Yeah, becauseif I wasinNewYorkorDublinand I walkedintotheChineserestaurantandthewelcomerwaslike, "Oh, you'reverywelcome."
And I went, "Oh, you'reverywelcome. Welcometoourrestaurant."
I'd bearrested.
"Sodon't huān yíngguāng lín me, motherfucker."
I'lltellyourightnow, buddy.
You'relucky I'm a comedianbecause I wouldhavebeenupsetexcepttheminutethatyousaidthat I couldn't helpbutthinkthisstoryisgonnaripit, whydon't I bringittoNewYorkin 2023?
No, but I livedinChinafor a coupleofyears.
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