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(male singer) ♪ There's 104 days of summer vacation
and school comes along just to end it
♪ So the annual problem for our generation
♪ Is finding a good way to spend it
♪ Like maybe...
♪ Building a rocket
♪ Or fighting a mummy
♪ Or climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
♪ Discovering something that doesn't exist
♪ Or giving a monkey a shower
♪ Surfing tidal waves, creating nano-bots
♪ Or locating Frankenstein's brain
It's over here!
♪ Finding a dodo bird, painting a continent
♪ Or driving our sister insane
♪ As you can see, there's a whole lot of stuff to do
♪ Before school starts this fall
Come on, Perry!
♪ So stick with us
♪ 'Cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all
♪ So stick with us
♪ 'Cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all ♪
Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence!
(blows nose)
Hey, Candace. When I heard you were sick, I came right over.
Today I am your servant.
Gosh, what a good friend.
I brought a get-well package.
Miso soup. Heats itself, don't ask.
Who Wants To Be a Total Idiot 3.
And you don't have to worry about your brothers -
your mom says they're off playing miniature golf.
(scoffs) How lame is that?
Hey, guys. What gives?
Little Duffers has closed its doors forever.
And I was all set to destroy you on the mini links.
And I was gonna bury you on the fairway.
Metaphorically, right?
Oh, yeah, right.
But how can they close Little Duffers?
I've been coming here since I was little. Littler, anyway.
Sorry, lads,
but Little Duffers is officially out of business.
But this is the only miniature golf course in Danville.
Aye. People just don't respect the game anymore.
They think it's just golf in miniature.
But it's not!
It's miniature golf.
(all) Gosh.
It's a sad thing when a town loses a major sports franchise.
But kids today only go for the stuff
that's all shiny and new and high-tech.
Ah, the Scotsman in me tells me
(♪ bagpipes)
to hold on stubbornly to the bitter end!
But then again, I'm half Irish.
(♪ Irish dance)
That's too bad.
This was the perfect day for miniature golf.
Hey, everyone, I know what we're gonna do today.
Hi, Mom. We'll be out back building a miniature golf course.
That's fine, dear.
After all, it's only golf in miniature.
(cranking sound)
What's that?
Your brothers own a giant crane?
No way!
They are so bu...
bu... bu...
What's this? Dancing weasels?
Oh, "busted." Oh, you want me to bust your brothers.
You know, you really gotta work on your penmanship.
(hoarse voice) Find out what they're up to
and report back to me.
No problemo. I'll handle it.
Ah-ah... achoo!
Awesome plan. We should be finished before lunch.
Listen up, twerps.
Just because Candace is sick doesn't mean you can get away with anything.
I am now her eyes, ears and mouth.
Basically I'm her whole face.
What a good friend.
Yeah, right?
She wrote you this message.
Weasels. I think she means it.
I knew there were weasels! So anyway, what's all this?
We're only making the greatest miniature golf course in the whole world!
Or at least in Danville.
Isn't it kind of big?
Well, you know, it isn't golf in miniature.
It's miniature golf! And it's so unbelievably cool!
With a windmill and a dinosaur, and -
You must not be seduced by the coolness! Focus!
You're right. I can do this if I stay focused.
Focus, focus, focus! Hey, where's Perry?
(male singers) ♪ Dooby, dooby, doo
♪ Dooby, dooby, doo ♪
Just looking over your request for vacation time.
We're ready to approve it, but there's one small problem.
And by "small problem," I mean "big problem."
And by "approve it," I mean "deny it."
Sorry, Agent P.
I know you've been putting in a lot of extra hours,
but we've got word that Dr. Doofenshmirtz
has bought a new house in the suburbs.
Three bedroom, two and a half baths, central air.
Nice place. We need you to find out what he's up to.
Here's his new address.
Good luck, Agent P.
(female singers) ♪ Perry ♪
(singers) ♪ Doofenshmirtz house in the suburbs ♪
OK. Focus, focus, focus.
You can do this, Stacy. Don't get seduced by the coolness.
Wuh-oh. "Elevator to the coolness"?
This is so cool!
OK, Ferb, you're up.
Oh. Hey, Stacy.
What do you think of our miniature golf course?
It's so... I mean, I've come to deliver a message
with an unimpressed demeanor.
Cool. We're on our way to the next hole.
Why don't you come along?
Well, OK, but -
(male singer #2) ♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Di-di-di-di-dee-da Da-da-da-da-da
So, Stacy, what was it you were gonna tell us?
Oh, right, well, Candace is gonna...
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
What kind of hole is this, anyway?
It's the air hockey hole.
Check it out.
Hey, look at us. We're gliding on air.
(bell rings)
Hole in one! I mean, goal! I mean...
We all, like, freaked out! Can you believe it?
No. No, I can't.
Did you, by any chance, tell them I was going to call Mom?
Uh, I was gonna, but the elevator and the slide, and...
Hush! Focus!
We need evidence! Two words:
video phone.
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," by Mark Twain.
Translated into evil. Chapter one.
"Tom Sawyer's dislike of Aunt Polly
was rivaled only by his hatred of puppies."
Oof! Perry the Platypus!
You scared the dunkelschtup out of me!
Don't you know it's rude to bust in
on someone's new home unannounced and...
(gasps) A housewarming gift? Oh, how thoughtful!
How thoughtful. Thank you.
Look, Perry the Platypus, as much as I hate to admit it,
I'm not really up to anything terribly nasty today.
So, you're welcome to chill out here for the day.
It's nice, huh? Huh? What do you think?
If you need, I'll even sign something that says I was up to no good.
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Di-di-di-di-dee-da da-da-da-da-da ♪
(bell dings)
Are you catching this?
Yes! Yes!
This time we've got them,
but you need to get the boys in the picture.
Hee-hee-hee. (coughs)
There you are. We've been looking all over for you.
You gotta play through.
Hold this.
Stacy, what are you doing?
Nice focus.
(Candace, hoarsely) Aahh!
What was that?
Sounds like the crowd's going wild.
That is so cool!
♪ Di-di-di-di-dee- dah-dah-dah-dah
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
♪ Soodyup, diddyup di-di-di-di-dee-da
(bell rings)
♪ Di-di-di-di-dee- dah-dah-dah-dah ♪
(bell rings)
Whoo-hoo! Yes, yes, yes!
No, no, no, no! Aah!
Well, here we are. We've reached the final hole.
You'd better put on your dancing shoes.
(♪ disco)
(female singer) ♪ Steppin' on the greens
♪ In her designer jeans
♪ She's a disco miniature-golfing queen
♪ Wearin' plaid and sequins
♪ She can make the scene
♪ She's a disco miniature-golfing queen
♪ Like a vision from a Disco Golf Magazine
♪ With her putter, she's a hole-in-one machine
♪ She can dance and sing and really shake her thing
♪ She's a disco miniature-golfing queen
♪ She's a disco miniature-golfing queen ♪
Poor Stacy. What was I thinking?
OK, Candace. Looks like it's up to you.
(slippers squeak)
Ahh. This is nice, eh?
But, you know, I don't think suburban life is for me.
I'm thinking of just adding a breakfast nook and flipping the property.
The main problem is my neighbor, Phil.
He is truly diabolical.
His fruit falls into my yard, his dog poops on my lawn,
he leaves his trash cans out too long and...
Oh, I'm at my wit's end!
And the worst, the absolute worst, is his leaf blower.
OK, that's it! Time to end this once and for all!
And no one is stopping me!
Behold, Perry the Platypus!
The ultimate suburban weapon:
the Atomic Leaf Blower-inator!
This will be the last time his stray leaves blow onto my lawn.
Yah! Aahh!
Turn it off! Turn it off!
Good, just like I planned.
Now, I'll blow every leaf onto his property!
At least the golf course can't vanish if they're still in it. Come on, Mom.
Curse you, Phil the neighbor!
Candace, what are you doing out of bed?
Wasn't Stacy taking care of you?
She was seduced by the coolness.
Follow that miniature golf course!
What does that even mean?
Look behind you!
I don't see anything.
You know you should've been setting aside a portion of your profits
over the years with the understanding that
that money would be used to upgrade your investment.
What did you think? A shiny, new miniature golf course
would just fall out of the sky?
You'd be surprised what falls out of the sky in Danville.
Oh, isn't that great?
They remodeled Little Duffers.
I still don't know how we ended up at Little Duffers.
I don't know why we didn't build it here in the first place.
Oh, there you are, Perry.
Candace! Did you hear? I won!
I actually won in miniature golf!
It just goes to show you that if you focus,
you can accomplish anything.
Sorry, I forgot to bust your brothers.
It's OK. I'm sorry I got you sick.
You know what we're going to do today, Torbo?
It's time to test the teleport!
Now I can teleport myself anywhere in the world!
Wouldn't you have to take one of those teleport things there first?
Oh, but then you'd already be there.
It kinda renders the whole thing redundant, doesn't it?
Do you want me to remove your tongue again, Torbo?
I know what we can do today, Ferb.
(chuckles) No, not the tongue thing. The teleporter.
Hey, boys.
Hey, Mom.
Ferb and I are gonna build a teleport device.
Oh, great. I wish you could teleport to where my earrings are.
I've lost them.
The dangly smoky topaz or the hoops?
Oh, she must be wearing the blue dress.
We'll keep an eye out for 'em.
Come on, Ferb. We're burnin' daylight.
Teleports completed!
Hey, where's Perry?
(Perry snoring)
Ew! You're not supposed to be here.
I told Phineas and Ferb to keep you outta my room.
I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind.
Do you know where Phineas and Ferb are?
They're in the garage, honey.
Oh, by the way, Jeremy's gonna be here soon.
Please try not to embarrass me in front of him again.
What do you mean, again?
Remember my fifth-grade graduation with the inflatable -
Oh, that's right. My bad.
This is a glorious day for mankind.
Ready with the camera so we can document it?
How many times have I told you to keep Perry out of my room!
What are those?
Pretty cool, huh?
You guys are so bus -
Cool. It worked.
Candace? Are you OK?
Wait a second. How you guys get so big?
(gasps) And why is my hand green?
Aahh! I'm an ugly, smelly platypus!
I'm a platypus! I'm a platypus!
I'm a platypus!
You and Perry going through the teleport at the same time
must have switched your brains.
Oh, you think?
You guys better change me back now or I'll...
Jeremy's gonna be here soon!
Not a problem, sis.
We'll just put you both through the teleporter again.
Hey, where's Perry? Uh, I-I mean Candace.
I mean Perry in Candace's body.
♪ Dooby-dooby doo Ba dooby-dooby doo
♪ Ba dooby-dooby doo ♪
I wonder where he scampered off to.
Any ideas, Ferb?
Whatcha doin'?
Hey, Isabella. We built a teleportation device
and accidentally switched Candace and Perry's brains.
Really? That's so cool!
You wouldn't think it was so cool if you smelled like this.
We're looking for Perry so we can switch them back to normal.
Wanna help?
You betcha.
How many times have I told you,
lift the seat when you're done.
Oh, there you...
Karl, I think we have a breach of security.
What do you mean, sir?
There's a teenage girl in here.
A teenage girl?
Agent P, brilliant disguise!
Man! I thought it was a real girl.
Now for your mission.
Slushy the Clown statues have disappeared
all over the tristate area.
Without that clown, there's just nothing fun about lunch anymore.
(man) Hmm?
Karl and I have lunch at Mr. Slushy Burger every day.
♪ Pickles so green and meat so brown
♪ Lunchtime's fun with Slushy the Clown ♪
We really miss that clown. (sniffles)
So, ahem, drop whatever you're doing
and find out what happened to those statues
by lunchtime.
Hey, Candace! Awesome scooter!
Hey, wanna come to Slushy Burger with my mom and me?
Was that a yes or a no?
I don't know, but I like the hat.
Yeah, it's a good look for her.
Come on, guys! Are you almost done?
Jeremy's gonna be here soon.
Ferb's printing up the last one now. Looks great, Ferb.
"Lost platypus. Looks like a girl"?
Why did you use that picture?
I don't want anyone to see me like that.
That's the only picture we had.
Good job, Isabella!
Glad I could help!
(Candace screams)
Now everyone will see that horrible picture!
OK, Candace, just stay here while we post these around town.
We'll find Perry in no time.
(singers) ♪ Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated ♪
♪ Pickles so green and meat so brown
♪ Lunchtime's fun... ♪
Not anymore!
A teenage girl?
Perry the teenage girl?
Sorry about the tight fit, but, you know,
if I knew you were going to disguise yourself as a teenage girl,
I would've set a bigger trap.
I suppose you're wondering why I have all these clowns, right?
Well, you see, I've had that Slushy Burger jingle
stuck in my head for, like, a week.
♪ Pickles so green and meat so brown
♪ Lunchtime's fun with Slushy the Clown ♪
Oh, I hate that song so much, I've stolen all the clowns,
and I'm going to rip their tape boxes out.
You know, like you do.
And I'm going to replace it with my own evil jingle.
I just have to finish writing it.
I'm having a hard time finding a good rhyme for "evil," though, you know.
Believe me, I've tried. Keevil, deevil, feevil...
You know, none of these are words.
You guys lost a platypus?
Officer 3323.
Tell Charlie we have a 1091P.
Yeah, it's a platypus. Looks like a girl. MIA.
Don't worry, boys.
After a nice lunch at Mr. Slushy Burger,
the tristate area's finest will be on the job.
By the way, our mom's also missing her earrings.
Which ones? The dangly topaz or the hoops?
The hoops.
Oh, that's a shame.
We'll get right on it.
Mom, you won't believe what Phineas and Ferb did!
What did they do this time?
All you have to do is look at me!
If that's Jeremy, tell him... I'm getting ready.
I don't want him to see me like this.
OK, Candace, now what's so important?
Hi, Jeremy.
Hey, Mrs. Flynn.
Is Candace here?
Oh, she's still getting ready.
You know girls. Have a seat.
While you wait, I'll make you a snack.
Oh, hey, Perry. Come up here.
How's my favorite little platypus today?
Ohh, hee-hee-hee-hee.
I mean... (chatters)
"Lost platypus. Looks like a girl."
You know, that's insulting to the platypus.
How are we supposed to tell if it's a girl?
Why don't you watch some TV while you wait?
Oh, hey. I've got some great baby movies of Candace.
(baby cooing)
There she is in the bathtub.
(bubbles gurgle)
Oops! Little bubbles.
(Candace) Mom! Remember what we talked about?
My fifth-grade graduation?
Fifth-grade graduation? What is she talking about?
(Candace) Ugh!
Just turn off the home movies!
Meevil, steevil, cleavil...
As soon as I get this done, lunchtime will never again be fun.
Oh, great! There's a rhyme!
There's a rhyme, but, sure, everything rhymes with "fun."
Ha! You don't have a tail anymore.
Now you are no match for me!
But wait a minute. I-I-I can't hit a girl.
Oof! Did you have that purse when you came in?
Well, I'm out of here.
What just happened?
You're such a nice boy, Jeremy.
I can see why Candace built a shrine to you in her room.
(giggles) Oopsy.
I probably shouldn't have said that.
Thanks for feeding Perry while I look for my earrings.
Sure, no problem.
What's in the platypus food anyway?
Mostly worms and insect larvae.
Oh, Perry! Now I have to get the carpet cleaned again.
Hey, maybe I lost my earrings when I was folding Candace's laundry.
Why don't you help me look while you wait, Jeremy?
Am I sweating milk?
Being a platypus is so gross!
Wait, wait! I can't-I can't fight when you're dressed as a girl.
It's so... como se dice... awkward.
Look! Shoes on sale!
Curse you, Perry the teenager!
(singers) ♪ Agent P ♪
Hey! The girl missing her platypus found Slushy the Clown.
This is horrible!
Mom is inside, ruining my love life!
Oh, there you are, Perry.
Great. Change me back now!
So this is how you went through the first time, right?
You were holding Perry?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Hurry!
Oh! He's a lot heavier now.
I wonder if it worked.
You guys are so busted!
I'm telling Mom.
You might consider bathing first.
I gotta get out of this!
Oh, my old Shrinkinator.
I suppose I should've unplugged it
before I turned it into a planter.
Come on, Mom, hurry up! You're busted.
See, see? It's right there!
Oh, my goodness.
Did you make these?
Uh... yeah.
(gasps) These are so much nicer than the ones I lost.
(fly buzzes)
Thanks, boys.
Close your mouth, honey. You'll catch flies.
(female singer) ♪ She's a semi-neurotic
♪ Teenage girl of action
♪ Dooby-dooby doo Ba dooby-dooby doo
♪ She's a foxy little redhead with a platypus' brain
♪ You best leave her alone
♪ She's playing MP3s on her Palm
♪ And whenever she's around
♪ You can hear the bad guys say
Great. Now I have this song stuck in my head.
♪ She's Perry
♪ Perry the teenage girl ♪