Don't knowmuchabouthistory, don't knowmuchbiology, don't knowmuchaboutthesciencebook, don't knowmuchabouttheFrench I took, but I doknowthat I loveyou, and I knowthatifyoulovedmetoo, what a wonderfulworldthiswouldbe.
Don't knowmuchaboutgeography, don't knowmuchtrigonometry, don't knowmuchaboutalgebra, don't knowwhat a slidingruleisfor, but I doknowwhatandwhatistrue, andifthisonecouldbewithyou, what a wonderfulworldthiswouldbe.
Now, I don't claimtobean A student, but I'm tryingtobe, formaybebybeingan A student, baby, I canwinyourloveforme.
Don't knowmuchabouthistory, don't knowmuchbiology, don't knowmuchaboutthesciencebook, don't knowmuchabouttheFrench I took, but I doknowthat I loveyou, and I knowthatifyoulovedmetoo, what a wonderfulworldthiswouldbe.
La-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, history, biology, la-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, sciencebook, French I took, yeah, but I doknowthat I loveyou, and I knowthatifyoulovedmetoo, what a wonderfulworldthiswouldbe.
Don't knowmuchabouthistory, don't knowmuchbiology, don't knowmuchaboutthesciencebook, don't knowmuchabouttheFrench I took, but I doknowthat I loveyou, and I knowthatifyoulovedmetoo, what a wonderfulworldthiswouldbe.
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