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(narrator): Today, Peppa and her family
are visiting an adventure park.
- Welcome to Monkey Trees!
(narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge.
- What do we do at Monkey Trees?
- You climb through the trees like monkeys!
(snorts) - I just hope
we don't have to climb too high.
(narrator): Daddy Pig does not like heights.
- Don't worry, Daddy Pig.
You'll be wearing a harness so you can't fall.
If you lose your balance...
Oops! The wire will hold you!
(giggles) - It looks fun!
- Me first!
- My turn!
(giggling, snorting)
- And now me!
I just have to keep my balance.
Ho-ho-ho! I don't know what I was worried about!
This isn't high at all!
- That's because this is the practice bit.
- What?
- The real course is high up in the tree tops!
- Ah.
- Don't worry. I'll be down here
giving you advice!
- That's good to know.
- Follow the wire.
It will lead you where you have to go.
(narrator): The steps are going high into the tree tops.
Here is the Wobbly Bridge.
Danny Dog and his daddy are crossing it.
(snorts) - Hello, Danny!
(barks) - Hello, Peppa!
- Wow! We are so high up!
- Brilliant, isn't it?
- As long as I don't look down, I should be fine.
- Oh! This bridge is wobbly!
- That's why it's called the Wobbly Bridge!
You're doing great!
(giggles) - Wibble wobble! Wibble wobble!
(giggles) - Wibble wobble!
- Um... Maybe I'll wait here for a bit.
(bleating) - Come on, Mr. Pig!
- We can't cross until you cross.
- What's the hold up?!
(narrator): There is a queue behind Daddy Pig.
- Ah, what's going on?
- Sorry, everyone.
Okay, here goes.
I did it!
I did the Wobbly Bridge!
- Well done, Daddy!
(clapping, laughing)
(narrator): These are the Swinging Hoops.
- Oh. There's nothing to walk on!
- Just use your arms to swing from hoop to hoop.
Like a monkey!
- Um... I'm not sure.
(snorts) - Come on, Mummy!
You have to go first so we can go!
- Okay, here goes.
Oh my goodness, this is hard work!
(children giggling)
(snorts) - Whoa!
It's too difficult!
- Oh! I can't hang on anymore!
Whoa! - Ah!
(narrator): Mummy, Peppa and George
are hanging from the wire.
- Now what do we do?
- You need something big and heavy to push you across!
- Ah. I see where this is going.
Hang on! Here I come!
- Oh! - Wee!
(giggles) - Well done, Daddy Pig.
- It's what my tummy was built for!
(narrator): This is the Ginormous Zip Wire.
- Brilliant!
- This is the last bit.
Mr. Rabbit will give you some help.
- Just decide if you want to go head or feet first.
- Definitely feet first.
- Feet first! Off you go!
- Woo-hoo! (laughing)
- Peppa and George, head or feet first?
- Head first! (giggles)
- Head first! Off you go!
(giggling) - Woo-hoo! Yipee!
- And Daddy Pig?
- Ho-ho! Well, I'm certainly not going to say head first!
- Head first? Off you go!
- No! There's been a misunderstanding!
I want to go feet first!
(laughing, snorting)
- Did you have fun?
- Ho-ho!
I must admit, that was quite fun!
- No, Daddy!
It was the most amazing good thing
in the whole wide world ever!
(narrator): Peppa loves Monkey Trees!
Everyone loves Monkey Trees!
(all laughing)
(narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends have come to the Woodland Club.
Mr. Wolf is in charge.
- Children, please come to the middle.
Mommies and Daddies, please stand back and watch.
(laughter) Now, children,
I know all about living in the woods.
I was born in the woods and I was raised by a family of wolves!
(kids): Ooh!
- Today, I will teach you how to look after yourselves out here in the wild.
(kids): Wow! - Imagine you're on your own,
far from home, no one else around.
- Oh, sorry. Carry on.
- No one else around.
What do you do when it starts to rain?
- Get wet. - Ah. But what if you don't want to get wet?
- Go home? - But remember,
you are far from home.
- I've got an umbrella!
- Y-yes, alright.
But sometimes the only thing to keep you warm and dry in the woods is...
a shelter.
(kids): Ooh! - It's like a little house.
It'll keep out the rain and it will keep you warm from the wind.
You make a shelter using sticks and other stuff found in the woods.
(kids): Wow! - Who wants to try?
(all): Me! Me! Me! - Off you go, then. (laughter)
- Here are some sticks! (laughing)
- This leaf can be the flag.
- It's finished. (applause)
- Well done.
- Okay, who would like to test the shelter? - I will!
- Are you warm and cozy in there, Mr. Pig?
- Ho-ho! Yes!
I like my little house of sticks.
- Good. Let's see if your "little house" keeps out the rain.
- Ah! (narrator): The water goes straight through the roof!
- I'm getting wet!
- Did the house keep out the rain? (kids): No!
- Let's see if the house keeps out the wind.
I will huff and I will puff,
and I will blow your house down!
(inhaling deeply) (blowing) - Whoa!
(narrator): Daddy Pig's house is gone!
- Oh, dear.
- Maybe the children should've used bricks.
- A brick house would be good, Mr. Pig,
but there aren't any bricks to be found in the woods; only sticks and leaves.
- But we've tried sticks and leaves.
- We're going to have another go.
First, collect big sticks, like this one.
Off you go. (laughter)
- Here's a big stick!
- Here's a bigger stick!
- Here's the biggest stick in the world!
- Very good. Let's have that big stick here.
Lay your sticks along here.
Now we need little sticks to go over the roof.
(laughter) - Little sticks.
- Teeny sticks.
- Itsy-witsy-ickle sticks.
- Use the little sticks like this. (laughter)
- Is it finished? - Nearly.
We just need lots and lots of leaves.
(kids): Leaves!
- Lots of leaves!
- Loads of leaves!
- Bundles and jumbles of leaves!
- Wow! It's a cozy house now.
- It certainly is.
Daddy Pig, please go inside.
- Um, maybe somebody else should have all the fun of testing it this time.
(kids): Me! Me! Me! Me! (laughter)
- Are you ready, children?
(all): Yes!
- First, the rain.
Is the rain coming in? (kids): No! (laughter)
- Now the wind.
I'll huff and I'll puff,
and I'll blow your house down!
(inhaling deeply) (blowing)
Did you feel the wind?
(kids): No. (laughter)
(narrator): The little house is very strong.
- So that, children,
is how you build a shelter in the woods.
(all): Hooray! (thunder)
- Oh, it's raining. (narrator): All the grownups are getting wet.
But Peppa and her friends are lovely and dry in their little house.
- This is fun! (laughter)
(narrator): Peppa loves the Woodland Club.
Everybody loves the Woodland Club! (laughter)
(narrator): Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.
(clapping) - Children!
Today, we are going to do drawings of our families.
(children): Ooh!
- This is me.
I live on my own in a very tall house.
Sometimes my two sisters come to visit!
And we play music.
Greta plays bass.
Gretel plays drums.
And I play guitar!
We rock!
(upbeat rock music)
That is my family!
Now, it is your turn.
(children giggling)
- This is me, Suzy Sheep.
I live with my mummy.
She likes to push me on the swing.
(giggles) Higher, Mummy! Higher!
And that is my family.
- I am Mandy Mouse.
Here is me with Mummy and Daddy.
We like playing in the park.
- To you, Mandy! - Squeak!
To you, Daddy! - Oh!
- Everyone likes playing in the park!
Who's next?
(neighing) What a lovely drawing, Pedro!
- This is Mummy and Daddy,
and me, Pedro Pony!
I have glasses.
Daddy has glasses.
Mummy has contact lenses.
- Amazing! How about the Panda twins?
(narrator): Pandora and Peggi
are doing their drawing together.
- Daddy is a police officer
- And Mummy is a firefighter.
Sometimes, Daddy drives us in his police car.
- Daddy? Can we do the siren?
- Yes! Please, can we do the siren?
- Now, girls!
You know the siren is only for emergencies!
(others): Please!
- Oh. Alright, then.
(siren wailing)
- Super! And Danny Dog?
- My daddy is a sea captain!
He has adventures on his boat!
(loud roar)
But now, Daddy has come home to me and Mummy.
And he won't go back to sea ever, ever, ever again.
(Danny giggles) - What a wonderful adventure!
Who's next?
- I'm Penny Polar Bear!
I live with my mummy and my other mummy.
One mummy is a doctor,
and one mummy cooks spaghetti!
I love spaghetti!
(all slurping)
- Lovely, Penny!
And Freddy Fox?
- My dad has a van .
It has everything in the world inside it!
In packs of five!
(giggles) (Madame Gazelle): Super!
And Rebecca?
- This is me with Mummy,
Daddy, Richard,
Rosie, and Robbie.
We live in a hill.
Sometimes, my aunty, Miss Rabbit, visits.
- Ah. It's nice to have a break from all my jobs!
(phone ringing) - Rescue Service, please.
I'm stuck up a mountain and I need rescuing!
- Oh, Dad! Not again!
Okay, I'm on my way.
- Miss Rabbit is always busy,
because she does all the jobs in the world!
- Yes, what would we do without Miss Rabbit?
Who's next?
(snorts) - I am Peppa Pig!
And this is Mummy and Daddy,
and my little brother, George.
George thinks his toy dinosaur is scary.
It is not scary.
But if I don't play, he cries.
It's hard work having a little brother.
(bell ringing)
(narrator): The parents are here to collect the children.
(all): Hello!
- Hello, mummies and daddies!
Come and find yourselves on our wall!
- Oh, is that me? - Yes, Mummy!
And that's you, Daddy!
- Ho-ho! It looks exactly like me!
- Yes, what wonderful drawings of the families!
(snorts) - I love families!
(narrator): Peppa loves families!
Everyone loves families!
(narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends
have come to the Climbing Centre.
Grampy Rabbit is in charge.
- Hello, children!
Today, we're mountain climbing!
(children): Ooh!
- Is it difficult? - Yes!
But it's fun too!
I've climbed many mountains.
- Have you ever got stuck?
- Yes! Once I was climbing a mountain,
and I couldn't go up or down.
- What did you do?
- I called mountain rescue!
They came and saved me using a helicopter!
- Oh, Dad! Not again!
- Sorry!
- Rescued by a helicopter!
- Yes!
But that won't be happening today.
We haven't got mountains,
we've got climbing walls!
We call this one Mount Snowdon.
- It's just like a real mountain!
- Apart from the fact it's little and made of plastic.
(children): Ahh...
- And you're going to be wearing safety helmets.
- What are the bobbly colour bits?
- You use them to put your hands and feet on.
Like this.
(children): Wow!
- Who wants a go?
- Me, please!
Like this?
- Very good, Pedro! (children giggle)
- Which bobbly bits do I use?
- Any colour you want!
- Okay! I'll do yellow.
(narrator): Suzy Sheep is climbing
using the yellow bobbly bits.
Peppa is using the blue bobbly bits!
- This is fun!
- George, would you like a go?
(snorts, giggles)
(narrator): George has climbed to the very top!
- Well done, George!
(snorts) - My little brother
is the best at climbing!
- That was our little climbing wall.
Now for our big one!
May I present...
Mount Everest!
(children): Ooh!
- Mount Everest is very high!
- Yes!
Which is why nobody climbs Mount Everest
without a safety rope.
If I want to stop...
I simply come down gently on the rope.
(children): Ooh!
- Who wants to go first?
(George snorts) - Are you sure, George?
- Remember, you can come down
anytime on the rope.
(narrator): George is climbing Mount Everest.
(children): Wow!
- Oh my goodness, that is high!
(narrator): George has reached the top!
(George giggles)
(clapping) - Brilliant climbing!
(narrator): Oh dear.
George is a little bit worried.
- Hang on, George! Mummy's coming!
- Stop! You can't climb without a rope!
It's against the rules!
- No time for rules! (snorts)
I have to rescue George!
(George crying) Mummy's here!
Do you feel better now, George?
(narrator): George is not worried anymore.
(all): Hooray!
- Good! Down you come, George.
- Well done, George!
- Hello? What about me?
How do I get down?!
- Hmm.... For you,
we will have to call Mountain Rescue!
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
- Hello? - Mountain Rescue, please.
- Oh, Dad!
You're not stuck up a mountain again!
- Not me. It's Mummy Pig!
She's on Mount Everest!
- What? The actual Mount Everest?!
- No. The plastic one!
- I'll be right there!
Hang on, Mummy Pig! - Woo, oh!
(narrator): Mummy Pig is rescued!
(others): Hooray!
- Mummy, was it fun being rescued?
- Er. It was kind of fun, I suppose.
(narrator): Mummy Pig loves mountain climbing.
Everyone loves mountain climbing!
(narrator): Peppa and her friends
have come to the Trampoline Park.
- I've never bounced on a trampoline!
(squeaks) - I've bounced lots!
It's the best thing ever! (giggles)
- Welcome to the trampoline park!
(narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge.
- When you bounce, you must bounce safely.
(all): Yes, Miss Rabbit.
- First, take your shoes off.
Only one person on each trampoline at a time.
Always bounce...
in the middle!
And no clever tricks,
just bouncing.
- It looks fun! - Yes, really fun!
(snorts) - I might even have a go myself!
- Happy trampolining, everyone!
(all laughing)
(giggles, snorts)
- This is brilliant!
- Yes! But these mini trampolines
are for little children.
These are the trampolines
for big children like us! (snorts)
- Now we can do really big bounces!
(narrator): Peppa and Rebecca are doing big bounces.
(bleating) - I love bouncing!
(giggles, snorts)
- I am bouncing higher than the sky!
- Me too! - And me!
♪ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce ♪
♪ Bouncing up so high
♪ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce ♪
♪ Bouncing in the sky
(laughs) - Ho, ho!
I think I'll have a go!
- Look, Peppa!
Your daddy is on a trampoline!
- Are you sure that's a good idea, Daddy Pig?
(snorts) - I know what I'm doing!
(laughs) - I want a go too!
- And me! Hey! Woo!
(narrator): The grown-ups are bouncing on the trampolines!
♪ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce ♪
♪ Bouncing up so high
♪ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce ♪
♪ Bouncing in the sky
(narrator): Mummy Pig is bouncing really high!
- Bouncing up so high!
- Not too high, Mummy Pig!
- Bouncing the sky!
Whoa! Whoa!
(narrator): Mummy Pig has landed on top of a tree!
- Oh. How do I get down?
- Don't worry, Mummy Pig! We'll rescue you!
- Er.... We'll call Miss Rabbit's Rescue Service!
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
- Hello, Trampoline Park.
(phone ringing)
Oh, the emergency telephone!
Hello, Rescue Service.
- Mummy Pig is stuck in a tree.
- Help!
- I'll be right there.
Miss Rabbit to the Rescue!
(all murmuring)
- My goodness, this is embarrassing.
- Yes! (snorts)
It's the sort of thing that normally happens to me.
- Don't worry, Mummy Pig!
We'll have you down in no time.
- Thank you, Miss Rabbit!
- Hmm. I can't land on the tree.
I know! I've got a really good idea!
- Oh! Where's she going?
- Wee!
- She's bouncing back into the sky!
- Here I come!
(snorts) - Wow! This is unbelievable!
- Yes! It is one of my more amazing rescues!
- What happens next? - Who knows?
That was lucky.
I forgot the helicopter was here!
(all): Hooray!
- Thank you for rescuing me, Miss Rabbit!
- Just doing my job!
Next time, don't bounce quite so high.
- Yes, Mummy!
If you bounce on trampolines,
you must bounce safely!
- Thank you, Peppa. I'll remember that in future.
(narrator): Peppa loves trampolines.
Everyone loves trampolines!
(narrator): Today, Peppa, George, Mummy and Daddy Pig
are at the park.
Peppa has her scooter.
(snorts, giggles)
George has his tricycle.
- Vroom! Vroom! (giggles)
Mummy Pig has her bicycle.
(bicycle bell dinging)
And Daddy Pig has his skateboard.
- Daddy, can I have a go on your skateboard?
- Skateboarding is quite difficult,
even for a grown-up like me. (snorts)
- Yes, you don't have anything to hold onto.
- Please, can I have a go?
- Well, maybe Daddy could give you a lesson?
- Yes, I think you're just old enough to learn.
- Yippee! - It's best to start off slowly.
Like this!
(narrator): Daddy Pig is good at skateboarding.
- Now, it's your turn, Peppa.
- Yay!
- Put one foot on the board,
and push with the other.
(giggles, snorts)
- Well, done Peppa!
- And now try it with both feet on the board.
- Look at me!
- Well done!
(giggles) - I can skateboard!
(narrator): It is Belinda Bear and Simon Squirrel.
They are big children.
- Hey, Peppa! - Yo!
- Hello! (snorts)
- Is that your skateboard? - It's my Daddy's!
- Can you skate on it? - Yes!
(snorts) My Daddy taught me.
He's the best skateboarder in the world!
- Well, I suppose I am a bit of an expert at it.
- Really?
- So, what do you make of these ramps?
(rock music)
- Ah.
- Wow! - Amazing!
(narrator): Simon and Belinda are very good at skateboarding.
- Peppa, would you like to try?
- Yes, but...
I can't skate like you.
- Hmm, but only because we are older than you.
- Yes! We're almost grown-ups.
- I'm nearly ten! - Wow!
- Maybe you big children could give Peppa a lesson!
- Yes, please! - Okay! We'll teach you.
- As long as you keep it slow and safe.
- Of course. We'll keep it real cool.
- Let's go down this little ramp.
- I'm here to catch you, Peppa!
- Okay, Daddy!
- I'm here to catch you too!
(narrator): George is helping as well.
- Now, Peppa,
put both feet on the board.
- Yes, I've done that before.
- And we'll give you a little push.
- Um. It looks high...
- I'll take you a bit lower.
Ready now?
- It's still quite high.
- How about here?
- Okay!
I did it! I did it!
- Well done, Peppa!
(snorts) - Yes, you did brilliantly!
- I'm going to do it again! Watch this!
Oof! - Are you all right?
- Yes... I think so.
- She's fine!
When you're learning to skateboard,
there's lots of falling off!
- Yes!
And that's why helmets are ace!
- Wow! (snorts)
That's so good!
Can you do that, Daddy?
- Um... I expect I could if I wanted to.
Please show us, Mr. Pig!
- Oh, all right!
- Um, Daddy Pig...
Are you sure this is a good idea?
- Don't worry! I know what I'm doing!
- Right. Have you ever been on a ramp before?
- Not as such!
(Simon): Wow! He's gone to the highest ramp!
- Oh!
I hadn't realised quite how high this was.
Maybe I'll...
- Wow! Look at him go!
Ugh! (panting)
My goodness.
- That was awesome! - Unbelievable!
(snorts) - My Daddy is the best
at skateboarding
because he is very old!
- Thank you, Peppa!
(narrator): Daddy Pig loves skateboarding!
Everyone loves skateboarding!
(narrator): Peppa and George are visiting
Mrs. Badger's farm!
- Peppa? George?
Can you guess what you'll see at the farm today?
- Dine-saw? (giggles)
- No, George, there won't be a dinosaur,
but there will be a tractor!
- What's a tractor?
- They're like cars with big wheels
and they can drive through mud!
I love tractors!
(tires screeching, horns honking)
(narrator): It is a traffic jam.
(honking) - Come on! Get a move on!
- Beeping won't make the cars go any faster, Daddy Pig.
(snorts) We just have to be patient.
- Oh... What's blocking the road?
(narrator): Mrs. Badger is driving her tractor.
(tires screeching)
- Thank you for your patience!
- Hi there, Mrs. Badger!
We were just talking about tractors!
- Peppa and George have come to see your farm.
- Oh, good. Follow me!
(narrator): Here is the farm.
Danny Dog, Pedro Pony,
and Suzy Sheep are visiting too.
- We'll pick you up later!
(snorts) - Have a nice time!
(children): Bye-bye!
- Hello there, my lovelies!
(children): Hello, Mrs. Badger!
- Now, before I show you the farm,
I'd like you all to wash your hands!
(children giggling)
♪ Wash, wash, wash your hands
♪ Wash them nice and clean
♪ Bubbley, scrubbly, scrubbly bubbley ♪
♪ Wash them nice and clean
(children giggling) - Very good!
Now, let's have a look at my tractor!
Isn't she a beauty?!
- Yes! She's lovely!
- She's got big chunky wheels!
(thumping) And a strong engine
to pull things along!
(narrator): The tractor is pulling a trailer.
- Hop in, everybody! Let's go for a tractor ride!
(children): Hooray! (giggles)
(narrator): Here is a field of long grass.
- The field is ready to be cut.
You wait here and watch.
I put a cutter on the front...
a bailer on the back...
and the tractor does all the work!
(narrator): The tractor is cutting...
...and making bails!
(children): Wow!
- Job done! All thanks to my tractor.
(narrator): The trailer is joined to the tractor again.
- On with the tour!
- It's very muddy here!
- Will we get stuck?
- No! Tractors are good at driving through mud.
And now we're going to drive along the road.
(cars honking)
Thank you for your patience!
(narrator): Mummy and Daddy Pig
are coming to pick up Peppa and George.
(tires screeching) - Oh no!
We're stuck in a traffic jam again!
(honking) - Like you said, Mummy Pig...
(snorts) We just have to be patient.
- Or maybe we can take a short cut?
- Um, are you sure this is a good idea?
- I know what I'm doing!
(narrator): Mummy Pig is taking a short cut.
- Haha! No traffic jam for us!
- This is brilliant!
(sloshing, tires whirring)
- Oh... I think we're stuck!
- Look! That's our car!
- Do you need help?
- No thanks, we're fine!
Um, we might be a little bit stuck.
- Perhaps we could use some help.
- Of course!
Hold tight!
(children): Hooray!
- Thank you for rescuing us, Mrs. Badger.
- Don't thank me! Thank my tractor!
- Oh, yes! Thank you, Tractor.
- Tractors are the best!
(narrator): Peppa loves tractors!
Everybody loves tractors!
(Peppa): Undersea Party
(narrator): It is a lovely sunny day.
Peppa is feeding Goldie the fish.
- Mummy? (snorting) How old is Goldie?
- Uh, well, I think she must be almost a year old?
- When's her birthday?
- Let's say her birthday is tomorrow.
- Can Goldie have a party? - Oh.
Um, perhaps we can have a little party.
- Daddy, Daddy, Goldie's having a birthday party!
- A party for a fish! (snorting)
That's fun. I suppose it will be an undersea party,
with starfish, treasure and mermaids,
all in an amazing undersea world.
(laughter and snorting) - Oh, yes! It could be the best party ever!
(laughter) - Daddy Pig! What have you done?
- It's just a game, isn't it? We're not really having a party.
- Yes, I think we are. And it's tomorrow. - Oh.
I see.
- Okay, keep calm, don't panic.
We'll just get some help.
Undersea party.
(beep) Here we go.
- Undersea parties, brought to your house by Miss Rabbit!
- Sounds good. - Click here, and I'll be straight over!
(doorbell ringing) Hello.
- Wow. That was quick. - How many days have I got to plan this party?
- It's tomorrow. - No problem.
You go to bed. I've got this.
- Thank you, Miss Rabbit. - Good night.
- Right. Let's get to work.
(rooster crowing) (narrator): It is Goldie's birthday.
Miss Rabbit has made an amazing undersea world,
with shells, seaweed and big waves on the walls.
- Wow! - Oh! You did all this in one night?
- It's unbelievable!
- Happy birthday, Goldie. (Goldie giggling) (doorbell ringing)
- Oh, who can that be? - Well, you said it was a party, so I invited everyone!
(all): Happy birthday, Goldie! (laughter)
- Hello, Penny. (snorting) - Hi, Peppa. Grrr!
(narrator): This is Penny Polar Bear.
- I've never been to an undersea party.
- Bye, Penny. - Have a lovely time.
- I've made costumes for everybody!
You can be a mermaid, Peppa.
- Thank you. - And here is a crab costume for George.
- Pinch, pinch! - I am Suzy Octopus.
(bubbling sound) (bleating)
- I'm Mandy Shark! (squeaking)
But I'm not a scary shark. I only eat cheese. (giggling)
(narrator): Penny Polar Bear is a penguin. - Grrr!
(narrator): Danny Dog is a pirate. - Aharr!
(narrator): Rebecca Rabbit is, um...
- I'm a fish finger, because I love fish fingers. (laughing)
- I'm a sea captain, and Edmund is a jellyfish.
- I'm not convinced this costume actually represents a jellyfish,
but I'm not going to spoil the fun. (trumpeting)
(Mummy Pig laughing) - You all look brilliant!
- Is everybody ready for the pirate treasure hunt? (kids): Yes, Miss Rabbit!
- The first clue is: I swim along with a giant tail.
I'm the biggest fish in the sea. I'm a...
- Shark! - Almost.
I have a giant tail. I'm a...
- Whale! - That's right!
- Here's a whale! - The biggest fish in the sea is a whale.
- Actually, a whale is not a fish. It's a mammal.
(narrator): Edmund Elephant really is extremely clever. (trumpeting)
- Okay, last clue.
I'm buried treasure, and X marks the spot.
- Here it is! (kids): Hooray!
- Well done! You found the treasure!
- Oh, it's teeny-tiny.
- That's because it's for a tiny fish.
- Ah! This is for you, Goldie.
(snorting) Happy birthday! (Goldie giggling)
(narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends have come to the Little Cars Play Centre.
Miss Rabbit is in charge.
- Welcome to the Little Cars Play Centre!
We've got little roads, mini traffic lights,
and even a tiny roundabout!
(kids): Ooh!
- And best of all, you get to drive these little toy cars!
- Can I drive the blue car? - Of course, Peppa.
- Ooh! - Just pedal with your feet to make the car go.
- Okay. - Turn the wheel to steer.
(giggling) And beep the horn!
(beeping) Good beeping! Remember:
today's all about having fun!
(beeping) (laughing)
- I'm going to drive the racing car!
(bleating) (honking)
- I'm in the rocket car! (barking)
(honking) (squeaking)
(narrator): Mandy Mouse's car works by electricity.
- I like this car! (honking)
- I'm am driving the carrot car! (honking)
(horns honking) (laughing) - That's what I like to hear.
Happy children enjoying themselves! (laughter)
- Which way do we go? - Anywhere you like! (honking, siren wailing)
(narrator): It is Police Officer Panda and Police Officer Squirrel.
(both): Hello, hello, hello. - What's going on here, then?
- We heard beeping of horns. Is there a big traffic problem?
- No! It's just the children having fun.
- What's that? Fun, you say?
- Yes. This is the Little Car Play Centre.
- We like beeping. (horns beeping)
- Stop!!!
You're going all over the place. You're not driving like responsible adults.
(snorting) - But we are little children.
- You are still in charge of vehicles.
- What we need here are some rules of the road.
- Please follow us. (laughter)
- Here we are, happily driving our cars.
- You see? No need to beep. (laughter)
- We've arrived at a pedestrian crossing,
and an old lady is waiting to cross.
- What old lady? - Miss Rabbit,
would you mind pretending to be an old lady?
- Oh, of course. No problem.
I'm an old lady.
- You see, children,
old ladies walk slowly. - What do you think we should do?
- Beep the horn to make her go quick. (beeping)
- No, no, no. We have to be patient,
and let her cross in her own time.
- Yes. I'm an old lady.
I can't go faster than this.
- Mind you, this one's taking forever.
Perhaps I should let her know we're waiting. Police!
- Ah!! - Move off the road!
Good. Now the road is clear, we can move on.
- Ah, here's a traffic light, and it's red.
What does that mean?
- Stop. - Correct. When can we go?
- When the light is green. - Very good.
When the light turns green, we can... (all): Go!
Go, go! (beeping)
- Wait for us! (laughter)
(beeping) (laughter)
(whistle blowing) - Now, children,
this is a roundabout.
- Who knows what we do here? - Drive around it?
- That's right! So I want you to all--
(beeping) --go the same way!
(whistle blowing) - Stop!!
(beeping) Yes, uh...
that was interesting.
- And, uh, I think that's as good a point as any to stop for today.
- The children have all done brilliantly!
Say thank you to the police for today's lesson. (kids): Thank you!
- You're very welcome.
- And I hope you've learned at least one thing about beeping your horns.
- Um, don't beep the horn all the time?
- That's right. Don't beep the horn all the time. (beeping)
- Hello! - We're here! (beeping)
(narrator): The parents have arrived to collect the children.
- Peppa, have you had a nice time?
- Yes, Daddy. It's been great!
(beeping and laughing) (narrator): Peppa loves little cars.
Everyone loves little cars! (laughter) (beeping)
(narrator): Peppa is at playgroup with her friends.
- Ah-ho. Today, children,
I would like to show you my pet guinea pigs.
(kids): Aw! - They're so cute!
- This is Ginger.
He is very clever. (squeaking)
(kids): Aw! - And this is Brian.
He is very sensitive. (squeaking)
(kids): Aw!
- Now, children, I am going on holiday next week,
and I need to find someone to look after Ginger and Brian.
(kids): Me! Me! Me! (snorting)
- It's a bit of work, and you will need to take them home.
- Me! Me! I will do it! - Are you sure, Peppa?
- Yes! I love animals! (snorting)
- Thank you, Peppa. (bell clanging)
(narrator): It is home time. (honking) - Mummy, Mummy!
Look what I've got!
- Oh! What's that?
- Ginger and Brian.
- Peppa has very kindly agreed to look after my guinea pigs for the week.
(squeaking) - I see.
- Everything you need is here.
- Right. - I suppose they're easy to look after.
- Oh, yes. This chart shows when they need feeding and when they are to be brushed.
- Brushed? - Yes, they like to be brushed at these times each day.
- I see. - And one brush in the middle of the night.
- Anything else? - They do get lonely,
so you must sleep in the same room as them.
- Okay. - Don't worry, Madame Gazelle. (snorting)
We will look after Ginger and Brian.
- Thank you, Peppa. Bye-bye. - Bye!
(narrator): Ginger and Brian have arrived at Peppa's home.
(giggling) (phone ringing)
- Hello. - This is Madame Gazelle.
I forgot. You need hay for the guinea pigs.
But you can buy it from the pet shop.
- Okay. Thank you, Madame Gazelle. Goodbye.
- What's that? - Um, the guinea pigs need hay from the pet shop.
- Right. Who wants to come to the pet shop?
- Me! Me! (snorting)
(kids giggling) - See you later. (honking)
(narrator): This is the pet shop.
(bell jingling) - Hello, Peppa. - Hello, Miss Rabbit.
I'm looking after Madame Gazelle's guinea pigs.
- Oh, yes!
Ginger is the clever one, and Brian is sensitive.
- Apparently, we need hay.
- Well, there is standard hay, premium hay,
or super-premium-deluxe hay!
- Super-premium-deluxe hay? - Yes.
It is more money, but that's the one Ginger and Brian like.
(narrator): It is bedtime at Peppa's house.
(squeaking) - Are you happy, Ginger and Brian?
(squeaking) - They've had food, water, and very expensive hay.
I don't think they could be any happier.
- Madame Gazelle said they get lonely. (snorting)
- Yes, so I will be sleeping here
to make sure they don't get lonely.
- And brush them in the nighttime?
- Yes, Peppa, brush them in the nighttime.
(kids): Night-night!
(owl hooting) (narrator): It is the middle of the night.
(phone ringing) - Ooh. Hello?
(snorting) Daddy Pig here. - Hello!
This is Madame Gazelle. I just thought I would ring to remind you
about the brushing.
- Yes, we're brushing them now.
- What? Who? Oh! Oh, yes! - Ah, very good.
I do hope they are no trouble.
- They're no trouble at all.
(laughter) (narrator): Peppa and George
have been looking after Ginger and Brian all week.
- They are so adorable!
(narrator): Here is Madame Gazelle.
- Madame Gazelle! You're back from your holiday!
- Yes. I came straight from the airport. How are Ginger and Brian?
- They are very happy. (squeaking) - Oh, good.
Thank you, Peppa, for all your hard work looking after them.
- It was easy!
- Would you like to look after them the next time I go on holiday?
- Oh. (both): Uh...
- Yes, please! (snorting and giggling)
(narrator): Peppa loves looking after guinea pigs.
Everyone loves looking after guinea pigs. (laughter)
(narrator): Today, Peppa is going
to the doctor's for a health check.
- Are we all ready? - Yes! I've got Teddy.
- And I've got the red book.
- What's the red book?
- It's your very own book, Peppa.
It helps the doctor see how you are growing up.
- Ooh!
(narrator): Peppa has arrived at the doctor's.
Here is Doctor Brown Bear.
- Hello, Peppa!
Have you come for your health check?
- Yes, I have.
- And did you bring your red book with you?
- Yes, I did! (snorts)
And I brought Teddy too!
- Very good! You're seeing Doctor Polar Bear today.
(dinging) Ah!
That means she's ready to see you.
(narrator): This is Doctor Polar Bear.
- Hello! Who do we have here?
(snorts) - I'm Peppa Pig!
- And who is this? - Teddy.
- Has Teddy come to see what happens
at a health check? - Yes.
- Lovely!
And did you bring your red book?
- Here it is! - Excellent!
Let's start by seeing how tall you are.
Come and stand by the wall here please, Peppa.
That's it! - I'm a big girl now!
- Yes, you are!
(narrator): Doctor Polar Bear writes how tall Peppa is
in the red book.
- Now, hop onto these scales for me, please.
(narrator): Scales show how heavy you are.
- That's good.
Now, I will listen to your heart with my stethoscope.
(heart beating)
(narrator): A stethoscope makes your heart sound louder.
Doctor Polar Bear can hear Peppa's heart beating.
- Would you like to listen? - Yes, please!
(heart beating) Haha!
It's going bumpy-dump, bumpy-dump, bumpy-dump!
(giggles) And now Teddy!
- Is Teddy's heart going bumpy-dump, bumpy-dump?
- No.
Teddy's heart doesn't do that
because Teddy is a doll.
- Oh! I see.
Now I'll check your ears with my special torch.
(giggles) - It tickles!
- That's all lovely!
Now I'll check your mouth. Say, "ahh!"
- Ahh!
- Wonderful!
- Do you want to check my nose?
(loud snort)
- Thank you, Peppa.
I can see that your nose is working very well!
Let's see you jump up and down.
- I love jumping up and down!
(panting) - And flap your arms.
- Okay! (panting)
- Super!
Now, do you like eating fruit and vegetables?
- Yes, I do.
- What are your favourite fruit and vegetables?
- I like apples,
and oranges, and bananas.
- Good. And do you like broccoli?
- Mmm, I like broccoli a little bit.
- Okay. - But I love spaghetti!
- Spaghetti isn't a vegetable, Peppa.
(laughs) - I love spaghetti too!
Is Peppa up-to-date with her vaccinations ?
- Yes, she is.
(narrator): A vaccination stops you getting ill.
- Very good! Well done, Peppa!
That's the end of your health check.
Would you like a sticker? - Yes, please!
- Mummy Pig,
are there any questions that you want to ask me?
- Oh! I can't think of any.
- I have some questions! - Okay.
- How big and heavy are you?
(laughs) - I am just the right size
for a polar bear.
- And do you like eating broccoli?
- I like broccoli a little bit.
- Good. You can have a sticker too.
- Thank you, Peppa!
- Teddy eats lots of broccoli!
- Well, Teddy must have a sticker then!
- And Mummy can have a sticker
because she eats broccoli too!
- Oh, thank you, Peppa!
- Here's your red book back, all up to date.
- Thank you, Doctor Polar Bear.
- Did you enjoy coming today, Peppa?
- Yes, it was really fun!
(narrator): Peppa loves having a health check.
Everyone loves having a health check!
(Peppa): The Park.
(Narrator): Today, Peppa and her family are at the Park.
- There are so many fun things to do in the park.
(snorts) What shall we start with?
- Let's go to the little bridge and say “hello” to the ducks!
- Quack! Quack! - Yes! The ducks!
(Narrator): Here is the Little Bridge.
Zoe Zebra is here.
(snorts) - Hello Zoe!
- Hello Peppa!
- Oh where are the ducks?
- I think they are hiding.
- Let's call them.
Ducks, where are you?
Come out now, wherever you are!
(Narrator): Here is Mrs. Duck.
(all laugh)
- Hello Mrs. Duck!
(Narrator): Here are the baby ducklings.
- Ooh! - They are so sweet!
(all laugh)
Quack! Quack!
- Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!
(Narrator): - Peppa likes talking to ducks.
Everyone likes talking to ducks!
- What a lot of talking!
(all laugh)
- Now, let's visit the bouncy tree!
(Narrator): - This is the Bouncy Tree.
Danny Dog is already on it.
(snorts) - Hello Danny!
(barks) - Hello Peppa!
- Ready, steady, bounce!
(both laugh)
- Bounce! Bounce!
(Narrator): - George wants a go.
- Okay George, I'll lift you on
but I'll keep hold of you.
(Narrator): - George is a bit too little
to bounce on the branch on his own.
- Ready, steady, bounce!
(all laugh)
- That's enough bouncing for today.
See you later!
- Bye Danny!
- So, (snorts) what's next?
- I think it's the hopping logs!
(Narrator): - These are the Hopping Logs.
Suzy Sheep is here.
- Baa!
Hello Peppa!
(snorts) - Hello Suzy!
- Watch me! I can do it without touching the ground.
- Hooray!
(snorts) - My go!
Woah... Ugh... Ahh... Oh...
I did it!
- Hooray!
(Narrator): - Now it is George's turn.
- There you go George.
- Oh!
- Oh, it's a big gap, isn't it George?
Would you like some help?
- Whooo!
Whooo! Whooo!
- Hooray!
- One day, when George is big like me
he will be able to do it on his own.
- What's next?
- It has to be the monkey bars!
(Narrator): - Here are the Monkey Bars.
Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are trying to swing across them.
(both) - Oof!
(Narrator): - It is difficult not to let go
of the Monkey Bars.
- My turn! (snorts)
You just have to swing like a monkey, look!
It's easy when you're big and strong like me.
- You're not swinging! You're walking!
- Cheeky Daddy Pig!
(laughs) - Daddy is a Cheeky Monkey!
(all laugh)
I certainly am, ho ho!
- My go! (snorts)
Oh! I can't hold on! Oof!
It's impossible!
(Narrator): George wants a go.
- Oh George!
You are too little. Even I can't do it.
- Hmm. Maybe being little might help.
(all cheer)
- What can we do now?
- Well, there's one thing in the park
that we absolutely have to do!
I think I know what that is!
It has something to do with your boots.
- Jumping up and down in muddy puddles!
(Narrator): The park has lots of muddy puddles
for Peppa and her friends to jump in!
- This is brilliant!
(Narrator): - Peppa loves the Park!
Everybody loves the Park!
(narrator): Today, Peppa and her family
are going for a walk in the countryside.
- What a lovely day!
- Perfect for walking! (children giggling)
- Ah-ha! (snorts)
Here's a sign showing all the ways we can go.
- So, which way do we go?
- You choose, Peppa!
- Um, let's go...
that way!
- That way leads up a big hill!
(narrator): That is a big hill!
- What's at the top of the hill?
- Well, as it's such a big hill,
there's probably something amazing at the top.
- I want to see the something amazing!
- Are you sure you want to climb
all the way to the top, Peppa?
- Yes! (snorts)
Let's go!
(snorting, giggling)
(narrator): Peppa and George are climbing the big hill.
Mummy and Daddy Pig are climbing the big hill.
- Phew! My legs are tired already!
(panting) - I knew it wouldn't be easy.
- Yay! The top! We did it!
(together): Hooray!
- I don't think this is the top.
(snorts) Look!
The hill carries on.
- Yes, that wasn't the top
because it didn't have the something amazing!
(snorts) - Do you really think
there will be something amazing at the top, Daddy Pig?
- Well, there's got to be a café or something.
- A café? (snorts)
Brilliant! That will keep me going!
(panting) - Nearly there, George.
(narrator): It is hard work
climbing the big hill!
- I can't wait to get to the café!
- Um, when I said there's got to be
a café at the top,
I should have added there's a chance there won't be--
- Hello, there!
(narrator): It is Miss Rabbit's Café!
- Amazing! - What can I get you?
- Coffee for Daddy Pig and me,
and juices for Peppa and George.
- Of course!
- Thank you! - Thank you!
(snorts) - Mmm!
This is just what I needed!
- Yes! (snorts)
It really was worth climbing to the top!
- Oh, this isn't the top.
- What? - No!
You have to keep going up! That way!
- Okay!
We've got this far, so we have to keep going!
- Onward and upward!
(children giggling)
- Mummy! Why did they make hills so big?
(panting) - I...
don't... know, Peppa.
- I hope... the amazing thing...
at the top...
is amazing!
- Yes. I hope so too.
- Oh! It's all gone foggy!
- Oh, I think we're in the clouds!
- We must be near the top!
- It's getting flat!
- I think this is it! - We made it!
(all): Hooray!
- Wow!
I can see the whole world!
Look! There's the playground!
(children laughing)
I can see the supermarket!
(cash register dinging)
And there is Suzy!
(bleating, laughing)
- I told you it would be amazing at the top.
- It is amazing! (George giggles)
- Now, all we have to do is climb down.
- Well, going down hill is a lot easier than going up!
(snorts) - Come on, George!
(laughs) Let's roll a bit!
- Wee!
(narrator): Peppa and George love rolling down hills.
- Ho-ho-ho! That looks fun!
- Can you roll, Daddy?
- I think if I started rolling down, Peppa,
I might not be able to stop! Whoa!
(narrator): Daddy Pig has tripped on a mushroom.
- Wait for us, Daddy Pig!
Woo-hoo! - Wee!
- Oh!
- Rolling down was really fun!
Can we climb up the hill and do it again?
- Of course!
But maybe we'll save that for another day.
- Yes, the big hill will always be here.
- Oh, goody! (laughing)
(narrator): Peppa loves the big hill!
Everybody loves the big hill!
(all laughing)
- Peppa and George are watching Super Potato.
- Ho Ha! Win a trip to Hollywood to star in my new film,
Vegetables in Space!
(together): Oh!
- Just find the golden ticket
to win the trip of a lifetime
to America!
- Mummy, can we find Super Potato's golden ticket please?
- Well there's only one ticket in the whole world.
So we'd have to be very lucky to find it...
Oh! What's this in the potato?
- It's the golden ticket! (gasps)
Does that mean? - Yes! It means we're going to...
(all): America!
(narrator): Peppa and her family are flying to America.
Miss Rabbit is the pilot.
- This is your captain speaking.
We'll soon be arriving in America, I think.
Does anyone know where it is? I've never been before.
- You can't miss it! It's really big.
- Is that it? - Let's ask!
Hello down there! Are you America?
(radio operator): Yes Ma'am, we are! - Jolly good!
We're coming in to land!
Welcome to America! (all): Oh!
- Miss Rabbit at your service! Where do you wanna go?
- You're Miss Rabbit? - Sure.
- But this is Miss Rabbit!
- Every town needs a Miss Rabbit!
- That's right. Bye!
Enjoy your trip!
- Is this Hollywood?
- Hollywood? No! This is New York!
Hop in! I'll give you the tour. (Peppa and George laughing)
(upbeat music, honking)
New York! The city that never sleeps!
- Do you never sleep?
- Well, yeah. But only at night.
(honks) - Wow!
The buildings are so tall!
- First stop on the tour. The Empire State Building!
(all): Wow! (Peppa): Can we go to the top. (Miss Rabbit): For sure!
Going up! (Elevator pings.)
- Do you do all the jobs, Miss Rabbit?
- No, just the important ones!
Ice creams!
(all): Oh!
- We're so high in the sky!
- Oh... I can't look.
(narrator): Daddy Pig does not like heights.
- But there's so much to see, Daddy!
- Yes, with this telescope you can see even more!
- I can see a big green lady with an ice cream!
- That's the Statue of Liberty!
- Look at me! I'm Mrs. Statue of Liberty!
(all laughing)
- Come on people! We got to get movin'.
- Oh! Going already?
- Yeah, like we say in New York,
if you ain't movin', you ain't goin' nowhere! (honking)
Yeah, yeah! I'm movin'!
- Where are we going next, Miss Rabbit?
- Times Square!
- Look at all the lights, Mummy!
(Mummy Pig): There must be a million lightbulbs here!
- It's the most lightbulbiest square in all the world!
-Oh look! There's Super Potato! - Coming soon.
The new movie from Super Potato and Hash Brown...
- Vegetables in Space!
- That's the movie we're going to be in!
- Really? Well then you better get straight to Hollywood.
- Yes! Can you take us?
- I'm afraid not... but I have just the thing to get you there.
A motorhome!
- What's a motorhome? - It's just like a house...
on wheels! (all): Oh!
Here are your keys.
- Do you want to come too?
- And meet Hash Brown? Oh sure!
But I'm just so busy.
You all have a great time! (all): Thank you, Miss Rabbit.
- Oh... I'm tired out!
- Yes, for a city that never sleeps, it's made me very sleepy!
(narrator): It has been a very busy day in New York.
(Pig family): Goodnight! Night, night! (honking)
(narrator): Peppa and her family need a good night sleep for the journey ahead.