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- We should try to make ourselves more comfortable
with controversial ideas because it's important
that those ideas be discussed.
We can never know for sure when we're mistaken.
There've been such a lot of beliefs
that people have been certain of
and persecuted people who oppose them
that we now regard as false.
- It's quite possible that we are all agreed
on things that we believe to be true, that are false,
and if we prevent them being critically examined
and scrutinized and prevent people putting arguments
against them, we are not going to discover
which of our beliefs are false and which of them are true.
I founded the "Journal of Controversial Ideas"
together with my co-editors
Francesca Minerva and Jeff McMahan
because all three of us were troubled
by the narrowing climate of ideas
that could be openly and freely discussed.
When a young philosopher, Rebecca Tuvel,
published an article
in which she accepted the idea that people
who wish to be transgender should be able to identify
as a gender different from that with which they were born-
but she asked the question, if people can do that
with gender, why can't they do that with regard to race?
She gave us an example of somebody
who had not been descended from African ancestry,
but was working for an organization
in the United States that was helping Blacks
and herself identified as Black.
And when it was exposed that she was not really Black,
she lost her position and there was a lot of condemnation.
And in fact, a lot of that condemnation came
from people with the same politics
as those who strongly supported the idea
of anybody to identify as a gender different from that
that they were assigned at birth.
So simply for raising that question about trans-racialism,
there was a petition to the journal calling for it
to be withdrawn
and criticizing the editors for publishing it.
It was directed against a young woman
who was an untenured philosophy professor at that time.
So we felt that the article was one
that raised a good question
and an appropriate response for those who disagreed
would've been to show why they thought it was wrong.
To attack the article
and say it ought to be withdrawn seemed
to us to be completely the wrong reaction.
And then there've been a number
of other instances since then.
It seems like university administrations have been very weak
in standing up to defend academic freedom.
And the idea
of university administrations following a Twitter storm
of protest against one
of their professors having said something seemed to us
to be completely wrong.
And our concern was that people
would stop publishing controversial ideas.
So we thought it would be good to have a journal
that we reviewed anonymously,
so people are not biased, and then publish good articles.
And if the authors did not want to put their name on it,
we would accept anonymous publication.
The argument is mostly put
against the controversial articles that we receive
that they are going to harm disadvantaged
or marginalized groups.
But against that, we weigh the importance
of having an open debate on issues
and the importance of an issue doesn't disappear
if you suppress discussion about it.
People will still think these things
and some people will say these things
and because there is no open discussion,
there won't be any good understanding
of how best to refute the things that people have said.
We stick by the view that
John Stewart Mill put forward that:
In the early 19th century, Jeremy Bentham,
the founder of the Utilitarian School,
wrote essays strongly attacking the idea
that it should be a crime
for anyone to have sex with someone of their own sex.
But Bentham never published those papers
because he felt that to publish them at that time
would've brought discredit
on all of the other things that he
and the early English Utilitarians wanted to do-
so those essays remained unpublished until this century.
That's an example of something
that people firmly believed in
and did not allow a real debate.
Maybe if they had been more open to controversial ideas
and they'd had debates about that,
then many decades of repression
and discrimination against gays could have been avoided.
Freedom of thought and expression
is a very important basic good for any society
that hopes to progress,
that hopes to improve the world's situation-
and hopes also to progress in knowledge
and understanding of what is true.
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