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In the first part, you learned the core concepts of clean architecture as it pertains to Flutter.
在第一部分中,您學習了與 Flutter 相關的簡潔架構的核心概念。
We also created a bunch of empty folders, which you can see on the side right now, for presentation, domain, and data.
This is for the Number Trivia app we are building.
And now it's time to start filling in these empty folders with actual code, of course, using test-driven development.
Hello, welcome to ResoCoder, where you are getting prepared for real app development by building better, faster, more stable apps.
您好,歡迎來到 ResoCoder,在這裡,您將通過構建更好、更快、更穩定的應用程序,為真正的應用程序開發做好準備。
So subscribe and hit the bell if you want to grow your coding skills.
So, of course, whenever you are building an app, you should start with the UI and user experience first, but I've done that homework for you.
As you've seen in the previous tutorial, the app looks something like this.
The app looks like this, the actual coding process, though, will happen from the innermost stable layers and will progress toward the outer layers.
So in the case of clean architecture, as it was proposed by Uncle Bob, we can see that we should start from the domain layer, particularly from entities.
是以,就鮑勃大叔提出的 "簡潔架構 "而言,我們可以看到,我們應該從領域層入手,尤其是從實體入手。
So we are going to create an entity right now.
Before we do that, though, before we can create an entity for the number trivia, we have to add some packages over to pubspec.yaml, because we are going to be using quite a lot of packages to make things easier for us, of course.
不過,在此之前,在為數字瑣事創建實體之前,我們必須在 pubspec.yaml 中添加一些套裝軟體,因為我們將使用大量套裝軟體來簡化工作。
And with that, I have to tell you to make sure you check out the written tutorial from the link in the description, where you can find all of the code written in this video, all of the links, and all of that good stuff.
And go through this lesson at your own pace.
This pubspec.yaml file is one of the few things which I'm going to just copy and paste over on video so that I don't bore you to death.
這個 pubspec.yaml 文件是我要在視頻中複製粘貼的少數幾個文件之一,這樣就不會讓你覺得無聊了。
So let's just delete all of these unnecessary comments.
We'll just clutter up the pubspec.yaml file.
我們只會讓 pubspec.yaml 文件變得雜亂無章。
And then the dependencies and dev dependencies will be the following.
So we have getit, which is the service locator.
我們有 getit,它是服務定位器。
I've added all of the dependencies right now so that we later do not have to come back to this yaml file and just lose time on that.
我現在已經添加了所有的依賴項,這樣我們以後就不必再回到這個 yaml 文件,以免浪費時間。
So we have getit.
Then we have flutter block for state management, equatable for value equality.
然後,我們用 flutter 塊來進行狀態管理,用 equatable 來實現值相等。
Then we are going to touch on some functional programming concepts.
Then for remote API, we have connectivity and HTTP packages, of course.
當然,對於遠程 API,我們還有連接和 HTTP 包。
And for local cache, we are going to be using just simple shared preferences.
As for dev dependencies, these are the ones which do not get packaged together with your app once you build it.
We have flutter test.
This was here even before I think by default.
And then we have Mockito for creating mocks.
此外,我們還有用於創建模擬的 Mockito。
We are going to get to all of this as we progress forward with this tutorial.
But just so that you have all of the packages already present, we've added them over here.
And I'm just going to delete all of the other comments so that they don't clutter up pubspec.
我將刪除所有其他評論,以免它們擾亂 Pubspec。
And here we go.
The pubspec.yaml file is completely finished.
pubspec.yaml 文件已全部完成。
All right.
So let's now move on to creating the actual entity.
The first question we have to ask ourselves is what kind of data will the NumberTrivia operate with?
我們要問自己的第一個問題是,NumberTrivia 將使用什麼樣的數據?
Well, of course, with NumberTrivia entities.
當然,有了 NumberTrivia 實體。
So we can create a new file under the domain entities.
Let's call it NumberTrivia.dart, of course.
當然,我們就叫它 NumberTrivia.dart。
And now we have to take a look at the JSON response from the API because based on that response, we are going to model our class here.
現在,我們必須查看一下來自 API 的 JSON 響應,因為根據該響應,我們將在這裡為我們的類建模。
So if you go to forward slash 42 or some other number and then question mark JSON, so it's a query parameter, you will obtain the following response.
是以,如果您訪問 的正斜槓 42 或其他數字,然後用問號標記 JSON,將其作為一個查詢參數,您將得到以下響應。
And of course, this link is also available from the written tutorial.
So this is the response which we will be operating with throughout our app.
And we need to model our NumberTrivia entity so that it can contain this kind of data.
我們需要為 NumberTrivia 實體建模,使其能夠包含此類數據。
So what do we actually really need from this JSON object?
那麼,我們到底需要這個 JSON 對象做什麼呢?
Well, we need the text, obviously, because that's the core, so to say, functionality of our NumberTrivia app.
顯然,我們需要文本,因為這是我們的 NumberTrivia 應用程序的核心功能。
We are going to store the number, but then we have two interesting fields, which are found and type.
我們要存儲的是數字,但還有兩個有趣的字段,分別是 "找到 "和 "類型"。
We are not going to need those at all because found is completely irrelevant for our case, and the type will be always trivia.
我們根本不需要這些,因為 "發現 "與我們的情況完全無關,而 "類型 "永遠是瑣事。
And why is found completely irrelevant?
Well, if I search for a number other than 42, so for example, some complete gibberish long number, which doesn't have any entry in the numbers API and search for that, you can see that found is false, but we still obtain some kind of a reasonable response that this is an uninteresting number.
好吧,如果我搜索一個 42 以外的數字,例如,一個完全胡言亂語的長數字,在數字應用程序接口中沒有任何條目,然後搜索這個數字,你可以看到發現是假的,但我們仍然得到了某種合理的迴應,即這是一個無趣的數字。
So we can still display even this message to the user in the app.
We do not need to worry at all whether or not the number was found.
So the bottom line is that we need the text and number fields to map to properties in our app.
So let's create a class, NumberTrivia, which will extend Equatable.
是以,讓我們創建一個名為 NumberTrivia 的類,它將擴展 Equatable。
And let's import Equatable here.
讓我們在這裡導入 Equatable。
This is so that value equality is made simple because by default, Dart supports only referential equality.
這樣做的目的是使值相等變得簡單,因為默認情況下,Dart 只支持引用相等。
So even two objects which contain completely the same data will not be equal unless they are referencing to the same point in memory.
With Equatable, this is completely changed.
有了 Equatable,情況就完全不同了。
When two objects contain the same values, the same data, they will be equal.
And we do not need to override equal operator or hash code, anything like that.
Equatable does that for us.
Equatable 為我們做到了這一點。
So it saves us a bunch of boilerplate.
And now we need to store the text and number.
So final string text, and then final int number.
所以是最終字符串文本,然後是最終 int 數字。
And of course, we need to put them into constructor.
So we can just hit control dot, at least in VS code, and create constructor for all of these fields here.
是以,至少在 VS 代碼中,我們可以直接點擊控制點,為所有這些字段創建構造函數。
But we are not just going to have this kind of a constructor with unnamed arguments.
We want to have them named.
And of course, we are going to make them required.
So we need to import meta package.
So meta dot Dart.
And let's just make these required.
And also this one will be required here.
And we mustn't forget to pass these over to the super constructor, because Equatable needs to know which properties to make equality happen on.
我們不能忘記將這些屬性傳遞給超級構造函數,因為 Equatable 需要知道在哪些屬性上實現平等。
So we are going to pass them in as a list.
So we pass in text and also number to the super constructor, which is Equatable.
是以,我們將文本和數字傳遞給超級構造函數,也就是 Equatable。
And you may have noticed that we didn't do any test driven development here.
That's because this class is really, it doesn't have any logic.
There is why we aren't writing any tests for this number trivia entity.
Should you have any logic inside your entity, you would write test even for entity, but that's not the case with this one.
All right, now let's talk about use cases.
They are where the business logic gets executed.
And sure, there won't be much logic in the number trivia app, because all a use case will do is to get data from a repository.
So just so you can see that, here we go with the diagram.
We have use case here.
It will get data from the repository and they will communicate together through these entities.
And we have created just one such entity called number trivia a few moments ago.
And we are going to have two use cases in our finished app, getConcreteNumberTrivia and getRandomNumberTrivia.
在我們完成的應用程序中,將有兩個用例:getConcreteNumberTrivia 和 getRandomNumberTrivia。
By looking at this diagram, as I've already said, you know that use cases get data from repositories, and then they pass that data, which in this case are entities, over to the presentation logic holders and to the whole presentation layer.
So it kind of makes sense that when a use case is communicated with repositories, the repository should return an entity, right?
But because we have to allow for asynchronous operations, we are going to wrap this entity, which in this case is number trivia, into a future.
But that's not the actual case of what we are going to do.
We have to think about error handling as well, because is it the best choice to let exceptions freely propagate?
Having to remember, and when you have to remember something, you know that that's not cool.
We have to remember to cache them somewhere else in the code if we let exceptions just nicely propagate at their own peril.
I do not think that this is the best choice.
Instead, we want to catch exceptions as early as possible inside the repository here, and then return failure objects from the repository methods.
So unlike exceptions, you will not have to try and catch all of these exceptions.
You will have failure objects, which are returned as regular objects, return types from methods.
There will be no special error flow, nothing like that.
It will be just like a regular data flow without any kind of try-catch-finally blocks in the rest of the app from the repository upwards.
這就像一個普通的數據流,從存儲庫開始,應用程序的其他部分不會出現任何 try-catch-finally 塊。
So to recap, repository and then subsequently use cases will return both number trivia objects, and also they will return failure objects from their methods.
So how is something like that possible?
How can we return number trivia or failure from the same method?
Welcome functional programming, and that's why we have imported the darts package over to our app.
This functional programming darts package allows us to simply use an either type.
While I will not pretend that I am some functional programming pro, at least not yet, you don't need to know any really advanced stuff about either type, which is a functional programming concept, will allow us to return either number trivia or failure, which we are going to create next.
Obviously, we still do not have any failure classes.
So let's define them right now.
We are going to create an error subfolder under core, and this will hold failures.dart.
我們將在 core 下創建一個錯誤子文件夾,其中將存放 failures.dart。
And the failure here will be really only a simple class.
It will be abstract actually, because then later on, we are going to create some concrete implementations of failure objects.
And again, we are not writing this in test-driven development manner, because there is nothing to test in an abstract class.
So this will be abstract class failure.
Let's again extend equitable, so that the class is extending failure later on, should they have any fields like message or some error code or something like that, their equality will be able to be checked based on those fields.
讓我們再次擴展 equitable,這樣,該類在擴展失敗後,如果有任何字段,如消息或錯誤代碼之類的,就可以根據這些字段檢查它們的平等性。
So for that, to use equitable in this abstract base class, we have to have a constructor here, which will accept a list of properties, which will equal const dynamic, which will be an empty list.
是以,要在這個抽象基類中使用 equitable,我們必須在這裡設置一個構造函數,它將接受一個屬性列表,該列表等於 const dynamic,而 const dynamic 將是一個空列表。
And then we will pass this list of properties over to the super constructor.
This is nothing really to worry about.
This is just what's going on with this Dart analyzer.
This is just simply the way that things work with equitable.
So we pass in properties over to the super constructor.
And again, this is only an abstract class.
We are going to create concrete classes in the next parts of this course.
Then as you hopefully remember from the last part, and as is signified by this diagram here, a repository from which a use case gets its data is both inside the domain layer and inside the data layer as well at the same time.
Or to be more precise, the definition of a repository, or as we are going to call it, a repository's contract is present in the domain layer.
This upper half of this gradient is pink or what is this color or whatever.
And then the concrete implementation of a repository, this green side of the gradient is in the data layer.
This will allow for total independence of the domain layer.
But there is also another benefit, which we haven't talked about yet.
And that is testability.
That's right.
Testability and separation of concerns go together extremely well.
And this is the absolute beauty of clean architecture because it really complements test-driven development because without architecture, you cannot even test anything because spaghetti code, believe it or not, cannot be tested.
How will this allow for this?
This will be an abstract repository class, will allow us to write tests, test-driven development style, of course, for the use cases, even without having an implementation of the repository.
Something like this is called mocking.
And we are, of course, going to get to that later on.
For now, let's create the so-called contract of the repository.
Inside the domain folder, under repositories, let's create a new file, NumberTriviaRepository.dart.
在域文件夾下的存儲庫中,創建一個新文件 NumberTriviaRepository.dart。
And inside of here, we will have an abstract class, NumberTriviaRepository.
在這裡,我們將有一個抽象類 NumberTriviaRepository。
And this class will have the following interface.
We want to have two methods here, one for getting concrete number trivia, for which we have to pass in a number.
And don't worry, I will come back to the return types in just a bit.
So getConcreteNumberTrivia, int number.
是以,getConcreteNumberTrivia,int number。
If I could write number.
And then, of course, it's going to have getRandomNumberTrivia, which will not have any parameters.
當然,它還會有 getRandomNumberTrivia(隨機數字瑣事),但不帶任何參數。
So let's just rename concrete to random.
所以,我們就把 "具體 "改名為 "隨機 "吧。
And what is going to be its return type?
Well, we are going to use that either type, which I have described previously.
So let's go bit by bit.
It will, of course, still return a future, because it will be an asynchronous operation to get the concrete or data sources.
當然,它仍將返回一個 future,因為這將是一個獲取具體數據或數據源的異步操作。
And what's interesting is the type which the future will wrap.
It will be either, which comes from the darts package.
So let's import that.
And then, either gets two type parameters.
One is left, so L, and R for right, of course.
一個是左,所以是 L,R 當然是右。
And the left side is always, for this kind of error handling, the failure.
So let's import failure here.
And the right side is always the success kind of data.
So in this case, it will be the entity number trivia.
And we, of course, need to import even that right over here.
And then this return type will be the same for getRandom number trivia.
然後,該返回類型將與 getRandom 數字瑣事的返回類型相同。
We will cover this in greater detail later on, how to actually work with this either type.
But for now, just know that this function, this method, will return either a failure, which is the left side, or number trivia, which is the right side.
And this way, we do not have to deal with catching exceptions anywhere else in the app than in the repository, which will convert the exceptions into failures.
And let's use the nifty little extension for VS Code to fix import, so they will be in the relative manner.
讓我們使用 VS Code 的小擴展來修復導入,這樣它們就會以相對方式導入。
Okay, although this part is getting quite long and information-packed already, I do not really wanna leave you hanging.
So we are finally going to write some tests while implementing the getConcreteNumberTrivia use case.
是以,我們終於要在實現 getConcreteNumberTrivia 用例時編寫一些測試了。
And in the next part, we are gonna add the getRandomNumberTrivia use case.
下一部分,我們將添加 getRandomNumberTrivia 用例。
So definitely stay tuned for that and subscribe to this channel if you do not want to miss it, and also hit the bell button, so that you will get notified about all the new videos.
是以,如果您不想錯過這些視頻,請務必繼續關注並訂閱本頻道,同時點擊 "鈴鐺 "按鈕,這樣您就會收到所有新視頻的通知。
As is the case with test-driven development, we are going to write the test before writing the production code.
So this will ensure that we aren't gonna add a bunch of unneeded functionality.
This is the YAGNI principle, you ain't gonna need it, which is one of the most powerful things about test-driven development, because it forces you to really think about what you write, because you really do not want to test unnecessary logic.
這就是 "YAGNI 原則",你不會需要它,這是測試驅動開發最強大的地方之一,因為它迫使你真正思考你所寫的東西,因為你真的不想測試不必要的邏輯。
It even doesn't make sense.
You cannot write unnecessary logic with test-driven development, because you really just do not even think about writing something for future-proofing your code.
And that is the perfect thing about test-driven development.
So let's get right to it.
Writing the test in Dart apps happens inside the test folder.
在 Dart 應用程序中編寫測試會在測試文件夾中進行。
We have a widget test here, we can delete that right now.
So move to trash.
And usually, what we are going to do too, is that test folder structure follows the production code folder structure.
So we are going to create all of these folders.
So core will go here.
Then also new folder features.
Inside the features folder will be another folder called number trivia.
在 "功能 "文件夾中還有一個名為 "數字瑣事 "的文件夾。
And right now, we are going to write only the use case, so the domain folder would be enough to create here.
But we are going to create all of the other folders as well, so also data.
And then presentation, just so that we have everything we need for future lessons.
So we have data, domain presentation.
Inside the domain, we are going to have the use cases folder, and this is where we are going to write our first test.
Tests in Dart are always named the same way as is the production code file, but we append test to the end.
Dart 中的測試總是以與生產代碼文件相同的方式命名,但我們會在最後加上 test。
So because the production code file will be called get concrete number trivia, the test will be called get concrete number trivia test.dart.
是以,由於生產代碼文件將被稱為 get concrete number trivia,測試將被稱為 get concrete number trivia test.dart。
And again, you can get all of this code from the written tutorial, which is available from the link in the video description.
Writing the test requires a bit of a setup.
We know that the use case should get its data from the number trivia repository, for which we currently have only the contract, the abstract class.
Because we have only the abstract class, we are going to mock it so that we can add some functionality to it only for this test.
And mocking something also allows us to check whether or not some methods have been called on that object.
And overall, it really allows for nice testing experience.
So without further ado, let's create a class, mock number trivia repository, which will extend mock, which comes from the makito.dart package.
話不多說,讓我們創建一個類--mock number trivia repository,它將擴展 makito.dart 包中的 mock。
And then it will, of course, implement first, it needs to implement the number trivia repository.
Let's import even that.
So extending this new class with mock allows us to mock it, of course.
是以,用 mock 來擴展這個新類,當然就可以模擬它了。
And then we implement the interface from the number trivia repository abstract class.
Let's now also import the flutter test package.
現在,讓我們同時導入 flutter 測試程序包。
So flutter test.dart will go here.
是以,flutter test.dart 將放在這裡。
And now we have to think about how will the use case, which we currently do not even have a file for, and that is perfectly fine with test-driven development, how will the use case operate with the repository?
Well, of course, it's going to get that repository passed in through the constructor so that later on we can use the getit package to do some nice dependency injection thingies.
當然,它會通過構造函數傳入資源庫,這樣以後我們就可以使用 getit 套裝軟體做一些漂亮的依賴注入了。
This is called loose coupling, and loose coupling is absolutely crucial for test-driven development, because without loose coupling, you cannot test anything, basically.
And to pass this mocked version of a repository into the now not yet existent use case, we are going to use a method called setup, which is available for every test that you write in Dart.
為了將這個模擬版本的版本庫傳遞到現在還不存在的用例中,我們將使用一個名為 setup 的方法,你在 Dart 中編寫的每個測試都可以使用這個方法。
And the setup method runs before every single test.
So let's first create void main, because all of the tests run inside this main method.
是以,讓我們先創建 void main,因為所有測試都在這個 main 方法中運行。
And then we have the setup method here, in which we are going to initialize all the objects we need.
But first, we actually have to create the variables in which the objects in question will be stored.
So what do we want to have here?
Well, the now not yet existent get concrete number trivia use case.
So we are going to just call it use case.
And then also the mock number trivia repository will be stored here, so that we can then later on get it and do some mocking on this instance.
So inside setup, we're going to first initialize or instantiate, to be precise, the mock number trivia repository.
So let's create a new instance, just like that.
And then we're going to also instantiate the use case.
So get concrete number trivia use case will be instantiated, and the mock number trivia repository will be passed in.
Of course, it doesn't make any sense to continue with writing the test, because currently, it doesn't even compile.
So even before writing the actual test, we can do another step in the test driven development, because we have arrived in the red phase.
是以,即使在編寫實際測試之前,我們也可以完成測試驅動開發的另一個步驟,因為我們已經進入了 "紅色 "階段。
TDD works in red, green refactor phases.
TDD 工作分為紅色、綠色重構階段。
Red phase is obvious, because we have red squiggly lines.
So we have to fix something in the red phase.
And now we want to arrive into the green phase.
And then later on, we will refactor.
And we are going to arrive into the green phase, which is without errors, by creating the actual get concrete number trivia class.
So let's create it under domain use cases here.
So new file, get concrete number trivia dot dart.
And this will be just a simple class for now, get concrete number trivia.
And it will accept a final number trivia repository called repository into its constructor.
它的構造函數將接受一個名為 repository 的最終數字瑣事存儲庫。
So once we import it and create a constructor for missing fields, and fix import so that they are relative, this is the kind of class we have now.
And this is perfectly enough for this test to not complain anymore about non-existent get concrete number trivia use case.
And I probably have a typo here.
Of course, get concrete.
So we have to rename that concrete.
Now we are talking.
So now we can test it, anything yet.
So let's move on right on to that.
The nature of our number trivia app is really simple.
So there will not be a lot to test here in the use case, because really, all it will do is to just get the number trivia data from the repository.
And that's basically about it.
It will just get the entity or the failure, of course, from the repository.
To start writing a test, you can either just write test, and then write should get trivia for number from the repository.
Or I have a nice little snippet, which I have created myself, and that is AAA test, which is the arrange, act and assert test.
或者,我自己創建了一個不錯的小片段,這就是 AAA 測試,即安排、執行和斷言測試。
So this test should get trivia for the number from the repository.
And now, of course, we have already the repository instance present in here, which is the mocked instance of the repository.
But we do not have the trivia and we do not have a number.
So let's these variables, we want to have final T number, which is the test number, which we are going to try to get from the repository.
是以,讓我們來看看這些變量,我們希望有最終的 T 編號,也就是測試編號,我們將嘗試從存儲庫中獲取這個編號。
So T number is equal to just one.
是以,T 數字只等於 1。
And then final T number trivia is equal to a new instance of number trivia.
然後,最終 T 數字瑣事等於一個新的數字瑣事實例。
This is what is going to be returned from the repository.
We want to have a regular instance of it here.
So it accepts a number, which will be the T number, or we can actually just pass one in here.
是以,它接受一個數字,也就是 T 編號,或者我們可以在這裡直接傳入一個數字。
It doesn't really matter.
And then the text will be again, it doesn't matter what the text is.
So now in the arrange phase of this test, what we want to do is to provide some functionality to the mocked instance of the repository.
So when, and this is really nice, the syntax that is here, because you can really read it as an English sentence and it will all make sense.
So when mock number trivia repository, get concrete number trivia is called on it with any argument.
So it doesn't matter whether or not the number is one or two or three, it can be really anything.
So any is a matcher.
Then answer, because it's asynchronous, so you cannot call then return, but you have to call then answer.
And the answer will be asynchronous.
And what do we want to answer?
Well, the return type of get concrete number trivia is an either and the right side of the either type is number trivia and the left side is failure.
那麼,get concrete number trivia 的返回類型是任一類型,任一類型的右邊是數字瑣事,左邊是失敗。
Well, in the test, it doesn't really matter what we return.
We can return really either failure or the number of trivia.
In this case, let's return the number trivia.
So we want to return the right side of the either type.
This is how we really use it.
And then later on, you can also check whether or not the side of the returned object is left or right.
If it's left, you know that it's a failure.
If it's right, you know that it's a successful object returned.
So right, let's import darts here.
We want to return right the number trivia.
So to go through this again, when the mock number trivia repository, get concrete number trivia method is called with any argument, any number, then always answer with the success response, so to say.
So the right side of the either with number trivia contained inside of it.
All of this is available from the written tutorial.
So definitely, if you want to learn at your own pace, check that out from the link in the video description.
Now we move on to the act phase of the test, which is usually really simple.
So we just want to store the result of calling the use case.
And we want to call the use case, which is asynchronous.
So we want to call await use case dot execute.
是以,我們要調用 await 用例 dot execute。
And of course, there is no such method yet, because we have not implemented it, because we are doing test-driven development.
So we want to call execute on that use case and pass in the number, the number here.
Now comes the assert part of the test.
So what do we want to check for?
Well, we expect that the result of the execute method on the use case will really be the same thing as was just returned from the mock number trivia repository, because again, the stuff that use case does is really simple.
It just gets the data from the repository.
And in the case of number trivia app, it doesn't do anything more than that.
So therefore, we expect the result to be right.
And inside of it, we expect that there will be the number trivia present.
And then we also want to verify using the Mockito package.
然後,我們還要使用 Mockito 套裝軟體進行驗證。
We want to verify that mock number trivia repositories get concrete number trivia was called with the number.
This is pretty important, because imagine that we pass in the number into the use case.
So just to make it more visually concrete, let's pass in number 20.
為了更直觀具體,讓我們通過第 20 號。
But somehow in the use case, some smart guy decided that he will always pass the number 42 over to get concrete number trivia in the repository.
但在使用案例中,某個聰明人決定總是將數字 42 傳遞過去,以便在存儲庫中獲取具體的數字瑣事。
If we did not have this verification here, we would find out about it, of course, because the response would be not correct.
But this verification adds another layer of protection to our code against these kinds of errors, which do not just pass the correct arguments to the methods of the dependencies of the use case or any other class there is.
So let's again, revert back to the number.
And finally, we are just going to verify no more interactions are happening in the on the mock number trivia repository, because once we call execute, the use case should not do anything more with the repository.
There is again, no point in even running this test, because it's not going to run since it doesn't even compile.
We have a compilation error here that execute is not present on the use case.
This test really acts like a documentation for the functionality, which we are about to implement.
So let's jump right into that.
We're going to go to get concrete number trivia and start writing the implementation of execute method.
So it will return future either, which contains failure or number trivia.
So we need to import all of these types over here.
Once we give this method a name, execute.
So let's import darts, let's import failures, and let's import number trivia.
Now based on the test, we know that execute method should take in a number, which is a named parameter.
根據測試結果,我們知道 execute 方法應該接收一個數字,即命名參數。
So therefore, we know what we need to do.
It will have a named required, of course.
So we need to import meta also, meta.dart, required number, which is an integer.
是以,我們還需要導入 meta、meta.dart、所需的數字,這是一個整數。
And it's going to just call the repository that get concrete number trivia with the number.
And of course, we need to return a weight, whatever was gotten from the repository.
So this function needs to be itself asynchronous.
All right.
So this is the implementation for the execute method.
And now all we need to do is to run the test.
I have a handy shortcut, keyboard shortcut for running all of the dart tests.
So I will show you how to do that.
If you are using VS Code, of course, in IntelliJ, this would be completely different.
當然,如果您使用的是 IntelliJ 中的 VS Code,情況就完全不同了。
But in VS Code, go to file, preferences, keyboard shortcuts, and now search for dart run all tests.
但在 VS 代碼中,進入文件、首選項、鍵盤快捷鍵,然後搜索 dart run all tests。
And for this command, just set some key binding.
I have shift, alt, and left square bracket.
我有 shift、alt 和左方括號。
So once you have this shortcut, you can run all of the tests with shift, alt, and left square bracket.
是以,一旦有了這個快捷鍵,你就可以用 shift、alt 和左側方括號運行所有測試。
We have only one test, of course.
And it's going to pass.
So we should get trivia for the number from the repository.
This is only a simple test.
That's because the functionality of the get concrete number trivia use case is also simple, but it in our code.
And the other way to run a test is to go over to the debugging tab here in VS Code.
運行測試的另一種方法是轉到 VS 代碼中的調試選項卡。
Now tap on this configure or fix launch.json here icon.
現在點擊這裡的配置或修復 launch.json 圖標。
Ignore .NET if something like that pops up.
如果出現類似情況,請忽略 .NET。
And we want to add configuration.
So dart run all tests.
All right.
And with this configuration present in the launch.json file, you can now select dart run all tests from the dropdown in the debug tab of VS Code.
有了 launch.json 文件中的配置,現在就可以在 VS Code 調試選項卡的下拉菜單中選擇 dart 運行所有測試了。
So once you do that, you can run all tests even by clicking this green start debugging button.
這樣,只要點擊綠色的 "開始調試 "按鈕,就可以運行所有測試了。
And again, it will pass because the same test was run again.
In the next part, we are going to add another use case for getting the random number trivia.
And also we are going to refactor this code and also the new use cases code so that it will be more robust.
So definitely stay tuned for that.
And if you don't want to miss the next part and also more tutorials like this, definitely subscribe to this channel and also join the notification squad by hitting the bell button to make sure you grow your Flutter coding skills because here on ResoCoder, I am determined to provide you with the best app development tutorials and resources out there.
如果你不想錯過下一部分和更多類似的教程,請務必訂閱本頻道,並點擊鈴聲按鈕加入通知小隊,以確保你的 Flutter 編碼技能得到提高,因為在 ResoCoder,我決心為你提供最好的應用程序開發教程和資源。
If this video helped you with understanding at least just a bit test-driven development process, and do not worry, we are going to write many, many more tests throughout this series.
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Leave a comment if you have anything to say, any questions regarding this test-driven development, I will try to answer them to my best ability.
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在 Instagram 上關注我,我的名字是 ResoCoder,這樣你就能獲得一些我正在做的事情的幕後消息,我們下一個視頻再見。