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  • The Reading Rockets Teleconference Series is a production of WETA,

  • in cooperation with the National Association of State Directors of Special Education,

  • the National Education Association, the International Reading Association,

  • and the National Association of Bilingual Education.

  • Funding for this teleconference is provided by The United States Department of Education,

  • Office of Special Education Programs.

  • (music)

  • Hello, I'm Delia Pompa. Welcome to this year's final show in the Reading Rockets teleconference series,

  • "Achieving Success in Reading" Today, we're going to be talking about teaching English

  • language learners to read. In classrooms across the country, teachers need to teach reading

  • to children who don't speak English, but most of our teachers have not been trained to do this.

  • Today, we have three independent researchers. Dr. Diane August is a senior research scientist

  • for the Center for Applied Linguistics. Dr. Margarita Calderón is a senior research scientist

  • at the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk at Johns Hopkins

  • University, and Dr. Fred Genesee is a professor in the Psychology Department at McGill University

  • in Montreal, Canada. And we have teachers, administrators, special education professionals,

  • and parents. Later in the program, we will take questions from the audience and open

  • the phone lines to viewers in this country and Canada. Thank you all for joining us.

  • Diane, why is teaching English language learners so hot these days?

  • Well, I think it's a hot topic for several reasons. First, there's been a dramatic increase

  • in the number of English language learners in the United States, especially in the last

  • ten years or so. So, I think lots of parts of the country that didn't have large numbers

  • of English language learners before now are experiencing these children in their classrooms.

  • So, that's one issue.

  • But the other is the No Child Left Behind Act. It is an act that has some very strong

  • accountability provisions that require all children within the next, well, 12 years to

  • reach standards in reading. And for the first time, the assessment data has to be disaggregated

  • by English language proficiency status. So, schools are very aware now of the strengths

  • and academic weaknesses of their English language learners, and schools will be held accountable

  • for making sure these children meet standards.

  • Well, given that as a base, what do we know about the characteristics of these learners

  • that might affect our work with them?

  • Well, I think one very important thing to keep in mind is it's a very diverse population.

  • But the label "English language learner" encompasses lots of different kinds of children. For example,

  • although most of the children are at the elementary school level, there are substantial numbers

  • of children both at the middle and secondary school level. Though about 70 percent of them

  • come from Spanish-speaking homes, there are also children from other first language backgrounds.

  • In addition, children come to school with very different literacy and language skills

  • in their first language, which impacts their ability in the second language. For example,

  • some children come to school literate in their first language, and these skills can really

  • transfer to literacy acquisition in their second language. Some kids come to school

  • with very well-developed oral language proficiency in their first language. This also positively

  • impacting their ability to become literate in English. Children come to school with different

  • levels of English oral language proficiency.

  • Some children who are a language minority and English learners actually have been born

  • and raised in the United States, so they have experienced a context wherein English is spoken

  • all around them. Other children come to the U.S. and start school as soon as they arrive

  • here, so they have not been in an English-speaking context before. So, there are many different

  • factors that differentiate these children, and I think it's a real mistake to think of

  • English language learners as one population of children.

  • I know you have been doing a lot of work on vocabulary development in the second language.

  • What role does that play in teaching the children to read as they acquire a second language?

  • Vocabulary is critical and, unfortunately, it's been neglected. For example, in research,

  • I'm a member of, and principal investigator for, the National Literacy Panel on Language

  • Minority Children and Youth. Since 1980, there have been three quasi-experimental studies

  • focusing on helping English language learners develop vocabulary in English. This is quite

  • amazing, because vocabulary plays such a critical role in reading comprehension. Children can

  • manage without knowing a few words in a task, but as soon as they don't know more than a

  • few words, they really have issues with comprehending that text. So, vocabulary plays a critical

  • role in reading comprehension, and it's something we need more research on -- and something

  • we need to explicitly teach.

  • Is that research helping you find out what instructional practices work best with these

  • children, and what would those be?

  • This is again a very long answer. It's a very broad question. As part of the National Literacy

  • Panel, we have reviewed all the research on practices that work for English language learners.

  • The first thing I should tell you is that there are 18 studies in all that look at the

  • development of component skills of literacy. When you compare this with the 400 studies

  • that are cited in the National Reading Panel report, you can see what a need we have for

  • more research in this area. But I can tell you these 18 studies tell us that working

  • on component skills of literacy is very important. And by the component skills of literacy, I

  • mean phonological awareness, word reading, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension -- things

  • like this. It's very important to target these skills.

  • We also found that you can really build on first-language reading research, but you really

  • have to make modifications in that research to make sure that the techniques work with

  • English language learners. With many of the studies that we have located, the practices

  • build on effective practices for English language learners, but there are modifications in these

  • practices to make sure they are effective with English language learners. And I could

  • give you a couple of examples.

  • If you could give us one, and then we will move on. But give us one example right now.

  • Well, one example. If we are talking about vocabulary in the way of comprehension, you

  • can't just sit an English language learner down with a chapter in a book, or three or

  • four pages, and expect them to read through these and understand. You need to pre-teach

  • some of the vocabulary. You need to scaffold the reading of the text with the children,

  • asking frequent questions to make sure that they understand what the text is about. Those

  • are some examples.

  • Diane, it seems like we know a lot about what it takes. What do we need to do to implement

  • these pieces of research that we've found and all the components of reading?

  • Yes. This is also a very complicated question, given the amount of research we have in this

  • area. I think it's very important to use research-based practices, so, again, we need a lot more good

  • research in this area. Given that, I think professional development is extremely important.

  • Teachers need to understand the theory that drives whatever intervention they're implementing.

  • I think having materials in the classroom is very, very important; because, quite frankly,

  • I don't think professional development alone does it. I think teachers need something to

  • work with. I think it's very important for teachers to pay attention to how whatever

  • programs and practices they're using in the classroom work for these children.

  • Assessment is critical. You can't assume that because something is "research based" it's

  • going to work for the children in your particular classroom. So, teachers need to attend to,

  • "Is this working?" And if it's not working, they need to really think about why it's not

  • working and what they can do to make improvements in whatever strategies they are using.

  • So, professional development and careful monitoring of student practice.--

  • Fred, Diane has given us a lot of ideas about what teachers need to be doing -- ideas -- and

  • different approaches and the whole panoply of solutions teachers need to look at. Are

  • there advantages or risks to different approaches that teachers should know about?

  • I would have to say yes. It's hard to answer without a specific approach in mind; but,

  • in effect, good teachers need a repertoire of instructional strategies to use when working

  • with English language learners. This is true for native English speakers. It's particularly

  • true for teachers working with English language learners, because, as Diane said, the children

  • come to school with very different cultural backgrounds and first-language skills, and

  • very different levels of literacy in the first or second language; and teachers need to be

  • able to tailor their instruction to respond to those individual needs.

  • There's another feature of working with these children which classroom teachers working

  • with English-speaking children don't have to deal with. They can come in at any grade

  • level -- grade five, six, secondary school -- and some of them present a particular

  • challenge, calling for specific kinds of instructional strategies.

  • Is there reliable research that tells us about how children learn to read in a second language?

  • And, what may be some of that research that teachers would need to know about how children

  • learn to read in a second language?

  • The National Literacy Panel, which Diane referred to, is really the first serious attempt to

  • look at the research in a very comprehensive way. And one of the driving questions is the

  • question as to whether reading in a second language is the same as reading in the first

  • language and, if there are differences, how do we respond to those differences? So it

  • would probably be premature for me to say on behalf of the panel what the findings are.

  • But it's my sense it would be interesting to see what Diane says as a researcher, that

  • there's a lot of converging evidence that learning to read in a second language is very

  • similar to the first language insofar as the underlying cognitive and skills are involved.

  • The same component skills important in the first language like: phonological awareness,

  • ability to name letters, vocabulary knowledge, how you use context to figure out the meaning

  • of words-- these are all foundation skills that children need, whether reading in a first

  • or second language.

  • But you always have to filter what might be regarded as a kind of almost universal processes

  • of language acquisition, reading acquisition, through the filters the kids bring, which

  • are the cultural and linguistic differences.

  • Margarita, what role does the native language play in the students' learning to read in

  • the second language?

  • Again, going back to the preliminary findings of the Panel, it plays a major role. Learning

  • to read in the primary language definitely helps students learn to read in the second

  • language. But, again, it depends on how well a program is structured and the development

  • of a program, as well as a very solid research-based transition into English reading that is critical.

  • I think that is one of the biggest hurdles we need to deal with in schools -- how do

  • we develop reading in the primary language so that it is very effective, very comprehensive?

  • And it's very much what they have mentioned already. It's all the different components.

  • Even reading in Spanish, for example, has to have a lot of phonemic and phonological

  • awareness, word knowledge -- everything Diane mentioned about vocabulary learning. If it

  • does not take place in the primary language, it will be very difficult for the children

  • to transfer a lot of concepts and word knowledge into English reading.

  • Do we know what aspects of learning to read in a first language carry over to the second

  • language? Diane, you look like you have an answer.

  • We are doing a lot of research funded through the National Institutes for Child Health and

  • Development and Institute for Educational Sciences, Office of English Language Acquisition,

  • we have done a longitudinal study from the end of second grade through the end of fifth

  • grade, looking at children who were instructed first in their native language, which happened

  • to be Spanish, and then into English-only instruction to see what components transferred

  • from the first to the second language. And we found that, regardless of whether they

  • were instructed in English or Spanish, phonological awareness skills transferred from the first

  • to second language. But for skills like word reading and experience to transfer, children

  • need to be instructed in Spanish first. So, language of instruction plays a major role

  • in transfer. Even though all these children were from Spanish-speaking homes, children

  • had to be instructed first in Spanish for the skills to transfer.

  • But I also wanted to say something in response to one of your previous questions about issues

  • related to implementing effective programs and practices for English language learners.

  • And I think we can't forget how important resources are in making sure we have sound

  • programs for these programs. And I say that because children entering kindergarten who

  • are very limited English-proficient and from poor families, for example, really need a

  • lot of support to master English literacy. They need extra time in school. They need

  • to be with a teacher who really is well trained, so that they know how to scaffold instruction.

  • They need to be in a small enough group so that the teacher can respond to the needs

  • of these children. And this we will not have unless we have sufficient resources. It's

  • not just a matter of research.

  • You know, this segment has had lots of interest. Not to put you all on the spot or anything,

  • but teachers were waiting for this particular segment, and one question we had was how often

  • should a teacher correct a second-language mistake that students make, and how does that

  • fit into instruction and reading?

  • Well, this is a question that comes up frequently in all forms of second-language education,

  • whether it's a bilingual or emerging program, or certainly when you're teaching literacy.

  • We are coming from a period where a lot of people felt we shouldn't provide correction;

  • but now thinking is changing a little to the point where people believe at certain times

  • correction is appropriate, because there are technical aspects of the language. Spelling

  • is a good example, also vocabulary -- how you organize text for a science report or

  • a narrative.

  • This is all knowledge that is in many cases acquired more easily if you are told explicitly

  • how to do it and if you are corrected when you don't do it correctly. So, I think if

  • correction has a goal in mind and is also done in the broader context of literacy, it

  • can be very effective.

  • But, obviously, one has to use it judiciously; because if you over-correct, you will turn

  • students off.

  • Another topic is children with learning disabilities who are learning a second language. Are there

  • special considerations for these English language learners, who also have a disability?

  • I can say I think you have to be really careful before you label a child "learning disabled."

  • The child needs to be provided with really sound, effective instruction and be monitored

  • carefully, because a lot of children labeled learning disabled have not been instructed

  • properly. So, it's very important to discriminate between the children who have not received

  • proper instruction and those who really have a learning disability.

  • Yes. And if I could add, the terms "learning disabled" and "learning disability" are, I

  • think, really overused. You don't just see it in the schools, but in the research literature.

  • Often, researchers distinguish between "normal," or typical children and then those with learning

  • disabilities. This is probably a very heterogeneous group, and I can think of at least three groups

  • within the larger group that you should distinguish among: children who are having trouble learning

  • because of trouble with language impairment, or with a reading disability, or those having

  • difficulty learning because they actually have a cognitive or intellectual problem.

  • And before you can actually work with these children effectively, you have to actually

  • make a correct sort of assessment.

  • Acknowledging the difficulty in diagnosing these children, what special considerations

  • would you have to consider, would you have to take into account, once you start actually

  • knowing what issues the children face are? And, what would you do in the classroom?

  • Well, if it's a child with -- I'll start the ball rolling and see if there's something

  • specific. If you have a child who seems to have a language impairment -- has trouble

  • learning language -- first of all, it would show with difficulty both in the first and

  • second language.

  • First of all, it's important to realize these children are capable of learning a second

  • language within the limits they have. In other words, being language-impaired does not mean

  • you can't learn a second language to a high level of proficiency, but there will be limits.

  • So, you want to give these kinds of children particular attention, individualize their

  • instruction to give them more enrichment and more opportunities to practice the language

  • more, and so on. Otherwise, within that, children with language impairment should be getting

  • the same kind of programming as other children and shouldn't be given less -- because they

  • really need more. And by giving them less, we are making their impairment a reality.

  • And another issue, when people see a child as an English language learner, they tend

  • not to diagnose them as learning-disabled. So, proper diagnosis is important, but so

  • are services for this population of students.

  • Dr. Calderón And I think it's particularly important for older English language learners,

  • children coming into the upper elementary or middle school, or even high school. They're

  • labeled learning disabled too early without looking into their background and seeing what

  • is lacking in either vocabulary or some of the basic reading skills. So, it's important

  • to have a very thorough process for diagnosing those three areas that Fred mentioned.

  • Otherwise, they may be either placed too quickly into a category, or not placed at all.

  • So many things to think about, but right now, let's meet K.B. Lee, a kindergarten teacher

  • in California, who has the task of teaching children speaking several different languages.

  • Let's watch as he introduces them to new letters and sounds.

  • The Mark Hopkins school is at the center of Sacramento's large Hmong community. K.B. Lee

  • has been teaching here since 1996.

  • One of the reasons I chose Mark Hopkins to come and work is because of the diversity

  • in the community. We have English speaking students, Hmong speaking students, Spanish,

  • Hindi, Tongan. It's like a bowl of salad with everything mixed together.

  • With so many of his kindergartners speaking foreign languages at home, Mr. Lee works extra

  • hard to teach reading in English.

  • We need Leo to help us, he's coming to look at who is ready. Now, Leo has a problem. He

  • wants to say a word but he keeps forgetting a sound -- a sound at the end. Leo wants

  • to get some ice cream.??

  • Experts say kindergarten teachers should help their students achieve phonemic awareness,

  • the realization that within a word are individual sounds, or phonemes.

  • "I want to sing about ice crea-" What sound did he forget? Very good. So the next one,

  • another word. The stars so bright. The stars so bright.

  • [Children answering]

  • Being able to hear the sounds inside a word is just one step down the path towards reading.

  • "A big glass of mil-" -- what's the sound?

  • A child must also learn which letters go with which sounds -- phonics, in other words.

  • We are going to do letters, pictures and sounds. Ready? Letter, picture, sound.

  • [Students respond]

  • Even in kindergarten, an important ingredient is assessment.

  • We don't want to start in September and wait until June to get a sense of whether or not

  • we are successful. We want to see how we are doing in the middle of September, end of September,

  • beginning of November-- every month we want to see if the interventions are effective

  • for kids, and we can't do that without progress-monitoring systems.

  • Samuel, show me the front of the book.

  • Mr. Lee regularly measures each student's progress. Today, it's Samuel's turn.

  • Show me the title of the book. Good. I will show you letters. You tell me the name of

  • the letter. Okay?

  • This one.

  • "T".

  • "T" -- good.

  • "G".

  • Good.

  • How about this one?

  • Right now, he is low in terms of reading, letter recognition.

  • Listen: door, floor. Sound the same? Good.

  • But he should come up.

  • How about mix, shoes?

  • Hearing a rhyme requires phonemic awareness, and these quick tests tell Mr. Lee which skills

  • need to be boosted. Help is offered to the bottom fifth of students.

  • Can you write your first name and last name for Mr. Lee?

  • Most -- or, in fact, almost all -- of my students at the beginning of the year do not

  • know anything. And at the end of the year, I have the feeling I have done something good

  • with them. They just blossom.

  • Good. Keep going.

  • Even those who don't speak English, so I feel real good about that.

  • Very good, Samuel.

  • K.B. Lee is leading his students on one of the most important journeys of their lives.

  • His last stop today is bringing together phonemic awareness and letter-sound correspondence.

  • Almost all of Mr. Lee's kids are on track for becoming readers.

  • What sound? Well, help me.

  • Did you know we have a Web site especially for Spanish-speaking parents and educators?

  • It's, teaching English language learners to read. We'd like to remind

  • you that we will be taking your calls shortly. Our toll-free number is 1-888-493-9382.

  • Studio

  • Welcome back, and thank you for joining us for this Reading Rockets teleconference. With

  • us in the WETA studio in Washington, D.C., are panelists: Dr. Diane August, Dr. Margarita

  • Calderón and Dr. Fred Genesee. We also we have an audience of teachers, administrators,

  • special education professionals and parents.

  • Dr. Margarita Calderón is a senior research scientist at the Center for Research on the

  • Education of Students Placed at Risk at Johns Hopkins University. Margarita, I'm sure you

  • have seen many classrooms as we just saw.

  • What teacher preparation and knowledge are required to ensure success in these kinds

  • of classrooms?

  • Extensive teacher preparation, a lot of staff development days; but also follow-up in the

  • classroom. Teachers who are learning to combine not just effective reading practices, but

  • also second language teaching and learning practices, need a lot of extensive practice

  • themselves. They need to see some demonstrations in the classrooms. They need support afterwards

  • to make sure that they're doing this accordingly.

  • What we noticed in this videotape is that this teacher was also doing some very meticulous

  • assessments. So, it's not just a matter of learning strategies-- teaching strategies--

  • but also learning the implications of the assessments, learning how to improve their

  • practice continuously and to adapt it to the children, the population that they have. This

  • was a wonderful example of a kindergarten classroom, but if we think about middle school

  • children, immigrant children, newcomers, who are also in need of phonemic awareness, you

  • would not do a train, or you would not have a puppet; but, rather, a teacher would need

  • to be very sensitive about how to teach phonemic awareness, which will be critical to the coding,

  • word knowledge, fluency, comprehension and everything that goes along with the rest of

  • the reading train.

  • And so for that, middle school teachers and high school teachers are, perhaps, the ones

  • most in need of extensive staff development practices, very comprehensive programs where

  • they are learning something that they may never have had in a teacher preparation program.

  • How do we train all these teachers across all the levels? What are the vehicles we can

  • use to train them?

  • Differentiated staff development, definitely, for elementary teachers; programs that demonstrate

  • and use approaches for elementary middle and high school; and differentiated staff development.

  • But staff development is not just the little bag of tricks for Monday morning; but, rather,

  • what does the research base say? What is the theory behind these practices? The teachers

  • need to internalize the rationale, the purpose for doing one thing versus another.

  • Like Fred said, there've been some myths and, perhaps, some things that we have done in

  • the past; but as we grow more knowledgeable about the field, we need to bring these practices

  • into the classroom. But teachers cannot teach what they have not been taught, so it's a

  • matter of doing massive staff development in all the schools at all levels. Every teacher

  • is new to what we are talking about here -- every, single teacher. ESL teachers need to learn

  • more about reading. Reading teachers need to know about second language practices. Bilingual

  • teachers need to learn how to incorporate everything that we've learned into teaching

  • Spanish, or whatever the primary language is. And so it's massive training all around.

  • Let's say we had a magic wand and all the teachers were trained already. Once that is

  • taken care of, how do schools find the best strategies that teachers can implement in

  • working with English language learners?

  • I can think of one example, which I think is a wonderful example, of a school district

  • where the superintendent organized a learning community. The superintendent's staff is doing

  • a lot of research themselves, and they had to look for the appropriate approaches to

  • meet the needs of their schools, and the principals were involved.

  • So, they have set up smaller learning communities throughout the district and in the school

  • for continuous study, discovering what works and what might not work. And so this terrific

  • school district in Kauai, of all places, has really approached learning about second language

  • learners through their own particular study; and in that inquiry and discovery process,

  • that's where everything begins to fall into place. But everyone has to be involved, including

  • the principals. We cannot leave this for teachers alone. It's no longer just something that

  • a teacher can do; but, rather, what is the whole district doing? What are the administrators

  • learning?

  • So, it's a mission of self-discovery, it sounds like. What advice do you have for rural schools

  • that may just be starting to serve English language learners. What are some teaching

  • strategies to use?

  • There should be a comprehensive reading program, but also we've learned a lot about second

  • language learning, and sheltered language instruction, which I think Fred can talk about

  • this a little more. There are very specific strategies mainstream teachers can use in

  • their classrooms when they have a few students, and it helps all the students. It's not just

  • those two or three; but, rather, through these instructional approaches with a lot of hands-on

  • examples, all children learn.

  • Let's turn to the Spanish-speaking population, which, as you know, makes up almost 80 percent

  • of the English language learners in this country.

  • Diane, for those children whose first language is Spanish, are there particular approaches

  • that might be useful?

  • Well, I think that for children whose first language is Spanish and who are literate in

  • Spanish, a very important thing is to make children aware that they have a lot of word

  • knowledge in their first language that they can transfer to their second language. That

  • is, there are many words, called cognates, where the meaning of the word is the same

  • and the way the word looks is the same from, say, Spanish to English. Helping kids take

  • advantage of all this knowledge they have in their first language and apply it to their

  • second language would be an important thing to do.

  • And I don't think people realize how many cognates there are between Spanish and English.

  • One-third of all English words are cognates with Spanish -- from 10,000 to 15,000 words.

  • What's even more interesting is many of these words are low-frequency words in English,

  • so they are words people would consider SAT-type words. But they are high-frequency words in

  • Spanish that people use every day.

  • An intervention right now we are working on is funded through the National Institute of

  • Child Health and Development. Its intent is to help literate children in Spanish transfer

  • their knowledge from their first to their second language and make them aware that they

  • have this rich base that they can build on. So, again, this is research funded by NICHD

  • and the Institute for Educational Sciences, intended to help kids build on this cognate

  • knowledge.

  • Dr. Calderón And along the lines of teacher development, what we are finding in the NICHD

  • and other studies is that teachers need to be very deliberate in pointing out what a

  • cognate is. Sometimes, even the youngest children have difficulty figuring out that president

  • and presidente are cognates.

  • So, when the teacher can explicitly point out simple things like that, or that there

  • are differences in the way we pronounce the "r" in English and in Spanish -- those are

  • the tiny subtleties that are also important for teachers to know, so that they can help

  • ease the transition and help children capitalize on their primary language.

  • And the research shows that English language learners who are good readers in both Spanish

  • and in English use the same strategies and have a conscious awareness of these transfer

  • effects of these cross-linguistic relationships. Whereas, students who are poor language learners

  • and poor readers in Spanish, don't see the connections between the languages -- not

  • in the oral or written form. When you actually provide interventions which help these students

  • see this connection, they actually start to benefit from this.

  • And I can add that to understand what one's reading, one really needs an understanding

  • of the concepts that are embedded in the print. So, it's not just a matter of being able to

  • decode the words in English or of having the English labels. One has to really understand

  • what one is reading. And this kind of conceptual knowledge, this background knowledge, this

  • content knowledge is knowledge that can easily be developed in children's first languages.

  • I mean, therein lies a lot of value in providing children content knowledge in their native

  • language as they are acquiring proficiency in English -- because without this background

  • knowledge, this content knowledge, even with being able to decode the words or understand

  • what the words mean in sort of pieces, you cannot put the picture together.

  • Building on what Diane is saying, when we work with native English speakers, teaching

  • them to read, we assume we need to start with what they know as a jumping-off point; so

  • we embed literacy instruction in the experiences these children bring to school with them.

  • We need to be consciously aware of doing that with English language learners, too. They

  • won't have the same kinds of experiences as native English speakers, though one has to

  • be careful because some English language learners have similar experiences. The teachers need

  • to connect with the students on the level of their experiences. The teacher on the video

  • should be introducing words they are likely to know already and helping them to break

  • the words down.

  • That's an interesting point some of the viewers may have asked. Are there environmental factors

  • that might affect some native Spanish speakers' ability to read or write in English, that

  • affect Spanish speakers as a group, perhaps?

  • Environmental influences?

  • Factors like poverty, or level of education of parents, or those kinds of factors.

  • Well, the research is quite clear in showing that, first of all, if children come to school

  • and they are already literate in their first language, most teachers will tell you, it's

  • much easier to teach them to read and write in English. If they emigrate from Mexico,

  • for example, from a solid school, and they are nine or ten years of age, and come to

  • the school in the United States, if they can read in Spanish. Then, teaching them to read

  • in English is quite straightforward.

  • But students who live in the United States and grow up in a Spanish-speaking at home,

  • they may have literacy experiences. But many children grew up in families where the parents

  • are not literate, or they are so busy earning a living, they are not sharing those literacy

  • experiences with the children. These children don't bring such literacy benefits to school

  • with them, so it's useful to know what is going on with the family.

  • And as far as the disability issue, the child may seem to have a disability, but there may

  • have been a literacy impoverishment for that child.

  • And while children are gaining literacy in English, providing them access to content

  • in their native language is a way to help them develop the content knowledge they need

  • to make sense of the English they are reading.

  • I'm quite concerned, actually, about some aspects of the No Child Left Behind Act; because

  • I think if one focuses just on discrete skills in reading, for example, and reading narrative

  • text and math, and the kids don't have an opportunity to learn content in other subjects,

  • it's going to really impact their ability to comprehend what they're reading. So, again,

  • there's the importance of providing children access to rich content in a language in which

  • they understand the content.

  • Don't get me wrong. I think it's very important to provide these children with the skills

  • they need to become literate in English, and I don't propose we wait a long time to do

  • this. One needs to provide systematic instruction in English reading from a fairly early age

  • and really build these kids' abilities to access English content. It's critically important.

  • Margarita?

  • I was going to add that it's also very important if the children are starting out to read in

  • the primary language -- say, in Spanish -- that they are in this program long enough to build

  • those reading comprehension skills and other skills that, if they're going to transfer

  • them, they have to be developed. I think what happens too often is they get only a small

  • dose of decoding and the rest, and most important reading skills are left out of the primary

  • language instruction program. Therefore, when the children are transferred into English

  • reading, they are expected to have all of these other skills, and maybe they don't because

  • they were not there long enough to develop them.

  • But I agree with Diane. Unless the English is being developed also, systematically from

  • an early stage, we may wind up with children whom many schools think are unable to transition

  • into the fourth or fifth grade. And that is a little late. When the children get to middle

  • school, it's very difficult for them to pick up all those dense texts and be able to read

  • and tackle the content, because their reading in English is not developed as far as it should

  • be.

  • The connections with what happens in the home and then in school are very important, beginning

  • in early childhood. Let's meet a scientist who has been studying infants' amazing ability

  • to distinguish subtle differences in speech sounds.

  • [Speaking various languages]

  • The

  • human voice can produce at least 150 different speech sounds, or phonemes, and English uses

  • only about 40 of these sounds.

  • [Speaking various languages]

  • Thank you again for coming in. We really appreciate it.

  • Psychologist Dr. Janet Werker wants to know how babies learn to distinguish speech sounds

  • of their native language.

  • Babies, like adults, are interested in new information. So when they hear something that's

  • different from what they've been hearing, their interest perks up. You can measure that

  • in a number of ways -- sucking pattern or looking time, or even through something like

  • a head turn.

  • Werker trains babies to turn their heads whenever they hear a change in sound by rewarding them

  • with a view of a musical bunny. Babies are turning their heads the moment they hear a

  • change, anticipating the bunny. Headphones prevent the adults from hearing the speech

  • sounds and accidentally cuing the baby. Werker can now find out if this 6-month-old can hear

  • the difference between two English sounds. Keeping the baby engaged, phonemes are played

  • over a speaker.

  • Da, da, da. Ba.

  • This baby can hear the difference between "B" and "D". In fact, even newborns can tell

  • them apart.

  • Look!

  • Next, Werker tests if the baby can distinguish another pair of sounds.

  • The phoneme will change from one kind of "D" to another. The two sound distinct to speakers

  • of Hindi, but adults who speak only English can't hear the difference.

  • Da, da, da, DAO.

  • The baby hears the difference between the two sounds, one of which she has never heard

  • before. By the age of 10 to 12 months, infants not regularly exposed to Hindi lose the ability

  • to distinguish these sounds.

  • Da, da, da, DAO.

  • 12-month-old babies have already become specialists in their native language. We now know that

  • even in very young children, the ability to hear language is highly developed. For parents

  • of future readers, Workers' research has an important message.

  • As a parent, when you are talking to your infant, you are not just having a wonderful

  • time and setting up a great emotional relationship. You may be providing them with essential information

  • for them to become accomplished readers several years later.

  • Nobody wants to give up on a struggling reader. Now, nobody has to. Whether you are an educator,

  • parent or someone who just cares about kids, check out, the definitive

  • resource for teaching kids to read, another great production of WETA, Washington, D.C.

  • We remind you, we will be taking your calls shortly.

  • Welcome back, and thank you once again for joining the Reading Rockets teleconference.

  • We'll be taking your calls shortly.

  • Dr. Fred Genesee is Professor of Psychology at McGill University. He has done extensive

  • work in total immersion, and simultaneous acquisition of two languages. Fred, let's

  • take a few steps back. Can these students really learn to read English if they can't

  • speak the language?

  • There's a lot of progress you can make with English language learners before they are

  • proficient in the oral language. So, you can lay the foundations for later literacy. We

  • focus a lot up until now on phonological and phonemic awareness, early vocabulary development,

  • teaching children the name of letters and so on, and the correspondence between how

  • a letter looks and how it sounds, corresponds to that letter. Those are skills that actually

  • can be taught before children have very high levels of oral proficiency.

  • I think it's important though, and most good teachers know this, because most of them start

  • with those kinds of skills early on. But at the same time, they need to be laying the

  • foundations for more advanced levels of kinds of reading. So, as the children get older,

  • these kinds of foundational skills will not be enough, and they will need to be able to

  • understand words in context. They have to understand complex grammatical structures.

  • Those kinds of reading skills, the more advanced ones, do require more advanced levels of language

  • proficiency. But in the beginning, you can build a bit of progress in teaching reading

  • and, in fact, reading can be the basis for oral language development.

  • What can teachers take away from that for reading instruction for their practices?

  • My opinion would be two things. One, they need to start small. Start on the small pieces

  • from the very beginning. And then the other one is at the same time, there should always

  • be this background of a more contextualized reading and writing. As you focus on the small

  • pieces, embed that in reading and writing activities which are probably beyond the students

  • at that point, but they will become important later on.

  • It's really what I was saying before. The task of teaching reading is complex, because

  • teachers need to do several things at the same time.

  • But what they're focusing on at any point depends on what stage the learner is at.

  • You have focused much of the work of the last several years on language acquisition. Can

  • you tell the audience the different ways in which a child may acquire a second language?

  • There's lots of ways. And especially young language learners, like the children in this

  • videotape, preschool children, but even early school-aged children can't help but learn

  • language. It's almost impossible to prevent a child from learning language.

  • It's sort of interesting to reflect on how much difficulty we have teaching a language.

  • Children learn a lot of language from one another. And at some point, it's very, very

  • important that English language learners have contact with other native speakers -- but

  • native speakers of English who are the same age. That will help them acquire the kinds

  • of social language skills for interaction and social survival.

  • At the same time, exposure to native language speakers is not enough. They need to be exposed

  • to more mature language learners, like teachers and older students, who can provide models

  • of a literate language. By that, I don't mean just the ability to read and write, but the

  • ability to use oral language in ways that are like literacy. Because it's really that

  • kind of oral language proficiency that ultimately is very important in academic settings. We

  • have to take English language learners and native speakers from where they start, which

  • is with proficiency in social uses of language, to proficiency in uses of the language for

  • academic purposes.

  • Does the way a child learns a second language impact his success as a reader or academic

  • achievement?

  • No doubt that children learning a second language such as English to a high degree before they

  • come to school -- they definitely have an advantage in learning to read and write in

  • English. But that's not enough. They need to be taken beyond these social uses of language

  • to the use of language for reading, for writing, for talking about complex material. So, children

  • who have learned English as a second language not just intensively, but in the context of

  • talking about complex ideas or making an argument for or against something -- these children

  • have an additional advantage, because they are already beginning to learn some really

  • critical components of literacy.

  • The question you must get 25 times a week: how long does it take for an immigrant child

  • to learn English?

  • It depends on what kind of English language proficiency you are talking about. One of

  • the things I think we have learned about language is it's not a single thing. So say someone

  • is proficient, you have to qualify it by saying in what way. Virtually all children can become

  • proficient in the oral uses of English, and they can do it relatively quickly -- but

  • not as quickly as we think. One of the myths is that children soak up English as a sponge,

  • and it sort of happens overnight, but it is not true.

  • In a study in Alberta, Canada, young English language learners surrounded by other English

  • speakers, she's looking at oral development. And even after two years of exposure, they

  • have not mastered basic grammatical rules and are making mistakes with tense, pronoun

  • use and so on. They are highly communicative, but it's not because their language is advanced,

  • but because they have developed strategies for communicating which don't rely on oral

  • language.

  • The situation becomes more complex when you ask, how long does it take for them to acquire

  • the language skills they need to use in school?

  • There's a lot of evidence suggesting between five and seven years. If you monitor the language

  • proficiency of English language learners on things like reading tests, you will find they

  • do not start to score at the levels of native speakers often until grades five, six or seven.

  • And one of the reasons is that the language in schooling is not entirely natural. It's

  • something you have to learn and be taught, and it takes longer than learning through

  • social communication.

  • Margarita, it seems we know a lot about how we learn language, how kids learn to read.

  • But there seem to be a lot of misconceptions still floating around. What misconceptions do people continue to have?

  • I think one of them is that it's just some really basic phonics and not -- not a comprehensive

  • program. That's one thing. But the other misconception that we hear is that children cannot learn

  • to read in two languages simultaneously. And we have looked at some studies through the

  • panel, and also through some of our CRESPAR studies where children are learning to read

  • in what we call 50-50 programs, or paired programs, where they learn both languages.

  • Now, these programs are very carefully orchestrated, so that the teachers are addressing all the

  • different issues of the two language structures. The longitudinal results have shown that the

  • children in the 50-50 program, in comparison to transitional and to the average district

  • achievement in reading, have done extensively better. But when you stop and analyze the

  • programs and the staff development process that went on, all of these factors contribute

  • to saying, yes, children can be very successful learning to read in two languages.

  • And I think many of us did the same thing. I think there's a lot of us walking around

  • out there in the world and that experienced this. But unless it's carefully orchestrated,

  • it will take a little bit longer.

  • You're the resident Canadian expert. We have heard so much about the Canadian immersion

  • model, and people have tried to export it. Can you tell us how the model worked and what

  • happened in the United States when we tried to implement it? What was different?

  • And, Diane, I would love for you to jump in, too, because I know you have experience with

  • this.

  • This is an interesting phenomenon, because the word "immersion" is being used in very

  • different ways in Canada and the United States, and I'm going to give a definition. "Immersion"

  • in Canada is used to teach French as a second language to native English-speaking children,

  • and these programs were initiated almost 40 years ago as part of Canada's official policy

  • on bilingualism, designed to help young English-speaking children learn Canada's other official language.

  • These are children who already speak the dominant language of the community, and we know this

  • is one of the dominant languages in the world. And these were children who had the advantages

  • of growing up in families who were literate and used that literacy a lot.

  • The programs were highly successful. They were introduced in the U.S. shortly after,

  • in the same way they were created in Canada. That is, they were made available to English-speaking

  • American children. Spanish immersion programs in Southern California were the first, for

  • English-speaking children. And, again, they were very successful with results similar

  • to Canada's.

  • But then what started to happen was the term "immersion" started to be used for teaching

  • English to Spanish-speaking children, for example.

  • So the notion of immersion was transformed in a way not true to its origins in Canada.

  • So, now immersion in the U.S. refers to English immersion for Spanish-speaking children. And

  • as a result of that form of immersion, you really can't use the Canadian results on immersion

  • in any way to inform you about immersion for Spanish-speaking children. They are two entirely

  • different populations of children. In Canada, they are children who speak the majority language.

  • In the U.S., they speak a minority language.

  • Diane, would you like to add something?

  • I was going to add to the issue of the acquisition of English proficiency and issues around that

  • acquisition. As we talked about it before, it's important to take individual difference

  • factors into account when we discuss this. One of the things that the research studies

  • find is that you need a certain amount of English proficiency to sort of bootstrap yourself

  • to the point where you can take advantage of the instruction provided you. So, children

  • who enter schools as English language learners, who are below that threshold of English proficiency,

  • will have a much harder time taking advantage of the English context around them, to acquire

  • additional proficiencies. And this again has implications for the kinds of scaffolding

  • and additional instruction given to these children who enter U.S. schools with fairly

  • limited English proficiency.

  • At the same time, the other thing I think we have learned about second language learning

  • is that language learning actually occurs most effectively when the students are not

  • focusing on language learning. In the immersion program, for example in Canada, we have learned

  • children can learn a lot of academic knowledge or cognitive skills through the medium of

  • a language they haven't mastered yet. And, in fact, by focusing the students' attention

  • on learning other kinds of skills or knowledge, you can actually facilitate second language

  • acquisition.

  • In the case of English language learners, even though we know it takes time to learn

  • oral or academic language skills, we shouldn't be misled to think we have to wait until they

  • have mastered those skills to teach them content or new academic skills. They need basic language

  • skills, but you can move fairly quickly to teaching them new knowledge and new skills

  • through the medium of the language. You have to provide scaffolding to do that, but we

  • can't wait five or six years to teach science. And we don't have to, because doing that,

  • we will also facilitate their English language development -- if, as Margarita says, we

  • do it in a very careful way.

  • There's a lot of room for error in our schools and instructional systems for, perhaps, not

  • using the correct strategies for students. What are the strategies we may use now that

  • some of these things have happened to motivate English language learners to learn to read

  • in the second language?

  • High-interest activities in the content areas. Science is a great way to engage students

  • where they do not need too much oral language and can be exposed to a lot of rich content

  • and more vocabulary. There are a lot of cognates, and teachers can capitalize on cognates as

  • a bridge to develop more English proficiency. Even social studies teachers are learning

  • ways to introduce different concepts to students who are very limited. I think if the focus

  • is too much on language, on learning the technicalities of language, especially for the older students,

  • that may not be as helpful and successful in motivating them as it would when they're

  • learning something, that they're learning content, that they're able to read. Additionally,

  • in the primary grades, if the children also are seeing that their parents are very much

  • engaged in the reading process, and if the schools are providing workshops for parents

  • to help them in this, that's very motivating. A family literacy program connected with the

  • school's literacy program, I think, is an absolute must to continue to motivate the

  • students -- at home and at school.

  • Sure, Diane. Really quickly.

  • What is very important is making sure that teachers scaffold whatever they are, say,

  • reading to children, so that, on an ongoing basis, children are questioned to be sure

  • that they understand what is being read. A very effective strategy is storybook reading,

  • or reading expository text, but asking lots of questions on an ongoing basis to clarify

  • misunderstanding. This is a good way to build up proficiency. We were talking about errors

  • before. The teacher can repeat what a child says, repeat it correctly and elaborate on

  • students' responses. This give-and-take around the teacher reading to children is a very

  • important way to build both content knowledge and oral language proficiency, but it requires

  • very careful and thoughtful scaffolding.

  • You're offering lots of tips and new knowledge that will help us all.

  • And now a little treat, a preview of the latest show in the Reading Rockets "Launching Young

  • Readers" series, airing on PBS stations around the country this spring and fall. It's a show

  • just for kids with trouble reading. Maricely is a fifth grader. Her school offered her

  • the appropriate support, and with proper intervention and a little TLC, she learned to read and

  • speak in English.

  • Today we are going to see the secret lives of teenagers getting ready for a talent show.

  • This is fifth grader Maricely.

  • Man, I love this music!

  • She lives in Hartford, Connecticut, but was born in Puerto Rico. See the flag?

  • This girl loves the spotlight, but that has not always been the case.

  • I was reading and then I came across a word I didn't know. And when I started saying it,

  • everybody starred laughing.

  • Maricely, she had trouble learning to read. She was learning in a second language. Could

  • you imagine learning to read Chinese or Greek? She moved from Puerto Rico when she was just

  • two. Her family speaks a little English, but everyone in the neighborhood and at home generally

  • speaks Spanish, and it's hard to practice her English.

  • It's hard to learn English, especially when your family speaks Spanish only. I didn't

  • know how to read or write English, and most of my friends would pass me a note and write

  • it in English. So when I went to read it, I didn't know.

  • One thing that confused Maricely was the same sounds being spelled in different ways. What'

  • that all about?

  • Christopher, it sounds like "f-e-r," but it's "p-h-e-r." And I would be like, it's too hard.

  • Things got so tough for Maricely, they decided she needed to repeat the fifth grade.

  • I was mad, and it was hard for me. I wanted to quit, but then I decided not to.

  • You go, Maricely! A lot of kids would give up, but not Maricely. She buckled down and

  • worked extra hard with her teachers.

  • The teachers always gave me a book, and I started reading that one. When I finished

  • it, I read it again. Then they give me one book harder and one harder, and they will

  • make me understand the English more.

  • Maricely also worked at home with her big sister Bette Marie.

  • It's hard, and at some points in time you feel like giving up, because maybe you think

  • it's not worth it. But it's worth everything. All the struggles and everything -- it's

  • going to be worth it.

  • Maricely thinks so, too.

  • I want to show them as I learn a second language. And here I am, talking in English, and so

  • can you.

  • And guess what? Next year, she will be heading to sixth grade, speaking and reading both

  • English and Spanish.

  • Did you know we have a Web site designed especially for Spanish speaking parents and educators?

  • Visit to find the best information for teaching English language

  • learners to read.

  • Call in now. The toll-free number is 1-888-493-9382.

  • Do you have a personal question you would like to ask an expert about reading? Go to

  • and click on "Ask Reading Rockets." Send us your question, and we will

  • respond within a few days with a personal, confidential answer.

  • Studio

  • Welcome back. We are opening up the phone lines to take your calls; but, first, members

  • of our studio audience. Let's go to the first question.

  • How can educators motivate parents from other cultures who have had negative experiences

  • themselves with the schools, so that they can become involved in the educational process

  • at home and at school?

  • Oh, a big question. Margarita?

  • I will start. Some of the things I've seen in several schools and districts is that they

  • have a variety of activities for parents. Some parents can come in only for breakfast

  • meetings. Others can come in right after school to pick up the children and stay for a few

  • minutes, where the teachers or someone can be prepared to help them out, give them materials,

  • do a little demonstration on how to listen to reading. Others can come on evenings and

  • Saturday mornings. So, where family literacy programs have worked is where they have a

  • variety of things -- not just one -- and where the parents are proposing what can be

  • done and how they, themselves, can collaborate with the schools.

  • I think it's very important to provide professional development to school staff, because I think

  • there are lots of parents who are eager and enthusiastic about getting involved in their

  • children's education, and they feel shut out. So, I think schools need practice in welcoming

  • parents.

  • I saw a brilliant project within a school in California, in fact, where the issue was

  • precisely the one you raised: how to get the parents involved. They recognized the competencies

  • the parents had, and this happened to be a fairly large group of Hmong speakers from

  • Southeast Asia, who were farmers in their countries of origin. And they created a community

  • garden, and the teachers and students were involved. They integrated the gardens into

  • their science and social studies lessons. It was a way of recognizing the competencies

  • the parents had and how they could contribute to the education of their children. It was

  • brilliant and worked very, very well.

  • Well, this is an international issue. We have a question from Montreal, Canada.

  • Thank you. My question is related to the former one, but more extensive.

  • Regarding awareness and training and teaching English language learners, Dr. Calderón described

  • learning communities in school districts where principals are also involved. My question

  • is: to what extent is this being done and, indeed, required elsewhere, to involve not

  • just the teachers and families, but administrators and school board members? How widespread is

  • this?

  • I know that NCLB has set aside funding for staff development. I think the focus has been

  • too much on retooling, retraining teachers, rather than focusing on a whole school, a

  • whole district. And that is something that I think even the Reading First initiative

  • and all the initiatives should look at -- setting aside staff development components for staff,

  • [as well as] professional development components for administrators and counselors, particularly

  • at the secondary schools. Everyone impacts the life and education of an English language

  • learner, so those kinds of components for comprehensive staff development, I think,

  • should be included.

  • I'll jump in here. I know that in this country, we also have a lot of the professional organizations

  • becoming engaged in instruction by having their membership learn more about what happens

  • in the schools, including the PTA and the National Association of School Boards. So,

  • it is a trend that I think we see beginning. It's certainly not near as well set up as

  • we would like, but it's something that is going to take on more interest as we move

  • along and implement good reading programs.

  • We have another question from the studio audience.

  • I would appreciate your thoughts on how I can get native English-speaking students to

  • accept students who are English language learners (ELL's).

  • One thing I tried -- actually, this was my dissertation, and it did work -- was to have

  • pairs of children working together, English only children and Spanish speakers. And I

  • taught the Spanish-speaking students -- some kind of creative activity. These children

  • were first to third graders. And then they had the responsibility of teaching the English-only

  • students. So, this was a way for the children to work together, and it raised the status,

  • in a sense, of the Spanish-speaking children.

  • The other initiative under way to address this kind of issue, are called two-way immersion

  • programs. You may be familiar with them. They're programs where you have half the students

  • in the class are native English speakers, and the other half are native speakers of

  • another language, often Spanish. Both of these groups of students are learning the other

  • group's language at the same time that they are learning to read, write and do all the

  • things we do in school. These programs are very effective at breaking down some of the

  • cultural barriers that exist in many schools.

  • Right. It provides equal status to both languages and cultures.

  • I have seen variations on this that are less extensive, where you have high school students

  • interested in learning Spanish, and they help Spanish-speaking students learn English and

  • vice versa. It's a way of validating the competencies of both groups of students and breaking down

  • barriers.

  • Let's go to New Jersey now, we have a question from there.

  • Good afternoon, and thank you. I have two questions. The first is, what do you suggest

  • for non English-speaking students who arrive in middle school or high school and don't

  • really have the opportunity to learn English from square one?

  • Hit it, gang.

  • Well, there have been newcomer programs established for these children, and some have been very

  • successful. These are either programs within a school or separate from the school, generally

  • a year or two in duration, that work to quickly develop students' English language and literacy

  • proficiency. Where possible, the programs continue content instruction in the children's

  • native language. They help children understand issues around cultural differences with regard

  • to differences between their native culture and English. These programs have been very

  • successful.

  • Thank you. And my second question is, what about students who don't have the opportunity

  • to participate in a bilingual program to develop their native-language reading skills?

  • Then I would say an intensive, immediate intervention in English reading would help, but that intensive

  • intervention probably has to be part of a secondary program where the teachers who will

  • be receiving the students right after this intervention are also well-trained in order

  • to facilitate that transition into the mainstream classroom. So, again, it takes quite a few

  • teachers beyond a newcomer program or other programmatic intervention to facilitate the

  • academic achievement of a recently arrived ELL.

  • There are also instructional approaches designed to help students integrate into classrooms,

  • if they don't already know English at a high level. And one of the ones that I think is

  • particularly good is called "sheltered instruction." It's an approach that helps teachers present

  • academic content through the medium of English to students who are not proficient in English

  • yet. And at the same time, they can present the content in a way that helps them apply

  • their English. It's what Diane referred to as "scaffolding," but there's an actual approach

  • called "sheltered instruction."

  • And Fred, your fan club is here. We have a question from Quebec.

  • Yes, as you are well aware, our context in Quebec is radically different from the one

  • you have been describing. The majority language in Quebec is French. So, I wondered if you

  • had any thoughts on teaching ESL in a context where English is not the language of the majority.

  • Well, this is an interesting question because for native French-speaking children in Quebec,

  • they all are required to learn English as a second language; but it's not exactly the

  • same situation -- as you point out -- in the U.S., because these children can live

  • and survive very comfortably in the context of French in Quebec. Quebecers have the advantage

  • of teaching English as a second language to Francophone students. These students are already

  • affirmed in who they are and their language, so they're what we would call an additive

  • bilingual situation, in other words they can add English without any threat to their native

  • French language skills.

  • On the other hand, if we are talking about immigrant children in Quebec going to French

  • school and, ultimately, also having to learn English as a second language, you are really

  • almost facing a situation that's almost a cross between a foreign language and second

  • language.

  • You have many of the issues you have in the United States. These children are in a potentially

  • subtractive bilingual situation. How do we teach them the second languages without loss

  • of their native language? What we talked about today is more relevant to those children,

  • and not so much to French children learning English in Quebec.

  • Texas, we would like to hear from you now. Texas, are you on the line?

  • Yes, for Dr. Calderón. I wanted to know how she has seen teachers teach first-grade students

  • learning to read for the first time in both English and Spanish, simultaneously.

  • I have seen it in classrooms-- team-teachers-- where one teacher focuses on teaching English

  • and the other one in Spanish, and [instruction in] both languages is completely separated.

  • It actually starts in kindergarten and goes up the grade levels, but it remains a 50-50

  • program all the way through the fifth grade. The languages are separated for teaching reading,

  • but eventually both languages come together. And, in fact, around the third, fourth and

  • fifth grades, instruction [alternates] one week in Spanish, one week in English, so that

  • equal time is allocated to both languages.

  • It seems to me that in the Canadian context and other bilingual contexts people tend to

  • keep the literacy separate. They teach reading in one language before introducing the other.

  • Nevertheless, it seems to me that if you were going to teach them simultaneously, you would

  • want to keep them separate in other ways. It's probably important to have different

  • teachers for English and Spanish; and, if you are using content, to have different content

  • associated with a single language, so the children are not mixing up sounds and letters

  • and so on.

  • Diane, did you want to add anything from your studies?

  • No.

  • We have a question from our studio audience.

  • We have students with little or no schooling who are 11 and 12 years old. How do you teach

  • them the basics, like phonemic awareness?

  • Go ahead.

  • There's very -- I want to start by saying we're primarily researchers -- or I am -- so,

  • I always address these issues from a research point of view. One of the huge gaps in the

  • research area is these kinds of learners, who come to English-language schools in middle

  • school or high school with no, or very little, prior literacy instruction or experience.

  • The little bit that we do know suggests that the same kinds of component skills and big-picture

  • skills are probably important for older learners, but you need to fast-forward it. It seems

  • that phonemic instruction, building vocabulary and all those things are important, even for

  • older learners; but you would not spend as much time on those skills as with young learners.

  • Young learners can be quite engaged in these types of activities for a long period of time.

  • You have to have strategies for making these kinds of instruction interesting to children,

  • and even listening to phonemes can be interesting for an infant -- but not to a 12-year-old

  • or young adult.

  • With respect to phonemic awareness, there are all sorts of things you can do related

  • to rap music or popular music that are highly relevant to structure and sounds of language.

  • With a little imagination, I think teachers could draw on the culture of adolescence.

  • Use rap!

  • I think you need to make sure the children don't already have phonemic awareness when

  • they are that age. I would advocate assessing phonemic awareness in their native language

  • first, because it's likely that's not an issue for them.

  • We have had so much to discuss today. Can each of you give me a final comment to leave

  • the audience with, briefly? Fred?

  • Well, one of the things that strikes me is that language is important in education, but

  • there's more to education than language. Our job as educators is to educate these children

  • completely. One of the tasks is literacy, but it's not all there is. We shouldn't be

  • so focused on literacy that we sacrifice other components.

  • Extensive, comprehensive professional development programs.

  • I would like to say that I think we undervalue the strengths and enthusiasm that children

  • bring to the process of learning to read. I think it's very important we nurture this

  • in children and validate all that they bring to classrooms and support them. All children

  • can learn with the right support and care.

  • Thank you, everyone. It's been wonderful. And thank you for participating in our 2003-04

  • teleconference series, "Achieving Success

  • in Reading."

The Reading Rockets Teleconference Series is a production of WETA,

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教英語學習者閱讀 (Teaching English Language Learners to Read)

  • 887 104
    evonshih0814 posted on 2021/01/14
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