Again, she's making a list, it's notthelastthinginthelist, soitgoeshunger, itgoesdownup, nomorehunger, noandmore, thesearelessstress, they'rekindofflatter, nomorehung, nomorehung, nomorehunger.
Now, the N hereisactuallypartoftheNGsound, hung.
Soit's notpronouncedlikean N, it's pronouncedngwiththebackofthetongue, andthenwedoget a hard G. Hunger, ger, ger, ger, ger, that G releasesintotheschwa R ending, hunger.
Andthenyes, it's herlastiteminthelist, she's put a period, anditdoesgodown, rainforest.
Rainforest, rainforest, rainforest.
Sowe'vegotgoodthingsforthe, thingsforthe, pronouncedmorequickly, thosearenotstressedandwedohavethatreductionwhereforbecomesfor, for, for, forthe, forthe, forthe, forthe.
Ifthisthingthatisnottruewastrue, then I woulddothis.
Butit's verycommontousewouldin a contraction, I'd, I'd, I'd.
I'd, I'd, I'd.
Day I'd, day I'd, anditlinkstogetherfromthe A diphthongofday, rightintothe I diphthongof I'd, anddd, the D isn't released, it's justdd, dd, dd, dd, madewiththetongueupattheroofofthemouth, tipofthetongueattheroofofthemouth, andthevocalcordsvibrating.
Andthenit's a statementattheendwiththeintonationgoingdown.
Makemyself, makemyself.
Wedon't reallyhearkk, the K releasethere.
Makemyself, makemyself.
Thatwouldbe a littleoverpronounced.
Makemyself, make.
Soitsoundslikethere's no K there, butactuallythebackofmytongueisinpositionforthe K, andthatcutsofftheaireversoquicklybefore I gointothe M. Makemyself, makemyself.
Andthat's howwehear a K. It's thesamethingthathappenswiththestop T. Theairstops, andthat's whywehearthatstopconsonant.
Makemyself, make, make.
Soit's notmay, it's notlong, thereisanabruptstop.
That's whatmakesushear a K. Makemyself, makemyself.
Makemyself, makemyself, makemyselfomnipotent.
Omnipotent, omnipotent.
Flap T andstop T attheend.
Ifthisis a trickywordforyou, you'regoingtoget a workoutworkingwiththisdialoguebecausewehearitthreetimes.
Omnipotent, omnipotent.
Omnipotent, omnipotent, omnipotentforever.
Forever, forever.
Two R's there.
Makesureyou'renotsayingforever, it's fer-er, justthe F schwa R.
Fer, fer, fer, forever.
So a quickERattheend, or I shouldsayschwa R.
A quickschwa R, letmesaythatagain.
So a quickschwa R inourfirstsyllableandinourlastsyllable.
Fer, ver, fer, ver, forever, forever.
Forever, forever, forever.
Whenyoufocusonthatshape, I thinkithelpsmakethewordseasiertopronounce.
Forever, forever, forever.
See? There's alwaysoneguy.
See? See?
Pitchgoingup, questioningintonation.
Itcanalsoshowlikeexasperation, like I can't believethis.
See? See?
See? There's alwaysoneguy.
Canyoufeelwhattheyarewhenyoulistentoiton a loop?
There's alwaysoneguy.
There's alwaysoneguy.
There's alwaysoneguy.
There's always.
There, I feelthatscoopinthevoice.
There's always.
There's always.
There's always.
Sothat's ouradverb.
There's alwaysonelonger.
Alsolonger, thistimegoingdowninpitch.
There's alwaysoneguy.
Noticethe Z soundfortheapostropheofisislinkinginhere.