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  • We don't have to have grades.


  • Research shows that grades have three effects.


  • One, they make students less interested in whatever they're learning for a grade.


  • Two, they become less likely to pick something more difficult.


  • After all, if the point is to get an A, you're going to choose the shortest book or the easiest project, because that makes it more likely you'll get the A.

    畢竟,如果你的目標是拿 A,你就會選擇最短的書或最簡單的項目,因為這樣更有可能拿到 A。

  • And three, when students are graded, they tend to do things in a more shallow or superficial fashion.


  • They're less likely to really push and reflect, and more likely to say, do we have to know this?


  • Is this going to be on the test?


  • That's why the best schools do not grade students, and the best teachers do everything in their power to help students forget that grades exist, and sometimes let students pick their own grades.


  • So we live in a society now where people don't get it.


  • They ignore this research, and they use grades to compel students to do stuff that they understandably have little interest in doing.


  • If I'm a teacher, and I don't have the skill to authentically engage students in science or history or literature, then I have to fall back on bribes and threats to make them do it.


  • And that's what grades are about.


  • Not assessment, not a necessary way of reporting results.


  • They're about coercion.


  • And when students get caught up in this trap, arguing about or worried about tenths of a point on their GPA, then they're going to make bad choices about which courses to take and how to allocate their time.

    當學生們陷入這個陷阱,為 GPA 的十分之幾而爭論不休或憂心忡忡時,他們就會在選課和如何分配時間方面做出錯誤的選擇。

  • I think it is true that students who, for all of their career, have been told, this is going to be on the midterm, folks, or you better listen up, this counts for your grade, get the idea that that's the reason to do stuff, is to get a grade, and don't bother doing stuff that isn't graded.

    我認為,在學生的學習生涯中,如果他們一直被告知 "夥計們,期中考試會考這個",或者 "你們最好聽好了,這個會計入你們的成績",那麼他們就會產生這樣的想法:做事情就是為了得到成績,而不會去做那些不計分的事情。

  • It would be amazing if students were immune to that constant drumbeat.


  • But the reality is, every time they think in terms of, what am I going to do for a grade, they lose something as people and as learners.

    但現實是,每當他們考慮 "我要為分數做些什麼 "時,他們作為人和學習者就會失去一些東西。

  • And so, a teacher who has any sense of integrity and commitment to learning is going to spend most of his or her career trying to help students overcome this addiction.


  • Not just by telling them, forget about the grade, but by making grades less and less relevant and important.


  • So that the natural desire to do stuff that really provides a sense of satisfaction can be rediscovered by students who sometimes have forgotten what gives them pleasure.


  • I think that's critical, otherwise you have a bunch of grade grubbers, and I don't blame the students for that, I blame the adults who told them that this is the reason to do stuff.


  • I hear from students all the time who have finally shaken free of this and said, screw it, I am sacrificing my entire high school career in search of the almighty A here.

    我經常聽到一些學生說,他們終於擺脫了這種狀況,並且說:"去他媽的,我將犧牲我的整個高中生涯,在這裡尋找萬能的 A。

  • The result is, I'm cutting corners ethically by cheating, and I'm not being true to myself.


  • I forget that I even really liked photography or whatever.


  • I didn't sign up for it because it doesn't give me an extra point.


  • I'm not going to do that anymore.


  • This is now going to be about learning.


  • It's not going to be about chasing a grade.


  • And in fact, we can look at schools, including some high schools in the U.S., that have gotten rid of grades, and those students are not only a lot happier, they're a lot better prepared for careers and for college, precisely because they've spent their high school years sampling, exploring, discovering, figuring stuff out without worrying all the time, what is this going to mean for my GPA?

    事實上,我們可以看看那些已經取消了分數的學校,包括美國的一些高中,這些學生不僅更加快樂,而且為就業和上大學做好了更充分的準備,這正是因為他們在高中階段一直在嘗試、探索、發現、弄明白一些事情,而不用一直擔心這對我的 GPA 意味著什麼?

  • So we have not just good theory, but good practice to show that the abolition of grades would do nothing but good.


  • It would only make life more complicated for bad teachers who would now have no lever to compel kids to do stuff that doesn't make sense to do in the first place.


We don't have to have grades.


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