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  • Asian-Americans are officially twice as likely to shop at Costco than the average consumer, and to explain why we got ten reasons.

    亞裔美國人在好市多購物的可能性是普通消費者的兩倍 為了解釋原因,我們有十個理由 是啊,這很有道理,因為你知道:我們開著卡羅拉去好市多 然後是凱美瑞 然後是雷克薩斯RX 現在我們開著特斯拉 是啊 所以我的意思是 很明顯 夥計們 有很多顯而易見的原因 為什麼亞洲人喜歡去好市多因為好市多就像週日中國人的教堂 所以我週末不能去了 因為我都沒法買好東西 因為我在看柯克蘭招牌褲子的時候 人們都想和我說話這很奇怪,隨著年齡的增長 很多事情都是第一次做 這就是成長的本質

  • Yeah, this makes sense because you know, we drove the Corolla to Costco, then the Camry, then the Lexus RX, now we take the Tesla.

  • Yeah, so I mean obviously, man, there's a lot of obvious reasons why Asians love Costco and I'm gonna play a couple clips of all these Asian comedians making jokes about it.

  • Like at Costco.

  • Like I go to Costco in a disguise because it's like Costco's like church for Chinese people on Sundays, so like I go there I can't go there on the weekend anymore because I can't even get like shopping done because people want to talk to me while I'm looking at some Kirkland signature pants and stuff But uh, so that's weird.

  • As you get older, you do a lot of things for the very first time. This is the nature of growing up.

  • Like I recently bought pants from Costco.


  • That's a big deal. That's a new chapter in your life because when you buy pants from Costco, that's when you don't care anymore.

    因為當你從好市多買褲子的時候,你就不再在乎了 當我們放下自我,開始我們的精神之旅 當你看到有人穿著柯克蘭的褲子時,你就知道兩件事 第一,他們為了生活不惜一切代價 第二,但他們不再害怕死亡 因為好市多教會你如何放下 在我去商店之前,我在車裡做了一個快速的小冥想和小動員

  • That's when we let go of our egos and we begin our spiritual journey.

  • When you see somebody wearing Kirkland pants, you know two things:

  • number one, they do what it takes to live; number two, but they not afraid to die anymore because Costco teaches you how to let go.

  • Before I get to the store, in my car, I do a quick little meditation slash pep rally.

  • I said we're about to go to a hostile environment.

    我說我們要去一個惡劣的環境 你已經知道會有一些不公正的事 會有直接的暴行 在你能接受的時候說出來 你不能改變必須好市多 如果我不能在8分鐘內找到停車位的話

  • You already know there's gonna be some injustice, there's gonna be straight-up atrocities.

  • Speak up when you can, accept things you cannot change. That's Costco.

  • If I can't find parking in under eight minutes, I drive away.


  • Let it go, dude That's okay. Today is not the day.


  • I'm not gonna force it. It's Costco.


  • I'm gonna respect it like the ocean.

    我要像尊重大海一樣尊重它 這不是我的日程安排。

  • That's not my schedule. That's the moon. That's the tides.


  • Costco is bigger than all of us.


  • If you want a good deal, you follow the old Asian people, right?

    如果你想得到實惠,你就得跟著老亞洲人走 對,你去好市多,看到的都是老亞洲人,因為你知道,每個人都能得到實惠,沒人被宰,你去全食超市,我一輩子都沒見過一個老亞洲人。

  • You go to Costco, you see a sea of old Asian people because you know everyone's getting a great deal.

  • Nobody's getting ripped off.

  • You go to Whole Foods, never seen one old Asian motherfucker in my life.

  • But there are some not-so-obvious reasons and we're gonna explain here.

  • David, do you know why Asians love Costco so much?

  • Wait, so you're saying the Costco is like the NBA of Asians?

  • Yes, Ali Wong said it's the Chinese Church.


  • So let me just read it while Asian Americans only make up 7% of the population, they comprise 10% of Costco's consumer base compared to the average American Costco shoppers are 81% more likely to be Asian.

    是的,我聽說,如果把全國所有的 Costco 購物者繪製成圖表,然後在圖表上隨意投擲一枚飛鏢,最有可能擊中的是一位中上階層的亞裔女性 哇,好了,夥計們,讓我們進入名單吧。

  • Yes, I heard that if you were to chart all the Costco shoppers in the entire country and you threw a random dart at that chart, it would most likely hit a middle to upper-middle-class Asian woman.

  • Wow, alright guys, let's get into the list.

  • I got 10 reasons why Asians love Costco. Some are obvious reasons and some took some research.

    我找到了亞洲人喜歡好市多的 10 個原因,有些是顯而易見的,有些則需要做一些研究。

  • So I'm gonna start.


  • Number one, the obvious reason: pricing and bulk purchases.

  • Yeah, but I think it's bulk purchases on good-quality items, right?


  • Because there are other discount bulk stores around America, but they carry more lower-end brands, right?


  • Costco carries mid-end to more recently, high-end brands.


  • Yeah, Costco does a great job curating... guys, this video is not sponsored by Costco, by the way.


  • Although I wish it was, so holler at us, Costco. - But that's how they keep their prices low because they wouldn't do that.

  • Right. They don't need marketing. Shout out to Costco's from the Northwest to just like us.

    他們不需要向西北部的 Costco 喊話,就能像我們一樣。

  • But anyways, Asian households tend to be larger on average whether you're talking about Indian South Asian, East Asian, Southeast Asian, they all tend to be larger households, need more food great products at a good price you understand at Costco.


  • I don't need to explain anything.


  • It's all about the value exactly so number two I said that Costco's focus more on food than closing clothing and lifestyle which Asians especially Asian immigrants don't really care about you're saying that they like also like package everything together because maybe rich white people they need to go to the food grocery market that reminds them of like You know something very foofy and fancy and then they go they need to go to like Nordstrom's to get clothes But Asians some Asian dads, they just cop all the clothes at Costco.


  • Yes, Kirkland brand white tees are amazing Also, my dad has definitely bought court classic shoes from Costco before and worn them I think Asians are cool with like buying North face fleeces that are stacked up next to like some watermelons, right?

    是的,Kirkland 品牌的白 T 恤非常棒,而且我爸爸以前肯定從 Costco 買過宮廷經典鞋穿,我覺得亞洲人喜歡買堆放在西瓜旁邊的 North face 羊毛衫,對嗎?

  • You know in a warehouse and again, we're not just talking about like when I'm talking about the people buy the clothes I'm not talking about like rich international students that who also buy off-white But I'm literally talking about Asian parents will buy their clothes at Costco, right?


  • But I would say this did the fobs and Ferraris are not necessarily going to Costco Number three Asians own a lot of small businesses in which they go to Costco to shop for those small businesses David growing up I used to go with my friends mom sometimes to Costco and I had never seen a cart filled that much It would be like at that time Seven eight hundred dollars, which was crazy because when our parents would go to Costco they'd spend like a hundred bucks, right?

    但我想說的是,那些法拉利跑車不一定會去好市多 第三,亞洲人擁有很多小企業,他們會去好市多為這些小企業購物 大衛在我成長過程中,有時會和我的朋友媽媽一起去好市多,我從來沒有見過一個購物車裝得那麼滿,當時好像是七八百美元,這太瘋狂了,因為當我們的父母去好市多時,他們會花100美元,對嗎?

  • You're saying just getting ingredients to power their small business on a resource level Muffins cakes croissants for your little shop your little bakery your little cafe your food truck, whatever it is Anyways guys number four.

    你的意思是,為你的小店、小麵包店、小咖啡館、小餐車等提供原料,為他們的小生意提供資源 鬆餅、蛋糕、羊角麵包等等。

  • Here's the reason that you're probably not thinking of of David.


  • Do you know?


  • Asians like to walk and Costco's are big, you know, it's like a nice park Who needs a membership and you need a membership to walk in this park and maybe around the park you might find a really good Deal or also just a lot of samples David think about it after you go eat a fatty meal at the buffet You want to go walk it off at Costco and you know, it's safe because you need a membership to be in Costco That's a good point.

    亞洲人喜歡散步,而好市多又很大,你知道,它就像一個漂亮的公園,誰需要會員資格,而你需要會員資格才能在這個公園裡散步,也許在公園周圍你會發現一個非常好的 Deal,或者只是很多樣品,大衛想一想,當你在自助餐廳吃了一頓豐盛的大餐後,你想去好市多走一走,你知道,這很安全,因為你需要會員資格才能進入好市多。

  • Um, what else?


  • All right point number five Asians I think a lot of Asians just go to Costco for their Western goods and then go to the Asian For their Asian goods and that's all they do right like a lot of them might be cutting out that premium market or the other Western grocery stores like you don't see a lot of like Asian dads at the Whole Foods.


  • That's a very urban millennial Sort of like I got air pods Max's thing to do exactly Jimmy Oh Yang just made a joke about that Asians.

    這是一個非常城市千禧年 排序像我得到了空氣豆莢 最大的事情要做的正是 吉米哦,楊只是做了一個笑話 關於亞洲人。

  • Don't go to the Whole Foods.


  • They go to Costco Um, I will say this I've noticed that Haas Costco and it says in the NBC Asian American article has decided to move up market Depending on what area it's in like their start to carry more almost like pushing Nordstrom's tier Clothing or like, you know what?

    他們去好市多(Costco) 嗯,我要說的是,我注意到哈斯-好市多,NBC《美國亞裔》的文章中說,它已決定根據所處的地區,像他們開始進行更多幾乎像推動諾德斯特龍(Nordstrom's)的層級服裝或像,你知道嗎?

  • I mean?


  • Like Bloomingdale's Crate and Barrel type stuff if the market demands it Yeah, no I mean I saw some Costco selling Louie bags and Gucci bags before it is kind of weird or they Costco sold gold bars Recently right not in all Costco's certain Costco's that for who is that for it's for shopping.

    比如布魯明戴爾(Bloomingdale's)的 "木箱和木桶"(Crate and Barrel)之類的東西,如果市場有需求的話 是的,不,我是說,我之前看到好市多賣路易包和古奇包,這有點奇怪,或者好市多賣金條 最近才對,不是所有好市多都賣金條,某些好市多賣金條是為了誰,是為了購物。

  • Oh the Asians So point number six David the dollar fifty hot dog and soda that still exists and the CEO said CFO said yo, the price is forever We're not changing the price Costco actually loses a little bit of money on that deal by giving you a hot dog and Soda for a dollar fifty, but I'm saying to Asian parents.


  • That is almost just The it when I feel like when an Asian person buys that they're like, this is it.


  • This is the best place ever I have to what's the American dream that I came for?

    這是我來過的最好的地方 我的美國夢是什麼?

  • And then plus you get unlimited sauerkraut, too.


  • I don't know if Asians really load up on the sauerkraut Well unlimited soda at least you know So that's where I think a lot of Asians know they can get good Western food because think about it if you're an Asian person And you mostly eat Asian food at home But every time you go to Costco you eat a hot dog and pizza.


  • That's your American food for the week.


  • Also the chicken bake Chicken bakes are underrated but they downsized over the years.


  • Yeah, I saw people shoving the Hot dog inside of the chicken bake.


  • Oh, that's lit.


  • Also in certain zones.


  • I'll have like, you know localized goods They have you know Why you know Asians love Costco Andrew because Costco's are killing it in Asia right now Costco Korea Costco Japan Costco Shanghai, it's like a huge hangout place and they localize their food menus over there.


  • Let's pop up some of those Yo, so David you're saying Costco's can be successful in every country.

    大衛,你是說 Costco 在每個國家都能成功?

  • I think there's something about the raw Asians where Asians are not caught up in the pomp and circumstance of like, you know Those really like foofy markets that you can shop out in America But like a postcard aisle and like a pottery section Asians are value-oriented.


  • They don't care that it's a big warehouse with no decorations All right, guys point number seven Asians are just used to large marketplaces Busy places that are not aesthetically focused like we were just mentioning There is no decoration in Costco It is just shelves in the product right and it just looks like a Oversized cabinet and if there's a little bit of shopping cart bumper carts, they're okay with it because Asians don't care They're not trying to fight you.


  • In fact, they might even be excited by it.


  • Yeah, you ever bump an Asian?


  • They might go ah, and then they just go about their day.


  • That's it.


  • All right Also Asians are independent and do not need a lot of customer service So obviously they don't need to like talk to a bunch of people They just want to go there look at the price be like, hmm.


  • Yeah this big giant salmon filet for $10.

    是啊,這塊巨大的三文魚片只要 10 美元。

  • It's good price They don't need to ask any questions, man.


  • I have already analyzed the reviews online.


  • It's a good deal You know, I know the farm raise, you know, whatever it tastes fatty for me.


  • Yeah I don't think they need the only thing when it comes to customer service though is they want to know that people are gonna take that return though I'm gonna get to that but guys come on when you see an Asian family and they're buying tequila and you see the big What four liter tequila for like $50 you what do you think days?


  • Oh Man, this this a good deal man Well, they're like, you know at Marquis this like 1300 man, no questions asked.

    哦,夥計,這是個好買賣,他們就像,你知道 在侯爵,這就像1300人,不問任何問題。

  • I'm copping man.


  • All right, so Number nine David.


  • Why do Asians love Costco's?

    為什麼亞洲人喜歡 Costco?

  • Well Costco's are near Asian cities.


  • Look at this map here Do you see where all the blue dots are?


  • Do you know the city?


  • We all know the cities where a lot of Asians live Seattle.


  • Okay, Bay Area LA you got Houston Dallas you got, New York ATL Dave Costco's are nearby all these cities that have a lot of Asians right Asians like to live in major metropolitan hubs Or nearby.


  • Yeah, and number ten finally another reason why Asians love Costco and hopefully this video was insightful in any way The return policy bro, the return policy currently their return policies We guarantee your satisfaction on every product we sell with a full refund the following must be returned within 90 days of purchase for full refund televisions projectors cameras cameras camcorders touchscreen tablets mp3 players cell phones Do and these are just the things that you can return within 90 days Change the return policy to be stricter, right, dude You used to be able to return anything the Costco could return a TV that was seven years old Yes back in the day now you I know that I think on furniture certain pieces of furniture You can return it after years.

    是的,第 10 條終於是亞洲人喜歡好市多的另一個原因 希望這個視頻能給大家帶來啟發 退換貨政策,兄弟,退換貨政策 目前他們的退換貨政策是 我們保證您對我們出售的每件產品都感到滿意,並全額退款 以下產品必須在購買後 90 天內退換,並全額退款 電視機 投影機 相機 攝影機 觸摸屏平板電腦 MP3 播放器 手機 這些只是您可以在 90 天內退換的產品好吧,夥計,以前你可以退任何東西 好市多可以退七年前的電視機 是的,以前是這樣,現在我知道了,我想在傢俱上,某些傢俱你可以在幾年後退貨。

  • They're not gonna fight viral for returning a couch after two years or eight years or something David I Have returned some things that Costco after I use them for a year and I was very thankful for that Costco membership Well, it's good too because you don't have to deal with the manufacturer because sometimes that's like 30 email chain So everybody let us know in the comments down below if you have any other reasons why Asians love Costco I think by now David.

    他們不會因為沙發用了兩年、八年或其他什麼原因就退貨而與病毒作鬥爭,大衛,我用了一年後就把好市多的一些東西退掉了,我非常感謝好市多的會員資格,這也很好,因為你不必與製造商打交道,因為有時這就像 30 封連鎖電子郵件一樣。

  • Can we say it's a fact that Asians love Costco.


  • Well, it's just disproportionately making up the largest slice of their Customer base.


  • All right, you know what it is.


  • I don't know if every Asian loves Costco, but I don't know any Asians that hate Costco Never met one have you met one?

    我不知道是否每個亞洲人都喜歡 Costco,但我不知道有哪個亞洲人討厭 Costco。

  • No to be honest I've never I'm like and I think that Asians really like the quality too because hey guys no dis to Sam's Club But they carry, you know worst brands and a lot of brands that do pop up in Sam's Club They usually do a takedown version of their item low-key to maintain the margin But I don't think Costco does that like I don't think you when you sell to Costco wholesale.


  • It's not the takedown version It's a good point.

    這不是攻防戰版本 這是個好問題。

  • All right, everybody.


  • Let us know in the comments down below I mean, it's clear that the Asian community loves Costco.


  • Let us know if there's any other reasons Hopefully this video was helpful and until next time we out.

    如果還有其他原因,請告訴我們 希望這段視頻對您有所幫助,下次再見。

  • Peace You


Asian-Americans are officially twice as likely to shop at Costco than the average consumer, and to explain why we got ten reasons.

亞裔美國人在好市多購物的可能性是普通消費者的兩倍 為了解釋原因,我們有十個理由 是啊,這很有道理,因為你知道:我們開著卡羅拉去好市多 然後是凱美瑞 然後是雷克薩斯RX 現在我們開著特斯拉 是啊 所以我的意思是 很明顯 夥計們 有很多顯而易見的原因 為什麼亞洲人喜歡去好市多因為好市多就像週日中國人的教堂 所以我週末不能去了 因為我都沒法買好東西 因為我在看柯克蘭招牌褲子的時候 人們都想和我說話這很奇怪,隨著年齡的增長 很多事情都是第一次做 這就是成長的本質

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