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Energy is pretty amazing! So amazing that as a species we use around 15 terawatts at any given moment!
That’s equivalent to 15 trillion watts. Consider this average light bulb which consumes roughly 100 watts.
這等於是15兆瓦特 想一想 每個燈泡平均消耗100瓦
One single terawatt could power 10 billion of them at the same time.
Of the world’s energy, the US consumes about 25% , while Google alone accounts for roughly 0.013%.
這個世界使用能源的情況是 美國消耗了約25% 而Google就消耗了約其中的0.013%
This is enough energy to continuously power 200,000 homes.
Food also contains energy, which is measured in calories or joules. 1 Food Calorie is equal to roughly 4200 Joules of energy.
食物亦含能量 它是以路里或焦耳來衡量 一單位的熱量約等於4200焦耳的能量
So how long would you have to plug yourself into a wall to get a days worth of food energy?
If we take a standard daily diet for a male of around 2500 Food Calories,
如果我們以 男生一天2500卡 來做為標準
we find that our bodies need around 10,000,000 Joules of energy each day.
我們發現 身體每天需要約10,000,000焦耳的能量
Take something like your laptop, which charges at about 50 Joules per second,
以筆記型電腦來說 其每秒充電約50焦耳的能量
and it would take roughly 55 hours to charge yourself.
On the other hand, if we charged at the energy input of a microwave which is roughly 1,500 Joules per second, it would only take 1.9 hours!
另一方面 如果我們用微波方式來充電 每秒能充1500焦耳的電量 這只需要花1.9小時!
Even more amazing is the fact that this much energy would cost roughly 33 cents in North America.
更驚奇的是 在北美 這種方式只需花費33分錢
33 cents for your daily intake of energy! It’s too bad we can’t just plug in.
33分錢就能搞定你的筆電每日所需的能量!實在很可惜 我們無法用這種方式充電
But if you took all that energy, how big of an explosion could it make?
如果我們攝取這麼多能量 它能產生多麼強大的爆炸能力?
Well, 1 Food Calorie is conveniently equal to 1 gram of the explosive TNT. So if you eat 2,500 food calories in a day,
嗯 一卡路里相當於一克的黃色炸藥 所以 如果你一天攝取2500卡路里
you’re looking at the equivalent of about 44 WW2 hand grenades.
That’s a pretty big explosion!
But it should be no surprise that energy can cause damage; after all we’ve all experienced an electric shock.
但能量也會帶來破壞 畢竟我們都有觸電的經驗
But how much electricity does it take to actually kill a human?
Surprisingly little.
7 milliamps, for as little as 3 seconds, to be exact.
七毫安 短短三秒鐘
This is equivalent to a AAA battery straight to the heart.
這樣的電量相當於AAA 電池直入心臟
You see, electricity actually kills by interrupting the heart rhythm.
But our body has built in protection, like your skin, so it doesn’t go straight to your heart.
但身體具保護機制 像是皮膚 所以電量不會直接導入心臟
However with something like lightning, all bets are off.
所以電量不會直接導入心臟 但如果遇到閃電 原來的預測都不算數啦
In fact, a lightning bolt can hit over 1 billion volts!
事實上 一個閃電可以超過10億伏特!
The reason some people survive lightning strikes is based on the path it takes through their body.
有些人能在雷擊中倖存 取決於電流如何通過身體
If the heart goes untouched, you can come out alive.
如果電流未通過心臟 你就能活下來
Which shows you just how awesome and powerful nature really is.
What may surprise you more is that every minute, enough sunlight reaches the earth’s surface to satisfy the world’s energy demands for an entire year.
讓人更驚訝的是每一分鐘 照射於地表的陽光足以提供我們一整年的能量
That’s right, roughly 174 petawatts of energy hits the earth from the sun!
是的 約為174兆兆瓦的能量
Of course the biggest challenge is finding efficient ways to properly harness this solar power.
當然 找出符合效益的方法來利用太陽能一直是最大的挑戰
And all this energy and heat are a major contributing factor to the creation of wind
sometimes so powerful that we see things like hurricanes. But not only can wind turbines take advantage of the wind to create power,
像是颶風的成因 風力渦輪機可以利用風來發電
scientists have shown how they can, in high enough concentrations, help prevent hurricanes.
科學家發現 能透過高密度方式預防颶風
Simply put, wind turbines remove some energy from the wind to generate power.
And simulations have shown that, hypothetically,
if you put enough wind turbines together in an at risk region,
major wind disasters could be minimized substantially.
But apart from this, is wind energy actually worth it? Click here to check out our AsapTHOUGHT video
除了這個,風力發電還能帶來什麼價值呢?點選觀看 AsapTHOUGHT的影片
where we explore how exactly wind turbines work, how much energy they actually produce,
and the crazy new technologies that will change our future. I mean, could the whole world be powered by wind?
還有改變未來的新科技 我是指 整個世界能僅依靠風力發電嗎?
We went to the GE Global Research Centre in Germany, a leader in wind energy, to find out.
影片中 我們到了風能研究的領頭羊 ─ 德國 GE 全球研究中心來了解
There’s a link to it in the description below.
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