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  • Yellowfang is a dark gray she-cat withbroad, flattened face, and orange eyes

  • She was first foreseen in a vision long before  she was born, in the early days of the Clans.  

  • The first-ever medicine cat, Moth Flight, had  recurring dreams of what would later become  

  • the nine lives ceremony, and Yellowfang was  one of the cats she witnessed giving a life

  • It was countless seasons later, during Cedarstar's  leadership of ShadowClan, that Yellowkit and her  

  • littermates Nutkit and Rowankit were born to the  warriors Brackenfoot and Brightflower. Yellowkit  

  • was close with her mother's mother Silverflamewho was one of the Clan's elders, and even when  

  • she was just two moons old, Yellowkit dreamed  of being a warrior and a queen like her mother

  • During her kithood, there were strange moments  where Yellowkit felt pain seemingly without  

  • reason – a sore paw with no thorn in it, or  a bellyache without having eaten crowfood.  

  • Other cats always seemed to be  injured or sick at the same time,  

  • but this wasn't something  Yellowkit paid much attention to

  • At the age of six moons, at the first snowfall of  leaf-bare, Yellowpaw was apprenticed to Deerleap,  

  • a senior warrior who was known for being a strict  mentor. The exciting day was marred by sadness,  

  • however, as this was when Yellowpaw's  grandmother Silverflame joined StarClan

  • Yellowpaw admired the older apprentice Raggedpawand they started to become close around the  

  • time he became a warrior, with the new name  Raggedpelt. They drifted apart again, however,  

  • after an idea of hers led to him meeting his  kittypet fatherwho promptly disowned him

  • Deerleap's rigorous training regimen turned  Yellowpaw into a skilled hunter and fighter.  

  • She and her littermates became warriors, with the  names of Yellowfang, Nutwhisker, and Rowanberry.  

  • It was after Yellowfang's first battle as  a warrior that she learned more about the  

  • strange pains she'd been feeling throughout her  life. Upon visiting the medicine cat Sagewhisker,  

  • the older she-cat pointed out that Yellowfang  wasn't actually wounded, but that other cats  

  • had similar injuries: Yellowfang was feeling  the other cats' pain. Sagewhisker felt that  

  • StarClan had given Yellowfang this gift forreason, and urged her to become a medicine cat,  

  • but Yellowfang had no interest in this  and was determined to remain a warrior

  • She grew close to Raggedpelt again after saving  him from a badger, and the two of them began  

  • to become more than friends, a fact that some of  their Clanmates noticed and began to gossip about

  • Throughout that bitter leaf-bare, Yellowfang  gathered herbs for Sagewhisker and occasionally  

  • helped sick and injured cats, partly just to help  ease the pain for herself. Sagewhisker continued  

  • to insist that Yellowfang become her apprenticeFinally, after Yellowfang saved the life of a  

  • kit while Sagewhisker was at the Moonstone, the  older medicine cat lost her patience and snapped  

  • at Yellowfang that it was her destiny to become  a medicine cat. Yellowfang thought about it and  

  • came to accept that perhaps it was the best way  to help her Clan, and so she finally accepted

  • The first few days of Yellowfang's new  apprenticeship were difficult and lonely,  

  • with so many things to learn, and being  treated differently by all of her Clanmates.  

  • Raggedpelt, for one, was furious when he learned  of her decision, feeling that she'd chosen being  

  • a medicine cat over him. The first visit  to the Moonstone comforted her, however:  

  • the other medicine cats were welcomingand when Yellowfang dreamed, it was of  

  • her grandmother Silverflamewho promised to watch over her

  • As leaf-bare turned to newleaf, Raggedpelt  was announced as the Clan's new deputy.  

  • Yellowfang met him in the forest one daywhere they admitted that they still had  

  • feelings for each other, and they decided  to carry on their relationship in secret

  • That leaf-fall, Raggedpelt's apprentice  Cloudpaw was badly injured by rogues.  

  • Sagewhisker felt he was too far gone to be  saved, but Yellowfang didn't give up on him.  

  • She worked fiercely to save his live, and he  pulled through. Sagewhisker was proud of her,  

  • and announced that Yellowfang was ready  to take on the full title of medicine cat.  

  • Yellowfang knew that this was truly her  destiny, and so she would have to give  

  • up her secret relationship with Raggedpelt. When she dreamed at the Moonstone after the  

  • ceremony, she had a vision  of kits that disappeared.  

  • Yellowfang soon learned what this meant when  she realized that she was expecting kits.  

  • In the midst of trying to figure out what  to do, she also had a worrying dream where a  

  • StarClan cat gave her a message: “There is a cat  coming, a cat who should never have been born,  

  • whose life will bring fire and blood to the  forest, yet StarClan is powerless to stop him!”  

  • Yellowfang feared that this  referred to her coming kits

  • Sagewhisker could tell Yellowfang was  pregnant, and after confronting her,  

  • let the younger she-cat make up  her own decision on what to do.  

  • Yellowfang made up her mind that for the good  of the Clan, she could not raise the kits.  

  • She revealed to Raggedpelt what was going onand though he was thrilled to be a father,  

  • he was angry when he learned that she  wasn't going to be a mother to them.  

  • He made her promise that if she was going to do  this, she would never reveal that she was the  

  • kits' mother. He knew how hard it was knowing  that a parent had willingly abandoned him,  

  • and he didn't want his kits to go through  the same thing. Yellowfang promised

  • Yellowfang gave birth to three kits in a dead tree  outside of ShadowClan territory. Two were female,  

  • but one of the she-kits was stillborn, and  the other died shortly after her birth. If the  

  • official family tree is to be believed, Yellowfang  gave these kits the names Hopekit and Wishkit.  

  • As for the third kit, he was a tom, and he  seemed to be a fighter from the beginning.  

  • Yellowfang brought him back to the camp, and she  and Raggedpelt brought him to the only nursing  

  • queen, Lizardstripe. Lizardstripe wasn't  happy about having to care for another kit,  

  • but she took him in. Yellowfang told her that the  kit's name was Brokenkit, and most cats assumed  

  • that the name came from a bend in the kit's tailbut the truth was that she'd named him for the  

  • feeling in her heart as she gave him up. She watched from afar as Brokenkit grew.  

  • Silverflame advised Yellowfang that even  if she couldn't be a mother to Brokenkit,  

  • she could be a friend, and  Yellowfang tried this, but ultimately  

  • it resulted in Brokenkit being bullied more by  the other kits, so he chose to stop visiting her

  • Many changes occurred in Yellowfang's life in  the moons afterward. Sagewhisker joined StarClan,  

  • leaving Yellowfang as the only medicine  cat. She wasn't alone for long, though:  

  • when Brokenpaw was apprenticed, Yellowfang took  one of his adopted littermates, Runningpaw,  

  • as her apprentice. In the following  moons, Cedarstar lost his final life,  

  • and the newly named Raggedstar named Brokentail  a warrior upon returning from the Moonstone.  

  • Around this time, Yellowfang gave her apprentice  his full medicine cat name, Runningnose

  • Although she had initially been proud of her  son's skills, eventually, Yellowfang became more  

  • and more worried about Brokentail's behaviorHe was a harsh mentor, and when the Clan deputy  

  • Cloudpelt died in battle, Yellowfang believed that  Brokentail might have something to do with it.  

  • She pleaded with Raggedstar not to name Brokentail  as the next deputy, but he refused to listen

  • With him as deputy, the Clan began to focus mostly  on fighting. Yellowfang had yet another horrifying  

  • vision: this one was of kits fighting each other  and dyingand Raggedstar had the same dream.  

  • One day, Brokentail returned to camp with  Raggedstar's dead body, reporting that  

  • WindClan had ambushed their patrol. Yellowfang  was shocked at her former mate's sudden death

  • Things only got worse under Brokenstar's  leadership, since now nobody could oppose  

  • his thirst for battle. He apprenticed kits  at only three moons of ageseveral of them  

  • died as a resultand banished the  elders to the edge of the territory.  

  • It got so bad that Yellowfang confronted  him about it and threatened to get StarClan  

  • to take away his nine lives, but StarClan  told her there was nothing they could do

  • There was a small bit of happiness  during this time when Yellowfang  

  • helped her mother Brightflower  deliver a second litter of kits,  

  • Yellowfang's younger sisters  Mintkit and Marigoldkit.  

  • But the kits were only half a moon old when they  went missing, and Yellowfang found them in the  

  • forest, dead. Brokenstar accused her of murdering  themeven her own parents believed it - and  

  • banished her from the Clan. Yellowfang fledfeeling wretched, with nothing else to live for

  • She collapsed near Fourtrees, and was found and  defeated by the ThunderClan apprentice Firepaw.  

  • ThunderClan took her prisoner, and  charged Firepaw with caring for her.  

  • Over time, she grew to respect and care for  the young tom like a son, and Yellowfang was  

  • formally invited to join the Clan after defending  the nursery from the ShadowClan deputy Blackfoot.  

  • ShadowClan attacked again not long afterwardthough, and this time, they were successful in  

  • stealing the kits. Yellowfang tracked them, was  found by Firepaw and a ThunderClan patrol, and  

  • they teamed up with the exiled ShadowClan elders  to try to drive out Brokenstar. It was there that  

  • Brokenstar revealed that he'd been the one to  kill Raggedstar, and Yellowfang was horrified.  

  • Ultimately, Yellowfang's battle plan was  successful, and Brokenstar was forced to flee.  

  • Since the ThunderClan medicine cat Spottedleaf  had been killed when the kits were stolen,  

  • Yellowfang decided to remain in  ThunderClan and become their medicine cat

  • Even though Brokenstar had been driven out of  ShadowClan, the forest wasn't free of him yet.  

  • He tried to attack ThunderClan again withgang of rogues. Yellowfang fought him during the  

  • battle, blinding him and taking a life, but she  couldn't bring herself to kill her son for good.  

  • He remained there as a prisoner under her  care for a few moons, but when he and the  

  • traitorous deputy Tigerclaw plotted with  the rogues to attack the Clan yet again,  

  • Yellowfang knew she had to kill Brokenstar to keep  the forest and her adopted Clan safe. She fed him  

  • deathberries, revealing to him as he died that  she was his mother, and he lost his final life

  • Meanwhile, a young apprentice named Cinderpaw  had been badly injured on the Thunderpath, and  

  • she stayed in Yellowfang's den for a long time  as she recovered. It quickly became clear that  

  • she'd never become a warrior, but during her stay  there she and Yellowfang developed a strong bond,  

  • and eventually Yellowfang asked  Cinderpaw to become her apprentice

  • When it was finally time for Cinderpaw to receive  her full medicine cat name, Yellowfang feared  

  • that StarClan might reject the young cat  due to Yellowfang's murder of Brokenstar.  

  • After the ceremony when Yellowfang dreamedhowever, she was not met with accusations  

  • or punishments, but rather, was  given a profound sense of relief.  

  • Sagewhisker and the StarClan cat Molepelt  reassured her that Brokenstar's own choices had  

  • led to his fate, and that it wasn't Yellowfang's  fault for giving birth to him or killing him.  

  • StarClan accepted Cinderpelt and promised  that they'd always be with Yellowfang

  • One night in greenleaf, the Clan awoke to  fire roaring through the forest. They fled,  

  • and Yellowfang and Fireheart went back into the  camp to help try to get the remaining elders out.  

  • As Yellowfang tried to carry  Halftail out of the camp,  

  • a burning tree fell and blocked the  camp entrance, trapping them in.  

  • Yellowfang brought him back to her den to try to  shelter from the flames, but unfortunately this  

  • did not save either of them. Halftail died, and  Yellowfang herself breathed in too much smoke.  

  • Fireheart found her before the end, and  she had enough time to reveal what she  

  • had done to Brokenstar, and thank Fireheart for  bringing her to the Clan, before she passed on

  • Once in StarClan, Yellowfang enjoyed  hunting with her former Clanmates,  

  • although she somehow still  managed to have fleas there

  • Despite being dead, she still had an active  presence and was still involved with the Clans.  

  • As Moth Flight had once foreseen, Yellowfang had  the honor of giving young Firestar one of his nine  

  • lives, a life for compassion. Once the Clans left  the forest and moved to a lake, she saw an omen  

  • that she shared with the rest of StarClan: Before  there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the  

  • lake will run redwhich meant that Brambleclaw  would kill his evil half-brother, Hawkfrost.  

  • She, Bluestar, and Lionheart also visited the  young ThunderClan medicine cat Leafpool to  

  • warn her that she would tread a path that few  medicine cats had walked before hermeaning  

  • that she would have kits, as Yellowfang once had. As the time grew near, Yellowfang told Leafpool  

  • that she too had given birth to kits, and that  her son had been Brokenstar. Yellowfang couldn't  

  • be certain how ThunderClan would react to Leafpool  giving birth, but she comforted Leafpool that the  

  • kits could walk a different path than Brokenstar  if they knew from the start that they were loved.  

  • Leafpool brought Squirrelflight to  the Moonpool with her, and there,  

  • Yellowfang suggested to Squirrelflight that she  could raise Leafpool's kits as her own. She felt  

  • that this was the best option, and she went as  far as lying and telling Squirrelflight that she  

  • couldn't have kits and would never otherwise  be a mother, in order to try to convince her.  

  • When the kits were finally bornYellowfang helped with the delivery

  • Leafpool's kits were prophesied tohold  the power of the stars in their paws”,  

  • and one of them, Jaypaw, had the  ability to walk in other cats' dreams.  

  • Yellowfang was determined to keep an eye on him  and try to convince him to not misuse his power.  

  • StarClan decided to keep the kits' true  parentage a secret from the three of them,  

  • but after Squirrelfight revealed that she wasn't  their mother, Yellowfang decided that the time  

  • for secrets was over and gave Jayfeathercrow's feather to hint at who his father was

  • It turned out that only two of Leafpool's three  kits were part of the Power of Three prophecy,  

  • and that the actual third cat was  Dovepaw, another of Firestar's kin.  

  • Yellowfang decided it would be best to  send a sign that the young cat was special,  

  • and she spoke a prophecy to Dovepaw herself:  “After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion,  

  • peace will come on dove's gentle wing.” Yellowfang didn't know at first what the Three's  

  • powers were for, but she sensed that something  bad was going to happen. Jayfeather told her that  

  • the WindClan warrior Breezepelt and the spirit  of Brokenstar had attacked him at the Moonpool,  

  • and that he knew that Dark Forest warriors  like Tigerstar were training living cats.  

  • In order to learn more, Yellowfang led  Jayfeather and Spottedleaf into the Dark Forest,  

  • where they were confronted by Brokenstar himself.  

  • He acted innocent and taunted them, and eventually  Spottedleaf sent Yellowfang home to StarClan,  

  • explaining that Brokenstar's  presence was clouding her judgement

  • StarClan, beginning to understand the trouble  the Clans faced, grew restless. A few other  

  • StarClan cats blamed Yellowfang for a battle  between ThunderClan and ShadowClan where the  

  • ShadowClan deputy Russetfur died, claiming that  Yellowfang should have sent a sign to stop it.  

  • StarClan knew that the only way the conflict with  the Dark Forest would end would be in battle, and  

  • they began to urge the Clans to keep to  themselves, since they couldn't trust each other.  

  • Yellowfang, for one, believed that ThunderClan  would be the only Clan to survive the war

  • She continued to try to guide Jayfeather, although  she wasn't always correct about what was the right  

  • thing to do. For instance, she had Jayfeather  reveal to Cinderheart that she was a reincarnation  

  • of Cinderpelt, in order to recruit another  medicine cat, but once he did so, Yellowfang  

  • sheepishly admitted that she was wrong, and that  Cinderheart was, in fact, meant to be a warrior

  • Yellowfang's fear for the future was  reflected in the rest of StarClan,  

  • and for a time, even they were divided.  

  • But when the final battle came, the Clans faced  the Dark Forest togetherincluding StarClan.  

  • Yellowfang was one of the StarClan warriors who  arrived in the forest to help the living cats.  

  • She found Brokenstar fighting Firestar, andyellingEnough!”, she ran in and attacked  

  • her son. She killed his spirit, once again  destroying him so that the Clans would be safe.  

  • Finally, at the end of the battle, after  Firestar lost his ninth life killing Tigerstar,  

  • Yellowfang and the other cats who had given  Firestar his lives led him to StarClan

  • Even though not many of the living ThunderClan  cats had known Yellowfang during her lifetime,  

  • she continued to care for her adopted Clan and  visit them in dreams. She appeared to Firestar's  

  • successor, Bramblestar, to give him a prophecy  that blood can mean strength instead of death,  

  • which meant that his kinship with his  sister Tawnypelt made them strong.  

  • She appeared to him again, along with his  mate Squirrelflight, just a few moons later.  

  • Yellowfang admitted to Squirrelflight that she'd  lied about her not being able to have kits,  

  • and apologized. The reason that  Squirrelflight had been feeling  

  • sick recently, Yellowfang revealedwas because she was now pregnant

  • One of Squirrelflight's kits, named Alderpawended up becoming a medicine cat too,  

  • and at one point, Yellowfang visited him to  praise him for speaking out for what was right.  

  • Around this time, the ShadowClan medicine  cat Littlecloud died with no apprentice,  

  • so Rowanstar picked one of the  kits to train as a medicine cat,  

  • and alongside Leafpool's mentoring, Yellowfang  trained the young Puddleshine in his dreams

  • When the rogue Darktail caused chaos among  the Clans, resulting in ShadowClan collapsing,  

  • Yellowfang felt that some of the young ShadowClan  cats who'd turned against their leader were to  

  • blame. She and some of the other StarClan cats  gave Alderheart a sign of a five-pointed leaf,  

  • representing the five living Clans, and  it was what Firestar said nextthatthe  

  • Clans must remember their names” – that  gave Alderheart an idea for the battle  

  • that led to Darktail being defeated. Yellowfang even appeared briefly to  

  • scold young Twigpaw when the apprentice took it  upon herself to go to the Moonpool despite not  

  • being a medicine cat. And shortly afterward  when it was time for ShadowClan's new leader  

  • Tigerheart to receive his nine lives, Yellowfang  gave him a life, with the gift of forgiveness

  • Yellowfang's most recent prominent role  in StarClan was when Squirrelflight and  

  • Leafpool were badly wounded and near deathStarClan decided to hold a trial to see if  

  • they'd be allowed to stay there with themand Yellowfang was one of the judges. Overall,  

  • Yellowfang was supportive of the two she-catsShe pointed out the hypocrisy of some of the  

  • other judgesBluestar had had kits with cats  of another Clan, while Moth Flight herself  

  • was a medicine cat who'd given birth to kits  before creating the rule that they couldn't.  

  • She also reminded them that Leafpool had  sacrificed everything in service of her Clan  

  • and that Squirrelflight broke  the rules out of compassion.  

  • In the end, she and the other judges ruled  that the two she-cats would be allowed to  

  • stay when it was their time to join StarClan. Yellowfang has encountered difficult decisions  

  • throughout her lifeand afterlife  – and faced them with bravery. Even  

  • when she made the wrong choices, she  always did her best to redeem herself.  

  • She has always been loyal to both  her birth Clan and adopted Clan,  

  • and as Yellowfang herself once saidshe will likely never be forgotten.

Yellowfang is a dark gray she-cat withbroad, flattened face, and orange eyes

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黃牙的一生(The Life of Yellowfang)

  • 12 0
    WarriorsCatFan2007 posted on 2024/02/23
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