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The brain's cleansing system has only been recently discovered.
It may be a key component to healthy cognition.
In this video and the next,
we look at how the glymphatic system works and,
more importantly,
what we can do to make it work even better.
"How Much Sleep Is Needed for Glymphatic Flow (Brain Cleaning)?"
Sleep is a great mystery.
A trait shared across animal species,
sleep must be of vital importance
to survive natural selection pressures
to eliminate such a vulnerable state.
Indeed, cringeworthy experiments have shown
that keeping animals awake long enough
can be fatal within eleven to thirty-two days.
It turns out sleep is of-the-brain,
by the brain, and for the brain.
One function of sleep that has been elucidated in recent years
is the clearance of toxic waste byproducts
through a newly discovered drainage system in the brain.
With the invention of the encephalogram, EEG,
to measure brain wave activity,
the scientific world was quickly disabused
of the notion that sleep was a time of rest for the brain.
During certain stages of sleep
there is brain-wide activity going on,
but what was the brain actively doing?
More than 2,000 years ago,
Aristotle proposed that sleep helps the body clean the blood.
Today, we know sleep may help the body clean the brain.
Until 2012, we thought that the brain was singular
among organs for recycling nearly all of its own waste.
It had to, since it was separated
from the rest of the body by the blood-brain barrier.
But the barrier that keeps toxins out of the brain
presumably keeps toxins in.
Then, in 2012,
a brain-wide fluid transport network
was discovered, termed the glymphatic system.
By microscopically tracking dye
injected into the brains of mice,
scientists discovered fluid-filled tunnels
surrounding blood vessels in the brain.
The pressure wave of arterial pulses
with every heartbeat milks the fluid along
before eventually draining into the cerebrospinal fluid
surrounding the brain.
What does this have to do with sleep?
The whole system is only really active when sleeping.
During wakefulness, these tunnels are clamped down,
reducing glymphatic flow by 90 percent.
The thought is the fluid shifts might interfere
with targeted neurotransmitter chemical communication
in the awake state.
So the biological need for sleep may reflect the need
for the brain to enter into a state to filter out
potentially neurotoxic waste products like beta amyloid,
which is implicated in Alzheimer's disease.
Perhaps this could help explain
why those who routinely get fewer than seven hours of sleep
a night are at increased risk
of developing cognitive disorders such as dementia.
Randomizing individuals to have their sleep disrupted
by a series of beeps
administered through headphones in a sleep lab
increases amyloid levels, whereas improving sleep,
by treating sleep apnea patients with CPAP, for example,
improves slow wave activity,
deep sleep, and appears to lower amyloid levels.
PET scans show even a single all-nighter
can cause a significant increase
in accumulation of beta amyloid in critical brain areas.
The problem is that glymphatic brain filtration
appears to decline with aging.
Old mice only have 10 to 20 percent
the glymphatic function of young mice.
This could be due to a number of factors.
As we age,
we experience less of the deep, slow wave sleep,
the type of sleep during which brain waste clearance
appears to be the most active.
Further contributing to the stagnancy,
our arteries tend to stiffen as we age,
reducing the pulsations that drive the glymphatic pump.
That also offers one potential explanation
as to why hypertension is tied to dementia.
The thickening of artery walls with high blood pressure
also has a stiffening effect.
How can we counter this age-related glymphatic decline
and keep our brains cleaner?
We'll explore just that question, next.