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  • Apple's going to make history on Monday at its big WWDC event, where everyone is expecting to hear about generative AI coming to your Apple devices, but I'm going to be watching closely for a few other big topics besides just a smarter Siri.

    蘋果公司將在週一舉行的 WWDC 大會上創造歷史,屆時每個人都期待聽到生成式人工智能在蘋果設備上的應用,但除了更智能的 Siri 之外,我還將密切關注其他幾個重要話題。

  • Of course, AI is a big deal, but there's more drama to watch out for beyond AI.


  • Buckle up, this is not your run-of-the-mill video on all the rumors we're expecting at Apple's Developers Conference, because I'm giving you one more thing to think about.


  • Here are the biggest topics to pay attention to at WWDC, including how Apple handles the wording and delivery of certain announcements.

    以下是 WWDC 上最值得關注的話題,包括蘋果如何處理某些公告的措辭和發佈方式。

  • I'm Bridget Carey, and this is one more thing.


  • Mark your calendars for June 10th at 10am Pacific, when Apple streams its presentation on the major updates coming to its software and operating systems.

    請將您的日程表記在太平洋時間 6 月 10 日上午 10 點,屆時蘋果公司將就其軟件和作業系統的重大更新進行流媒體演示。

  • We're not expecting new hardware, but it will kick off a new era for Apple and generative AI.


  • One of the more controversial things we're expecting is for Apple to announce a partnership with OpenAI to put chat GPT on the iPhone.

    我們所期待的更具爭議性的事情之一,就是蘋果公司宣佈與 OpenAI 合作,在 iPhone 上安裝哈拉 GPT。

  • None of this is official yet, it's all based on what Bloomberg is reporting, but this would mean that Apple is attaching itself to a company that has some messy image problems right now, which can lead to a lack of trust in the product.


  • The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, was fired from his own company in November when the board had no confidence in his leadership.

    11 月,OpenAI 首席執行官山姆-奧特曼(Sam Altman)被自己的公司解僱,因為董事會對他的上司能力沒有信心。

  • There were concerns on how he handles safety issues in artificial intelligence.


  • He was reinstated later that same month, but several employees and executives who handled work on AI safety have abruptly left.


  • According to Vox, they've quit or been pushed out, with safety-minded employees reportedly losing faith in Altman.

    據 Vox 報道,他們已經辭職或被趕走,據說注重安全的員工對 Altman 失去了信心。

  • And then just the other week, you have actress Scarlett Johansson publicly criticizing Altman over the lack of transparency on how his company acquired the voice of its chatbot.


  • Altman asked Johansson if chat GPT could use her voice, and she said no, and then she got upset when the chatbot did sound a lot like her.

    奧特曼問約翰遜,哈拉 GPT 是否可以使用她的聲音,她說不可以,後來哈拉機器人的聲音確實很像她,她就不高興了。

  • The company had to write a blog post to defend themselves from that claim.


  • I'll be watching how Apple phrases this partnership, and how much of a presence chat GPT has on the iPhone.

    我將密切關注蘋果公司如何處理這一合作關係,以及 GPT 在 iPhone 上的影響力有多大。

  • Bloomberg says it's expected Apple will make it an opt-in service, so customers could choose not to turn on the chat GPT bot if they don't want it.

    彭博社稱,預計蘋果會將其作為一項選擇性服務,是以如果客戶不需要,可以選擇不打開 GPT 哈拉機器人。

  • Another question is, would we even see Altman in the presentation?

    另一個問題是,我們會在演示文稿中看到 Altman 嗎?

  • With all the drama, maybe don't expect to see him.


  • But then again, it wouldn't be the first time Altman was on stage at WWDC.

    不過話說回來,這也不是奧特曼第一次登上 WWDC 的舞臺了。

  • Sixteen years ago, he and his double polo collars walked on the stage at WWDC to present his app, Looped.

    16 年前,他和他的雙馬球領登上了 WWDC 的舞臺,展示他的應用程序 Looped。

  • It was a social network mapping tool, so you know if your friends are nearby.


  • You never have to eat lunch alone again.


  • That was 2008, before the App Store was even a thing.

    那是 2008 年,當時還沒有 App Store。

  • Apple under the Steve Jobs era used him and other apps to talk up the future of the iPhone and what's possible with apps.

    喬布斯時代的蘋果公司利用他和其他應用程序來宣傳 iPhone 的未來以及應用程序的可能性。

  • And now it seems Apple is leaning on him again to show what's possible with AI.


  • So why not bring him into the presentation?


  • One year ago, Apple used WWDC to introduce the Apple Vision Pro.

    一年前,蘋果公司在 WWDC 上推出了 Apple Vision Pro。

  • And this is the first big update for the future of this headset.


  • What does Spatial Computing 2.0 look like?

    空間計算 2.0 是什麼樣的?

  • I'm looking to see how much Apple really shows us something new here to take it to the next level, and convince developers that this is worth building on.


  • Only a few entertainment experiences have been released.


  • Disney said it had big plans and big ideas for the Vision Pro.

    迪斯尼表示,它對 Vision Pro 有很大的計劃和想法。

  • But only a week ago, Disney released the Marvel What If experience.

    但就在一週前,迪士尼發佈了 "漫威如果 "體驗。

  • It was this free interactive story, like half game, half film.


  • Will Disney be ready to announce more coming soon?


  • What about opportunities with ESPN or sports content?

    與 ESPN 或體育內容合作的機會如何?

  • These are things that were teased before.


  • Other games for Vision Pro dropped all at once.

    Vision Pro 的其他遊戲也同時發佈。

  • There's the long-teased Vision Pro release of the VR game D-Meo, and the release of Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator.

    此外,VR 遊戲《D-Meo》的 Vision Pro 版本也已發佈,《工作模擬器》和《假期模擬器》也已發佈。

  • They are also on Meta's headsets.

    它們也在 Meta 的耳麥上。

  • But it looks like these Vision Pro versions were all coordinated to come out before WWDC.

    但看起來這些 Vision Pro 版本都是在 WWDC 之前協調推出的。

  • But people will need to see more.


  • It's been hard to really get people to understand or even experience the Vision Pro.

    要讓人們真正瞭解甚至體驗 Vision Pro 並不容易。

  • Not every app lets you capture video of what you see in the Vision Pro.

    並不是每個應用程序都能讓您捕捉 Vision Pro 中的視頻。

  • So there are limited ways to get other people hyped up about it.


  • And it's not designed to be a headset that you can easily share with other people.


  • Most folks have to go to an Apple store to try it out, and then they don't ever see it in their lives again.


  • Well, you might see it at the Lowe's Home Improvement Store.


  • 9to5Mac reports that some Lowe's stores are getting demo units to show off an app for remodeling your kitchen.

    據 9to5Mac 報道,一些 Lowe's 商店正在獲得演示設備,以展示一款用於改造廚房的應用程序。

  • The real fix-it-up job is going to be on Tim Cook to show why we have to get excited again about the Vision Pro, and why developers should too.

    蒂姆-庫克將向我們展示,為什麼我們必須再次對 Vision Pro 感到興奮,為什麼開發人員也應該如此,這才是真正的修補工作。

  • iOS 18 is going to be a major focus of the presentation to see what's coming next to the iPhone.

    iOS 18 將是發佈會的一大焦點,讓我們一起來看看 iPhone 的下一步計劃。

  • But not everyone is excited.


  • There are several industry groups speaking out publicly against a feature that has not even officially been announced yet.


  • According to Apple Insider, there is a feature coming to Safari.

    據 Apple Insider 報道,Safari 即將推出一項功能。

  • It's called Web Eraser.


  • This would let users selectively block certain parts of a website.


  • And that means it could erase the advertisement on a website.


  • That led to a complaint from the UK News Media Association about how this threatens the future of journalism.


  • And Business Insider reports that a group of French publishers and advertisers called on Apple to halt the rollout of this feature because of how it can hurt the industry, which, you know, needs ads to function.


  • So when did Apple become a group that could contribute to the downfall of the publishing industry?


  • Hmm.

  • You know, I'm wondering if this outcry is going to change how Apple decides to announce this reported feature, if it announces it at all.


  • Not everything is drama.


  • I mean, iOS 18 is said to have a ton of new features, including ways to customize your screen and placement of app icons.

    我的意思是,據說 iOS 18 有大量新功能,包括自定義螢幕和應用程序圖標位置的方法。

  • There might be more fun tools, like being able to create different emoji.


  • But pay attention to how much Apple mentions RCS, which is short for Rich Communication Services.

    但請注意蘋果對 RCS(Rich Communication Services 的縮寫)的提及程度。

  • It's a messaging protocol that replaces SMS, and it's used by Android phones.

    這是一種取代 SMS 的資訊協議,安卓手機都在使用。

  • Apple said it is putting RCS on iPhones after facing pressure from lawmakers.

    蘋果公司表示,在面臨來自立法者的壓力後,它將在 iPhone 上安裝 RCS。

  • Apple is in the middle of an antitrust suit filed by the U.S.


  • Department of Justice.


  • It accuses Apple of building a monopoly and how it locks down the iPhone.

    它指責蘋果公司建立壟斷,以及它是如何鎖定 iPhone 的。

  • And in light of this lawsuit, will Apple make a big deal about adding RCS and how much better it is to chat with Android users now?

    有鑑於這起訴訟,蘋果是否會大肆宣揚 RCS 的加入,以及現在與 Android 用戶哈拉有多好呢?

  • Or will Apple just give it a quick mention and move on like it's no big deal?


  • There's lots of things we have on our wish list of what you want to see on iOS 18.

    我們的願望清單上有很多你希望在 iOS 18 上看到的內容。

  • But many of you are commenting on my videos about how much you want to see improvements to Siri.

    但你們中的很多人都在我的視頻上評論說,你們多麼希望看到 Siri 的改進。

  • And yeah, I do think everyone wants to see Siri level up.

    是的,我認為每個人都希望看到 Siri 水準提高。

  • We will likely see updates to Siri based on the early reporting.

    根據早期的報道,我們很可能會看到 Siri 的更新。

  • But how does Apple really make that assistant smarter?


  • Will it just give us answers quickly?


  • Are there fewer misunderstandings or will Apple try to impress us with how conversational it sounds?


  • Will it get a new voice or a new look?


  • And how much is it going to poke into our lives by doing tasks within apps?


  • There's a lot of pressure on Apple to come up with a new brain for Siri that makes it handy.

    蘋果公司面臨著巨大的壓力,必須為 Siri 開發出一個新的大腦,讓它變得更加便捷。

  • But it's not going to be a good look if Apple just tries to impress us with something that is all talk, but no substance.


  • Now, we're going to find out on Monday.


  • I'll be here on the CNET YouTube channel, covering it live with my co-host Lexie Savides and other CNET colleagues on the Apple campus will be there, too.

    我將在 CNET YouTube 頻道上與我的共同主持人 Lexie Savides 進行現場報道,CNET 在蘋果校園的其他同事也將到場。

  • Our live pre-show begins at 930 a.m.

    我們的直播預演於上午 9 時 30 分開始。

  • Pacific Time.


  • And then we're also going to give our raw reactions after the Apple keynote.


  • So I hope to see you in the chat.


  • And let me know in the comments, what do you care most about at WWDC?

    請在評論中告訴我,您在 WWDC 上最關心什麼?

  • And afterward, I'm sure there's going to be one more thing we have to talk about.


  • Thanks for watching.


Apple's going to make history on Monday at its big WWDC event, where everyone is expecting to hear about generative AI coming to your Apple devices, but I'm going to be watching closely for a few other big topics besides just a smarter Siri.

蘋果公司將在週一舉行的 WWDC 大會上創造歷史,屆時每個人都期待聽到生成式人工智能在蘋果設備上的應用,但除了更智能的 Siri 之外,我還將密切關注其他幾個重要話題。

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