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Living in a foreign country is one of the greatest life adventures anyone can have,
but what happens when you it no longer feels “foreign?”
This weekend it's our annual men's retreat up in Okutama,
And it looks like we might even see some snow here, we'll see.
While we're weren't born Japanese, is it possible for us to truly become Japanese?
It's "Life in Japan," you know?
[Life in Japan Theme Song]
After all it snowed up the mountain.
That's right.
But it's not collecting on the road, so that's good, isn't it?
That's right.
Having lived in Japan for almost 10 years now, the cultural shock of Japan has worn off,
and now if anything, the Japanese way of doing things has become quite normal.
Oh yeah, look at this piano. I love playing a real piano!
Everyone good?! Yeah!
Yet there are others still who have been here a lot longer than me.
I was born and raised in Japan...
How many "Made in Japan" men are there?
Who else was Made in Japan?
I've met many people along the way that I had no idea were Japanese,
and others I presumed were Japanese were not actually at all.
The old saying “You can't judge a book by it's cover” holds true,
and it makes you stop and wonder what does it truly mean to be Japanese?
The scenes out here this morning are absolutely majestic,
Just the snow, up above us on the mountains,
And you get down here and it actually froze last night, it's like -2C (28 F) out right now
There's a little bit of ice, you gotta be careful.
But, wow!
There's no doubt about it — Japan's geography itself has had a huge impact on what it means to be Japanese.
From the very beginning, the people living here have been defined by mountains, valleys and ocean.
It's almost impossible to imagine Japan without these things.
And now it's coffee time. Oh yeah.
Careful attention to detail has made Japanese businesses— like convenience stores— become world renown
Not to mention the train system here! Wow!
That pursuit of perfection is something beautifully woven into the fabric of Japan and something I have grown to admire.
Ideas often come to Japan and get perfected here.
It's been exciting to apply that same Japanese pursuit of perfection to church life and see the results.
A pretty sweet place where we got to stay last night,
Now we have one more session and here we go.
But the true test of any society is at it's base unit — and that's the family.
Imagine taking the same pursuit of excellence prevalent in Japan, and applying it to the family.
Well, that's what we're aiming to do.
How was today? Really good.
Was it good? Yea, pretty good.
You had your big test today, huh?
Yep. I did really good at P.E.
Oh yeah?
I think there's like 50 points and I think I got like 40 about.
P.E. Master.
Did you see what I got for Momma chan?
She doesn't know yet.
So I'm going to take and give it to her, you guys can film for me, ok?
This is the Becca cam. I'm going to record for Daddy.
What's in that?!
Strawberry Mochi things that Momma chan loves.
Shhh! She's in a meeting!
One of the greatest contributions you can make to society is to treat your family well.
So, Happy Valentines Day!
Is this what I think it is? Some strawberry mochi.
And a Raisin Sando for me.
Daddy! It's Valentine's Day! Well it's Valentine's Day! It's for both of us!
No, she's going to give it back to you in a month.
And then just a nice little, cute little bouquet of flowers
Kissy kissy kissy! Yes!
I love it! Thank you.
Those are beautiful. They're so red! Yea, I know!
Are those real flowers? Of course!
Tonight we are going out, we're going to double date with Ben and Debbie as well,
Holidays around here often take on a hodgepodge of traditions from many places.
Alright, we're heading over
Becca and Anna are going to watch the kids tonight
While we adults go out and celebrate. Yes!
Alright, the Dude Razor-Ripsticking for the first time!
Look at you, just going all over the place!
Truly one of the interesting parts of living in Japan is learning Japanese customs along the way.
Some of them even find their way into our homes.
Dude, so — what have we got going on here, man?
We have a special Japanese display which is to celebrate daughters.
And it's very elaborate.
Including a real sword here.
Oh Dude, look at that!
It's amazing!
They're called "Hina Ningyo."
"Hina Ningyo"
Wow- For Hina Matsuri (festival)
Look at how elaborate the fabric is here. Isn't that wild?
So how long is this up?
Until March 3rd. March 3rd is girls day, and then you should not leave it up much longer than March 3rd.
I see. Tradition says you need to take it down like the 4th or the 5th.
Oo curry!
Mmm. Tchau!
Please do not plan to go to Singapore again!
I cannot take it.
You never know what will happen when we go out!
And Miss Nicole could come babysit then! Yes!
Yea baby!
Tchau Tchau
While Valentines Day isn't much more than a day to give chocolates in Japan, we're taking it up a notch.
So I think the last time we double-dated we planned a trip to Singapore.
Is that right? Yes.
Sarah was like "Don't you dare plan a trip to Singapore!"
Let's go! Let's go!
So how do we decide what part of culture, whatever culture it may be, to incorporate into our life?
We filter everything through the Bible, as it gives the original blueprints for society, starting with the home and moving out from there.
Although the church has grown to be really big in a lot of western countries,
the actual context for most of the Bible is Eastern — Middle Eastern to be precise,
and usually fits better into a Japanese context as opposed to a Western one.
Now that's been something I've been so surprised to learn.
I've said it before and I'll say it again — living in another country and culture different from your own is one of the best things you can do to grow as a person.
There it goes!
And tonight we're celebrating just that!
Hope you guys get it back.
It's gone!
Well girlfriend, she booked this place for us, how about this?!
Yes, but Ben selected it. I just threw out a bunch of options.
Yea- the pictures looked great!
But one of the biggest things that changes you as a person is marriage itself, as both Ben and I can attest to.
Since we married sisters here, they both got us into country music, didn't they? Yeah.
They like their country music and well, we had to start liking it too.
Look at this! This looks so amazing!
Dinner has come! Yea!
Ben with the Lamb Shanks, Debbie and I with the beef
And Ruth! Going pasta. With the chicken.
My forever valentine. Awww.
And mine, aww!
Valentine's Day Dinner is done, Yea, what is happening?!
We're in the kids section... Shopping.
You knew it was bound to happen too. That's right,
Between us we've got seven kids, we've gotta be here. Yea.
It's gotta happen.
Happy Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day.
Alright, Ben got his car back, and that's just the way we like it.
That's just the way we like it.
Here we go.
We're headed home, OK? OK.
Are Joshua and Sarah almost asleep?
They're watching Bob Ross now.
They're watching Bob Ross? OK Yea, Bob Ross
The longer we're here, the more we learn about Japanese solutions to common problems.
Take the chill of winter for example.
For generations Japanese people have been warming up under heated tables called Kotatsu
tthat sit just above the ground and envelope you with a warm blanket.
This has become a winter staple in our house
I see you have moved your office.
To the warm confines of the Kotatsu... Yes.
I have.
You will often find the family huddled around the Kotatsu on any given winter day, and it serves as a great gathering point for all things family.
Talk about a fantastic Japanese tradition we have adopted!
Hi. Is it ice cream time here? Watching the iPad and some Dude Perfect?
Oh my goodness, it's like wind city!
What are you doing Momma chan?!
I'm checking my stuff!
My goodness! Everybody back inside!
Back inside! Oh it's so windy right here!
I know! Back inside!
This year we are reaching a very important milestone — we will be applying for permanent residence in Japan.
While this doesn't mean we become Japanese on paper, it is one step closer to making Japan our permanent home,
which is very exciting, even if the taxes are not.
Well I have to see honey, I haven't made this for so long!
I mean, my mom used to make this when I was a kid.
What are you making? Fried bread.
Can I be the first one to eat it? Oh boy!
Sarah chan is like "Let me have at it!"
Momma chan has been busy in the kitchen,
We have brownies, cinnamon rolls,
She's frying up some bread with our curry rice tonight.
I'm stressed.
She's stressed. We just did our taxes and, well, Japan is not very kind when it comes to taxes.
Really? Why?
They charge a high percentage to live here.
So I'm cooking to de-stress.
Sarah likes it. Joshua?
I like it. I like it.
You like it? You tried it?
Whether we can actually become Japanese at some point or not, I don't know.
But I do know that we love Japan, it's people and nature, and if we live here long enough, you never know what may happen.
Gonna have a good day around here.
That's good. Huh guys?
I'm going to have a good day!
And one of our greatest joys in living in Japan is sharing this journey with you with all it's ups and downs.
We are busy again. What is this?
A unicorn... For?
Eliana. Whoa, look at that! It's multicolored!
The ever-popular unicorn cake.
Very cool. She's going to love it!
That's the plan!
Gotta deliver the cake.
The cake is ready. It's raining outside, of course, right? Of course.
Rebecca? Come. Yea?
Ooo- alright.
Cupcakes, cakes, oh yea!
See ya! Bye bye.
Hey! Does Anna have an umbrella? Yea.
I am sure little miss Eliana is going to love her birthday cake,
Whoa look, it looks like we have the birthday girl here, huh?
Happy birthday! Happy birthday.
And look! What a fun table. Everyone's eating their food here. Yea!
Very nice. Let's go see what's happening over here.
Hi guys! How's dinner?
Good. Amazing.
I'm going to take a picture of you ladies.
Let's sing Happy Birthday! Let's sing it.
The world is full of cultures, and every culture has it's strong points and weak points.
But in whatever culture you find yourself, if love is at the center of who you are and what you do, you will find a way to express it to those around you.
And that Love has the power to change the world.
[Singing Happy Birthday]
Get 'em all!