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  • What is Leung-Earth theory?


  • Leung-Earth theory is a belief held by some religious group, particularly within certain sects of Christianity, asserting that Earth is much younger than scientific consensus suggests.


  • Adherents typically believe that Earth to be between 6,000 to 10,000 years old, based on a literal interpretation of biblical genealogists and the Genesis creation narrative.

    信徒們通常認為地球的年齡在 6000 至 1 萬年之間,其依據是對《聖經》譜系和《創世紀》創世記的字面解釋。

  • This contrasts with the established scientific field that the Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old.

    這與科學界公認的地球約有 45.4 億年的歷史形成了鮮明對比。

  • A conclusion reached through methods such as radiometric age dating of rock and the dating of the earliest known terrestrial rocks and meteorites.


  • Leung-Earth theory is a cornerstone of creationist belief systems, which reject much of modern scientific theory regarding geology, cosmology, and biological evolution.


What is Leung-Earth theory?


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