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  • Hard water can quickly build up on toilets, sinks and taps and over time can leave rust and scale stains that are very unsightly and often extremely difficult to remove.


  • Nowhere is this more problematic than in a toilet, which sees a lot of use and holds standing water constantly.


  • While there are many commercial cleaning products that can remove hard water stains in the toilet, baking soda and vinegar are especially effective.


  • Strong commercial cleaners can also wear away at bowl while this solution comes with the added benefit of being free of chemicals.


  • To use this method, pour about 1 cup of vinegar into the toilet bowl and swish it around with a toilet brush.

    使用這種方法時,將大約 1 杯醋倒入馬桶,然後用馬桶刷刷洗。

  • Let it sit for about 1 minute.

    靜置約 1 分鐘。

  • Next, add about a cup of baking soda to the toilet bowl, then add another 1-2 cups of vinegar.

    接著,在馬桶中加入約一杯小蘇打,然後再加入 1-2 杯醋。

  • This will create a fizzing action.

    這樣就會產生 "噝噝 "聲。

  • Let the solution sit for around 10 minutes.

    讓溶液靜置 10 分鐘左右。

  • The third step is to use a toilet brush to the solution around the bowl, making sure to get the solution into any stains that are above the water line, but don't flush the toilet at this stage.


  • The final stage is to let the vinegar and soda solution sit for up to 30 minutes, swishing one or two more times until the stain is gone.

    最後階段是將醋和蘇打溶液放置長達 30 分鐘,再盪滌一到兩次,直到汙漬消失。

  • If any stain remains, scrub it with a toilet brush or a stiff bristled nylon brush.


  • Finally, flush the toilet to rinse.


  • After using this method, you'll find your toilet will be back to its original cement condition.


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  • And I'm sure you'll enjoy our next video on how to descale a kettle naturally.


Hard water can quickly build up on toilets, sinks and taps and over time can leave rust and scale stains that are very unsightly and often extremely difficult to remove.


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