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  • Google employees and relationships that start on tinder have one thing in common, on average they don't last very long. While employees in America stay with a company for 4.1 years on average, a typical Googler quits in just 1.1 years. So why does the number one best place to work for many years in a row, famous for benefits and perks, massages, mouth-watering meals, where 3 million people apply to work every year. With all this, why does Google have such a massive problem keeping people around? We're gonna find out whether Google is hiding some dark secrets or why maybe the reason people move on so fast is they rocket onto something even more positive, even greater success, fame, and fortune after just one year. This video is purely based on the reasons that ex-Google employees gave for quitting. From seeking more freedom, to extreme frustration with the work environment, to creating their own startups.

    谷歌員工和在 tinder 上開始的戀情有一個共同點,那就是平均而言,他們都不會持續太久。在美國,員工在一家公司平均工作 4.1 年,而谷歌員工一般只工作 1.1 年就辭職了。那麼,作為連續多年排名第一的最佳工作場所,為什麼谷歌以福利和津貼、按摩、令人垂涎的美食而聞名,每年有 300 萬人申請在這裡工作。擁有這一切,為什麼谷歌在留住員工方面會遇到如此巨大的問題?我們將探究谷歌是否隱藏著什麼不可告人的祕密,或者為什麼人們跳槽如此之快的原因是他們在短短一年後就跳槽到了更積極、更成功、名利雙收的地方。這段視頻完

  • Here are five major reasons why most Googlers say goodbye to Google in one year or less.


  • The perk trap. Recently, a controversial TikTok video shows the dark side of Google's exclusive perks. Now you might wonder, what could go wrong with receiving benefits at work? Because at first nothing seems shady. Employees work hard contributing to the company, so they get rewarded with benefits. But what if the benefits have a dark side and are nothing but bait to keep you trapped? This is what Ken Wachs, a former employee of Google, said.

    福利陷阱最近,一段備受爭議的 TikTok 視頻展示了谷歌專屬福利的陰暗面。現在你可能會問,在工作中享受福利會出什麼問題?因為起初看起來沒什麼不妥。員工努力工作,為公司做出貢獻,是以他們會得到福利獎勵。但如果這些福利也有陰暗的一面,只不過是讓你陷入困境的誘餌呢?谷歌前員工肯-瓦克斯(Ken Wachs)如是說。

  • Said in a controversial TikTok that went viral this year.

    在今年病毒式傳播的有爭議的 TikTok 中說道。

  • Aspiring young workers flock to the company assuming they have amazing work-life balance, eat delicious food, and play ping pong with colleagues. And it's not their fault because that's how Google portrays itself. But according to Ken, this may be careful marketing just to attract employees. And what you actually see is to get employees to stay for longer. For example,


  • Google serves three tasty meals a day, but they don't serve dinner until between 6 and 6.30.

    谷歌每天供應三頓可口的飯菜,但他們要到 6 點到 6 點半才供應晚餐。

  • And you might say, okay, that's not that late. But if you think about it, by the time you finish eating, it's going to be 7 or 7.30. That means to take advantage of all three meals, you're going to need to be at your desk from morning until evening. And getting every employee to stay until 6 instead of 5, those hours really add up. Another perk is Google's free shuttle. And you even get free Wi-Fi on the shuttle. Great. But you can probably guess what most people are using that

    你可能會說,好吧,還不算太晚。但仔細想想,等你吃完飯,已經是 7 點或 7 點半了。這就意味著,要利用好三餐,你需要從早到晚都待在辦公桌前。如果讓每個員工都待到 6 點而不是 5 點,那麼這些時間加起來就非常多了。另一項福利是谷歌的免費班車。你甚至可以在班車上免費無線上網。好極了。但你也許能猜到大多數人在用什麼。

  • Wi-Fi to do, work more. Considering the shuttle can take about one hour from SF to Google campus when there's traffic. If you just add those two hours of commute time per day and one extra hour that people stay late for dinner, then people already got three hours of extra work from you.


  • Now, Google also lets you bring dogs to the office, which just seems purely positive. But what Ken said is by doing that, Google just eliminated another reason for you to go home or to think of anything else other than work. It's kind of like you and your dog are living together in one cage.


  • And there's one thing that's for sure. Google's earning back what they spend on these perks many times over. Now, several million people watch Ken's video and some agree, others disagree.


  • Some say they would happily spend long hours of work if they got all these free benefits.


  • Honestly, though, what do you think? Leave a comment below. And of course, beyond what we mentioned here, there's a lot of perks we didn't cover, such as Google's generous work from home policy, unlimited vacation time and more. But can you actually enjoy them with the second reason, endless work pressure? Of course, Google isn't alone with the list of companies that put a lot of pressure on employees with aggressive deadlines. But how much pressure is too much? Well, maybe when work pressure starts to take a toll on health, because anxiety and burnout can definitely be a factor in early departures. Research on workplace stress recently done by said that 53% of Google employees consider their jobs extremely stressful. No wonder ex-Google employees claim Google acts like a demanding girlfriend. Even with the unlimited vacation, work from home and more direct stress relievers like meditation rooms and insurance covering therapy, the question is, are these things actually helping? Well, if we look at Payscale's report and what ex-Googlers say, it largely seems like no. But why? Because many Google employees claimed they felt like there was a culture of them working against the clock and they didn't have any time to relax and de-stress themselves because it's hard to have leisure time when you're only thinking about the task you're behind on due to an aggressive deadline. And ex-Googlers say that due to these deadlines, they always felt behind schedule and only in rare cases, if the team was lucky, would they actually finish a project on time. Now, in this situation, it's very easy to rationalize something like skipping the gym when your whole team is working too. Now, it's not like anyone's going to stop you from going, but you might be seen as a slacker for not working as hard as the rest of the team. And to be perceived as a hard worker, you might be eating those tasty meals at your desk. Now, you might be typing a comment right now that says, hey, you have your perks, you have the high salary, so stop complaining. But when you're actually in the environment, it's a bit different. Not everyone can handle that stress. You might also wonder, is coding itself a stressful thing to do? Well, today's sponsor doesn't think so. If you want to learn and earn with coding while simultaneously living a stress-free life, check out the Fremo Code Bootcamp where you'll learn front-end coding and location-independent job hunting skills.

    說實話,你怎麼看?請在下面留言。當然,除了我們在這裡提到的,還有很多我們沒有涉及到的福利,比如谷歌優厚的在家辦公政策、無限的休假時間等等。但是,如果有了第二個原因,即無盡的工作壓力,你還能真正享受到這些待遇嗎?當然,谷歌並不是唯一一家在截止日期前給員工施加巨大壓力的公司。但是,多大的壓力才算大呢?嗯,也許當工作壓力開始對健康造成損害的時候,因為焦慮和倦怠絕對是導致提前離職的一個因素。最近, 對工作壓力進行的調查顯示,53% 的谷歌員工認為他們的工作壓力極大。難怪前谷歌員工稱谷歌就像

  • You might not start at Google, but there's plenty of companies looking for remote developers out there, way more than enough to survive and make a good income. You can get a free consultation for


  • Fremote in the description below. Let's get back into the video and move on to the third reason, difficult to survive. I don't want to be dramatic, but working at Google, you might feel like you're living a state over in Death Valley. The constant work pressure can make you sweat and the competition hard to survive. The competition begins as soon as you apply at Google. You have to compete with 3 million applicants every year and overshadow them just to get an interview, which means landing a job at Google is harder than joining Harvard. 20 times harder, actually. But passing the interview and becoming a Googler might be just the beginning. You'll be working with some of the smartest people in the world, which is of course a great stimulating experience, but you're also going to feel pressure to match up to them in terms of performance, productivity, and creativity.

    Fremote 在下面的描述中。讓我們回到視頻中,看看第三個原因--難以生存。我不想誇張,但在谷歌工作,你可能會覺得自己生活在死亡谷的一個州。持續的工作壓力會讓你汗流浹背,競爭也讓你難以生存。競爭從你申請谷歌的時候就開始了。每年,你必須與 300 萬名應聘者競爭,並超越他們,才能獲得面試機會,這意味著在谷歌找到一份工作比進入哈佛大學還難。實際上要難上 20 倍。但是,通過面試併成為一名谷歌員工可能只是一個開始。你將與世界上最聰明的人一起工作,這當然是一種很好的刺激體驗,但你也會感到壓力,必須在業績、工作效

  • You might try to come up with new ideas and initiatives to stand out and get a promotion, but this can actually create conflict with your colleagues who have their own ideas and incentives, and having someone incredibly smart and experienced or creative on your team can actually leave you feeling like you're stuck in their shadow. And many ex-Googlers surveyed actually felt like they got left out being on such a type of team. Personal motivation aside, being on a competitive team can also make it harder to get big projects and promotions, and over time it can be discouraging to operate in this circumstance, which does lead to a lot of employees company hopping to get more recognition.

    你可能會想出一些新點子和新舉措來脫穎而出並獲得晉升,但這實際上會與你的同事產生衝突,因為他們有自己的想法和激勵機制,而且如果你的團隊中有人非常聰明、經驗豐富或富有創造力,實際上會讓你感覺自己被困在他們的陰影之下。許多接受調查的前 Googlers 都覺得,在這樣的團隊中,他們被冷落了。撇開個人動機不談,身處競爭激烈的團隊也會讓你更難獲得大項目和晉升機會,久而久之,在這種情況下工作會讓人氣餒,這確實會導致很多員工跳槽以獲得更多認可。

  • That brings us to our fourth point. Politics kills promotions.


  • The next Googler named Michael Lynch said he tried his best to stick with the company. He gave his best, yet there was still no opportunity to ever get a promotion. And numerous ex-Googlers have felt this way, describing a house of cards style internal politics structure that happens within the company, blocking them from claiming up the ladder of success. Within tech companies, it should be purely results driven, but people pleasing within Google is apparently a massive problem. People getting passed over for promotions, taking it personally, and then going on to find a new job. This is exactly what Crystal Brick experienced, an ex-product marketing manager who ended up leaving for a six-figure job for the same reasons. Now the question is, when people leave, where do they go? Google seems like the top, and what's next? Well, there are many comparable companies such as Facebook or Netflix, but a sizable amount of people take advantage of the fifth major reason to start a startup. Uncle Ben from Spider-Man said it best, with great power comes great responsibility. What he didn't say was, with great responsibility can come extreme stress. If even in big companies, stress is inevitable, why not spend that stress on developing your own company instead? And if competition is inevitable, then why not compete with Google itself? One group of ex-Google employees took this very literally, and they created a new search engine called Neva. And Neva is far and away not the only startup ex-Googlers have created. There's so many like Cardiogram, TextNow, Coda, Amplitude, Zenesis,

    下一位名叫邁克爾-林奇(Michael Lynch)的 Googler 說,他已經盡了最大努力留在公司。他盡了最大努力,但仍然沒有機會獲得晉升。無數前 Googler 都有這樣的感受,他們描述了公司內部發生的紙牌屋式的內部政治結構,阻礙了他們向成功的階梯邁進。在科技公司內部,應該純粹以結果為導向,但在谷歌內部,討好員工顯然是一個大問題。人們在晉升過程中被超越,對此耿耿於懷,然後繼續尋找新的工作。這正是 Crystal Brick 的經歷,這位前產品營銷經理最終也因為同樣的原因離職,去找了一份六位數的工作。

  • Dilda, Snap, Cape, and the list is endless. Now, it's just a fact that people ambitious enough to get into Google in the first place are probably ambitious to a fault. Whether you eventually find it more exciting and worthwhile to work on their own company, chasing that same high that initially motivated them to get into Google in the first place. Now, of course, you're going to lose the perks, company culture, benefits, and things we've been talking about this whole time. But if your startup does fail, the perks and competitive salaries exist at almost all the big tech companies in SF because they're all competing for the limited pool of great software engineers. Tech employees are notorious for company hopping, especially for higher salaries as soon as they get bored. And if you have Google on your resume, you better believe recruiters are going to be flooding your inbox more than if you were a bikini model on Instagram. And they'll be trying to get you to move to their company. Being so in demand is no doubt a good thing. It makes the temptation to move though for a pay bump, especially after having a bad day extremely high. Imagine if you're


  • Google, you're trying to steer a ship with employees jumping off every single day. So, it's an uphill battle to keep people around and get anything done. So, maybe it's not surprising Google tries to juice people as much as they can when they are still around. Anyway, what do you think? Is working for Google worth it? Are the benefits just a sales tactic or do they genuinely care about their employees? Maybe the sweet spot is landing Google, staying for one year, and then leaving it on your resume to use it for the cloud and future opportunities. Just like all the people who dropped out of Harvard. Let me know what you think and I'll see you next time.


Google employees and relationships that start on tinder have one thing in common, on average they don't last very long. While employees in America stay with a company for 4.1 years on average, a typical Googler quits in just 1.1 years. So why does the number one best place to work for many years in a row, famous for benefits and perks, massages, mouth-watering meals, where 3 million people apply to work every year. With all this, why does Google have such a massive problem keeping people around? We're gonna find out whether Google is hiding some dark secrets or why maybe the reason people move on so fast is they rocket onto something even more positive, even greater success, fame, and fortune after just one year. This video is purely based on the reasons that ex-Google employees gave for quitting. From seeking more freedom, to extreme frustration with the work environment, to creating their own startups.

谷歌員工和在 tinder 上開始的戀情有一個共同點,那就是平均而言,他們都不會持續太久。在美國,員工在一家公司平均工作 4.1 年,而谷歌員工一般只工作 1.1 年就辭職了。那麼,作為連續多年排名第一的最佳工作場所,為什麼谷歌以福利和津貼、按摩、令人垂涎的美食而聞名,每年有 300 萬人申請在這裡工作。擁有這一切,為什麼谷歌在留住員工方面會遇到如此巨大的問題?我們將探究谷歌是否隱藏著什麼不可告人的祕密,或者為什麼人們跳槽如此之快的原因是他們在短短一年後就跳槽到了更積極、更成功、名利雙收的地方。這段視頻完

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B1 谷歌 員工 工作 公司 壓力 競爭

夢想工作幻滅!為什麼大多數谷歌員工平均工作 1.1 年後就辭職? (Why Most Google Employees Quit After 1.1 Years (On Average))

  • 343 18
    林宜悉 posted on 2024/05/27
Video vocabulary