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  • For the first time in history, the child of a sitting president has been convicted of federal charges.

  • Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty of three counts of illegally possessing a gun while under the influence of drugs.

  • The court heard how he was using drugs through that period and introduced his then-girlfriend, his brother's widow, Hallie Biden, to crack.

  • Jurors speaking anonymously afterwards say the fact Hunter Biden is the president's son didn't factor into their decision.

  • President Biden never really even came in to play for me because his name was only brought up once during the trial.

  • And that's when it kind of sunk in a little bit.

  • Oh, wow, this is the sitting president's son who's on trial.

  • Joe Biden says he'll accept the outcome of this case while Hunter Biden considers appealing.

  • And the president insists that he won't pardon his son.

  • But this story has Americans divided because outlets like CNN are describing this as part of the tragedy for the Biden family and others like Vivek Ramaswamy say this trial is a sham.

  • So Hunter Biden was convicted.

  • Big freaking deal.

  • This trial was a sham.

  • Just like the Trump trial, it was a sham, but a sham for a different reason.

  • It's a sham designed to legitimize the Trump conviction.

  • That's why it came right after, even for charges that date way far back.

  • But it also avoids accountability for the Biden crime family on the actual things that Hunter Biden should have been charged for.

  • Like, for example, peddling foreign influence while his actual father, Joe Biden, was the vice president of the United States.

  • Hunter had no business serving on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, a state-affiliated energy company that's affiliated with the same country, Ukraine, that his father now is the US president is sending hundreds of billions of dollars of your taxpayer money to.

  • That's where the real crimes lie.

  • So this deflects accountability for the actual investigations that are more close to implicating Joe Biden, while coming in convenient timing right after the sham Trump conviction in the veil of bipartisanship.

  • Don't buy it.

  • I said this before, I'll say it again.

  • This is a smoke screen, and the reality is you gotta cut through it to get to the essence of what's happening in this country.

  • Podcaster Charlie Kirk wrote on X, Hunter Biden guilty.

  • Yawn.

  • The true crimes of the Biden crime family remain untouched.

  • This is a fake trial trying to make the justice system appear balanced.

  • Don't fall for it.

  • And Fox News host Jesse Watters warned, just because Hunter Biden was convicted doesn't mean the American legal system isn't being abused.

  • The jury followed the law.

  • The judge ran a tight trial and justice was served.

  • But just because one Democrat was convicted doesn't mean the American legal system isn't being abused.

  • The feds are still throwing dozens of Republicans in prison on trumped up charges and trying to incarcerate the Republican nominee for a crime they cooked up with black magic to hocus pocus an election.

  • Hunter's judge didn't donate to a group called Stop Democrats either.

  • Sky News host James Morrow has told Newsday that this whole thing was stacked.

  • James, what are the legal and political ramifications out of this now?

  • Well, the legal ramifications are pretty straightforward.

  • There's gonna be a sentencing.

  • He probably won't do jail time for this whole crime.

  • It's a very sordid affair, you know.

  • It involves him, Hunter Biden, while he was a drug addict, lying on a form about getting a gun and then having that gun, giving it to his girlfriend, who was at the time his deceased brother's widow, who he got addicted to crack, and having her chuck it out.

  • And she threw it in a dumpster near a high school, which made it a whole federal crime, and then blaming it on some other people.

  • So it's a whole really sordid affair here.

  • But because this is a first offense, I suspect that he'll probably wind up doing nothing in terms of actual, you know, orange jumpsuit time.

  • It'll be a fine, it'll be a conviction, that sort of thing.

  • But, you know, the political implications here are pretty interesting, Karen, because I have a weird sense that you can already see that Joe Biden and the Democrats are already using this conviction and trying to roll it in glitter, so to speak, and saying, oh, well, look, you know, we accept the outcome of this.

  • We're not like that Trump guy.

  • We accept it.

  • But, of course, that ignores the fact that this whole thing was kind of stacked beforehand, because, you know, the prosecutors ignored a whole lot of other tax and corruption charges to focus on this one gun issue that would not wind up implicating the first family.

  • The president has said he won't use his powers as president to get him out of it, basically.

  • His son, Hunter.

  • The question is, though, and the point is, as you've said, he probably won't need to, because he won't end up behind bars anyway.

  • Well, exactly right.

  • So, I mean, it's not like there's any sort of threat, I think, of him, you know, realistically doing any sort of, you know, serious jail time.

  • But, you know, he might be picking up trash on a highway for a few months, that kind of thing, on the weekend.

  • But I don't think it's gonna go anywhere further than that.

  • Now, there is one interesting wrinkle to this, Karen, is that there are still California tax charges pending against him around millions of dollars he didn't declare from his lobbying and influence-peddling business in California.

  • And that could wind up being more complicated for him, because, of course, the way the legal system in the U.S. works is that once you start to stack up convictions in your past, then you become more likely to get sentenced for things in the future.

  • It's no longer a first offense.

  • So, this creates a whole other issue.

  • That doesn't come up until September, though, which feels like a world away.

  • It does, indeed.

  • And give our viewers a sense of where the political landscape is right now.

  • As you said, September's a world away.

  • November's even further afield.

  • But we still sense that it's a galaxy.

  • But you still sense Donald Trump is comfortably ahead, according to all the published polls.

  • Yeah, look, I mean, he is, but he isn't.

  • Because once you start to break it down into the state-by-state electoral vote tally, it's a much closer race.

  • And so, it is going to wind up coming down to those key swing states.

  • Yes, he's up in a lot of Sunbelt states, but the Rust Belt states are still a concern for Donald Trump.

  • And the Democrats have that whole machine of incumbency, which they will bring to bear, even if Joe Biden himself winds up being a bit in the background, because, of course, obviously he's not great on the stump.

  • You saw him there speaking to that gun control thing.

  • It seems like they quite overclocked him there with the caffeine or whatever it is that they're giving him.

  • He's quite manic today.

  • Whereas at that other event we saw yesterday, he was just sort of standing there frozen while the music played.

  • So the debate coming up on the 28th is certainly gonna be interesting.

  • Hunter Biden is likely to be sentenced before September 5th, when he goes on trial for tax evasion.

  • Last week, podcaster Alex Stein told Sky News that social media companies are to blame for previously protecting the Biden administration by censoring the story around Hunter Biden's laptop.

  • Obviously this thing was real from the start.

  • I mean, people had published it, it had been hacked.

  • And so we knew it was real the whole time.

  • And they had a bunch of disinformation agents that worked for the FBI that said it was fake.

  • And I mean, really, do I feel happy?

  • No, because it shows you that not only was the mainstream media censored, New York Post shared this on Twitter saying it was real and they were censored.

  • So social media companies are heavily censored.

  • So it just makes me lose all faith in getting information.

  • And this is the thing, a lot of people ask me, like, why do I support Donald Trump?

  • I get it, like in 2016, I was like, this Donald Trump guy's crazy.

  • I mean, I liked him, I wanted him to win.

  • But every single mainstream media outlet said he had a 0% chance to win.

  • The New York Times on the day of the election said Hillary Clinton was a 99% chance to win.

  • And they were wrong.

  • And that just showed me that the media lies.

  • And so, I'm not saying Sky News is liars.

  • I think you guys actually do honest reporting compared to 99% of these other freaking outlets.

  • Thank you.

  • At the end of the day, we just know that that was real and that the media lied, Twitter lied, the FBI lied.

  • And so, do I feel good about it?

  • I mean, I guess a little bit, but it's a catch-22.

  • Like, it's kind of bad that I'm wrong.

  • You know, I wish this was all fake.

  • I wish that our son, I wish the president's son wasn't a crackhead selling our secrets to, you know, foreign adversaries.

  • But that's the reality of the situation.

  • And will he go to jail?

  • Maybe, you know, he's in court right now for owning a gun while being a drug addict.

  • So, I wouldn't be surprised, but his dad's going to pardon him anyway.

  • We just, we have a two-tier justice system and it's really unfortunate.

For the first time in history, the child of a sitting president has been convicted of federal charges.

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