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  • The appeal to the stone (argumentum ad lapidem) is directly tied to an anecdote involving

    訴諸石頭(argumentum ad lapidem)與

  • Dr. Samuel Johnson.

    山繆·詹森博士的軼事直接相關 。

  • The philosopher George Berkeley, associated with a school of thought known as subjective


  • idealism, argued that all worldly objects, including stones, exist only in our perceptions


  • and have no independent reality.


  • Essentially, Berkeley posited that physical objects do not exist independently of the


  • mind perceiving them.


  • In response to Berkeley's complex and seemingly counter-intuitive philosophical claim, Dr.


  • Samuel Johnson's reputedly kicked a large stone and felt its hard, undeniable reality,


  • which caused him pain.


  • He then exclaimed, "I refute it thus," implying that the stone's very real presence, and his


  • ability to kick it, was sufficient refutation of Berkeley's philosophy.


The appeal to the stone (argumentum ad lapidem) is directly tied to an anecdote involving

訴諸石頭(argumentum ad lapidem)與

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B2 喬治 石頭 哲學 博士 獨立 現實

山繆詹森的石頭:對喬治柏克萊的主觀唯心主義的物理反駁(Samuel Johnson's Stone: A Physical Rebuttal to George Berkeley's Subjective Idealism)

  • 36 0
    Jay posted on 2023/11/20
Video vocabulary