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  • For 40 years, we've been protecting Bikini Bottom.

  • And we won't stop until there's no evil left to defeat.

  • We're getting old, Mermaid Man.

  • The ocean wants us to retire. "Retire?

  • But I've never felt better!" Mermaid Man, maybe this is a sign we should just give up. "No!

  • We have to show them the heroes we still are.

  • There's a lot of evil left, you old coot.

  • And our age isn't going to make this any easier.

  • Anything's possible, as long as we believe." "It's not my fault you crashed your boatmobile." "Well, it's not my fault you have dementia." "It's not my fault you crashed your boatmobile.

  • With your Alzheimer's and my arthritis, we can't keep doing this.

  • You guys can't even wipe your own butts.

  • What makes you think you can save someone else's?" "All this pain and all this medication, it won't bring back the old days.

  • I've fallen and I can't get up!

  • But at least we'll still have each other.

  • No matter how hard you fight, there will always be one evil left to defeat.

  • Time." "Oh no!

  • Mermaid Man's dying!

  • That's why you need to buy Gamersubs using code LOL so we can make more videos like this!"

For 40 years, we've been protecting Bikini Bottom.

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