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  • Impossible burgers have been criticized for containing heme iron.

  • What does that mean for consumers' health?

  • Check out the video.

  • "Heme Iron in Impossible Burgers and Cancer Risk"

  • In an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association,

  • the chair of nutrition at Harvard pointed out that many

  • plant-based meat alternatives, such as Beyond Meat and

  • the Impossible Burger, can be high in sodium.

  • But an issue specific to the Impossible Burger was the heme they add, derived

  • from soybean plants to enhance the product's meaty flavor and appearance.

  • Safety analyses have failed to find any toxicity risk specific to the soy heme

  • they have yeast churn out. The FDA has agreed both

  • for use as a flavor and color enhancer: safe.

  • In other words, just as safe as the heme found in blood and muscle in meat.

  • But how much is that really saying?

  • The concern raised in the op-ed, for example, was that higher intake of heme

  • has been associated with an elevated risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  • But not just diabetes, killer #7 in the United States, higher dietary

  • intake of heme iron is associated

  • with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease as well,

  • killers #1, 4 and 13: heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

  • But since heme is found mostly in meat,

  • heme intake may just be a marker for meat intake.

  • It's like with diabetes: three meta-analyses published to date,

  • and they all reported the same link.

  • But there's lots of reasons why meat may increase diabetes risk,

  • like advanced glycation end products, produced when animal products

  • are baked, broiled, grilled, fried, or barbequed.

  • So how do we know that the heme isn't just some innocent bystander?

  • The same issue arises about the link between heme intake

  • and increased breast cancer risk.

  • Since heme iron is coming from animal foods, it could be any

  • of the other meat components, like animal fat or meat mutagens,

  • compounds in meat that can cause DNA mutations.

  • And hey, what about all the hormonal steroids implanted into cattle

  • that may play a role in the development of breast cancer?

  • A study in Japan found that beef imported from the United States

  • contained up to 600 times the levels of estrogens like estradiol.

  • US beef. Japanese beef.

  • And higher consumption of estrogen-rich beef due to hormone implantation

  • may facilitate estrogen accumulation in the human body

  • and thus affecting women's risk for breast cancer.

  • So yeah, heme iron intake was associated with breast cancer risk,

  • but maybe that's just because the heme and the hormones are traveling together

  • in the same package: meat.

  • This is about as good as any observational study can do.

  • The NIH-AARP study is the largest prospective study on diet and health

  • ever, following more than a half million men and women for over a decade now.

  • With such a huge dataset they could take advantage of the fact that

  • different meats have different amounts of heme, so they could try to tease out

  • the heme components by, in effect, comparing people eating different

  • amounts of heme, but the same amount of meat

  • to see if heme is independently associated with disease.

  • And indeed, that's what they showed: an independent association not only

  • from nitrites in processed meat, but heme and mortality from almost all causes:

  • death from diabetes, heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease,

  • kidney disease, liver disease, cancer, and all causes put together.

  • They calculated that about one-fifth of the association between

  • like eating burgers and the shortening of your lifespan

  • could be statistically accounted for by just the heme itself,

  • but that's assuming cause-and-effect.

  • Even an independent association is still an association. You can't

  • prove cause and effect until you put it to the test in interventional studies.

  • Normally, we don't necessarily care about the mechanism.

  • When the World Health Organization designated bacon, ham, hot dogs,

  • luncheon meat, sausage to be Group 1 carcinogens,

  • meaning we know these products cause cancer in human beings,

  • who cares if it's the heme iron, or the heterocyclic aromatic amines,

  • or the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or the N-nitrosamines.

  • They're all wrapped up in the same place, processed meat,

  • which we know causes cancer.

  • So we should just try to stay away from it, regardless of the mechanism.

  • But with the advent of the Impossible Burger, we really do have to know,

  • because for the first time we have lots of heme without any actual meat.

  • So we need to know if the heme itself is harmful.

  • For that, we'll have to turn to interventional studies,

  • which we'll cover next.

  • In muscle meat there's a heme protein that contributes

  • to the meaty taste of meat.

  • Well, there's a heme protein in the roots of soybean plants too

  • that can be churned out to provide a similar flavor and aroma

  • in plant-based meat, which is used to make

  • the Impossible Burger possible.

  • The question is: are there any downsides?

  • When the European Food Safety Authority was considering

  • the safety of adding heme iron to foods, their main concern

  • was a potential increased risk of colon cancer.

  • We know meat causes cancer.

  • Processed meatbacon, ham, hot dogs, lunch meat, and sausage

  • is considered a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning we know

  • it causes cancer in people, with the same level of certainty

  • that something like smoking causes cancer.

  • Whereas something like a burger, just probably

  • causes cancer in people, kind of like DDT.

  • But what's the role of heme iron?

  • I mean, there are all sorts of potential mechanisms

  • to explain the cancer risk.

  • Meat's got the pro-inflammatory long-chain omega-6

  • arachidonic acid, more of the aging- and cancer-associated

  • methionine, trans fat, endogenous hormones like IGF-1,

  • not to mention the ones that are implanted in animals

  • as hormonal growth-promoters.

  • Then there are all the toxic pollutants that build up

  • the food chain, like pesticides

  • I didn't even know about the formaldehyde.

  • According to the prestigious IARC,

  • the International Agency for Research on Cancer,

  • there is strong evidence that heterocyclic aromatic amines

  • contribute to the cancer-causing mechanism.

  • These DNA-damaging compounds are formed when muscle tissue

  • is exposed to high, dry heatgrilling, roasting, baking, broiling_

  • basically anything above steaming or stewing.

  • There is also strong evidence that the formation of so-called

  • N-nitroso compounds contribute to the cancer-causing mechanism.

  • These are carcinogens that can form inside our gut

  • when we eat the meat. But there is also strong evidence,

  • according to the IARC, that heme iron contributes

  • to the cancer-causing mechanism.

  • Normally, I might leave it there, but other authoritative bodies

  • I respect, like the American Institute for Cancer Research

  • and the World Cancer Research Fund, are more tentative.

  • While they agree there is some evidence that the consumption

  • of foods containing heme iron might increase the risk

  • of colorectal cancer, they consider the evidence

  • suggesting such a connection to be limited.

  • Much of the available evidence is based on lab animal data

  • such as this: in which dietary heme was found

  • to disrupt the gut flora, aggravate inflammation,

  • and potentiate the development of intestinal tumors in mice.

  • But it's critical to note that in all the laboratory

  • animal models that have been used,

  • the rodents ingested meat or heme equivalent

  • to people eating up to 40,000 pounds of meat a day.

  • Even the smallest dose would be like

  • a dozen Impossible Burgers a day.

  • It's easy to see how casual readers could get confused, though.

  • In this study, ascribing a central role for heme iron

  • in the colon cancer development associated with meat,

  • the authors claimed they were aimed at determining

  • at nutritional doses, which was the main factor involved

  • in cancer promotion. So, doses of heme were chosen

  • to mimic red meat consumption andBoom!

  • Significant increase in tumor load.

  • The researchers conclude that their findings

  • stronglysuggest that at concentrations that are in line

  • with human meat consumption, heme iron is associated

  • with the promotion of colon [cancer development].”

  • But if you look at the actual diet they were given

  • and do the math, that's 500 times the level of heme

  • found in people's diets, in excess of

  • like 70 pounds of meat a day.

  • Of course, even if they really did use the right doses

  • they're still going to end up with data on the wrong species,

  • which brings us to clinical studies which we'll explore next.

Impossible burgers have been criticized for containing heme iron.

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Friday Favorites: Heme Iron in Impossible Burgers and Cancer Risk

  • 54 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2024/05/04
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