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  • - We're gonna fly on this jet

  • that costs half a million dollars per flight

  • and we're also gonna fly on a $25,000 private jet,

  • a $10,000 first-class seat, a blimp, and so much more.

  • But before I show you what it's like to fly

  • on some of the most luxurious plane on the planet,

  • we're gonna fly on the cheapest plane in the world.

  • It's really rickety.

  • Here's the dollar.

  • I'm very nervous.

  • - Nothing to be nervous about.

  • I've done this half a dozen times.

  • - You've done this six times?

  • (lively music)

  • (engine whirring)

  • Why does this sound like a lawn mower engine?

  • (Doug laughing)

  • Time for ride on world's cheapest plane ticket.

  • (lively music)

  • Oh boy.

  • Oh my...

  • Oh my gosh, round up.

  • We're going so fast. - Come on, get it.

  • - That does not sound safe. - Nah ah.

  • (wind whooshing) - They almost hit the camera.

  • - Whoo! - What are you doing?

  • - Keep your seatbelt on. - Uh, you just focused on

  • keeping me alive, Doug. - I'm trying.

  • (engine whirring) - All right, he's in there.

  • - All right, dibs on the channel.

  • - I got what I need. You can land whenever.

  • - (laughing) No. - Doug, come on. Doug, please.

  • - That guy pays my bills. Be careful.

  • - And if you guys think this is crazy,

  • wait until later in the video when we have the world's

  • most expensive plane ticket on the planet.

  • - Wait a minute, you're making me feel bad.

  • - Oh my god, he's coming in hot.

  • (engine whirring)

  • - [Doug] Get ready to land.

  • (metal clanking) - Almost.

  • - [Group] Yeah.

  • - We're on the ground, we survive.

  • - [Person] Our next plane is the $1,000

  • first class plane ticket.

  • - But here's the thing, boys.

  • I bought all the first class seats,

  • so, sit wherever you want.

  • - Would you like some miracle mist lotion?

  • - Why?

  • - Because first class, baby, fine dining, huh.

  • - [Person] Each of us has our own seat and TV.

  • The ticket also comes with a decent meal,

  • a free bag of toiletries and pajamas.

  • - Do we get to take all this home with us

  • - [Person] And during longer flights...

  • - Recline. We should recline into a bed.

  • - I feel like I'm in a coffin, which I like.

  • - Yeah, this is crazy.

  • - [Person] And best of all...

  • - My favorite part about this $1,000 plane,

  • I don't need to speak to Nolan.

  • - I don't like this glass 'cause it like separates me.

  • I'm all alone back here.

  • - That is the exact reason why I like it.

  • - [Person] The only downside is that you don't get

  • a lot of privacy.

  • - [Chris] It's really awkward filming a video

  • with all these people walking by.

  • - [Person] So, let's see what a plane ticket

  • 10 times more expensive will feel like.

  • - And now, the $10,000 plane ticket.

  • Oh man, this is nice.

  • I have unlimited legroom here.

  • Look, let's start off by analyzing what we get.

  • A tablet, a giant touchscreen TV,

  • my own in-seat drink bar, snacks.

  • This isn't Feastables chocolate. I want a refund.

  • - We're getting connected to the Wi-Fi.

  • We might have paid $10,000 for our seat

  • but we still have to pay $20 for Wi-Fi.

  • - It's not free?

  • - Now, we're taking off, which is pretty crazy

  • because I can literally watch it on my TV

  • and because it's a 16-hour flight, I get to take a...

  • Look at how nice this bathroom is.

  • You have a sink, a toilet, and then a shower.

  • That is crazy. Look at that.

  • We are 30,000 feet in the air and I can take a shower

  • - [Person] On top of that, me and the boys can order

  • as much gourmet food as we want.

  • And that's not all, we save the best for last.

  • - Hey, how's it going?

  • - [Person] There's a private lounge

  • in the back of the plane.

  • - Hey, Jimmy.

  • - Yeah. - Ow.

  • - You're not dreaming.

  • - That was the $10,000 plane ticket.

  • Point the camera up and down.

  • And now we're at the $25,000 plane ticket

  • that is up these stairs.

  • That's right, there's floors.

  • - This is insane.

  • - This is crazy.

  • We're gonna be sitting above other people.

  • - Oh my god.

  • - Now, this is your room.

  • - [Person] For $25,000, you get two massive rooms.

  • - Oh, this is crazy. I've never seen anything like this.

  • - Holy...

  • - [Person] Our space on this plane

  • is literally four times bigger than the last one.

  • I've never seen a plane where I can comfortably

  • do jumping jacks.

  • Look at this.

  • - [Person] We also get two chairs, a ton of TVs.

  • - There are more TVs in this one room

  • than all of the other planes we've been on

  • - [Person] Food served by a personal flight attendant.

  • - Why is it that after a certain price point,

  • they always give you a caviar?

  • - And the bathroom. - Can we talk about something?

  • This bathroom is like a disappointment.

  • No shower, no heated floors, half the size.

  • I think the $10,000 flight was a better price point.

  • - Would you pay this kind of money

  • for a single flight?

  • - I wouldn't recommend this. I would recommend a car.

  • - Buy a car instead.

  • - And now, the best part of the room, a queen size bed.

  • Ooh.

  • - Why don't they just make every seat a bed?

  • - Bro, instead of three seats side by side,

  • just put a bunk bed with three bed.

  • (bright music)

  • (audio squeaks)

  • (hand thudding)

  • - Good morning. That was really good sleep.

  • - Karl, wake up. We're gonna land.

  • - I slept like a rock.

  • That was the world's most expensive commercial flight.

  • Time for private flights. (screen whooshing)

  • This is the $100,000 plane.

  • - This thing's huge.

  • - At this price point, you get the entire plane.

  • (group cheering indistinctly)

  • - Private, private. - Oh, it's like a yacht.

  • - This is wild. - This is unbelievable.

  • - You wanna know the craziest part?

  • This is just one of four rooms.

  • - [Karl] There's more to the plane,

  • I thought this was it.

  • - Guys, come over here.

  • What room is this?

  • - [Person] This is literally another lounge area

  • with a bunch of snacks and a huge TV.

  • And if you're feeling tired,

  • you get your own private bedroom.

  • - Dude, what? Wee.

  • - This is like a hotel.

  • - [Person] And last but not least, the bathroom.

  • - Three, shut your mouth right now. Shut it.

  • - Whoa. - This is insane.

  • There's a seat in the bathroom. Dibs

  • - Have you ever even seen a jet half this size?

  • - No. - Never.

  • - What do we talk about while on our private jet?

  • - Well, I'll tell you,

  • last year I had sold the (indistinct).

  • - Oh no. Oh, wait.

  • I just realized I'm taking off backwards

  • (water bottle thuds) (GoPro thuds)

  • - Whoa. - GoPro.

  • - I didn't realize we were taking off.

  • - Not the camera. Stop!

  • - This is crazy. Whoa, oh.

  • (Karl whistling) (group laughing)

  • - Bro flew. - Oh my God.

  • (person laughing) - I can just roll back.

  • - Oh, turbulence.

  • All right, I'm going to sit down.

  • - This might be the best bathroom yet.

  • This is the toilet.

  • On the toilet you can watch TV.

  • - Hey, Nolan, I hope you feel comfortable in the bathroom.

  • - What's going on? I'm so confused.

  • (door thuds) No, no. (laughs)

  • - He's never getting out.

  • - (gasps) What? - Oh wow.

  • - I have steak, mashed potatoes, and veggies.

  • And you guys inspired me a little bit,

  • so I brought some pizza.

  • - [Group] Yeah!

  • (upbeat music)

  • - This is my favorite plane because it has YouTube

  • but we didn't pop up first, so now, it's not.

  • - You can tell this is a rich person bed

  • 'cause there's like 500 pillows.

  • This one outta here. That one outta here.

  • (singer sings in foreign language)

  • - I'm gonna fly this thingy.

  • - And that's the beauty of flying private.

  • You can do whatever you want whenever.

  • Karl's flying the plane, Chandler's jamming out the pizza.

  • Chris is taking a nap

  • and I don't even know where Nolan went.

  • There's no layovers when you fly private

  • and there's no TSA, so you save tons of time.

  • Hence why?

  • Basically, every rich person you know owns a private jet.

  • - Hey, guys. - Yeah.

  • - We're gonna land soon.

  • - Karl, let me out. (hand thudding)

  • - Where about...

  • We're gonna land? You gotta let me out, bro.

  • - Oh, oh. - Oh my God.

  • That was the opposite smooth.

  • - Wait, wait. Is Nolan still in the bathroom?

  • - I don't know, really. - Karl, go let him out.

  • - Oh, oh. - How was your flight?

  • - Still better than the $1000 plane.

  • (Karl laughing)

  • - And now, the $300,000 blimp.

  • I'll unblur it in a second.

  • Before I remove your blindfolds,

  • what do you think is on the side of the blimp?

  • - Is it Nolan's phone number?

  • - Did you do Nolan's phone number?

  • - That would be funny. - Next time.

  • - Take off your blindfolds. Turn turnaround.

  • (person scream) (MrBeast laughs)

  • (group laughing) - I heart Karl's mom. Hold up.

  • Why?

  • He really loves my mom.

  • - No, Karl, he hearts your mom. He doesn't love your mom.

  • That'd be weird. - No, I love her.

  • - Oh. (blowing raspberries)

  • - [Chandler] Dude, am I pushing it right now?

  • - Ooh, it's like moving.

  • - This giant aircraft can literally

  • just be pulled by a rope.

  • And you might be wondering how did I afford this giant blimp

  • and pay six figures to wrap it?

  • ZipRecruiter, a recruiting platform that I use

  • to hire people like editors, cameramen, and accountants.

  • Let's see if it stops floating when I get on it.

  • (metal stairs thuds)

  • - That's gains, dude.

  • - Does that mean I'm fat?

  • - It means you work out a lot. - Or I'm fat.

  • ZipRecruiter is where people go

  • to discover their next great job.

  • If this blimp crashes, then I die.

  • - Uh-huh.

  • - You guys could just use ZipRecruiter to find a new job.

  • - That'll make it so much easier. Thanks, man.

  • - I feel like I don't like this conversation.

  • - Shh, shh. All right, let's do this.

  • Goodbye, Chandler.

  • Goodbye, forever. (door thuds)

  • - I think I heard forever.

  • - [Chris] He could have promoted anything

  • and he chose Karl's mom.

  • - I'm terrified. This ain't picking up speed.

  • - Well, we'll see you at the race.

  • - [Person] Oh, and I forgot to mention,

  • we're flying this blimp over 150,000 people

  • at the world's largest race car event.

  • And Karl has no idea.

  • - Before I die in this blimp,

  • I wanna tell you guys about ZipRecruiter.

  • We recently made a job posting on ZipRecruiter

  • and I'm gonna call one of the candidates and interview them.

  • (phone ringing) Hey, Thomas.

  • I saw your application on ZipRecruiter. Can you hear me?

  • - [Thomas] Yes, I can. Is this MrBeast?

  • - Yeah, I'm MrBeast, it doesn't matter.

  • - [Thomas] Sorry, I can't barely hear you right now.

  • - Yeah, because we're on a blimp.

  • How long have you been an editor for?

  • - [Thomas] I've been an editor for about 10 years.

  • - Do you think you can improve our videos?

  • - [Thomas] I think with a strong team

  • and a little creative innovation,

  • I can definitely make your videos better.

  • - Okay, not bad. Send me some examples of your work.

  • If like Thomas, you want a shot to come work for us,

  • click the link in the description

  • or go to

  • We're gonna look at every single person that applies.

  • (crowd cheering) (cars revving)

  • We are now over the Daytona 500

  • which is one of the busiest events ever.

  • - [Karl] You couldn't have put something better

  • on the blimp. - No, this is perfect.

  • - This is wrong. (laughing)

  • - [Chris] Can they see us?

  • - [MrBeast] You can see 'em. (screen dings)

  • - Karl, I can confirm. Everyone loves your mom down here.

  • - I love Karl's mom.

  • - Everybody's like, "We love..."

  • - [Crowd] I love Karl's mom.

  • - Karl's mom, if you're watching, you're a lovely lady.

  • - [Crowd] We love Karl's mom.

  • - [Karl] You're a psycho.

  • - [MrBeast] For your mom.

  • (audio thuds)

  • - [Person] And now, the most expensive private plane ticket

  • on the planet.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hi, welcome board.

  • I suggest you taking your shoes off.

  • That carpet's actually $2 million.

  • - She's like, "I suggest it, really hard."

  • - [MrBeast] And by square feet,

  • this is bigger than our houses.

  • - [Person] It's almost impossible to imagine

  • how big this jet actually is.

  • - Right here is a bedroom.

  • - Wow. - A bedroom.

  • Another bedroom, another bedroom. Keep going.

  • This is for the crew, another bedroom.

  • - Hoo! - What'd you find?

  • - My dibs?

  • - [Person] The bedrooms on this plane

  • are way more extravagant.

  • Gold plated sinks, multiple showers.

  • - Wait, what's in there? - That's the toilet.

  • - [Person] This plane comes with its own theater room,

  • a lounge that can seat it up to 12 people.

  • - [MrBeast] And then over here is the living room.

  • - This is like a bigger couch than what I have in my house.

  • - I just want you to know you've only seen

  • a third of the plane so far.

  • - There's more.

  • - [Chris] What? Oh, got some good stuff.

  • - You can call flight attendants in your bedroom.

  • - If we could do this every time we fly,

  • I'd live in the air.

  • Whoa, whoa, what is that?

  • - Sorry, I'm turning the lights on and off.

  • - How did I miss this room?

  • Like we walked around the whole plane

  • - And in case you thought you saw everything,

  • there's also massages on this plane.

  • How is it, Karl?

  • - It's amazing.

  • - So, I really just shouldn't.

  • (glass shattering) (Chris giggling)

  • - Gentlemen, how were we able to afford this plane?

  • - I would say only our fans.

  • - [Person] And because of that, we invited a bunch

  • of random subscribers

  • on this half a million-dollar plane ride.

  • - Have you ever flown on a private jet before?

  • - No. This is my first time.

  • - And it's the most expensive one on the planet.

  • - I've never seen anything like this on a plane.

  • Like this is crazy.

  • - Ma'am, what is this right here?

  • - That's gas station chocolate.

  • - Can you just throw it? Okay.

  • (chocolates thudding) - I didn't think

  • she'd literally throw 'em. (stewardess laughs)

  • This is the chocolate you need to serve from now on, okay?

  • - Got it.

  • It's called Feastables,

  • It's the highest rated chocolate on the planet.

  • - [Karl] What the heck is over this way?

  • - [Chris] Yo, this gotta be a secret room.

  • That's where the crew is.

  • We just got a bunch of funny looks. (chuckles)

  • - Attention, boys. We're about to take off.

  • Fasten your seat belts, stop being hooligans. Thank you.

  • (head thuds) (Nolan screams)

  • (group laughs)

  • Typically, what kind of people fly on a plane like this?

  • - Business people.

  • How do my dumb friends compare?

  • - It's pretty dumb, I guess, I'd say.

  • (MrBeast laughs)

  • - [Person] At this price point,

  • they serve the highest quality food anytime you want it

  • and anywhere on the plane.

  • Even in your own private master suite.

  • - You want some?

  • (audio smooching) (group laughing)

  • - Do you guys even know where we're going?

  • - [Group] No.

  • - We're taking you all to Disney World

  • and we're gonna give you two days

  • of all expense paid trips to do whatever you want.

  • (group indistinctly cheering)

  • - No way.

  • - So, if you wanna fly on the most expensive jet

  • in the world and then spend two days

  • all paid for in Disney World, subscribe.

  • My life

  • ♪ 'Cause of I'm baller for the rest of my life

  • Yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ My life, my life, my life

- We're gonna fly on this jet

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