dr Jekyll 1960. this is
a fantastic film have you seen it unfortunately and you did not like it it's not my favorite yeah
all right well it's a it's a hammer film or it's a film with hammers yeah she's like a hammer film
she has a thing for hammers no she was having Hammer Time with our staff before this so
uh it's gonna be a fun movie No guest tonight but we'll we'll read some extra mail and uh
we'll have some fun with the crew and uh we think you'll enjoy it right you're gonna enjoy it oh
will I he always does so stick around we will see you at the next break and don't get scared
There you are.
In each one of these dumb human animals...
...there is a personality which shows itself only in play.
Dumb human animals?
Henry, these are not pretty guinea pigs...
...they are children who cannot speak.
But I am convinced that in this case...
...the not speaking is a refusal of one part of the mind... allow the other part to express itself freely.
You suggest they play out what they cannot speak out?
You are the same Henry Jekyll...
...forever seeking keys to the locked doors of the mind.
Thank you, Dr. Jekyll.
They do enjoy coming in the afternoon to your garden.
They really never want to leave, especially Jane.
You see, Ernst.
All of my experiments...
...are directed towards the freeing of the creature imprisoned within.
In your paper, the paper that began all this trouble... wrote of two creatures.
In every human personality...
...two forces struggle for supremacy.
I understand.
But it was rash to publish before you could prove.
Now I don't have to prove anything.
Resigning my appointment freed me from idiots...
...who are no more scientists than I am a priest.
You have been missed, Henry.
Yes, they must have been short of jokes since I resigned.
How they laughed at my last lecture.
Was that a reason to disappear from professional life?
You live like a hermit in the middle of London.
- Is it wise? - If one doesn't want to be torn...
...limb from limb by one's colleagues, it's very wise.
Is it fair?
Who in the profession has been fair to me?
Who apart from yourself has even given me a hearing?
Forget the profession for a moment.
What of the others...
...those who care for you?
Yes, I see. Kitty has spoken to you. She asked you to come.
Think how it is for Kitty.
You live here alone without servants, without friends.
What is it like for her? What does Kitty think about this?
In six years of marriage...
...Kitty has never thought about my work.
Forget your work for a moment.
Your home is in ruins.
Your life is in dustsheets.
I need privacy for my work.
I can't think about anything else.
My work is far too near completion for me to stop now.
But to what end are you working, my dear Henry?
Man has always known that his personality is an uneasy...
...and unsatisfactory combination of conflicting elements.
We must accept this conflict and support the good in us.
Good. Evil. This moral quibbling is useless.
Man as he is comprises two beings.
One whom I call man as he could be.
In his perfection...
...this inner man is beyond good and evil.
And the other man?
He, too, is beyond good and evil. Man as he would be.
Free of all the restrictions society imposes upon us.
Subject only to his own will.
A very dangerous man, my friend.
For what civilizes us, other than these moral restrictions...
...of which you make so little?
We are scientists, Ernst.
It is for us to release and understand every force in nature.
This higher man you speak of is the weaker element in us.
Our lust and our violence feed the weaker man.
That is why there are so few saints and so many sinners.
Will you cut evil out of man with a scalpel, Henry?
How you fall back into the conventional way of thinking, Ernst.
I am not concerned with a moral operation...
...but with the control of every resource of the human personality... science.
Here, Toto.
Quietly, now.
Quietly. Quietly, now.
Quietly. Here we are. That's it. Quietly.
Now watch.
Even in the most primitive of men's forebears...
...there is an even more primitive totally unrestrained energy.
What is this? You have turned a placid, affectionate little animal...
...into a miniature devil.
Within four hours, when the drug has worn itself off...
...he will revert to his former placid self.
Can you not take a violent creature...
...and with some opposite drug, transform it to its higher nature?
I am working to that end...
...but I must understand the enemy I have to fight against.
Henry, have you experimented with this drug...
...upon any other creature?
Excuse me, professor.
- I'm sorry to disturb but... - I am working, Kitty.
I'm sorry, Henry, but Paul Allen is here again.
Don't give in to him, he's such a useless waster.
You will excuse me. I will be late for my lecture.
Oh, do stay longer.
It's so good to have someone who understands.
I will come again as soon as I can. Goodbye.
Let me tell Allen to go.
All Paul ever wants is money, my dear.
Tell him I will sign his notes as usual.
But, Henry, he takes advantage of you.
- If only you'd give more attention... - If only you could understand, Kitty.
If only you could begin to understand.
What do you think, Ernst?
I am perplexed...
...and to be frank, a little frightened. - You too?
Henry is working in a very dangerous field.
He locks himself in that laboratory for days and nights on end.
Sometimes he looks so ill.
A few weeks ago, I had to carry him to bed.
- He got up as soon as he could walk. - You should have sent for me.
He wouldn't let anyone examine him.
One whole night...
- Oh, it was terrible. - Tell me.
- I was so frightened. - Tell me the facts.
I heard him in his room.
He was shouting.
It was a strange, terrible sound. It...
It was a fever brought on by exhaustion.
But the voice, Ernst.
It was a strange voice.
I see.
Kitty, my dear, there is nothing wrong with Henry...
...that rest and yourself cannot cure.
Rest perhaps, but not me. I can't cure anything for him.
You are married to a man of very great talent.
Genius, perhaps.
Such men are always difficult to live with.
- Surely, you must realize... - Tell me frankly, Ernst.
Could his mind be seriously disturbed?
Seriously enough for him to be sent away?
Well, you worry excessively, my dear.
Henry is obsessed.
He is obsessed with his experiments.
Such concentration is unwise but hardly insane.
You must try to help him.
We must both try to help him.
Yes, we must.
Well, goodbye, my dear.
I will go this way.
- Well? - Well?
Don't look grim, Kitty
I hate to ask for help as much as you hate me for asking for it.
At least you admit that the situation lacks dignity.
What did he say?
You and Henry are such children.
As long as you have your toys and he has his, you're both happy.
Dammit Kitty, the hounds are at my heels.
Stop enjoying yourself and tell me about it.
Against my wifely advice, dear Paul, yes.
Henry will save you once again.
- You're too good to me, Kitty. - I am.
Far too good.
I won't ever put you in this position again, believe me. I don't want you to lie for me.
Of course you don't.
I don't deserve you, Kitty.
You don't.
But I deserve you.
I deserve nothing better than you.
Saturday night Saturday night Saturday night is when we do Creature Features and he has a
smile on his face no you don't do you yeah why would I do that if you would smile more
often I think less people would Point At You no one points at me no people point at you all the
time I see it happen they said look at that bloke he's he's not smiling I wonder why he's
so sad people ask me at the grocer what they asked me at the grocer why you're always so sad
and I tell him he's not sad he's just makes that face I Was Born This Way no no you make the face
please you just said that's the face that you have you have handsome face I don't know why you want
to put I don't know why you'd want to put me on your face I thought mirror was a type of incense
I didn't know I don't speak that foreign language that you understand in any case
uh fun fact about this film it was uh will you please stop that and you I don't know how
you get cursed all the time but that does not even look like him oh look it's got a bottom
look it's got an actual bottom on the bottom of the door don't know no more of that uh Christopher
Lee's favorite movie was this film you're watching now which surprises me why because he's been in
in I believe I thought better films than this he's been in many many films exactly so why
would this be his favorite I don't know yeah no and he's not alive for us to ask him is he
we could have a seance is Christopher Lee dead yes he is he's dead yeah a seance Seance that's
something she would say you're far too logical to suggest a seance young man I was being facetious
no I should call you old man oh he he makes a face every time I call him an old man but you know what
you're older than me and I'm an old man so you're an older man I am older than you you are an older
man all right let's get back to the film and when we come back let's uh do some mail shall we are
you sure all right off we go back to the Two Faces of Dr Jekyll see you soon
what's wrong with you?
I'm sorry you won't come.
How can you bear these endless dinner parties, Kitty?
Oh, they can be quite gay.
To listen to a lot of braying asses full of cant and hypocrisy?
These are my friends, Henry.
Let's both take the evening off.
You from being social and me from being antisocial. Let's be together tonight.
Diana Ashburnham would never forgive me.
It would ruin her table.
Yes, of course.
How stupid of me.
Above all, we must not upset Lady Ashburnham's arrangements.
Now, Henry, would it be fair?
You should have said you wanted me to stay in this evening. I did ask you.
I need you tonight, Kitty.
Oh, really, Henry, it's too selfish of you to make such an issue.
You may not need friends but I do.
And I'm not going to insult them for the sake of your whims.
My dearest Kitty...
...have I ever complained against any of your charms?
Your boredom is only too clear.
It's my fault. A woman who shows her feelings loses dignity.
Come Kitty, I offer to show you the other more amusing side...
...of the respectable society which bores you so much when I do sulk.
Is it so especially amusing?
I feel sure that those gentleman you meet... those dinner parties will agree with me when I say...
...that there is no entertainment that the Sphinx cannot provide.
You're very generous with my husband's money.
Women... Women are perfect...
...and you are the most perfect woman of them all.
From perfect wife to perfect mistress and back again to perfect wife.
And all within a few hours.
Will you have the goodness to take me home?
Your home or my home?
My home.
Seems to me, my dear, our long affair is wearing a little thin.
Yes, it does, doesn't it?
Perhaps we should terminate it before it becomes completely ashes.
Yes, indeed.
But in that case, dearest Paul, however will you manage financially?
You mustn't let that worry you, my dear.
After all Henry Jekyll has always been my friend, while you, his ever loyal wife...
...have always made it quite clear to him how much you detest me.
You're the most utterly shameless man I've ever met.
I do hope so, Kitty, because if you ever meet a more shameless man...
...I might lose you to him.
That's what your kind of woman wants from a man, Kitty.
Complete and utter freedom from shame.
Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam.
How do you do?
I think you will enjoy this place, sir.
It's very nearly halfway respectable.
You alarm me, my friend.
I'm new to your wicked city.
It's only wicked if you're poor, sir.
Thank you, sir. All the very best, sir, and happy nights in London town.
Another bloody idiot down the sink.
Dear, could you fancy that?
Oh, I rather think I could.
Come on, then, Daisy. It's far past our bedtime.
Would the nice gentleman like to buy two Ionely girls a drink?
With great pleasure...
...but perhaps you'd rather dance first.
You look as if you might be a pretty fair dancer.
- And you too. - Yeah, sweetheart.
Good night, then, Daisy. See you tomorrow.
Come on, then. I love this tune.
Fast little bitch.
I've never seen you here before.
I've never been here before.
It's quite nice, really.
It's nicer than the Vauxhall or Willis'. Proper bear gardens they've become.
A lady don't walk on her own.
I've never been there either.
You don't get around much, do you?
London and I are virgins to one another.
Well, it won't be long now, will it?
I must go now.
That's not very polite, is it?
I said, that's not the way a gentleman behaves, is it?
Picking me up under false pretenses, then dropping me like an old glove.
Will you let go, you fourpenny whore?
What did you say? What did you call me?
Let go.
Don't drink too much tonight, my darling.
Cunning little Kitty cat.
Rather a dull husband than a drunken lover, huh?
Mr. Paul Allen, is it not?
Not if you're one of my bloody creditors.
Mr. Allen occasionally indulges himself in these pleasantries.
- Please excuse him. - What perfect manners.
What an entirely perfect lady you are, Mrs. Jekyll.
Don't you think, looking at how she is now...
...she's the most perfect parcel of ladyhood you ever set eyes on?
Entirely enchanting.
I'm tired of your jokes, Paul.
Please don't leave, Mrs. Jekyll.
Your husband is an old acquaintance of mine. I have wanted to meet you for so long.
You're very civil, Mr...?
Edward Hyde.
- I hope I don't intrude. - Oh, don't worry about that, old boy.
Mrs. Jekyll absolutely adores intrusions.
Anything to lighten the burden, eh, Kitty?
Isn't that so, my dearest?
My icy snow princess. My frozen honeypot.
Perhaps you'd rather I left, Mrs. Jekyll.
- Perhaps... - Don't be an ass, my dear boy.
Jekyll isn't the possessive type at all.
Damn good chap, Henry. Best friend I ever had.
- Absolutely first-rate fellow. - I think it's time we left.
Come along, Paul. Do forgive us.
Yes, do forgive us. We've gotta go home to do our duty.
We always do our duty, eh, Kitty?
We're under a great obligation to Kitty.
- Stop it. Stop it at once. - There they go again.
One last dance.
Waltz for lost lovers. Then home.
Perhaps you'd care to dance with me, Mr. Hyde?
With great pleasure.
Oh, the heck with it.
Yes, about time too. Serve it.
How well do you know my husband, Mr. Hyde?
Quite well.
Will you be calling on us?
Indeed I will.
I have business with Henry and friendship, I hope, with you.
I hope so.
Mr. Hyde...
...can I trust you?
You may do so completely.
There, that fellow there.
That's him, all right.
Are you sure, Jenny, that that's him?
He tried to force me and when I wouldn't...
...he turned on me like an animal.
Friends of yours, old boy?
Are you going to do something for this young lady?
Do I have to teach you to behave like a gentleman?
- Go to hell. - That's right.
How dare you talk to a gentleman like that, you drunken lout?
- Will you take me home, Paul? - Women have no sense of honor.
- How can I leave my friends like this? - I'm giving you one more chance.
Give the little lady a few sovereigns and there'll be no more said.
Good night, gentlemen all.
I told you to go to hell and take that trollop with you.
That will teach you manners.
Now we'll leave his little friend to look after him.
For God's sake, man, don't kill him.
You ill, old boy?
Let me alone, Jekyll.
- Let me alone. - Jekyll?
I must get back.
I must get back.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Damn you, Jekyll! Damn you!
I will return, Jekyll.
I will be back.
welcome back to Creature Features we'll get back to the movie in a moment but we've got to do some
mail because look at all this mail it all came in the post right normally it does no normally
it comes by email but you cannot send a box by email I've learned this the hard way an enclosure
does not mean an actual package no it does not now I tried to send I tried to send some sweets
back to my mum didn't work not through email so I had to use the post you never cease to amaze me
I never cease to amaze myself either what do you got for me Mr Livingston I have a letter
from Germany from a Tatiana is it in German no it's in English Tatiana strange stronger
no it says strange I know it doesn't you think my name is actually stronger stronger this
lovely writing with the gold pen it gets better this is incredible all right let's
see what we got from Tatiana in Deutschland georgetown's very good Deutschland all right
she goes hello Vince oh look you know I know she's German because she spelled it hello
h-a-l-l-o hello Vincent Livingston and Tangella I would like to thank you for producing the world no
I would like to thank you for providing the world with unusual entertainment you know if anything's
unusual around here it's this guy otherwise there would be nothing but morons going on
and on about the Kardashians and what what's not on YouTube you know she's right the Kardashians
get way more pressed than we do they certainly do the Kardashians don't live in a haunted house
the Kardashians never played in a major rock and roll metal band not yet and the Kardashians
never blew up a restroom at Yankee Stadium did they you're absolutely right love um I have
some questions where does Vincent's accent come from Dutch oh I've never heard that one before
interesting observation no no my accent is what happens to a British accent
who's been in America for 35 years right too long too long it becomes a mishmash
yeah my mom when I call her she she goes oh who's on the phone who's this gank on the phone
I think she's she's realistic I don't think she's she's Faking It all right uh where in
Germany was Livingston born Heidelberg Heidelberg he was he was born where the idols were right
it's the burger city is what it means right no no it means Castle oh Berg means Castle Berg is
a castle oh Heidel Castle he was born in Heidel castle in the dungeon yeah that'd be wonderful
all right why doesn't Tangella ever talk she talks all the time she just won't speak to people she
doesn't know or when the camera is on since we turn the camera off it's like which is rather shy
no she's not shy at all she just doesn't speak for some reason I don't know why all right I regret
not being able to send a donation as artists are making less money than ever before we know about
that and don't worry it's fine just make sure you subscribe on YouTube it's free and that's
like money to us right I believe so it is no no do you know that only 20 percent of the millions
of people who watch us on YouTube have subscribed only 20 only 20 and all these people are watching
our program right now who have not pushed a single little button that says subscribe it'd be so nice
if you did that night I might stop griping about it for a while right well I guess you have to
promote it I should uh let's see uh I have however enclosed a poem that I hope you will enjoy keep up
the good work dark greetings from Berlin Tatiana all right this looks like oh this is an absolutely
wonderful poem and it's too long for me to read but I shall enjoy this in private Tatiana thank
you so much for the note and we hope everything is wonderful in Germany Mr Livingston Germany right
as far as I know oh my goodness you know I think the other package all right package and this is
the letter that came with a package and this is for Miss Tangella hey look at this and you drop
something all right this is a little something for the lady Tangella you know there's only one person
that calls her the lady Tangella and that's Dave from Oregon right here yes no he's quite generous
of the gifts what do you get what is that looks like a walnut or something that's lovely no a
Pokemon name is it for money no it's a it's a writing thing it's something oh it's charcoal
pencils charcoal oh it's a pencil set there's a whole slew of them in there all right what else
you know she's quite the artist you don't want to see her art though it's quite dark
is not the one look at this this is a an easel what is this hold it still so I can see U.S Arts
Supply 140 piece Mega wood box art painting and drawing set with color mixing wheel and a pack of
9x12 drawing sketching pads something else to make a mess no you know it's good because she
needs to color more often right and she won't be chasing our staff about with a hammer right
thank you Dave it's a wonderful gift and it's going to keep her out of trouble for a while
and that is a gift to me not to her next up Mr Livingston Lake City Florida Robin Robin
is that smithery I can't read not sure Lake City Florida you know I like the notes from Florida
because yeah you always hear about Florida man but seldom do you hear about Florida Florida weather
that because they're busy writing to us that's why all right dear Vincent Miss livingson and Tangella
uh thank each of you for having amazing movies best of all uh it's each of you that makes
Creature Features so great to watch I was so thrilled to find your YouTube channel one night
and I am now so thrilled I can truly say each of you make it worthwhile I look forward to the
intermissions with you all as much as I do the movies much love to each of you Robin smithery
P.S if y'all are ever in Florida you are welcome to stay with us on our farm Tangella you can use
the Pitchfork too right you know well I wonder what kind of farm they have why would they need a
pitch ball well you know use a pitchfork for pitch you know what pitch is don't you no that's that's
the mixture of hay and manual that you find in a bond oh and this this is the fork that you you
do not Fork it into your mouth I thought it was because you would use it to pitch something to a
wagon no let's say it's a sportsman all right last one last one here we go oh this is heavy indeed
my goodness what could it be oh my goodness I've never seen anything like this this can't be for me
you know it's got to be for you all right send that to the young lady
you're gonna like this all right hello Vincent Tangella and Livingston my name is Rich Schumacher
and I live in Las Vegas Nevada I discovered your show last week Halloween when I was looking for
The Night Stalker on YouTube since then I have been hooked on your show I play it while I'm
working in my shop I have to stop and watch when you take breaks and do mail or interviews well
stop working now because you're on mail sir you play a lot of movies that I grew up on the Night
Stalker Sinbad gargoyles Etc brings back childhood memories of being afraid of the dark I have an
Etsy store called epic Works where I make hoof shoes and monster feet for cosplayers sure pull
it out look at that that's a pair of shoes that's a hoof someone is going to oh my God I I want to
see her wear that next week I'm closed a pair of hoof shoes for Tangella since she's a little
devil I thought she should have cloven Hooves so I made her a pair they do make a clip-clop sound
when you walk in them so that may get annoying for everyone in the Mansion you know if that slows her
down a bit I think the staff in the Mansion will be quite pleased to hear that clop clop sound
uh keep up the great work thanks Rich P.S I had to guess on the size if they don't fit let me
know his size and I will make another pair she said what are you so it's like six right
no size five size five and those look close we'll make them work thank you so much Rich that's
wonderful and the Etsy store is called epic works with an X those are the stranger shoes I have
ever seen those are the most wonderful shoes I've ever seen is that it that's it that's it for mail
we'll now get back to the two faces of Dr Jekyll And when we come back uh Andrew has something he
wants to show us right I believe so right all right off we go back to the film see you soon
Why must you work so late, my dear?
Not that you missed anything very brilliant tonight.
Oh, Lord, those formal dinners.
You really should have come, Henry.
It's too unfair to expect me to carry the whole burden.
One lives in society, one simply has to respect social conventions.
I'm exhausted.
Not that it's of the least interest to you, I suppose.
You live in a world far too remote for these mundane matters.
For heaven's sake, Henry, say something.
I need you, Kitty.
I need you desperately.
Henry, I'm tired.
What are you really like, Kitty?
I'm your wife, that's all I am.
But the woman inside you... that woman my wife?
Henry, isn't it a little late for these obscure discussions?
Will we ever know who we really are?
Who are you, Kitty?
Who are you?
Your hand's bleeding.
My hand.
But who...? Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
My dear Paul... have no idea what a pleasure it is to be in your company.
You should have been here last night. Wonderful fun.
Still, I'm glad you like the old place.
Rather like Fortnum and Mason.
I don't see the similarity.
You can buy anything here.
A tigress.
Tigers needn't lick their lips over her unless they're very rich.
Is she so exclusive?
Only princes, pashas, millionaires...
...or distinguished actor/managers need apply.
Forget it, dear boy. She's not in the prep school class.
Believe me, I've tried.
Oh, Maria.
The unattainable.
Eve with her apples and snakes.
It's pleasant to see you again, Mr. Allen.
You have a new admirer, my dear. Mr. Edward Hyde.
My sincere compliments.
You are must kind, Mr. Hyde.
Such natural manners.
She only uses Christian names in bed.
Well, ladies, it seems that I must entertain you both.
- I trust you'll not be too disappointed. - Oh, we'll just have to manage.
Somehow or other.
Thank you for your confidence.
You've come to the wrong room, Mr. Hyde, I don't entertain here.
I see that your partner guards you constantly.
Keep away from him.
He is dangerous.
Good night, baby, my sweet.
Your friend talked to me like a common whore.
In all fairness, he never implied that you were common.
Just how much money did you have in mind, Mr. Hyde?
I would not insult so beautiful a woman by offering her anything so trivial.
So thank you for your politeness but good night.
Don't mention it.
- I have to dress. - Don't let me prevent you.
- But I have an appointment. - I'm afraid you'll be late.
What could possibly detain me?
I intend to.
You are too impertinent, Mr. Hyde.
Yes, that is so.
You have an amusing approach.
Merely direct.
You are very confident, aren't you?
Could a man without confidence approach you?
The men who beg get nothing.
I do not beg.
If a man buys, he pays much for very little.
I am not buying.
You do not buy, you do not beg.
Is there anywhere a man who simply takes?
I am that man.
I thought you were.
What is it? You are going?
Yes, I must.
Will I see you again.
What does perhaps mean?
Edward, why perhaps?
How do I know.
But you know what you feel.
We English never know what we feel, my dear.
But you will come again soon?
I don't know.
Say you will.
I told you, I don't know.
Of course.
You have a nice, cold wife to go back to.
What an amusing idea.
welcome back to Creature Features if you're just joining us yo a little bit late quite a little bit
right quite a bit actually it's all right though you haven't missed too much uh we're watching
the two faces of Dr Jekyll 1960 and you notice an interesting thing about uh this film no is
who I'm going to tell you 11 years later Hammer made a film called Dr Jekyll and sister Hyde
because I like making this film so much they want to make another of course you're none I don't
know what the connection is Sister height sister Hyde Oh Sister Hyde like as in Sister Mary Mary
Magdalene right right yeah that's he he made a pun did she hide a lot because she had a bad habit or
I the the hell is freezing over right now he made a pun you didn't catch that you didn't catch mine
no all right well we're joined by Andrew and uh Henry is here because he wants to show us a a toy
what is that a toy a toy it's a skateboard oh look at this a professional skateboard friend of mine
um made for professional skateboard what's his name um Anthony eagle wait a minute
that's your rage well you know if he comes in the home with no with with bruises on his face
and Tangella did not do it it's because he was riding a skateboard yeah he made this it's uh
a one of a kind from art that one of our uh fans sentence I was going to say that looks
like something familiar so are these being mass produced no this is a one of a kind One of a Kind
anyway just for you have you have you tried it yet the wheels look clean still just a little
bit around them in the Mansion does it go fast it can right now how do you change the tiny Motors
there are no Motors oh it's one of those what are you talking about oh I thought all skateboards
nowadays had Motors no oh dear what do you mean oh dear I see I see people going uphill on a
skateboard with a motor with a motor they have motorized skateboards right I'm not insane no mad
Electric yeah he needs he needs to get out of the house more often right no you need to see
the world you need to go out and ride an electric scooter I have no time the Tangella took me for a
scooter ride electric scooter electric scooter right no you plug them into the wall and they go
after you unplug them after they're charged enough of this guy anyways let's get back
to the two faces of Dr Jekyll and uh when we return uh something fun is going to happen right
no alright
maybe maybe not see you soon
Good morning, I have an appointment with Dr. Jekyll.
- He's away. - Perhaps I could speak to Mrs. Jekyll?
Bit early to call on a lady, isn't it?
Says he has an appointment with the doctor.
Ask Mr. Hyde to come up.
- He already has. - Mr. Hyde?
What a pity, my husband is away on business.
What a pity.
That will be all, Nanny.
Forgive me for receiving you in here.
Lately, this house has become unused to visitors.
Please, don't mention it.
Being a wife of a recluse is not an easy role.
You've heard of my husband's strange way of life?
Yes, I'm afraid it's common talk.
Perhaps I can help you with your business?
Business can wait.
Since our chance meeting, I wanted so much to see you again.
Mr. Hyde...
...I hope that because of the circumstances of our first meeting... won't come to any wrong conclusions.
It's because of them...
...that I've been trying to put you out of my mind.
You see, I have no wish to trespass on Paul's...
- Paul's what? - Paul's friendship, I was about to say.
The question of trespass hardly arises.
Mr. Allen has no property rights in me.
And ah, Henry?
Henry leads his own life.
He doesn't seek my approval and I don't seek his.
Is that wrong?
We who seek no one's approval...
...are not concerned with right or wrong.
What are we concerned with?
The pursuit of pleasure...
...the fulfillment of desire.
Exciting alternatives.
Alternatives to what?
To the boredom of being a neglected wife...
...and the humiliation of being a rejected mistress.
You overestimate my freedom from convention, Mr. Hyde.
Forgive me.
I was forgetting that even the most honest of women...
...need to be courted with the most dishonest of phrases.
I must say you are honest. A trifle obvious perhaps, but honest.
Listen to me, Kitty.
Why should we pretend?
From the moment I felt you in my arms as we were dancing...
...our future has been clear to both of us.
Oh, sir, you take far too much for granted.
Great affairs always begin without discussion.
My great affair has already begun.
It was well-advanced before ever you appeared on the scene.
I wonder what... the special quality in a man as weak...
...unscrupulous and utterly unreliable as Paul Allen?
I don't question your description, Mr. Hyde.
Well, then, why?
I merely happen to love him.
Love is an idiocy.
An idiocy of mine perhaps, but a fact.
I love Paul Allen.
Well, do you confirm my own observations, Ernst?
I'm afraid I do.
There appears to be an accelerating of your entire metabolism.
As if your life was suddenly burning itself up at a much faster rate.
No, I will not be your bank clerk any longer, Paul.
Kitty, darling, why not let Henry take care of life's little problems...
...and leave us its gaiety? - No, I'm sick and tired of being used.
- How can you talk of our love in this way? - You hypocrite!
These are debts of honor. I can't go bad on them.
- What a typical gentleman you are, Paul. - I hope so.
All your honor's staked on a card... you've none left for any man or woman.
I see.
So that is your diagnosis, Ernst.
You think me a simple-minded opium eater.
You underestimate me, my friend.
I can diagnose opium addiction...
...but your addiction, I suspect, is something less familiar...
...and more damaging.
Thank you, Ernst.
Oh, Mr. Allen.
Perhaps you can persuade our old friend... lead a more sensible life.
- Goodbye, Henry. - It's hardly my specialty but I'll try.
Well, my dear Henry, what are you doing here?
In search for the elixir of life?
I leave the life search to you and your friends.
What do you want?
Well, merely to thank you, my dear Henry...
...for your extraordinary generosity.
Thank you for your gratitude.
And now I must get back to my work.
I, I wondered, Henry, if you could manage...
My experiments are very costly, Paul.
I'm afraid I have rather overreached myself, with your help, of course.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Very sorry indeed.
Don't bother to call again for a while, Paul, I shall be going away.
Oh, going far?
I wonder.
Well, I suppose you lied your way successfully out of debt again?
Unfortunately, no.
I must be losing my grip.
He refused to help?
But what will you do?
It's good to see the Jekylls reunited at last.
But what will you do, Paul?
Please don't disturb yourself on my account.
You won't do anything desperate?
Apart from continuing to live, nothing.
I have determined to discover all that Hyde can reveal…
My bank and my solicitors...
are instructed to regard him as my attorney in my absences...
My heir and executor if I fail to return.
For do I want to return…
To a life of frustrated isolation and loveless misery.
you know a Tangella this film confuses me because
Dr checo is not as attractive as Mr Hyde it's supposed to be there the way around is it not
in the original story I imagine well it just seems rather peculiar to me that they would reverse
those roles what game is she doing she wants to be on TV
you know she's while we're filming are you filming so sorry about that so sorry
right are you wearing your shoes show us your shoes let's see put them up let's see
put them up all the way up there we go you can put your dude there you go if she makes
a nice Pony does she not it's a cloven hoof it's a clothing and look it's old dusted and
wow now you've got a shoe shine person available to you that's that's very nice so uh this movie
so far what do you think Mr Livingston I think it's rather strange it's rather strange
well it's it's strange like these shoes right those I they call those shoes they are shoes
but it's it's strange and wonderful at the same time right it's like a dichotomy a dichotomy right
right something like that all right well uh what do you say uh we get back to this film please and
then uh when we get back perhaps Mrs O'Connor can find another portion of the household to maintain
I would recommend that right all right off we go to the two faces of Dr Jekyll we will see you soon
Damn bad luck.
- Oh, well, luck's a bitch, old boy. - Oh, I shouldn't think so.
I've always had the best possible luck with bitches. Almost always, anyway.
Well, I must be off.
Farewell, old chap.
My dear Edward, just the one man I was hoping to run into.
- Will you have a drink. - Thank you.
Waiter, bring another glass, will you?
Business problems?
You know my weakness.
Gambling, my dear boy.
Women aren't a weakness, they're a recurrent necessity.
But I thought that one of these necessities of yours...
...was in the delightful habit of honoring your debts for you.
You can't trust anybody these days.
Oldest friend lets me down.
Oldest mistress lets me down. No one to turn to.
What are you in for?
About 2000.
Sell your soul.
Gladly. No takers.
I'll take it over.
My soul?
Now, that would be about as useless to me as it is to you.
I meant the debt.
Well, that's extremely kind of you, Edward...
...but I couldn't possibly permit it.
I'll stake you to 5000.
Are you quite sure this is convenient, Edward? It's really very kind of you...
...and I'm deeply obliged.
Just pass the notes over to me as they come in.
Don't you think it would be better if you were to give me...
...the five now and then leave me…? - No, I'm afraid that's the only way.
Of course, if you'd rather not leave yourself in my hands...
But I'm only too happy to be in such extremely generous hands.
It's very kind of you.
There are other ways you can repay me.
London is your oyster, my dear boy...
...and I'm the one who can open it for you.
Open it wide.
Break the hinges...
...rifle its pearls.
What a night.
Nothing but promissory notes, useless bits of paper...
...and you want to give more.
Have you ever known me to welsh debt of honor?
It's a bit thick, you know, night after night.
Look, if you're trying to insult me...
Don't be an ass, we'll take your notes...
...we'll take anybody's notes.
My dear fellow, what else is there?
Is London only good for a week's entertainment?
Think of something else.
I have and we've done it.
And, incidentally, I've done the five too.
So soon?
My dear Paul, that is the one talent you really do have... can spend money faster than any other man in London.
- Well, do you think that perhaps...? - Continually...
...that you are a fool.
Well, I suppose I could try Kitty again.
Try me instead, my friend.
What a really good chap you are, Edward.
And I'll try Kitty.
What the devil do you mean, Hyde?
Well, that should be simple enough even for you to understand.
I am telling you to obtain your mistress for me.
You unspeakable devil.
How very amusing.
Paul Allen, breaker of every law in the moral code... shocked into morality.
You vile, disgusting degenerate.
Be rational, my friend.
I'm asking for the temporary loan of a proven adulteress...
...of whom you yourself have grown somewhat tired.
You go back to hell.
Is that you, Nanny?
Mr. Hyde.
I hardly expected to see you again.
Do you make a practice of breaking into other people's houses?
Your husband, unlike yourself...
...trusts me with all that he owns.
- You've seen him? - Yes.
I will not ask you under what circumstances you saw him.
But I'd be delighted to give an full account of all Henry's doings since he deserted you.
I prefer not to know.
But should you see him again, perhaps you'd have the goodness to give this.
With pleasure.
Now, suppose I see Mr. Allen... there another note for him?
I prefer to give Mr. Allen my messages personally.
Good night, Mr. Hyde...
...please have the goodness to leave.
I have Paul Allen here... my pocket.
- What do you mean? - Allow me to present your lover.
A handful of bad debts.
Perhaps you would care to buy him back.
Come, Mrs. Jekyll.
Why not sell what you have so often given away?
I might agree to your preposterous suggestion, Mr. Hyde...
...were it not for the fact that you utterly repel me.
Give us the price of a quart of gin, guv.
Just a quart, guv.
Go on, guv, will you?
Will you, guv? Just a quart.
[foam dart sounds] ow, hey, ow!
It's a great privilege for myself...
...and my sisters here and my little niece, Mary... drink with a distinguished gentleman.
- It is. - Good luck.
Drink up, Mary, dear.
Why does love make us behave so hatefully to one another?
Because we are cowards, my darling. We want everything.
Let's go away. Paul.
Let's start a new life together.
We will, my love, we will.
He's about ripe. Bring him out just after I go out. Right?
Well, what about it, dear?
Come on, you unwise virgins.
Come on.
Come along, dear.
Here you are, mate, go and get one yourself.
- Oh, you'll get her in tonight. - I said that you'll get your money.
- Never let you down yet. - I don't think she vouches...
Nay, sister, she's great. Mrs. Bligh.
Very nice timing, my loves.
She's very religious, isn't she, Mrs. Bligh?
Yes, like her old man.
- Pity, really. - I rather fancied him.
What are you worried about?
You got your money without working tonight.
Here. One for you. One for you.
Oh, yeah, one for you.
Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
I have destroyed my formula and drugs
But I fear Hyde has too much influence over me.
No degeneracy is low enough to satisfy him.
I have lost it all.
Goodbye, Dr. Jekyll.
Come on, come on.
Now I must exercise him
Somehow drive out this.
How could you get into the hands of such a man?
You and Henry left me no alternative.
Paul, we should have had the courage... go away together years ago. - Darling, Kitty, be realistic.
Could you have lived on my gambling losses?
I'm so sorry to intrude.
What the devil are you doing here?
I have a message from your husband, Mrs. Jekyll.
He has decided to forsake a situation too difficult for him to contend with...
...and has asked us for a final reckoning tonight at the Sphinx.
He does so want our last evening together to be gay.
Until tonight, then, Mrs. Jekyll?
I wonder what he's up to.
I don't want to go, Paul. I'm frightened.
Listen Kitty, this could be the solution to all our problems.
If Henry's decided to get out, then he's bound to make a decent settlement.
But if you'd left him...
What a fool I am.
welcome back to Creature Feature she ran off to take off those hoofs they were rather large no it
looks painful to have cloven feet I can imagine I mean no imagine you've got your toes separating in
the it must be hideous I thought you was born with them you think she was possible I think you'll pay
for that remark right right in any case we'll get back to the two faces of Dr Jekyll in a moment but
first I've got to take care of some home business Andrew I've asked you back because uh this third
floor toilet issue is becoming somewhat rather inconvenient to me and you know why Tangella uses
that toilet and now that is not functional she comes down and uses one in my room when are we
going to get this bloody toilet still waiting on special parts for Tracy's trying to find special
Victorian plumbing parts for that toilet it's not easy to find yeah I'd rather scares order
so let's just replace the entire bloody thing you can't really do the pipes for different sizes and
they did a modern toilet inside then she could use a modern toilet not but it wouldn't look proper I
mean just you've got to have the Aesthetics look she's using the the the do in my my Chambers
and it's becoming rather inconvenient for me because every time I go to use it she's inside
I don't know what she's doing in there I don't think she's doing any business she's
just rather bothers her I was in my boo all right yeah this is this is what life is like
in a Victorian Mansion it's not all ghosts and Spooks and and and and and fun stuff
it's it's broken Victorian toilets that have no parts available no I've got a plan I shall
invest some money and create a new business called Victorian Toilet Company Incorporated
and then I shall provide parts for Victorian toilets who will install them I don't care who
installs them they will be available for other households who have the same issue
I don't know it's an idea write in let me know what you think in the comments if you're watching
on YouTube or write us a letter explaining why I should not do this and why should they send
that letter oh well they could set it to you all Creature Feature mail thing right that's
the way to send us mail or email very nice or email all right let's uh finish up the
two faces of Dr Jekyll and uh when we return um something will happen right always always
off we go see you on the other side the credits don't go away because Tangella will be back bye
Now, you do understand, don't you?
As soon as I get this tedious business over, I shall join you there.
Don't keep me waiting too long.
I'd no idea that Henry was familiar with this place.
It seems to me that we never knew Henry quite as well as we thought.
- Where is Mr. Hyde? - All is prepared in the room...
...of the senora.
I think I'd better go and see what this fellow's up to. You wait here.
Don't be long, darling.
Champagne for madame?
Come in.
My dear Paul, how very considerate of you to be on time.
But where is your enchanting mistress?
We can't possibly have our party without her.
Surely we can leave Kitty out of this.
She's gonna wait downstairs until this damn business is over.
Now, where's Henry?
You are impatient to see your old friend.
Let's get on with it, Hyde.
By all means.
He would like to speak to you first privately.
- What the devil is all this? - He has certain arrangements...
...providing for your future which he'd like to complete with you.
Don't hesitate, Paul.
This meeting could finally solve all your problems.
Let's get it over with, then.
No one in here, Hyde.
Look more carefully, my friend.
But don't be ridiculous, Hyde, there's no one in here.
It was very thoughtless of Paul to leave you alone.
Where is he?
Shall we join him?
Where are they?
Where's Paul?
Where is Henry?
Believe me, your husband is here.
So you find your way home at last, my dear.
And the bed you deserve.
Do you like me in this?
I like you in this place.
I love you in any place.
The pattern of justice is complete.
Whose room is this?
Mine... last.
Oh, God.
I love you, Edward.
Just love.
You don't know me and yet you love me?
I don't care about knowing.
You animal.
You don't care whether I'm good or evil.
All the men who bought me, they knew about good and evil.
So you dispense with the unnecessary.
Good, evil and love.
No, not love.
I can't love.
I know nothing about love.
That's sad for you.
And maybe for me.
But I still love you.
Good night, my love.
Good night.
Sleep well.
Sleep well.
Leave me.
I must get back.
I must get back.
Let me alone!
I must be free!
What is it? Edward.
Why must you destroy?
I want to be free.
Everything I do is directed toward that end.
That isn't true.
You murdered that girl.
You murdered her.
You revenged yourself on Paul Allen.
You revenged yourself.
And Kitty.
Poor Kitty. What will become of her?
All in order to free me.
None of them were in your way.
But you are in my way.
Unfortunately, my dear Jekyll...
...I can't destroy you without destroying myself.
And so you destroyed those others instead.
But through their deaths...
...I will become free of you.
Society will blame you. It will hunt you...
...and force you to remain hidden as I have had to hide.
You hate me.
I have no feelings toward you whatsoever.
I do only what is logically necessary.
Come now, Jekyll, admit you're defeated.
End this struggle which you must lose.
You must lose, Jekyll.
You must.
Is it wise to leave here?
In a few hours, they'll be searching for you.
You must lose, Jekyll.
You must lose.
What have I done?
What have I done?
The arrangements were made by Dr. Jekyll?
For him. By his friend Mr. Hyde.
They were to dine together last night with the ladies.
Mr. Hyde is a good friend of the Senora Maria.
What else do you know of this Mr. Hyde?
A very free-spending gentleman.
Yes, apart from his virtues as a client?
He always seemed a perfect gentleman. That's all I know, inspector.
- And Dr. Jekyll? - I can't say, inspector...
...I never met the gentleman.
All right, you can go.
- Inspector. - Yes?
The management would be prepared, I feel sure... make certain arrangements with you if...
I'm sorry, it's not possible this time.
But there's always a next time.
I suppose, sir, Dr. Jekyll could have arrived and left by the backdoor.
With this Mr. Hyde?
And the woman Maria.
Well, we'll soon find out.
We'll keep this place closed.
Now, after this, what we need is a visit to the doctor.
Come on, Rogers.
"So, my dear Ernst... are the only one I can look to.
You can perhaps help save something...
...of the life and honor of your truly repentant friend.
Henry Jekyll."
- Come here, will you? - Yes, sir.
I won't be a minute.
Ernst will come.
I know he will.
To his death, no doubt.
What do you mean?
You see...
...I don't have your highly laudable respect for life, Jekyll.
What can I do?
To whom can I turn?
You must lose, Jekyll.
Yes, sir?
You all right, sir?
Yes, yes, quite all right.
There's a hamper over there. If you could take it into the mews for me.
Certainly, sir.
Can you manage alone?
It's a bit heavy but I can manage it.
Cover the back.
Dr. Jekyll, are you in there?
Anybody here?
Open this door.
Jekyll's mad. Be careful, he has a gun.
Let go, Jekyll.
- No, you let me go. - Break open the doors.
He must be completely insane.
Get down there, quick.
Jekyll. He's set fire to the place.
He shot himself.
- He tried... - Don't say anything more just now.
It would seem from the evidence of Professor Litauer...
...that the balance of Dr. Jekyll's mind was disturbed... dangerous experimentation...
...and addiction to drugs.
In his deluded state...
...he executed a diabolical revenge for imagined wrongs...
...and at the last...
...took his own life.
Mr. Hyde is fortunate...
...indeed to have escaped from this holocaust.
The case of Dr. Jekyll... a solemn warning to us...
...not to meddle with the divine pattern of nature.
Death by suicide.
Thank you, gentlemen.
The proceedings are closed.
A fine man...
...a fine mind.
But he failed to realize that the higher man is free of all restraints.
The higher man?
He lives solely by energy and reason.
He takes what he wants.
There is no Jekyll in him.
For one moment, you sounded like poor Jekyll.
He also...
Mr. Hyde, are you unwell?
I must leave immediately.
Are you sure you feel able?
Goodbye, then.
Help me.
Help me.
Help me.
Your voice.
Leave me now.
Leave me.
As you wish.
Leave me, Jekyll.
Leave me.
Not here!
Wait, I beg you.
May God help you.
I have destroyed him.
And yourself... poor friend.
Only I could destroy him.
And I have.
Henry Jekyll, it is my duty to arrest you on a charge of willful murder.
and that's the end of the two faces of Dr Jekyll you know I did not expect that ending because of
the last Dr Jekyll film I saw it did not end quite like this no it did not no it ended in
a court of law which is I suppose that's how you should deal with monsters now and then right is
through the legal system it's a civilized way it is no no instead of this whole burning the castle
down you just send them to jail right moms with pitchforks there you go Mobs with pitch lawyers
no lawyers with pitchforks right anyways uh that is it for that movie we'll show it again someday
or maybe not I don't know we'll we'll see what you say because you know sometimes people say
I did not like this film never show it again and you know I've got to look at comments like this
and Ponder maybe we should not show it again right listen to your viewers well you know
sometimes the viewers are wrong though because we'll get one person that says never show this
movie again and five that say I love it I cannot wait till you show it again who do I believe
who's right in this particular opinion you never know it's mystery democracy that's right what's
new for Mr Livingston what's on your agenda well I'm trying to find these parts for the
Lou on the third floor right no no that's been an ongoing issue and uh hopefully between you
Mr Andrew and Miss Tracy I would have to have a word with Miss Tracy well we've got
more going on than that well I do but you don't want to hear it I suppose I do yeah
I've got my own problems yes you do I don't particularly want to hear yours all right
well that about sums it up for us uh Tangella has nothing to say about the film she's hula
hooping he's complaining about uh being tasked with finding toilet parts and uh
I'm just going to sit here till next week when I get to see you again so uh thank you so much for
staying up and watching our show instead of Clint Eastwood right they could have been watching Clint
Eastwood instead of our film but they stayed with us and we hope it was the best choice
you could have made I think it was don't you of course no he doesn't but uh come back next week
we cannot wait to see you again and don't forget we love you see you next time so uh Livingston I
get lots of mail from people who watch our Friday Night Show who say where's Mr Livingston who he's
not there is he not on the show anymore and I try to explain your off on Friday night but what do
you think about perhaps sitting in just for one night on a Friday
you don't bloody pay me enough