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  • What if you were limitless?

  • What if every single day you knew that nothing or no one would get you down?

  • What if self-doubt was replaced with unshakable conviction?

  • Imagine how your life would play out over a week, a month, or even a year.

  • Imagine the snowball of momentum and confidence, regardless of external setbacks.

  • We all know those remarkable, even obsessive people that really go for it.

  • They truly live their potential with conviction.

  • What's the key difference between this tiny subset of movers and shakers and a majority with equally lofty aspirations that never really get there?

  • I've had the good fortune of working with thousands of leaders at some of the most influential companies around the globe.

  • My business helps them to boost their performance, and part of the process includes identifying and removing obstacles that get in their way.

  • As I engaged with more and more leaders, I started to notice a pattern emerging among those that operated with a limited mindset versus the limitless minority.

  • It turns out, what held back most of these otherwise exceptional and talented people wasn't a lack of skill, experience, or even resources.

  • It was often rooted in a relationship with the closest and most influential person in their lives.

  • And this person would always appear to care, but instead would sabotage their progress and growth.

  • You have such a person in your life too.

  • They're much closer than what you realize, because they exist up here, in your mind.

  • I am not talking imaginary friends, I'm talking about your inner deceiver.

  • It's that insistent voice in your head that judges you, demeans you, shines a spotlight on your weaknesses.

  • And because most aren't even aware of it, it can lead to destructive self-doubt and even self-sabotage.

  • It was clear to me that the happiest, most fulfilled, and highest performers had figured out how to subdue their inner deceiver.

  • In fact, in the patterns I observed, there wasn't just one inner deceiver.

  • I identified five of the most common archetypes, and now I'm going to expose them to you.

  • Because you won't be able to subdue them without first recognizing them.

  • And the prerequisite to operating with a truly limitless mindset is that you first need to free yourself from their clutches.

  • Let's start with the deceiver I call the classic judge.

  • As the name suggests, the judge likes to judge you.

  • Criticizing what you did, what you didn't do, what you should have done, criticizing every decision, and blaming you for things outside of your control.

  • When you ruminate on past failures with an unforgiving lens, that's not you.

  • That's the classic judge preventing you from learning from the past, and instead beating you down.

  • Most psychology researchers agree that these deceivers begin to emerge based on the parenting you received when you were a child.

  • If you had a critical, controlling, or demanding parent, you come to internalize this judgment, and it manifests within you as an adult.

  • So you give yourself the same critical judgment.

  • You develop an inability to acknowledge anything positive about yourself or your performance, and it's extremely damaging.

  • The second deceiver is the victimizer.

  • She has a way of convincing you that the universe is rigged to conspire against you.

  • She fills your mind with excuses and robs you of your willpower.

  • Conversations with the victimizer sound like, see, this always happens to you.

  • Every time an opportunity comes up, somehow you get screwed over.

  • You're never going to be good enough for them.

  • So what do you do?

  • You give up.

  • You stop trying because your victimizer reminds you, what's the point anyway?

  • You can't win.

  • You never win.

  • Next we have the deceiver I call the misguided protector.

  • Your protector says things like, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.

  • Did you think this through?

  • You don't know enough.

  • You're not qualified.

  • You're too old, too young.

  • You'll mess up.

  • Don't do it.

  • It tries to protect you from a risk of failure, judgment, or criticism.

  • How?

  • By keeping you paralyzed so you don't take any action.

  • Because then you're safe, but you're also stuck.

  • If your parents set high standards for you and excessively criticized you when you failed to meet these standards, for example, you got an A, why couldn't you get an A plus like your perfect cousin Julio?

  • You may hear it as your misguided protector up here, which leads you to fear failure and never feel ready.

  • Second to last is the ringmaster.

  • The ringmaster is all about productivity guilt.

  • If you're not familiar with the term, it's when you have an unhealthy drive to keep working because you feel guilty when you stop.

  • The ringmaster is very good at brainwashing you into believing that your worth and merit as a person are directly correlated to how productive you are.

  • You achieve a goal, feel no satisfaction, and immediately jump to the next goal.

  • The unfulfilling treadmill of achievement addiction.

  • But the thing is, no matter how hard you push yourself or what you achieve, you will never be good enough or have done enough for the ringmaster.

  • Our survey of two and a half thousand people globally found an overwhelming 93% experience this guilt frequently, putting themselves at risk of burnout.

  • Maybe you haven't met any of these deceivers yet, but instead are well acquainted with this last one.

  • Closely related to the ringmaster, it's the neglector.

  • When you feel insecure in your worth, you anticipate rejection.

  • So you constantly seek validation by prioritizing the needs of everyone else.

  • If you didn't receive emotional validation as a child, or you had a parent that was hard to please, you might work really hard as an adult to try and seek approval from everyone around you.

  • Partners, peers, co-workers, your boss.

  • And then, whenever you don't receive it, it's an automatic trigger and you have a conditioned need to win it back.

  • The neglector drives you to give beyond your capacity, leaving you exhausted, drained, and overwhelmed.

  • So the stakes are high.

  • If you listen to these deceivers, you buy into their narrative and give them power over you.

  • The good news is that change is possible.

  • You can break free from these limits.

  • The first step is awareness.

  • If you have a classic judge hurling judgment and criticism at you for everything that you do, call it out.

  • And judge, I know you're trying to convince me that I'm incompetent right now, but I'm choosing not to listen.

  • Calling it out in this way is a form of psychological distancing, where you're referring to this part of yourself in the third person.

  • We know from science that third-person self-talk helps you gain emotional distance from your deceiver, allowing you to think with more rationality.

  • If you notice your victimizer making you feel like you should just give up because the world is against you, shift to an internal locus of control.

  • Accept the fact that you can choose what you focus on at any moment.

  • You can choose to focus on things outside of your control and feel powerless, or you control what you have control over.

  • Instead of saying, look at what happened to me, look at what they did to me, use a technique called cognitive shifting and consciously redirect your attention to, okay, this is what's happening in my life, this is where I want to be, and this is what I'm going to do about it.

  • Now you're speaking from a position of personal power.

  • You take responsibility for what's within your control and choose to take action.

  • What if you hear your misguided protector in your psyche trying to convince you that you'll fail so you shouldn't try at all?

  • I have my own experience with my misguided protector.

  • Chances are I wouldn't even be here or where I am today if I listened to it.

  • Back in March of 2020, when the world was suddenly in lockdowns, all of our business bookings were either canceled or postponed, and our business was dead in the water.

  • So I was curious about experimenting with an app called TikTok.

  • I wanted to create content and see if we could help people through that platform.

  • But then my protector woke up and said, people will think you're ridiculous.

  • You're way too old for that.

  • It's going to ruin your reputation.

  • And I listened to my protector for two months, until I didn't anymore.

  • I decided to take action instead.

  • I created 40 pieces of video content in one day.

  • This way, I couldn't back down for 40 days, no matter what my protector said.

  • And you know what?

  • All it took was 40 days to see tens of thousands of followers start to accumulate.

  • I didn't make perfection the goal.

  • I made the process the goal.

  • And nearly two years later, we have a million followers on that platform and over 2 million across all major social media platforms, which has been the best marketing for our business, taking us global and allowing us to help people all around the world.

  • And none of that would have happened if I'd listened to my protector and stayed safe.

  • So if you ever feel your protector taking over, grab a blank sheet of paper and write down all the protector's arguments.

  • And ask, is this scenario likely to happen?

  • What's the worst that could happen realistically?

  • Take time to rationally risk assess, and you'll likely find it's just your protector being overly dramatic.

  • Given the protector tries to keep you safe by keeping you stuck, the best antidote is to take action.

  • Don't worry about getting things right the first go.

  • Don't make perfection the standard.

  • Just act.

  • Be consistent and be open to growth.

  • Make the process the goal.

  • Now the ringmaster.

  • If you feel undeserving of taking a break, and feel guilt or shame when you do, change the narrative in your head.

  • Value yourself for who you are, not what you've done.

  • Stop wearing busy as a badge of honor.

  • Remind yourself of your qualities, the value you add to the lives of others, how you make a difference.

  • Write this down.

  • And with this sense of empowerment, pragmatically set healthy boundaries so that you have a more balanced life.

  • Working hard at times is not a bad thing, but risking burnout is counterproductive to performance.

  • And finally, those of you who have a loud neglector.

  • I know what you're going through.

  • Early in my career, my neglector was loud.

  • I would constantly over-apologize when I hadn't done anything wrong, agree with people when

  • I actually disagreed on principle, avoid any possibility of conflict, and would say yes, of course, when I really meant no.

  • I was a people pleaser to the point of sacrificing who I truly was.

  • I gave away so much of myself in my efforts to be approved of, that I no longer knew who

  • I was.

  • But you can't be limitless if you have nothing left inside to give.

  • If you have a strong neglector like I did, you need to overcome the codependency and acknowledge your worth is not linked to how you think others see you.

  • If you let people's perception of you dictate your behavior, you will never grow as a person.

  • And when you do choose to give of yourself in the future, ask, am I doing this out of compulsion for approval, or is it in a true spirit of service?

  • So these are the five inner-critical deceivers, the archetypes I've identified cross-culturally with people all around the world.

  • And what's really interesting is that we've observed that many high performers believe that these inner-deceivers are central to driving their performance.

  • While outwardly they appear successful, allowing their core driving force to emanate from the fear of failure, envy, greed, seeking approval and status, is a proven source of unhappiness, constant stress, and a lack of fulfillment.

  • What they failed to realize was that they've become trapped in the obsessive prison of self.

  • My needs.

  • My pain.

  • My success.

  • How people see me.

  • So they continue to operate through a desire to avoid negative states and outcomes, instead of being in a limitless mindset.

  • It's a bad deal.

  • Here is a better deal.

  • If our reality is indeed our thoughts, emotions, and how we uniquely experience the world, then I invite you to acknowledge that there is a second side to us.

  • Our higher nature, if you will.

  • One that is intrinsically motivated by a desire to express excellence, confidence, being of service, love, creativity, courage, and justice.

  • This is the limitless aspect of our nature that is liberated from the prison of the insistent self.

  • And as you consistently put in the work to decouple from your inner-deceivers, integrating the practices I've shared with daily routines of meditation, journaling, prayer, and reflection,

  • I want you to remember that each one of us has the power to operate from our higher, our limitless nature.

  • The struggle to keep them at bay is a lifelong one, but I promise you, as you distance yourself from these voices, your life will begin to transform.

  • So I have a challenge for you.

  • Seriously commit to reframing your relationship with your inner-deceivers.

  • Acknowledge they exist, be aware of them, and learn to discern between rational thought and the voices of the ego.

  • Your prison of self?

  • It limits you.

  • When you break free, your thoughts become limitless.

  • You become limitless.

  • Thank you.

What if you were limitless?

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