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The Paradox of Choice.
At a supermarket, two experiments were conducted.
In the first experiment, 24 different types of jam were available to freely test and buy for a discounted price.
在第一個實驗中,有 24 種不同的果醬可供自由試吃,並以折扣價購買。
In the second experiment, only 6 different types of jam were available to freely test and buy for a discounted price.
The first experiment attracted 60% of shoppers and 3% bought jam.
第一次實驗吸引了 60% 的購物者,3% 的人買了果醬。
The second experiment attracted 40% of shoppers and 30% bought jam.
第二次實驗吸引了 40% 的購物者,30% 的人購買了果醬。
Even though more shoppers were initially attracted to more variety, with less choices the supermarket was able to sell 10x the amount of jam.
儘管最初更多的購物者會被更多的不同種類所吸引,但在選擇減少的情況下,超市的果醬銷量還是翻了 10 倍。
This is the paradox of choice.
For most people, a large selection of any given product is seen as a net positive.
But once the number of choices increases past the threshold, our subjective state becomes negative and leads to inner paralysis and decision fatigue.
The paradox of choice can also be found in modern-day dating.
In the past, you would marry people you met locally.
Nowadays, we have too many choices.
And you may think that all that variety would make it easier to find the perfect partner.
But more optimal decisions can be made when given a smaller amount of options to choose from.
When faced with a small number of options, people can easily weigh the pros and cons of each and be fairly satisfied with whichever option they chose.
When faced with a large number of options, knowing which option is best becomes more difficult.
And the more options there are, the more chances there are of feeling regret.
With more options, the more you feel the need to compare.
The attractive features of the alternatives diminish the satisfaction in your final choice.
Even if we made an excellent decision, the opportunity costs of the other options subtract from the overall satisfaction of our choice.
Too many choices often leads to people not making any choice and giving up on the endeavor altogether.
Be sure to check out the full-length series where we go through 21 of the most common mind traps, thinking errors, biases, effects, and other phenomenon that have the biggest impact on your thinking and decision making.
請務必查看完整系列,我們將在其中介紹 21 種最常見的思維陷阱、思維錯誤、偏見、影響以及其他對你的思維和決策影響最大的現象。