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  • A sudden announcement from China's Ministry of Commerce has Taiwan on edge.

  • The ministry says it's received complaints from chemical firms about foreign dumping in the Chinese market, specifically a tough polymer called polyformaldehyde copolymer.

  • It's strong enough to replace metal in some machinery.

  • And Taiwanese makers of the substance, alongside those from the US, EU and Japan, will be subject to a Chinese trade probe.

  • The probe will look at whether foreign firms dumped in the Chinese market between 2021 and 2024.

  • It will take at least a year, and it's unclear what sanctions foreign firms could face in the end.

  • But for Taiwan firms at least, the stakes are high.

  • During that period, they sold over two million US dollars of the material to China, amounting to 60 percent of their exports.

  • While Taiwanese firms aren't the only target, some in Taiwan find their inclusion suspicious.

  • China claims Taiwan as part of its territory, and has sanctioned a range of Taiwanese products in recent years, including fruit and seafood.

  • It's something Taiwan sees as an attempt to pull it closer into Beijing's orbit.

  • Some see a repeat of this tactic just as Taiwan inaugurates its next president.

  • Taiwanese makers have 20 days to respond to China's announcement, and Taiwan's economy ministry says it will help them to do so, and find alternate markets.

  • Still, researchers say Taiwanese firms face a tough road ahead.

  • Whatever Beijing's motives and intentions, the probe is a sign that cross-strait trade friction will continue, even as Taiwan welcomes a new president.

  • Luffy Lee and John Van Triest for Taiwan Plus.

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A sudden announcement from China's Ministry of Commerce has Taiwan on edge.

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