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  • What is Yu the Great?

  • Great Yu control the water is a legendary story from ancient China about Yu the Great, a cultural hero renowned for his flood control effort.

  • During the Emperor's Shanspring, catastrophic flood plagued the land.

  • Yu's father Gong initially attempted to control the flood with dam but failed.

  • Yu then spent over a decade dredging and creating channels to redirect water, successfully managing the flood and aiding agricultural development.

  • Although direct archaeological evidence linking Yu's work to specific site is limited, various ancient hydraulic projects like Dujiangyan Irrigation System highlight sophisticated water management techniques.

  • Sites like Erlitou, often associated with Xia Dynasty, suggest a historical basis for Yu's legend.

  • This story blends myths with early technological achievement, underscoring harmonious coexistence with nature.

What is Yu the Great?

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