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  • Do you ever notice that moment

  • where you've won over that prospect?

  • But, on the other hand, have you ever seen the look

  • on their face when you just clearly lost them?

  • There is truly a psychology to selling effectively.

  • Yet most salespeople don't know exactly

  • what they're doing correctly that's making people

  • more attracted to them, versus incorrectly

  • that's actually repelling prospects away from them.

  • In this video I'm going to show

  • you the psychology of selling.

  • The 13 steps to selling that actually works, check it out.

  • (clicking)

  • Number one, drop the enthusiasm.

  • This is probably my biggest passion

  • in this sales training space is getting salespeople

  • and to drop the enthusiasm, to drop the excitement

  • when they're in front of prospects.

  • Your prospects don't like it, they don't enjoy it.

  • They don't feel good about it

  • because it doesn't seem real, right?

  • If I go up to you, just forgetting

  • a sales situation, but let's just say I come up

  • to you at a networking event, right?

  • And I come up, and I introduce myself.

  • And I say, hi, my name's Marc, it's nice to meet you.

  • Right, simple introduction.

  • What if on the other hand I come up and I say,

  • hey, Marc Wayshak, how are you?

  • You're immediately like, what, that feels weird.

  • And then, when you add it into a selling situation,

  • immediately your prospect is going to be repelled.

  • It actually is caused by a psychological phenomenon

  • called reactance, where when we're clearly trying

  • to push someone in one direction

  • they're going to resist, they're going to pull back.

  • So we want to drop that enthusiasm,

  • and instead just be real, be genuine.

  • Number two, they don't want the pitch.

  • Some very recent data showed that one

  • of the biggest reasons that prospects

  • and buyers don't ultimately choose to do business

  • with a salesperson is that they felt that the salesperson

  • didn't really understand their needs, their concerns.

  • Yet, what most salespeople are doing is when they first meet

  • that prospect they're coming in with that pitch.

  • They're coming in with all of the reasons why someone

  • should do business with them in the first place

  • when we don't actually know if it's a fit.

  • We haven't done that proper discovery

  • to understand what's really going on.

  • So what your prospect really wants

  • at the end of the day is they want to be engaged

  • in a conversation about what's going on,

  • what's really important to them.

  • And what those challenges actually look like to them.

  • And then, if based on that conversation

  • they still feel like it's a fit, now it's presentation time.

  • Now it's time to present what that solution looks like.

  • Think of it almost as a doctor's type of a conversation.

  • You go to the doctor, and the doctors are not saying,

  • hey, we have this incredible new procedure, right?

  • Instead, they're just saying, hey,

  • tell me where are you feeling that pain?

  • What's going on, help me understand, right?

  • It's a two-way dialogue, and it's not about the pitch.

  • Number three, pressure is a no-no. (laughs)

  • Now, growing up we would always use

  • the term no-no, that's a no-no.

  • And I still think about pressure

  • in sales as the same idea here.

  • It's that we don't want to be putting pressure

  • on prospects because it's a no-no.

  • Because it is such a taboo, it is such a bad thing.

  • And it's not just not helpful,

  • it's actually killing the sale.

  • So what we want to do is remove

  • all pressure from the selling situation.

  • Instead of trying to persuade the prospect

  • to tell us, yes, where we're immediately

  • as a result putting all this pressure onto them.

  • Instead, we want to take a step back.

  • It's like I said earlier, there's this concept

  • called reactance in psychology where in any situation

  • when we're trying to push someone to do something,

  • and they know we're doing that,

  • they're immediately going to want to pull back.

  • Think about trying to get your kids to do something,

  • or your spouse, or someone that you know.

  • Trying to push them into something

  • that they're not really sold on yet.

  • If they feel like you're putting pressure there's a good

  • likelihood that they're actually going to pull back.

  • Well, that's the exact same thing

  • with selling to a prospect.

  • If we're putting pressure on

  • they're actually gonna pull back.

  • What I suggest is you take all that pressure off.

  • And, instead, just questions to determine

  • whether there's actually a fit.

  • Number four, it's about them, not you.

  • Now, again, this goes back to one of these really old ideas.

  • There was a boss that I had who used to say

  • prospects listen to one radio station.

  • And that one radio station is WIIFM.

  • Now, do you know what WIIFM stand for?

  • It's what's in it for me, that's what prospects care about.

  • They don't care about you,

  • they don't care about your offering.

  • They don't care about your products,

  • or your services, or how great your service is.

  • What they care about is themselves.

  • Is this conversation going to be, A, worth my time,

  • and, B, is their solution going to actually

  • help me solve a problem that I care about?

  • If they can't answer affirmatively to either

  • or both of those questions, then you're in trouble.

  • We've got to make the conversation about them.

  • Understanding their concerns, asking questions

  • about their challenges, the things that they care about.

  • And then, when they see that it's about them,

  • now they're going to be engaged in a conversation.

  • Because people like to talk about themselves.

  • People like to talk about their concerns, or their goals,

  • or whatever it is that they're looking to accomplish.

  • By making it about them and not your offering,

  • now we're in a position where we're much more effective.

  • Number five, get in their shoes.

  • Some really powerful data has shown

  • that top performers are much more effective

  • at taking the perspectives of their buyers.

  • So when's the last time you've really thought

  • through what's the experience,

  • what's the buying experience that my buyer goes through

  • when talking to me, or when talking to my competitors?

  • Again, I'm not talking about what's the value proposition,

  • or what's your product experience.

  • I'm talking about the actual experience of buying from you.

  • What's it feel like, what's good, what's not good?

  • Get in their shoes, start to think more like your buyers.

  • What do they care about, what are

  • the challenges that they're facing?

  • What are the reasons that they do business with you?

  • What are the reasons they do business with your competitors?

  • Understanding that, and suddenly we're now

  • really getting into the mind of our buyer.

  • So, when we talk about the psychology of selling,

  • it's literally how can we start to think like our prospect?

  • How can we really understand what they care about?

  • And then, craft our conversations

  • around what they care about.

  • Number six, we need to create value through our questions.

  • When you watch those scenes in The Sopranos,

  • if you've ever watched the show The Sopranos.

  • And you watch the conversation

  • between Tony Soprano and his psychologist.

  • It's really interesting from

  • a sales perspective as I watch it.

  • Because she's never really, the psychologist,

  • is never saying the solution.

  • Tony says he's got a problem

  • where he's concerned about this.

  • And then psychologist says, well,

  • help me understand why you say that.

  • Or, how's that make you feel?

  • Now, these aren't necessarily the exact questions

  • that we want to be using in sales.

  • But what you see is that most salespeople

  • when a prospect comes to us and says,

  • oh, I've got this problem, most salespeople say,

  • well, you're in the right place.

  • We've got this awesome new suite

  • of products that are gonna help you.

  • Instead, take a step back, and create value

  • not through what you're saying,

  • what you're pitching, but instead create value

  • through the questions you're asking.

  • Help me understand why you say that.

  • What would you say this challenge is costing you?

  • Or if you were able to solve this problem what would it mean

  • in additional revenue or additional profitability?

  • Create the value through the questions,

  • not through the pitching of your ROI,

  • or the pitching of the value that your service offers.

  • Really, do it through the questions,

  • not through just the actual statements you're making.

  • Number seven, no isn't bad.

  • Let me repeat that, no isn't bad.

  • This is so important as a concept in sales,

  • is that most salespeople spend

  • their entire lives trying to avoid rejection,

  • trying to avoid the prospect ever saying no.

  • Yet, when you think about it

  • there's no reason to feel that way.

  • No isn't a bad thing because the reality is that about

  • at least 50% of your prospects are not a good fit.

  • Our data show that at least 50% of the people

  • that you initially come across are not going

  • to be a great fit for whatever it is that you're selling.

  • So with that said we want to get to know as quickly

  • as possible with those 50% that aren't a good fit.

  • So if it ultimately turns out that it just isn't a fit try

  • to identify that as early as possible.

  • And consider that a victory that it wasn't a fit

  • because top performers are spending the majority

  • of their time in front of qualified prospects, in front

  • of the prospects that want to do business with them.

  • So the only way that that can be ensured happens

  • is to make sure that when you come across someone

  • who's not a fit is that you disqualify them and you move on.

  • And what this also does is it takes off all that pressure.

  • It takes off all that pressure that the prospect

  • is feeling to do business with you.

  • And, instead, you're basically saying, look,

  • I'm not sure if this is going to be a fit.

  • Help me understand what's going on.

  • Now the prospect feels so much more comfortable.

  • From a psychology perspective

  • you've taken all that pressure off.

  • Now they feel good about this interaction.

  • And at the same time you can too,

  • because you know that if it's not a fit you move on.

  • If it is a fit we're going

  • to explore exactly how it's a fit.

  • Number eight, if you feel it, say it.

  • Let me repeat that, if you feel it, say it.

  • One of my mentors used to always say this.

  • And it's just stuck with me as so true.

  • Quite frankly, even more true in today's selling environment

  • where there's just no time for wasting time

  • with tire kickers or people that just aren't a fit.

  • If your prospect is talking in a way

  • that's making your gut say, you know what,

  • there's something not right here,

  • rather than just push through just say it.

  • Just get it out on the table,

  • whatever it is that you're feeling.

  • And I don't mean to say that this has to be confrontational.

  • But let's say your prospect, it just seems

  • like they're just not into this.

  • Maybe the timing's not right, or they're not interested,

  • or they just seem distracting in the meeting, say it.

  • Say, George, I really appreciate your sitting with me today,

  • but it seems like you're pretty distracted right now.

  • Is this maybe not a good time to be talking about this?

  • And watch them suddenly say, oh, no, no, no.

  • I'm sorry, I was distracted, but no, no,

  • I do want to have this conversation.

  • Or if they seem like they're just not

  • interested in what you're talking about.

  • You say, George, I get the sense that this just doesn't seem

  • to be of a lot of interest to you, is that fair to say?

  • Now, they may say, yeah,

  • you know what, no, I'm not interested.

  • And then you can say, okay, well tell me

  • why you say that, right, so you dig in there.

  • But they may also come back and say, no, no, no.

  • No, this is definitely something that I want to talk about.

  • It's amazing how you get to the point

  • so much quicker by saying what you're feeling.

  • If you feel it, say it.

  • Number nine, get deep into their challenges.

  • There is something that I've been saying for years,

  • that we need to think like a doctor.

  • We need to stop thinking like a salesperson,

  • and start thinking like a doctor.

  • This idea of getting deep into their challenges

  • I think addresses that exact concern.

  • It's that the typical salesperson, prospect comes to them

  • and says, oh, you know, we have this operational challenge.

  • Do you think you can help us?

  • And the typical salesperson says,

  • absolutely, we can help you.

  • We'd happily give you a suite

  • of offerings, whatever, you know.

  • But they're not going into the challenges.

  • They just identify a surface level challenge,

  • and then they offer the solution,

  • versus the professional salesperson

  • who thinks like a doctor.

  • So, the prospect says, yeah,

  • we've got these operational issues.

  • Do you think you can help us?

  • And the doctor says, well, tell me

  • more about those challenges.

  • Help me understand what's going on, dig deeply.

  • Think of it as an iceberg, right,

  • most prospects are willing to discuss

  • what's at the very top of the iceberg to anyone.

  • And what we want to do is go deeper and deeper,

  • and understand what's really going on

  • to get deep into those challenges.

  • Really, using psychology, using effective questioning

  • to get into the core challenge that they're facing.

  • Number 10, tie those challenges to value.

  • Tie those challenges to value.

  • We talked about going deeper to

  • really understanding what's going on.

  • Now what we want to do is tie

  • those challenges to a specific value.

  • What is it that if they could solve

  • this challenge what would it mean in value to them

  • in upside revenue, or profitability, or savings?

  • Here's an example, prospect is talking

  • about their marketing challenges, right?

  • And they're saying, yeah, just our marketing

  • is not as effective as we'd like.

  • We just feel like we're not getting

  • the number of leads that we'd like.

  • So, now, you as a salesperson,

  • you'd dig into those challenges and all that.

  • And then you'd say something along the lines of,

  • well, George, if you were able to solve

  • these challenges that you're facing what would it mean

  • in additional revenue to the organization?

  • Now, what you're doing is giving the prospect

  • the opportunity to come back with a number, right?

  • They might say, oh yeah, well, I mean,

  • jeez we could easily increase revenue

  • by a couple million dollars if we were

  • able to solve these challenges.

  • Now you've tied the challenges to

  • some kind of specific tangible value.

  • And it's their number, it's their number.

  • By the way, even if you're on the consumer side,

  • you're selling to consumers,

  • there's still a value in solving their challenges.

  • So I doesn't have to necessarily be a number.

  • But what is that value to solving those challenges?

  • Or what is that challenge really costing them right now?

  • Number 11, make it a two-way dialogue.

  • Psychology shows us that when people

  • are actually speaking that's when they're most engaged.

  • When they're listening they're maybe engaged,

  • but they're less likely to be really engaged.

  • So what you want to do is even when you're presenting

  • you want it to be a back and forth.

  • You want it to be a two-way conversation

  • where there's never a period where

  • you're just going, on, and on, and on, and on.

  • And talking about your service, or your product,

  • or your offering, or the value that you create.

  • You want to only be going on for a little bit,

  • and then reengaging them back into the conversation.

  • If it is truly a two-way conversation

  • you are going to close a lot more of your sales

  • because it means that they have

  • to be engaged if it's a two-way dialogue.

  • Keep that back and forth, anytime you present something

  • say something like, so now that I've shown you

  • that I want to understand, does that make sense

  • based on what we're talking about?

  • Get them back into the conversation.

  • Number 12, budget comes later.

  • This is one of the most important things

  • is that we don't want to start our conversation

  • by talking about our price or talking about money

  • at the beginning of the conversation.

  • We want that to come at the end of the discovery process.

  • What that would look like is

  • we've gone through the challenges,

  • we've gone through what the upside value is.

  • We've gone through really understanding the whole issue.

  • And now it's time to talk about budget.

  • So you might ask a question like,

  • you know, George, typically a solution based on

  • what I'm hearing the challenges are,

  • typically a solution for what we've discussed

  • could range anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000.

  • Where on that spectrum could you see yourself fitting?

  • Now what you've done is you've

  • given a range of potential budgets.

  • By the way, it's a pretty big range,

  • 100,000 and $500,000, huge range.

  • And now we're letting them come back and say, oh,

  • I feel like I could, you know, potentially 300 or 100.

  • And if you've really built an effective connection

  • throughout your process you're going to get that answer.

  • You're gonna get that insight.

  • Make sure that it's coming later in the process,

  • though, after you've really built that connection,

  • after you've really built that value.

  • Number 13, feedback loops, feedback loops.

  • I said earlier we want to make

  • our presentation a two-way dialogue.

  • And the feedback loops are simply

  • those little questions when we're talking to people

  • that are pulling them back into that conversation.

  • And feedback loops are something

  • that I use all the time with every single person

  • in my life because it's so effective.

  • If you ever find yourself going on and on,

  • or talking for more than, you know,

  • let's say 60 seconds, stop and just say,

  • so before I go any further, does this make any sense?

  • Or do you see what I'm saying, or does that work for you?

  • Right, these little questions that

  • are pulling people back into the conversation.

  • The data shows that these little questions

  • are not only reengaging people in the conversation,

  • but it's also creating little moments of buy-in.

  • Little, basically, think of them as almost

  • like a mini close in the conversation.

  • You're pulling them closer, and closer, and closer.

  • That way by the end of the presentation,

  • assuming they've been on the same page with you,

  • and they like what you're saying, then the only question

  • to close is, what would you like to do next?

  • There is no hard close because you've used

  • these feedback loops all throughout the process.

  • And now all you're doing is just

  • establishing what's the next step.

  • There is the psychology of selling,

  • the 13 steps to selling that actually works.

  • I want to hear from you, which of

  • these ideas did you find most useful?

  • Be sure to share below in the comments section

  • to get involved in the conversation.

  • And if you enjoyed this video, then I have

  • an awesome free eBook on 25 tips to crush your sales goal.

  • Just click right here to get it instantly.

  • Seriously, just click right here, it's free.

  • Also, if you got some value, please

  • like this video below on YouTube.

  • And be sure to subscribe to my channel

  • by clicking my face right here to get access

  • to a new video just like this one each and every week.

Do you ever notice that moment

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銷售心理學 13步驟肯定ok(The Psychology of Selling: 13 Steps to Selling that Work)

  • 158 6
    meowu posted on 2023/11/06
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