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  • I love this freaking series, alright? There’s the disclaimer. In fact, you should watch

  • our review of the Wii U version to see just how much I love this freaking series. I even

  • did a musical number. But here’s the thing...I’m also honest. And it’s hugely disappointing

  • to see Epic Mickey 2 not address the problems that held back the original.

  • Like its predecessor, it’s stunning in concept, flawed in execution.

  • But of course, there’s a difference this time around. Unlike the original, there are

  • two versions of Epic Mickey 2. You have the HD version, which weve reviewed...and you

  • also have the Wii version. Now, theyre obviously the same core game, but there are

  • two important things to note about this version...a pair of observations that seem to echo from

  • a distant past, a time the ancients referred to as “2009.”

  • It’s not as pretty on Wii, but holy crap, does it play better!

  • Let’s be honest. The Wii version is probably the last version of this game you were thinking

  • about buying, right? After all, one of the highlights of the prior game was its fantastic

  • art. So obviously, you want the sequel in HD. But therein lies the decision. Which is

  • more important to you? The sharp look of high definition, or the superior control of that

  • magical little remote?

  • Of course, it’s on the developers that you can’t have both. It’s inexcusable that

  • the Wii U version doesn’t support the Wii Remote, because playing Epic Mickey 2 on the

  • Wii, youre reminded that...the entire basis for these games was the Wii Remote, and high

  • definition be damned, that’s where theyre still at their best.

  • In case you missed our review of the HD version, the story picks up soon after the events of

  • the original. Mickey Mouse has just saved Wasteland, this Tim Burton-like world of forgotten

  • Disney characters, but his new friends are once again in trouble. Mickey returns with

  • paintbrush in hand to a familiar world and a new threat.

  • As with the original, that paintbrush steals the show in Epic Mickey 2. At least, that’s

  • the case with this version. In the HD gamesWii U includedyou control the brush with analog

  • sticks. But going back to the Wii Remote’s’s almost magical, to keep with

  • the game’s themes. Painting and thinning is faster and better on Wii.

  • Of course, the drawback is that...the Wii version just can’t match what the others

  • offer visually. This is a very good-looking Wii game, but it’s still a far cry from

  • the sharp look you get on the HD consoles. And again, that’s what makes this game feel

  • like such a throwback to the last generation. That argument of gameplay versus graphics.

  • It’s being totally re-litigated with Epic Mickey 2.

  • Epic Mickey 2 is the rarest kind of game. Its art is inspirational. Its sheer character

  • appeal is on a level few if any could even fathom. And its brilliance is in how it places

  • the familiarthese icons that have shaped our culture for nearly a centuryinto the

  • unfamiliar...cold, mechanical places that contrast everything we know about them.

  • This game is conceptually brilliant.

  • But that doesn’t save bad cameras, AI, physics...if you allow yourself to enjoy the experience

  • and see beyond the flaws, Epic Mickey 2 is magical. And it plays like a dream with the

  • Wii Remote. But then again, if you throw your controller in rage as Oswald refuses to help

  • you for the 18th time...well, I’d understand that, too.

I love this freaking series, alright? There’s the disclaimer. In fact, you should watch

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