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  • Okay let's try that again. My camera is freaking out but  

  • welcome to the new apartment. Sorry it's echoeyOur land lady let us move in like a day and a half  

  • early so I'm currently bringing over, if you watched  my last video, I'm bringing over some kind of  

  • precious breakable things that I would rather just  do myself than have the moving company do it. So  

  • I'm going to, just today I want to do like a little  cleaning. Honestly the house is really clean. I  

  • might want to do like a brief scrub of the floors  but really it's super clean. The main thing that's  

  • dirty are the windows which - on the outsideso I have some cleaning supplies coming tomorrow,  

  • they're going to be delivered so I might not do  it within this video but that's my main concern  

  • is just on the west facing windows, they're quite  dusty and that's quite visible when the sun is  

  • setting. So let me give you a quick tour. Do you  want that? That would be lovely. It's empty, come  

  • along. I apologize if this doesn't record for the  second time. Welcome to the video by the way, hey!  

  • I'm going to do this just on my cell phone, this  is with the wide angle lens but I think you can  

  • get the idea. So we have three times more storage  in this place than we do in our other place so  

  • here - I mean we do not have that many shoes, so this  can be storage for so many other things. I'm very  

  • excited about that. You come in to the home  and there's this little alcove. We're probably  

  • going to put some kind of shelf or drawers  or something and then a mirror here cuz I like  

  • to have a little place where I can do like a last  minute check of like "am I okay to go out into the  

  • world?" right there. This interesting little  room is actually our laundry room - so we have  

  • our laundry, we could potentially buy a dryer but  we're actually just going to use this as storage  

  • so like our suitcases can go here. There's a ton of  storage back here for anything. So that's going  

  • to be like our cleaning supplies, etc, stuff that's  currently like shoved in the kitchen which isn't  

  • maybe the best place for it. So because the laundry  is there, it means we have a lot more storage in  

  • the kitchen so let me set you up here. So yeah we  have a ton more storage, storage, storage all of  

  • these open up. This, I don't know if you can see, is  like a pullout side one for like our spices which  

  • Kurt's very excited about. And then we have  a brand new fridge, literally last night Kurt had  

  • to take off all of the little pieces of cardboard  and plastic and stuff so brand new fridge, brand  

  • new freezer. What else? We have like finally this  area for our appliances - no more stuffing our  

  • air fryer and rice cooker underneath the weird table in our current kitchen. We've got three burners,

  • we've got significantly more counter space. Our current place probably has like this much  

  • counter space if that actually, maybe like half of  this but we have this whole thing - so we have this  

  • which was built in and then our land lady  actually built this, she got the matching  

  • countertop. So this is movable but we're probably  just going to use it as either more counter space  

  • or she recommended we buy my two little chairs  and have a little eating space so there's that.  

  • And then right here we have the bathroom. I'll just  turn this one on. I mean nothing really to  

  • see here. Got a nice little - it's got a door so that  would be fun so the whole room won't necessarily  

  • get wet even though it can, so hooray for that. This  is all storage maybe yeah, all of that and I think  

  • this side as well yeah, this side as well but I'm  not going to not one-handed. Okay so then that we  

  • come into the living room. So there's room over  there as well. I can't really get it all in one  

  • shot guys! oh my God! So this is the living roomWe're probably going to put our couch here which

  • we measured it and this is where I thought likelet me turn the light off hold on, this is where I  

  • was having my panic attacks of after we signed the  contract and I was like "maybe I misremembered and  

  • the house is actually super small" - I kept thinking  that this particular room was getting smaller and  

  • smaller in my head but actually we measured it  and our sofa is only going to go to about here  

  • so we have a whole huge space here which I don't  know what we're going to do with it, but like from  

  • here forward nothing is going to be here. So we  could potentially put a table or just have a nice  

  • space or maybe add another chair, I'm not sure and then obviously our TV and stuff will go here.

  • Here's another angle from the window and then yeah so as you can see, windows need to be cleaned.

  • Now let's go down our hallway that's kind of big - like this doorway is actually quite large so we  

  • have have enough space to put like a small like  not huge but like a small bookshelf or something  

  • maybe for artwork and stuff here. So this is  a room that's going to be our office and it has  

  • these doors actually which I'm like indifferent about. If this were like for the bedroom I would  

  • be no, but for just the kind of office feeling  - oh let me get you boink sorry - just for like the  

  • office feeling this is fine. And it closes  quite nicely so, and that one too. But yeah this  

  • is going to be the office I don't know how much  you can see but so the desk will probably go here  

  • cuz the light comes in quite strong on this wall  in the evening so like if I'm trying to edit it's  

  • going to be quite bright. So the desk is going  to come to about here then we have all of this  

  • nice room, so we're probably going to put maybe  like a shelf or something small here - try to keep  

  • bit non busy. We don't have a lot of stuff  and we'd like to keep it that way so that's the  

  • office. And then moving on to bedroom so we're  actually having difficulties figuring out what  

  • we want to do with it, so I here let me put you down. My vision, sorry for the echoes, my vision

  • was always that the bed would go here, right, heads  here sleep this way but Kurt is thinking maybe we  

  • should put the bed here - can you see me? - here and then so it goes to whatever here-ish and then  

  • we could use this area to put like a shelf or  something rather than the opposite I don't know...

  • I just not sure, I'm not sure. I understand both  

  • but anyway so that's our dilemma but the  only thing we need to put in here anyway  

  • is the bed so really like we could  move it ourselves afterwards but  

  • yeah I don't know. I think I feel like just  like energy-wise putting it here makes the  

  • most sense but for if we wanted to put like  anything else...I don't know I don't know. Let  

  • me know your thoughts. We can always change  it. And then yeah we have pretty much identical

  • closets um to the last place. I think I already  threw a shirt in here, yeah, cuz I was wrapping  

  • things. The only thing is I think the  drawers are like an inch shallower but  

  • other than that same kind of storage situation  as our current place and then this is just the  

  • boiler room - potential to put, she like  did something there to make sure that the  

  • smell was dealt with cuz sometimes this  can get a little like musty but yeah we  

  • could put like if we wanted to like a little  container thing again of like maybe cleaning  

  • supplies, whatever. So yeah we have south facing windows, cute little south facing windows and  

  • then to the west. Tthe artwork is just  here for saving space but yeah this is it!  

  • Welcome to our new home. I'm so, I'm just  I'm so excited. Yeah we're just  

  • so so so happy and it's so quiet - the walls are  like thick and also our neighbor, the only walls  

  • that we're going to share with our neighbor is  that wall and then potentially like the shower  

  • wall I guess but other than that we are all by  ourselves. We're around the corner.

  • So unfortunately  I'm having weird camera malfunctions - it's my memory card, not my camera. I'm having

  • memory card issues so I only have my phone but I'm  just going to be cleaning my, what's it called,  

  • my window screens, so you're not really missing  out. I might actually just focus on cleaning  

  • today since I gave you a tour today. I might  just focus on doing some like ugly cleaning that  

  • you don't need to witness and I'll just see you  on moving day okay? But if you were just here for  

  • the tour, there's the tour! Welcome home and see you tomorrow! Okay

  • Hi just checking in with proof that...

  • With proof that we have made some progress. Spoiler the move goes well. I just wanted  

  • to give a shout out to the sponsor of this  video which is surf shark VPN. So I've talked  

  • about them before, you know I love them. A VPN is  a virtual private network and surfshark vpn allows you  

  • to do things like safely use public Wi-Fi so  it kind of encrypts and protects your data so  

  • if anyone tries to hack you via sketchy public  Wi-Fi, you're safe. It helps you change your IP  

  • address in case you need to access websites  that need you to be in a certain country. I  

  • was just in the US last month - now that we're  moving I had to change my address and things  

  • like that on my registration and blah blah  blah, very helpful to be able to change  

  • that as well as changing libraries, for example  Netflix. We've been so tired from the move that  

  • we've just been every night since binging House  randomly. I don't know why that was the show of  

  • choice that we're watching but yeah we're  like done with season 1. We're watching like  

  • four episodes a night. So Surf Shark VPN can help  you with that. It's just a great service that I  

  • highly recommend and I've been using for years  so thank you so much again to Surf shark There  

  • will be info in the description box but you  can use my code caricakes to get a discount  

  • and then a three months free bonus  as well so definitely check them out. There's  

  • a 30-day money back garantee so you can try it, if  you don't like it it's fine. So yeah just thank you  

  • so much to Surf shark and off we go into  the chaos of moving day, I'll see you there!

  • It's happening. My elevator also has  actual elevator music, so sorry about that.  

  • I'm moving a couple things by myself. There's a lilac bush outside of the apartment building so  

  • every time I walk into my apartment it smells  like lilacs. Here we go it's 7am!

  • I came first just to get out of everyone's way  because four people in that apartment at the  

  • same time while they're They were also so fast I didn't even see the other guy  

  • come in and like he built boxes and was just  like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom taking  

  • out all of our shoes. He finished our shoe  stuff before I even realized he was in my  

  • home and I'm a pretty observant person so it  should be done pretty quickly, who knows. I don't  

  • know how much we sped the process up by packing  ourselves but I just brought, again like another  

  • round of things that we just want so now I'm  just going to kind of open up the house. It's  

  • supposed to be the hottest day of the year  so far ironically the day that we're moving  

  • it's going to be 29. They required us to  keep our shoes on just in case as we're moving  

  • so that's why, we're going to clean the floorsTime to open up a house!

  • 8 hours since they came to our  house, 4 hours since they dropped all  

  • of our stuff. Bathroom done, bedroom as  done as possible, kitchen working on.

  • Hello and welcome. So we've officially moved in. It is now 8am on a Monday so it's been  

  • two full days. We kicked butt on Saturday. One thing I will say - so about the moving process in the US  

  • typically as far as I know, movers are movers - they  simply move your boxes for you but here you can,

  • there's different tiers like you can buy different  services but a very common service is to have them  

  • literally pack up your whole house for you so we  technically paid for that but like you saw in the  

  • previous video, we packed quite a bit of like our  own personal things and that ended up being a good  

  • call just because I came here early just to kind of clean and get out of the way and Kurt kept  

  • messaging me like oh my God - they were really  careful like we liked the movers, we're  

  • really thankful for them but like they were  really careful with things that you should  

  • obviously be careful with like in the kitchen they  wrapped things in bubble wrap and blah blah blah  

  • but for like my bookshelf where I also had little  knickknacks that were breakable they were kind of  

  • just that's one thing to think of  if you're moving here is like they'll take care  

  • of the things that are obviously breakable but if  you have things in other places maybe like they  

  • just they don't have time to analyze what they're  packing. One thing that I'm glad that we did  

  • is because they pack everything for you using  their own bins, I don't know if we were supposed  

  • to do this but like it just felt natural for us to  unpack our stuff for them so when they brought  

  • in the bins we immediately jumped in and were like  packing like unpacking unpacking unpacking so that  

  • then they could take their bins away. But for the  stuff that we had packed ourselves we had no time  

  • limit, like we were basically like just put them, put our little boxes over there we'll deal with  

  • them once you leave. And so they ended up being  here for like - we were done like they arrived at  

  • 8:00 a.m. at our house, started packing, drove to  our new place, put all of our furniture together  

  • unpacked and were gone within 3 hours which  is pretty amazing. And then we could just slowly  

  • without stress put away our stuff in the boxesLike when I had to pack the kitchen, I literally  

  • was just throwing things everywhere becausejust needed to get them out of their box you  

  • know? So then I had to like redo the kitchen  later which understandable it's fine but  

  • yeah it was hectic but nice and easy and we're  pretty much done. The stuff that's like still out  

  • and a mess is, just we need to figure out where  we want to put them. And then we do want to buy  

  • a couple things like I need maybe one drawer. We  also, I'll show you later, but like just our  

  • closet the - well I'll show you now. So here is the  bedroom situation right now, all of this stuff

  • needs to find a home. The only issue is - sorry the  window's open if it's noisy - the only issue which  

  • isn't really an issue, it's very easily solvableplease don't judge the mess, instead of having  

  • like a bar this way, they have a bar this way so  you can pull it out which is nice but it's like  

  • significantly less space. I don't know maybe I'll  figure out how to work with it but just for right  

  • now the layout's a little strange so I want to...  we need to get like little things like that.  

  • Really easy at Daiso. So that's what we're dealing  with but why I have gathered you here today - we're  

  • going to clean some windows. The windows are  dirty. I bought this little contraption to clean  

  • them, especially the screen and the window that  opens inside, like the one part of the window  

  • we can open definitely needs to be cleaned. I  would absolutely love for the rest of them  

  • to be clean. I believe I can reach it all. Is it  going to rain next week? Yes. Am I still going to  

  • clean the windows? Yes. So here we go, good morningThis is my task of the day, I'm very  

  • excited. Kurt wanted to do it and I was like no  I want to. I think it's going to be really fun so

  • This looks so good! Okay I'm thrilled, I'm  so thrilled, smashing success. However I  

  • definitely think we're going to haveproblem reaching - it's just like awkward  

  • so one of these windows is stunning super  clean, I'm a little nervous about trying  

  • to clean the other ones but we're going to seeBut yay I'm so happy about one of them.  

  • Take five, take five. Mom don't watch.

  • And I think I will be ending the video hereWe have officially settled in, things are  

  • starting to look a little bit more put togetherput away which is exciting. We've had the  

  • most beautiful weather and clear skies so we can see - we're surrounded by mountains,  

  • we've just been able to have all the windows  open. We get such an incredible breeze through  

  • our entire house. We're just very happy sowill keep you updated on how things are going.

  • You will be seeing this house for the foreseeable  future but thank you for joining me and thank  

  • you again to Surf shark for sponsoring thisinfo in the description box but you can use  

  • my code caricakes to get a discount plus an  extra 3 months off, 3 months free of the service.  

  • Highly recommend. Let me show you, just sodon't leave you with seeing my house completely  

  • insane. Let me just prove to you that the living room is not the chaos it was when I showed it to  

  • you, hold on. Okay so this is - we're still figuring  out like where we want to put certain things like  

  • this is our little chaos corner, but  it looks okay right? It's not yeah...  

  • So anyway I will see you guys next timethanks as always and see you then!

Okay let's try that again. My camera is freaking out but  

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moving in seoul ? new apartment tour, renting in korea, setting up our house vlog

  • 23 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2024/05/05
Video vocabulary