So, no, I wasresearching a film, andwehadtogoinandbasicallyseewhattheinsideof a prisonlookedlikeandspeakwithprisonerswhowerewillingtotalktous.
And I walkedin, and I rememberthinking...
And I had a ponytail, longblondehair, and I had a haton.
I thinkLilyknowswherethisisgoing.
So I spentthenight.
Andthewardensaid, youcan't wearyourhatandsoon, and I said, OK, noworries, and I thought, oh, shit, they'regoingtoknowwho I am.
Then I thought, oh, no, theydon't getThorinhere, theywatchmovies, and I don't know, I'veneverbeentoprison.
So I assumethat.
Andthemoment I startedwalkingthroughthecells, andit's like H blockofthisthing, andit's alljustkindof, youknow, celluponcellandsoon, and I juststartgettingheckled.
Andit's like, yo, yo, Thor's here, man.
Yo, Thor, yo, Thor's here, Thor!
Where's yourhammer, man?
And I'm tryingto, like, blendinand, youknow, research.
When I wassix, but I onlylearntEnglishwhen I waseight, because I wasconvincedthatif I didn't speakthelanguage, myparentswouldhavetotakemehome, andthatfailedmiserably.
We'd had a coupleofdrinksthatnightwhenwediscoveredthatsnakeinthebedroom, and...
I loveAustralians. I loveAustralians.
Wehad a fewdrinkswhenwefoundthesnakeinthebedroom.
Itwas a FridayorSaturdaynight, andwe'reallstandingtheregoing, whatisit?
Andsomeone's like, it's a brownsnake, itcankillyou, youknow, veryquickly.
Someone's like, no, it's a treepython, it's somethingelse, it's this.
And I justlaunchedinto, like, actionmode, grabbeditbythetail, pickeditup, andeveryonestartsfreakingout, anditstartstokindofcoilitselfbackuptowardme, whichisgettingreadytostrike.
And I rememberthinking, whatthehellam I doing?
So I justkindofthrewthesnakebackintothebedroom...
LAUGHTER ..andshutthedoor.
Andwedon't gointhatbedroomanymore.
I don't thinkwe'regoingtoupsetyou, Anya, butyouhave a phobia.
Yes. But I thinkyoursis a legitimatefear.
Thankyouverymuch, yeah.
I amreallyscaredofrevolvingdoors.
Oh, yeah, I getthat.
I'm terrifiedofbeingcutinhalforbeingstuckinone.
Andtobefair, myfirsteversceneonPeakyBlinders,
I wassupposedto... Itwas a one-er.
And I wassupposedtoruninthroughrevolvingdoors, grabsomeone, takethemthroughtherevolvingdoors.