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  • Akira Toriyama might be the most well-known mangaka in the world.


  • He is the mind behind the popular Dragon Ball Z, the artist of Chrono Trigger and character and monster designer for the Dragon Quest series.

    他是廣受歡迎的《龍珠 Z》的幕後推手,也是《時空觸發器》的美術師和角色設計者。以及《尋龍記》系列的怪物設計師。

  • During the mid 70's at around the age of 21, Toriyama knew he wanted to become a manga artist and he stated that he admired the anime Astro Boy and the movie One Hundred and One Dalmatians.

    70 年代中期,21 歲左右的鳥山知道自己想成為一名漫畫作家。他說他非常欣賞卡通片《鐵臂阿童木》和電影《一百零一 達爾馬提亞人

  • Of course, Martial arts movies like Enter the Dragon and Drunken Master influenced his inner artist as well.


  • His career kickstarted in 78 when he submitted his first manga for a Shonen Jump prize contest.

    他的職業生涯始於 78 年,當時他提交了自己的第一部漫畫作品,參加了一個 Shonen Jump 有獎競賽。

  • Although he didn't make the cut, he was promoted with one shots in their magazines with illustrations from Wonderland, Today's Highlight Island, Tomato the Cutesy Gumshoe, Pola & Roid, Escape, Chobit and the freakin OG Dragon Boy.

    雖然他沒有入選,但他在雜誌上被宣傳了一回配有來自仙境的插圖、今天的亮點島嶼、可愛的番茄膠石、 pola 和 roid、escape、chobit 和怪異的 OG 龍男孩。

  • Without a doubt, there were many more but his main success were his manga's, with Dr. Slump being his first big title that counted 230 chapters and became a massive hit in Japan.

    毫無疑問,他的作品還有很多,但他最成功的作品是漫畫,其中包括蕭條博士》是他的第一部大作,共 230 章,在日本大受歡迎。

  • This series finished in 84 and made room for the true goat, Dragon Ball.

    該系列於 84 年完結,為真正的山羊--龍珠騰出了空間。

  • It became an instant success and caused Shonen Jump to get the highest sales ranking yet.

    它一炮而紅,使《shonen jump》獲得了迄今為止最高的銷售排名。

  • And although Toriyama's popularity quickly grew, he has in fact a pretty shy personality that never intended to become so big.


  • Hence, he prohibits taking pictures during his autograph events to keep his identity low key.


  • On another note, he stated he was influenced by the animator Toyoo Ashida, who directed the Vampire Hunter D anime, plus his own animation Dragon Ball.

    此外,他還表示自己受到了動畫師蘆田豐雄的影響,蘆田豐雄曾執導過《侏羅紀世界》、《侏羅紀世界》和《侏羅紀世界》。他還改編了自己的卡通片《龍珠》,並從中學到了"......"。 將顏色分開而不是混合,會使藝術作品更簡潔,而著色插圖 更容易

  • From which, he learned that separating colors instead of blending them makes the art cleaner and coloring illustrations easier.

  • However, his success didn't push him away from his passion and thus illustrated many one-shots such as, Mr. Ho, Lady red and Little Mamejiro.


  • During his career, he published dozens of chapters in Shonen Jump and published his own anthology book, Akira Toriyama's manga theater.


  • Furthermore, he was asked to design icon characters for magazines such as, V dragon, Ridon and more.

    此外,他還應邀為《V dragon》、《Ridon》和《Blue》等雜誌設計圖標人物。更多

  • In 89, Dragon ball went to the next level and transformed to Z which led his career to worldwide stage.

    89 年,龍珠更上一層樓,變身為 Z,使他的職業生涯走向世界。階段。

  • Nevertheless it was finished in 95 and together with all his other projects put a lot of stress on him.

    儘管如此,該項目還是於 95 年完工,並與他的所有其他項目一起,成為了 "世界上最偉大的建築之一"。他的壓力很大。

  • During the years, he had many sleepless nights which affected him on a mental level to the point he lost a clear overview on details such as as forgetting that he ever made Super Saiyan 2 by confusing it with three.

    在這些年裡,他度過了許多不眠之夜,這對他的精神造成了極大的影響。他在一些細節上失去了一個清晰的概述,比如他忘記了自己曾做過超言術 2 與 3 混淆。

  • That aside, an interesting design choice was giving Goku golden blond hair to make the work load more do-able in the manga.


  • It goes without saying that many of his manga's were translated into amines, he himself, however, only did some of the character designs and did not participate in the animation itself.


  • Naturally, his talent was in high demand and the game industry wanted a piece of it.


  • In 86, he did character and monster designs for the Dragon Quest series.

    86 年,他為《尋龍訣》系列設計了角色和怪物。

  • While the Enix Corporation got quite the chunk of the Toriyama pie, their rivals Squaresoft asked him to join their dream team to work on non other then, Chrono Trigger, the best RPG ever created.

    雖然 Enix 公司從鳥山製作組中分得了不少蛋糕,但他們的競爭對手 Squaresoft邀請他加入他們的夢之隊,共同製作《時空觸發器》,這是最好的 前所未有的 RPG 遊戲。

  • The game hit the shelfs in 95 and Toriyama created the majority of the aesthetics, including, character, monster, vehicle and the outlook of the environmental design for each timezone.

    遊戲於 95 年上架,鳥山創造了遊戲的大部分美學,其中包括:"蝙蝠俠"、每個時區的人物、怪物、車輛和環境設計的外觀。

  • The developmental team studied his illustrations to convert it as tight as possible in pixel art and in my eyes, they nailed it.


  • A year later he worked on Tobal 1 and 2.

    一年後,他參與了 1 號和 2 號火山口的工作。

  • This was also the time Dragon Ball GT took center stage, and everyone loved that Goku was turned into a kid, lost his powers and battled unimportant characters after the climax of saving the universe.

    這也是龍珠 GT 登上舞臺中央的時刻,它獲得了巨大成功,並在全球範圍內掀起了一股龍珠熱潮。大家都喜歡悟空變成了一個小孩,失去了超能力,與無關緊要的人戰鬥拯救宇宙的高潮之後的人物。

  • It was so fun that, okay, truth to be told, Toriyama only did the character designs and stepped away.


  • Anyways, In the period surrounding the millennium, he focused on manga's such as Cowa, Kajiki and Sand Land.


  • Also, because his art style was intensely memorable, he did both album and book covers.


  • In the midst of the 2000s, he worked on Blue Dragon, which was well received game and quickly expanded with other installments such as Awakened Souls, and even added an anime to its repertoire.

    2000 年代中期,他創作了《藍龍》,該遊戲廣受好評。喚醒的靈魂》等其他作品,甚至還增加了一個 卡通片。

  • And as you probably already knew, he kept being the Dragon Quest character artist throughout his career, including monster and vehicle designs in some of the entry's.


  • And especially in this series you can see that he changed the coloring side of his art style.


  • He went from a dark tones with hard edge highlights and shadows to more of a light colored blend in that you see with copic markers.

    他從帶有硬邊高光和陰影的深色調轉變為更多的淺色混合色調在你使用 copic 標記看到的畫面中。

  • This makes the illustrations more cartoony which is a big difference in the overall tone of his works.


  • In addition, his line art changed from the sharp ink pen to thicker marker lines, creating rounder edges and angles which represents more of his earlier works.


  • Most of his illustrations can be seen in the artbooks based on the big franchises and his vast amount of works he did in the past.


  • That aside, Toriyama also did some miscellaneous work with highlights such as logos and a car design.


  • In case of Dragon Ball Super, the manga began in 2015 and Toriyama decided to focus on the story writing and chose a successor for the artwork;

    就《龍珠超》而言,漫畫始於 2015 年,鳥山決定將重點放在《龍珠超》上。他將權杖交給了才華橫溢的 豐太郎.實際上,他還自己製作了關於《龍珠英雄》的同人小說。

  • he gave the scepter to the talented Toyotarou, who, actually, made his own Doujinshi about the franchise named Dragon Ball Heroes.

  • As for the massive amount of Dragon Ball games that were created through the years,


  • Toriyama mainly focused on add in character designs such as Bonyu For dragon ball z kakarot, android 21 in dragon ball fighter Z, sharotto and Zhahna in legends and some original characters in jump force.

    主要集中在添加角色設計,如龍珠 z 卡卡羅特的 Bonyu、android、android......。龍珠戰士 Z》中的 21、《傳奇》中的 sharotto 和 Zhahna 以及一些原創角色 跳躍力。

  • Indeed, it has to be said that through the years Toriyama loves to fuse characters, well, with such an impressive career and accomplishments who can blame him?


  • That said, I couldn't but notice that Toriyama is obsessed with Dragons and worked on many titles that had either name or a dragon type monster in it, and because I'm a big fan of them as well, just for fun here's my tribute to his obsession.

    儘管如此,我還是注意到鳥山對龍非常痴迷,他參與了許多的標題,因為我是一個超級粉絲 為了好玩,我在此向他的痴迷致敬。

  • I'm fantasy light novel author J.P Vughs and I read in an interview of Toriyama made comment on German mangakas, he wants to see more country specific manga's instead of just copies of the Japanese styles we currently know and love.

    我是奇幻輕小說作家 J.P Vughs,我在一篇關於鳥山的訪談中讀到了他的作品。對德國漫畫的評論,他希望看到更多針對具體國家的漫畫,而不是 只是我們目前所熟悉和喜愛的日本風格的複製品。

  • Although I understand his perspective I think no Mather your country in, you as an artist should create the art style that expresses yourself the best.


Akira Toriyama might be the most well-known mangaka in the world.


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