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Hello there! My name is Ronnie.
And today I am going to teach you, by request, how to listen to very fast English, native English speakers; when they put too little tiny words together to make bigger words.
This will help you with your listening a lot.
A lot of people said, "Ronnie! How could I improve my listening."
This is one way.
The other thing that this will improve is your fluency.
So if you find that you're not being able to speak very fast in English, if you can master these, you will be able to increase your listening and your speaking all in one easy step.
So, the very very first thing we're going to look at is the word: gonna. Can you repeat that? Gonna.
那麼,我們首先要看的字是 gonna;你可以重複一遍嗎?gonna。
Then we have wanna. Wanna.
接下來是 wanna,wanna。
Next we have gotta, and then, hafta.
接著是 gotta,再來是 hafta。
Maybe you've heard gonna before. Does anyone know what it means? Gonna?
或許你曾經聽過 gonna,有人知道 gonna 是什麼意思嗎?
Gonna means, going to.
Gonna 的意思是「將要」。
So when we speak naturally in English we say, um, "I'm gonna go to the movies" or "I'm gonna go home."
We would never say "I'm going to go home."
我們從來不說,「我要 (going to) 回家」。
Say, "I'm gonna go home"
而會說,「我要 (gonna) 回家」。
gonna go...ok?
So gonna go is "going to" plus "go"
所以 gonna go 是 going to 加上 go。
You don't have to use go, you can use any other verb.
你不一定要用 go,你可以用其他的動詞。
The next one, wanna.
If this is going to, what do you think wanna means?
如果這個是 going to,那你覺得 wanna 是什麼意思?
It means, want to.
So I can say "I wanna eat pizza." or "I wanna see a movie." or "I wanna go home."
所以我可以說「我想 (wanna) 吃披薩」、「我想 (wanna) 看電影」,或「我想 (wanna) 回家」。
"I wanna go home." You can said like that.
So, instead of saying wants to, I want to go to the movies , we say I wanna go to the movies. I wanna see you. ok?
所以與其說 wants to,「我想要 (want to) 看電影」,「我們會說我想要 (wanna) 看電影」,「我想 (wanna) 見你」,可以嗎?
Then next one is gotta.
Gotta is very very strange the way the grammer was in this one.
gotta 是一個很怪的文法。
This is actually I have.
Now, this is grammatically incorrect we should say "I have got to..."
這文法是不正確的,我們應該說「I have got to...」。
We say gotta, so we said "I gotta go..."
我們說 gotta。所以我們會說「I gotta go...」。
I gotta have. I gotta learn. I gotta learn English on Engvid
「我必須 (gotta) 有。」、「我必須 (gotta) 學習。」,「我必須在 Engvid上面學習。」
And the last one is hafta.
最後一個是 hafta。
We say have to.
So this say I have to go. You can say I hafta go
所以,我說「我該 (have to) 走了」,你可以說,”I hafta go."
So, what you hafta remember... wow it's hafta! See? How nature that was, is in English, we change the word plus to, and we just change "a" , sometimes you put "ta", sometimes put "na".
There's no rule for using "ta" or "na".
This you choose one two three four five words you can remember, gonna wanna gotta hafta that have "to" at the end.
這是你可以選擇這 1、2、3、4、5 個字你可以記得的,gonna、wanna、gotta、hafta 他們都有 to 在結尾。
There's some more.
These are modals in English.
We have coulda , shoulda, woulda, and musta. Musta?
我們有 coulda、shoulda、woulda 和 musta,Musta?
So, these are actually how we say things like this.
Wow it's far stretch. So instead of saying could have, "oh! I could have gone to the movies", we say " I coulda gone"
哇!扯太遠了!所以為了要說 could have,「喔!我應該可以去 (could have) 看電影的。」,我們會說「I coulda gone...」。
Instead to saying should have, we said "shoulda"
與其說 should have,我們會說 shoulda。
This is we use for when we made a mistake. "oh, man! I shoulda gone to the movies!"
當我們做了一個錯誤的決定時就會用到這個字,「喔天啊!我應該要去看電影的 (但當初沒有看)。」
Why didn't I go?
This one, can you guess what this one is?
We say woulda, but it should be would have.
我們說 woulda,這原本是 would have。
And the last one is musta, must have.
最後一個是 musta,是 must have 的縮寫。
So, we said would have, we said "woulda", and must have we said "musta".
所以,我們會把 would have 說成 woulda,must have 說成 musta。
We use the modal we never use "have", we say "a"
當我們使用情態助動詞時,我們從不說 have,我們會說 a。
very strange, and the last two, kind of fun.
I see this word a lot in TV commercials when they're advertising something that has" a lot of" something so they'll say stuff like lotsa tomatoes, or lotsa money, or lotsa pizza.
我很常看到這個字在電視廣告上出現,當他們在為某個產品打廣告時,如果要說「a lot of」,他們會說「很多 (lotsa) 番茄」、「很多 (lotsa) 錢」或是「很多 (lotsa) 比薩。」
"Lotsa" is actually " a lot of".
lotsa 就代表 a lot of。
We totally take out the "a", and we change lot of to "lotsa".
我們會把 a 拿出來,然後換成 lotsa。
I don't know why but yes I had no idea
And this one, did anyone know what this one might be?
this one is sort of.
這個是 sort of。
Sort of means a little bit or another things that we would say kind of or kinda.
sort of 代表「一點點」,或我們也可以說 kind of 或 kinda。
There's the same thing so you can say," I sorta wanna go to the movies."
你也可以說「我有點 (sorta) 想去看電影」。
or I kinda wanna go to the movies
或是「我有點 (kinda) 想要去看電影」。
It's not 100 percent it's like you're thinking about it.
So, sorta and kinda, basically have the same meaning, they mean sort of or kind of, and this basically means a little bit.
所以,sorta 跟 kinda 基本上都是指同樣的事情,他們代表的是 sort of 跟 kind of,意思是一點點。
Well, now you'd heard this lesson, go to the website Engvid. Cause I gotta go. Bye bye.
現在你聽完了這一課,到 Engvid 網站吧,因為我要走了,再見!