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  • Hey, I need you to listen very closely.

  • I need you to pause and listen in this lesson, I'm going to tell you seven things

  • that you must stop saying this year, seven things that if you stop saying them,

  • your English will go to the next level.

  • Are you ready to learn what these seven things are?

  • Well, then I'm teacher Tiffani.

  • Let's jump right in.

  • The very first thing you must stop saying is my English is bad.

  • And you're probably smiling or shaking your head because you've said this before.

  • Oh, I'm sorry.

  • My, my English is bad.

  • Why do you need to stop saying this this year?

  • Here's the reason why you must stop saying this.

  • When you say my English is bad, this phrase undermines.

  • Your confidence and also discourages conversation.

  • What do you mean teacher Tiffani?

  • Let me explain it more.

  • The moment you say my English is bad.

  • Your brain says, okay, well, we're not going to work hard.

  • We're not going to work hard.

  • If you already believe that your English is bad, why is your brain going to work

  • overtime to help you find the words or expressions in your brain's database?

  • It actually decreases your confidence in yourself.

  • When you say my English is bad, you're not believing in yourself.

  • Remember, I tell you all the time I believe in you, but you

  • have to believe in yourself.

  • The second thing is it also discourages conversation.

  • If you start off the conversation by saying my English is bad, well, the person

  • listening will say, okay, well, we're not going to have a good conversation

  • because you don't have the ability to express yourself in this language.

  • So a part of their listening suddenly turns off.

  • Oh, well, this person can't speak English.

  • So.

  • I'll just kind of listen, uh, kind of, and then I'll keep walking.

  • Don't say my English is bad.

  • Listen, I'm trying to help you improve your English this year.

  • I want you to be able to speak English fluently, but you must

  • stop saying my English is bad.

  • So what's the alternative?

  • What should you say?

  • This is what I want you to say.

  • I'm still learning English.

  • So please bear with me.

  • I love this one.

  • Hey, I'm still learning English.

  • So please just bear with me.

  • In other words, Hey, I'm still on my journey.

  • I'm still on my journey to speak English fluently.

  • Would you mind just being patient with me?

  • I guarantee the response is going to be much different from how my English is bad.

  • Okay.

  • Well, turn off my ears.

  • I'm on my English journey.

  • Would you be patient?

  • Sure.

  • I'm going to.

  • Open my ears even more, pay attention, even more, my friend, stop saying

  • my English is bad and instead say, I'm still learning English.

  • Please bear with me.

  • You got it.

  • Listen, write this down.

  • This is going to help you this year.

  • Let's move on to the second thing.

  • I need you to stop saying this year.

  • The second thing is this.

  • It's too difficult.

  • It's too difficult.

  • Stop saying this.

  • When you say it's too difficult, once again, you're telling your

  • brain, turn off, I don't need you.

  • I don't need your effort because this is too hard.

  • It's too difficult.

  • English.

  • I can't do it.

  • Why do I want you to stop saying this?

  • Here's the main reason when you say this.

  • It can discourage others and limit personal growth.

  • Listen closely.

  • It can discourage others and also limit your personal growth.

  • What do you mean?

  • What I'm saying is as human beings, we affect each other.

  • So the moment you say it's too difficult, the person listening

  • to you, another English learner, maybe you were their goal.

  • You were like, Hey, they were like, man, if she can do it, if

  • he can do it, I know I can do it.

  • The moment you say it's too difficult, all of a sudden.

  • Well, if it's too difficult for them, I know I can't do it.

  • You can not intentionally inadvertently start discouraging someone else.

  • And also it will limit your own growth.

  • Similar to the first thing I told you not to say, when you

  • say this, it's too difficult.

  • Again, your brain says, well, we're not going to grow in this area

  • because you believe it's too hard.

  • Stop believing that stop saying that.

  • What should you say instead, instead of it's too difficult.

  • I want you to say this.

  • I find it challenging.

  • That's a fact, but I'm willing to figure it out.

  • Ooh, I get so excited when these are the words that replace the old words.

  • Listen, I find it challenging.

  • I'm admitting this is not the easiest.

  • It is challenging, but I am willing.

  • To figure it out, listen, my goal is to help you this year.

  • Speak English fluently.

  • Do you believe in yourself?

  • Are you willing to figure it out?

  • Listen, I feel good.

  • I hope you feel good.

  • So again, instead of saying it's too difficult, I want you to say,

  • I do find it challenging, but I'm willing to figure it out.

  • You know what?

  • Say it with me.

  • I find it challenging, but I'm willing to figure it out.

  • Yes.

  • Let's move on.

  • Number three.

  • What's the third thing I need you to stop saying this year.

  • I'll try once again, I'll try.

  • You're probably thinking to yourself, wait, Tiff, why is I'll

  • try something that I shouldn't say?

  • Here's the reason.

  • The phrase leaves room for doubt and uncertainty, doubt and uncertainty.

  • I'm realizing that this is an English lesson, but also a motivational lesson.

  • So I'm hoping you're feeling motivated.

  • When you say I'll try even watch my body language.

  • If you're watching this lesson on YouTube, watch my body language.

  • I'll try.

  • I don't really believe I can do it per se, but I mean.

  • I mean, I'll, I'll give it a try.

  • There's this measure of doubt, this measure of uncertainty, like, ah, I

  • don't know the a hundreds that believe that I can do it, but I'll try.

  • So what do I want you to say instead of I'll try, this is what I want you to say.

  • I will do my best.

  • Such a different phrase I'll try, not sure if it's going to happen, but I

  • mean, I'll try versus I will do my best.

  • I'll give it my all.

  • I'll give 110 percent listen as your English teacher.

  • And I'm sure, or I hope you guys can feel this.

  • I hope you realize how passionate I am about helping

  • you achieve your goal this year.

  • I'm not trying, I'm doing my best.

  • I'm giving 110%.

  • Why?

  • Because I believe in you.

  • I am giving my best.

  • I'm not just, well, I'm trying.

  • I mean, I'm trying to record a video.

  • No, when I get in front of this camera, when I get on this microphone, I am

  • here for you giving my all my friend.

  • I need you to do the same thing when it comes to your English.

  • Don't try.

  • Give your best.

  • Don't slack off.

  • Don't be lazy.

  • You have control of your English journey.

  • Listen, man, I believe in you so much.

  • You have the power to take yourself to the next level.

  • Why you have a teacher who cares about you.

  • I care about you.

  • We've never met in person probably, but I care about you.

  • And now I just need you to believe in yourself.

  • Do your best, give your best.

  • And I.

  • Guarantee you will see results.

  • So stop saying I'll try and instead say, I'll do my best.

  • You got it.

  • Ooh, I felt that one.

  • I felt that one.

  • Here we go.

  • Number four, I need you to stop saying this.

  • Stop saying.

  • It's impossible.

  • Stop saying it's impossible.

  • It's not again, I'm your English teacher.

  • English is my first language.

  • Yes.

  • I understand that, but I have watched too many students do what

  • you might think is impossible.

  • It doesn't matter your age.

  • I don't care if you're 75 years old, it's not impossible.

  • I don't care if you've been studying English for 25 years, it's not impossible.

  • Here's the reason I need you to stop saying this.

  • This phrase can indicate a closed mindset and lack of creativity, a closed mindset.

  • Nope.

  • Hey, I'm done.

  • I mean, it's impossible.

  • It's impossible for me to speak English fluently.

  • Why am I trying?

  • That's a closed mindset.

  • And it also shows a lack of creativity.

  • You see, here's the truth of the matter.

  • As human beings, we all learn differently.

  • We each have a different learning style.

  • Some people are visual.

  • Some people need to hear things auditory, right?

  • Some people simply need a book and they can read it and boom, they get it.

  • But just because what you've been doing now has not worked,

  • it doesn't mean it's impossible.

  • You just need to get creative and find another.

  • Way of studying my goal as an English teacher is to hopefully provide you

  • with various methods, different ways of studying English that are more

  • enjoyable, that are creative to help you move forward along your journey.

  • To speaking English fluently.

  • So stop saying it's impossible instead.

  • Here's the alternative.

  • It seems challenging.

  • You want to acknowledge?

  • Yes.

  • I mean, it's a fact it seems challenging, but let me look for possible solutions.

  • Listen, I've been studying English for 15 years.

  • It's I'm not going to lie to you.

  • It it's challenging, but I'm willing to look for possible solutions.

  • There has to be another way to do what I'm doing.

  • People are speaking English fluently.

  • There's a way to get moving, to move forward on my journey.

  • I'm willing to look for possible solutions.

  • Man, I can't wait for the day when I can meet you in person.

  • And see all of the changes, all of the improvements witness in person,

  • your English speaking ability.

  • When you stop saying it's impossible and start saying, Hey, it's, it's challenging.

  • Yes, but I'm looking and willing to look for possible solutions.

  • That's called confidence, baby.

  • You can have confidence as a beginner, as an intermediate and

  • as an advanced English learner.

  • Listen, believe in yourself, wherever you are on your journey.

  • It's challenging, but I'm willing to look for some possible solutions.

  • You, you better say it, be confident in yourself.

  • Here we go.

  • Number five, number five.

  • The fifth thing I need you to stop saying, I don't need help.

  • I'm good.

  • I'm good.

  • I can do it on my own.

  • I don't need help.

  • Let me say this wasn't even planned.

  • Not in my notes at all.

  • When you say I don't need help, you are limiting yourself in so many different

  • ways, I'm your English teacher, and I'm going to be very transparent right now.

  • I'm going to be very honest with you.

  • I'm building this community, right?

  • We have this YouTube family, a YouTube community.

  • I have my Academy with my family.

  • Uh, students are called my family.

  • Again, you can join the Academy if you'd like links in the description, but the

  • purpose of what I'm saying right now is.

  • In the community, right?

  • Family members among the family members, the students that I teach,

  • there's a select group, student leaders, and you guys know who you are.

  • I have student leaders and they help manage our family.

  • I am one person.

  • I have a huge goal to help 1 billion English learners.

  • I can not do it alone.

  • I need help.

  • So the student leaders step up and say, Tiff, we got you.

  • We're with you.

  • We're with you on this mission to help 1 billion English learners.

  • And the way my heart is warmed when I see my student leaders helping other students,

  • and I'm like, man, you guys care.

  • They're like, Tiff, we have a mission.

  • We're trying to help 1 billion English learners.

  • I needed help.

  • And I still need their help today.

  • I can't do it alone.

  • So if me as your English teacher, if I can't do it alone, I need you to

  • stop saying that you don't need help.

  • We're human beings together.

  • We work better.

  • Here's the main reason when you say I don't need help as an English

  • learner, this phrase can prevent others from offering assistance.

  • Or support other people around you have the desire to see you succeed.

  • I want you to succeed.

  • And I haven't even met you in person, but I'm in your corner.

  • I want you to succeed.

  • Imagine those around you that know you personally that

  • have watched you over years.

  • They want to help you.

  • They want to be your support.

  • When you say I'm good, I don't need any help.

  • I got this.

  • You limit them from being able to help you instead of saying, I don't need help.

  • I want you to say, thank you.

  • I appreciate your offer.

  • I could use some help with this.

  • I appreciate your offer.

  • I appreciate your desire to help me.

  • I could use some help with this.

  • Just like your English, Tiffani, I appreciate your help.

  • And I've seen it in the comments and I do read the comments and I

  • appreciate each and every one of you.

  • When you say, Tiff, thank you for this lesson.

  • You've changed my life.

  • This lesson has helped me.

  • I speak English more fluently.

  • You know what happens when I read those messages?

  • They make me want to record more lessons.

  • You are helping me give back to you even more.

  • Let people help you.

  • We become better individuals when we allow those around us to support us

  • and help us on your English journey.

  • Let people help you.

  • You got me.

  • All right, here we go.

  • Number six, the sixth thing I need you to stop saying, I'm not good at English.

  • I'm just not good.

  • My English is not good.

  • Similar to the first thing I'm bad.

  • I, I, my English, I'm not good at English.

  • Stop saying this.

  • Stop saying that you're not good at English.

  • The very fact that you're saying it in English, isn't that ironic?

  • I'm not good at English, but you're speaking English.

  • You're speaking English.

  • Stop saying I'm not good at English.

  • Here's the reason when you say I'm not good at English, this phrase in

  • and of itself limits your own belief in your language learning abilities.

  • Remember, I keep harping on this point.

  • I keep emphasizing this point.

  • I keep saying this over and over again.

  • I.

  • Tiffani known to some as teacher, Tiffani, others as Tiff, Tiffani, I believe in

  • you, but you have to believe in yourself.

  • Stop saying I'm not good at English.

  • Instead, here's the alternative.

  • I want you to say this.

  • I'm still developing my language skills, but I'm determined.

  • To improve, man, if I have a student that says that to me, you talking about

  • the smile that'll come on my face.

  • Why?

  • Because this is a sign of confidence.

  • Listen, I'm still developing.

  • I'm in the process.

  • I'm on my journey and I'm determined.

  • I have made a decision to improve.

  • You have to make a decision.

  • This year is your year.

  • You have to tell yourself, listen, yes, I'm on this journey,

  • but I am determined to improve.

  • Stop saying I'm not good.

  • Remind yourself that you're on a journey and be patient with yourself.

  • You ready?

  • Let's move on.

  • Here we go.

  • Number seven, number seven.

  • Stop saying I'll do it later.

  • I'm okay, I'll do it later.

  • Stop procrastinating.

  • That's what this is called.

  • I'll do it later.

  • Here's the reason why this phrase, I need you to stop saying it.

  • This phrase can lead to what did I just say?

  • Procrastination and unfinished tasks.

  • Listen, I mean, I enjoy these YouTube videos with Tiffani one day.

  • I'd like to study with her.

  • I'll do it later.

  • Now, I'm not telling you, you have to study with me and my Academy.

  • I'm not saying that there are many other great English teachers and you

  • might be studying with them right now.

  • That is totally okay.

  • What I'm saying though, is, you know, where you are on your English journey.

  • You know, what you need to do to get to the next level.

  • You know, my friend, you know, you're smart.

  • Stop saying I'll do it later.

  • Maybe it's a book, you know, you need.

  • Maybe it's a course you need to enroll in.

  • Maybe it is my Academy you want to enroll in.

  • Maybe it's a teacher that you want to study with in your native country.

  • Whatever it is, stop saying I'll do it later.

  • Instead.

  • I want you to say this, I'll start on it now, or I'll set a specific time to do it.

  • Stop saying I'll do it later and either do it now or set a specific time.

  • For my students in my Academy, in the daily English lessons program, I have

  • 365 daily English lessons in one year, moving them to the advanced English level.

  • Every day, they follow a specific lesson that I've set up for them.

  • Why did I set the program up like that?

  • Because every day they know what they have to do.

  • Stop saying I'll do it later and do it now.

  • We're talking about you, my friend, achieving your English goals this year.

  • I believe in you, but I need you to believe in yourself.

  • I hope you enjoyed this lesson.

  • And I'll talk to you next time.

  • You still there?

  • ? You know what time?

  • It's it's story time.

  • Hey, I said it's story time . You know what?

  • Today for story time, kind of in line with our lesson for today,

  • it's a bit motivational, right?

  • Um, and again, I'll be transparent.

  • I, at the end of last year, 2023, I.

  • Decided to switch things up in my business.

  • I'll be very honest with you.

  • So for the year of 2023, I had a daily English vocabulary email newsletter.

  • It was not free.

  • Listen closely in 2023.

  • I had a daily English vocabulary newsletter, and it was not free.

  • It was only about 10 a month, but every day, excluding Saturday, students would

  • get an email with a new vocabulary word, put a lot of work into it.

  • Had my assistant helping me and it was going okay.

  • And at the end of 2023, there were about maybe, maybe a hundred consistent

  • students on that email newsletter list.

  • And it was making some money, right?

  • It wasn't.

  • Tens of thousands of dollars, but it was a stream of revenue for my business.

  • And I'm being honest with you, transparent.

  • I prayed and I said, God, my goal is to help more English learners.

  • I appreciate these hundred students, but apparently there are more students who can

  • use these vocabulary words, but they don't have enough money to pay for this service.

  • What do I do?

  • I have always been passionate about helping English learners learn vocabulary.

  • I remember when I was in Korea, I enjoyed teaching vocabulary,

  • whether it be using a picture or a story or a song, I just enjoyed it.

  • And I know that every English learner needs vocabulary

  • to say, God, what do I do?

  • True story.

  • God said, Tiffani, stop charging for it.

  • And I was like, Oh, Again, remember I'm running a business, right?

  • So I have people that I have to pay.

  • There are different moving parts and yes, you want to give everything for

  • free, but you have to run your business.

  • Right?

  • So I said, I said, Lord, you know, I don't really care about the money, but

  • you also know I have a team that I have to pay and they're depending on me.

  • If we take away a stream of revenue.

  • To make it free.

  • What are we doing?

  • He said, don't worry.

  • Just trust me.

  • I said, okay.

  • Remember now, when I was going to shut down the paid version,

  • they were around 100 students.

  • My goal.

  • What to, I can't wait to get to the end of the story to help

  • as many people as possible.

  • So I said, okay, God, this is you leading.

  • I'm going to do it.

  • I want to help more English learners.

  • He said, okay.

  • So I went through the whole process, took about a month.

  • I had to camp, I had to shut down the paid version, refund some

  • people for their last month, then go on a new platform and set up.

  • It was a process, right?

  • But all throughout.

  • Setting things up.

  • God was like, I'm in it.

  • Don't worry.

  • I got you.

  • Don't worry.

  • I'll cover you and your team.

  • Don't worry.

  • You're going to help more people.

  • So my, I said, okay, God, he said, Tiff, what's your goal?

  • Remember I was telling you, you have to have a goal.

  • You need to know, don't procrastinate, know what you're trying to get to.

  • I said, okay, God, I'm not lying to you.

  • I'm honestly, my friend, I said, my goal is in 2024.

  • Remember in 2023, at the end of 2023, I had 100 students paid members on this

  • email vocabulary newsletter, right?

  • I said, Lord, by the end of 2024, December 31st, 2024, I'd like to have 10,

  • 000 students on this email newsletter.

  • Lord, the free version, right?

  • I said, my goal is 10, 000 students, God.

  • And I thought that was a high goal.

  • Like man, 10, 000 students, we got to put in some work, Lord, advertising, sharing.

  • Totally free, but still people have many different things.

  • They are subscribed to, he said, okay, so I wrote it down.

  • I wrote, I'm looking right now at the writing I have on my wall in my office.

  • He said, okay, so talk to God, organize how I'm going to set up this free

  • email newsletter every day, five new vocabulary words, and I'm going to connect

  • it to a topic, all of these things.

  • So actually making it better than the previous newsletter.

  • The paid newsletter, I'm making the free one better than the paid one was.

  • I said, all right, God, you got to help.

  • You know, my goal is 10, 000 by the end of 2024, the last.

  • Week of 2023, I was praying like, okay, God, you know, we're in the process.

  • Everything is going okay.

  • It's kind of going smoothly.

  • Please, Lord, I want to help more students.

  • I want to help more English learners.

  • He said, I know your heart.

  • I know you do, man.

  • He said, Tiff, I kid you not.

  • He said, Tiff announce it.

  • Go on YouTube.

  • Go on Instagram, go on Telegram, go on Facebook and tell your students

  • that you're going to have a free email newsletter with vocabulary every day.

  • Tell them and tell them to subscribe early.

  • I said, Oh, okay.

  • Again, it's free.

  • So I'm like, okay, I'll just tell them.

  • So I went the first day and I announced it.

  • YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram.

  • And some of you might, you might've even seen my announcements of videos.

  • I said, okay, God.

  • And I think the first day.

  • Maybe about 500 came in in like an hour.

  • I said, whoa, whoa God.

  • God said, I told you I got you.

  • Your desire is to help people.

  • I said, yeah, God, you know, I just want to help Lord.

  • I just wanna help.

  • I got you.

  • He said, put another video out.

  • I said, okay.

  • Every day of that week, I put a video out.

  • I sent a message, Hey guys, I have this free email newsletter.

  • Every day.

  • You'll get five new vocabulary words, totally free sign up.

  • Here's the link by December 30th, no, December 31st, 2023.

  • Do you know how many people subscribed?

  • Remember in 2023, there were 100, right?

  • Well, a hundred people.

  • And the reason I wanted to switch is because I wanted to help more people.

  • God said, stop charging, give it for free.

  • I said, all right, December 31st, 2023, my goal for 2024 was 10, 000.

  • December 31st, 2023, before the very first free email went out, there were

  • 10, 000 plus people on that email list.

  • Listen, when I tell you, first of all, you know, I'm a Christian.

  • God hears our prayers.

  • Second of all, my desire to help you is real.

  • And I wrote my goal down.

  • And trusted that God would help.

  • There are well over 10, 000 people now on this list every day, receiving an

  • email, five new English vocabulary words connected to a topic and the joy that

  • fills my soul is not about the money.

  • It's a free newsletter.

  • It's not about the money, the joy that fills my soul when I realized

  • God helped me achieve a goal before the year even started, because I

  • wrote it down and I trusted him.

  • Of course, my goals have since changed.

  • And again, if you're not already on the, you probably are already on

  • the list, but you can, it's free.

  • It's an email that goes out every day, except Saturday.

  • You can get it as well.

  • Five new vocabulary words every day.

  • Why?

  • Because your teacher, me, Tiffani, I just want to help you

  • achieve your goals this year.

  • I hope this story inspired you.

  • I hope it reminded you of the importance of writing down your goal and trusting

  • that God will help you achieve your goals.

  • I care about you.

  • I want your English to improve.

  • I believe it can, and I believe in you and I want you to believe in yourself.

  • Thank you for giving me the honor of being your English teacher.

  • Again, I'll continue working hard to help you achieve your English goals.

  • Let's keep going.

  • Let's jump right in.

Hey, I need you to listen very closely.

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  • 66 3
    Y Y posted on 2024/02/19
Video vocabulary