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Hey, in today's lesson, I am going to give you my top five tips that will
help you speak English better with more confidence, more like a native English
speaker, and help you enjoy the process.
Are you ready?
Well, then I'm teacher Tiffani.
Let's jump right in.
All right.
Tip number one is to.
Write down your favorite words and expressions You see writing down
your favorite English words and expressions will remind you that you
are smart enough to speak English.
It will also help you to use the words and expressions more often.
This is something that I love to do.
I have tons upon tons of notebooks.
Because when you write something down, it helps you remember that
thing or that topic that you are studying, But it also helps you
realize how much you actually know.
You see as an English learner, your goal is to speak English fluently.
, but there are certain words and expressions that sometimes are harder to
remember, but there are also some words and expressions that you like some words
and expressions that the first time you heard them, you were like, Ooh, yes.
That is my word.
You need to write down those words and expressions in your notebook.
It will help you remember that.
You do know a.
You just need to put them into practice using them in real life.
So remember, my first tip is to write down the words and expressions
that you learn, the ones that are really interesting to you.
Again, this will help you remember them later and you'll be able to use
them in real English conversations.
Now, tip number two is also very important.
Tip number two.
Record, you need to record an audio clip about your day.
You see recording an audio clip about your day will help you overcome
your fear of speaking in English.
It will also help you gain confidence in your speaking ability because you will
be speaking about something you know.
Well, let me explain.
I have many students around the world, right?
Many students in my academy, and the first time they heard this, the first
time they heard me say, Hey, one of your assignments is to record an audio
clip or record a video clip of yourself.
They weren't excited.
, I'll just be honest.
Because they were nervous.
Because they were nervous.
They knew that if they recorded a video or recorded an audio clip, that
they might focus on their mistakes.
That's exactly why I wanted them to record a video clip or an audio.
Because it was going to force them to let go of their nervousness.
It was going to force them to get over their fears and to simply move forward.
It would also help them improve their English speaking ability, and that's
exactly why I'm telling you my second tip is to record an audio clip.
Now it's very important for you to record an audio clip about your.
Think about it.
You know what happens throughout the day?
Maybe you go to work, Maybe you're in school.
Maybe you're a stay-at-home mom.
Maybe you're a stay-at-home dad.
Whatever you do throughout the day in your brain, you have
your schedule already laid out.
That's very important.
It means that your ideas and thoughts about your day
have already been organized.
All you have to do is record an audio clip describing what you did throughout.
, two things happen.
First, you get over your fear of speaking in English, and second, you
start to realize that you know more English than you thought you did.
So again, tip number two, record an audio clip about your day information
that has already been organized in your mind, and now you're just produc.
In English, and you're recording the audio clip so that you can hear it
later and listen to your progress.
Trust me, this tip is going to help you more than you know, Trust me.
Tip number two, record an audio clip about your day.
Now, tip number three, I love it.
Tip number three, teach someone what you.
You see teaching someone else, the English you know will actually
help your English improve.
It will give you more confidence in your understanding of the
language, and also increase your chances of using what you taught.
This is something that.
I teach my students as well, and I want to teach you.
You see, I enjoy helping you speak English, right?
I enjoy teaching you these new ideas, giving you these tips, teaching you
new words and expressions, but I also understand what happens in the brain
when you have to teach something.
You see, I am an English speaker, right?
But in order for you to understand what I'm saying, in order for me to
teach you the language that I speak, I have to organize my thoughts.
That is why this tip, tip number three is so helpful when you have to
teach someone what you already know.
It causes you to organize your thoughts even.
Which will affect your ability to speak English fluently.
English fluently is all about your ability to organize your thoughts
like a native English speaker.
So when you learn something and you understand it, and then you're
forced to teach that thing to someone else, you literally have to now
organize your thoughts in a way that will make sense to another English.
And as you teach that new word, that new expression, that new English idea
to the individual, you'll also, again, yes, you will help yourself by organizing
your thoughts more, but you'll also gain more confidence in your ability to speak
English fluently as you're teaching them.
You'll realize, Oh my goodness, I really do understand this word or this express.
This will help you improve your English speaking fluency.
Fluency is not just about grammar or words or expressions, it's really
about your belief in yourself.
Are you speaking with confidence?
Not worried about making mistakes.
The more you teach other people, the more confident you will be in your ability to.
English makes sense right Now let's move on to tip number four.
Woo, these tips.
Hey, are gonna change your English forever tip number.
Watch a real English conversation between native English speakers.
You see watching a real English conversation will actually
help you learn more natural English words and expressions.
It will also help you learn how to communicate your ideas
more clearly in English.
This is something that I say all the time to my students, and I'm saying
it over and over again to you as.
You have to study native English speakers, specifically the conversations that native
English speakers have between each other.
So again, tip number four is watch.
Now, why did I say watch instead of listen?
Because something happens.
Now, you can listen to conversations, put your headphones in, and yes, you'll
understand and you'll learn a lot.
But when you have to watch.
Two individuals interact with each other.
You see the body language, you get a better understanding of when they
use certain expressions, when they use certain words, what happened
during the conversation, their body language, their facial expressions
to lead them to use certain words.
It will help you learn faster.
We are visual.
As human beings, we are constantly looking around and watching.
Now, if you are an individual that unfortunately is, uh, vision impaired
or you're not able to see, don't worry.
You can listen to conversations as well.
Don't worry my friend, you'll still be able to learn as well
and your English will improve.
But there's something that happens when you specifically listen to or watch a
conversation between two native English speakers, a natural conversation.
It will naturally help you improve as well.
Now, my fifth tip, this tip right here is very, I.
Find a partner.
You see, finding a partner to study English with will help you
practice what you are learning.
It will also help you feel more excited to speak English.
This is something I love telling my students.
English is fun.
English should be a joy to study.
You shouldn't feel pressured and, and, uh, down or nervous or stressed or frustrated.
No, you should enjoy studying English and part of that enjoyment comes
when you study with someone else.
Now, I know what you're probably thinking right now is.
I agree with you, but how in the world am I gonna find a partner?
Listen, there are many different ways to find partners online.
There are online forums, There's Facebook.
They have different Facebook groups.
Many different ways for you to find a partner.
Don't let your physical location stop you from finding a.
The internet has opened so many doors.
Now again, you can join my family, our family.
We have students from around the world, students that are studying
together and enjoying the process.
So again, you can join us.
I'll put it on the screen if you'd like to join us.
All you have to do is go to english fluency and you can join us
and many other individuals around the world and you can find your partner.
The link is also in the description, English fluency Plan dot.
But there are many different ways to find a partner, but finding a partner.
Again, this is one of my favorite tips, my best tips to help you speak English
fluently when you have a partner, that partner will learn from you, meaning
you'll be able to just like tip number.
Teach someone what you're learning.
You'll teach your partner and your partner will teach you, and then you
both will practice what you are learning.
You're developing this strong friendship.
You're excited to study together to improve your English, and all
of a sudden English will stop being so frustrating for you.
It will stop being a burden.
It will now be an.
That's my goal, to help you speak English with confidence and to enjoy the process.
Think about it.
At the beginning of each lesson, I always say, Let's jump right in.
Cause I love teaching you English.
I love helping you fall in love with this language.
So don't forget my tips.
Again, tip number one, write down your favorite words and expressions.
Tip number two, record an audio clip about your day.
Tip number three, teach someone what you know.
Tip number four, watch a real conversation, a real English conversation
between native English speakers.
And tip number five, find a partner.
And these things will help you speak English better.
I hope you enjoy today's lesson.
Remember to always study English, speak English, and enjoy the process, and
I'll talk to you in the next lesson.
You still there?
? You know what time it is?
It's story time.
Hey, I said it's story time.
All right.
Today I want to tell you a story about my niece.
Now, this is my youngest niece.
She is currently six years old, but this story happened when she was.
almost two years old.
No, she was about 18 months old.
Yes, 18 months old.
She was very young, so my mom used to babysit my niece.
My sister would go to work, brother-in-law would go to work, and
my other niece would go to school.
So my sister asked my mom to watch my niece, and at that time I was still living
with my parents, so I was there every.
So in the early years of my niece's life, she saw me every
single morning of each weekday.
She would come to my parents' house and the first thing she would do was run
upstairs, knock on my door and say, tt.
She'd come in, I'd give her a huge hug, we'd talk for a few minutes, and
then she'd go back downstairs with my mom and I'd see her again at lunchtime
or a few times throughout the day.
But this was her routine.
Every morning she would come up, her little legs coming up the stair.
So we developed this really close bond when she was very young.
So I have a bond with all of my nieces.
And one thing about my youngest niece is she's always happy.
She's always very talkative.
So one day I came home, I had stepped out for a moment to get something to eat,
and I came back home and my mom was, uh, doing something in the kitchen and my
niece was just kind of walking around.
So of course, as soon as I walked in the door, she said, tt.
And I picked her up, hugged her, and I kissed her.
Now my mom had the radio on and one of my favorite songs all
of a sudden came on the radio.
Now you know that I love food.
You know that I love cooking, but I also love music and I love.
moving to Music
So the song came on and I said, Oh yeah, as a Christian song I really love, but it
has a really nice beat when I get to you.
So like the beat was playing, The beat was, and I could hear it and
I just started moving to the beat.
So I went to the living room and I started dancing again.
Something I just naturally do.
I started dancing around the room.
My parents loved dancing around the house.
So growing up, my sister and I, we always saw my parents dancing around very.
So I was dancing to the song again, not even paying attention to my niece,
and I looked over, remember she's 18 months old, little, small person, and I
noticed that she was trying to mimic me.
She was trying to copy my dance moves, and I was always snapping,
kind of moving my arms like this.
So I said, Okay.
So I saw her and I came closer.
I said, Okay, Munchkin, I call her munchkin.
I said, Come on Munchkin.
Let's do it.
Let's do it now.
She was 18 months old little person, and so I'm doing this now.
I remember as clear as day.
She took her little arms and sucked them out.
She was trying to mimic, she was trying to copy her auntie and she started
doing this because she couldn't snap.
She was only 18 months old and she started dancing with me back and forth,
but she was so focused, she wanted to copy her aunt, and she was trying
to follow me as the beat was going, and she was trying to mimic my facial
expressions, and I'll never forget that.
I loved it.
We had fun.
We were just dancing back and forth and moving to the music.
But the thing that's important is my niece was watching everything I was doing.
She was watching my body movement.
She was watching my facial expressions.
Because I'm somebody she loves and she wants to be like, So
let me do what my aunt is.
Now, fast forward, she's six years old now.
Still love to see her.
When I go to my sister's house, I see her.
I see my other niece and I love them to death.
But she was doing something that you as an English learner also need to do dancing.
That's not it.
But if you can dance, come on, come on, come on.
You can follow.
Come on . But no, she was paying attention to everything I was doing
because she wanted to be like me.
You as an English.
You want to speak English fluently, pay attention to everything that
native English speakers do during conversations and in real life,
and watch your English improve.
I hope you enjoyed this dancing story and I hope it also inspired
you to speak English more fluently.
I'll talk to you in the next lesson.