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  • Hey guys, welcome, welcome to the Tesla shareholder meeting, and I just want to start off by saying hot damn, I love you guys.

  • We have the most awesome shareholder base, I mean it's just incredible.

  • Any public company, it's incredible, wow.

  • And we've got a great shareholder meeting here to recap the achievements of the company and tell you about where we're going.

  • And I think it's incredible.

  • I think we're not just opening a new chapter for Tesla, we're starting a new book.

  • I think just based on vehicle autonomy, we can 10x, we'll 10x the value of the company.

  • I believe that's what will happen.

  • What do you know, it's 4.20pm.

  • I just noticed that.

  • Congrats to the Tesla team on making 6 million vehicles all the time.

  • So the Tesla fleet is really becoming very substantial, I mean it's going to be 7 million vehicles by the end of this year, over 7 million vehicles.

  • So, our factory in Fremont is currently the highest volume auto factory in North America, and we broke the prior production record from when it was new to me.

  • So it's actually pretty wild, we have a giant car factory in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • It's like, it's not exactly the cheapest place to have a car factory.

  • It's like that and the Swiss Alps or something, you know.

  • But we still managed to make great cars at high volume, and that's a testament to the great team we've got in Fremont.

  • So congrats to the Fremont team.

  • It actually gets way crazier when you think about the Optimus robot, which is really a you know, be able to do anything you want it to do, to be, you know, your companion, it can be at your house, it can sort of babysit your kids, it could teach them, be a teacher, it can do factory stuff.

  • Like I think that the ultimate ratio of, say how many super useful humanoid helper droids do you want?

  • Like who doesn't want a C-3PO, you know?

  • But a C-3PO plus R2D2 plus, you know, plus plus, it would be pretty awesome.

  • I think everyone in the world is going to want one.

  • I think we could make one for a cost of maybe, at really high scale of about $10,000.

  • It's smaller, it'd be less expensive than a car.

  • So I think if you sell it for $20,000 or something, this is at large scale volume, Tesla would basically make about a trillion dollars of profit a year from that.

  • So yeah.

  • So it's pretty wild to just, you know, be in Palo Alto with a bunch of cubes and then a humanoid robot just walks past.

  • We've made a massive amount of progress with Optimus in a short period of time, from someone pretending to be a robot dancing in a suit, to a pretty hodgepodgey robot, to a robot that is actually doing useful tasks in the factory today.

  • So we have two Optimus robots in our Fremont factory that are doing basically this task, which is taking cells off the end of the line and placing them in a shipping container.

  • And yeah, we actually have quite a few of these cruising around our offices in Palo Alto.

  • So there's, and I think we've got kind of like one major hardware revision, which should be done by end of this year or early next, and then we'll move into a limited production next year of Optimus, limited production for use in our factories where we'll test out the product, kind of, you know, as I say, sort of eat our own dog food or whatever the electronic equivalent of that is.

  • So but I think like next year, my prediction is next year we'll have over a thousand, maybe a few thousand Optimus robots working at Tesla.

  • And a lot of people were saying the Cybertruck is like fake, it's never going to come out, you know, and now we're shipping a lot of Cybertrucks.

  • We hit a weekly record of 1,300.

  • And, you know, I think with the Cybertruck, it really is something special.

  • Like people sometimes have like different opinions on the Cybertruck.

  • But if you really want to know if there's a, if something is cool, if it's a great product, like show it to a kid, okay?

  • Like no filter, okay?

  • The kid's got like no filter, like a five-year-old, six-year-old, something like that, and or even three-year-old, and say, which car do you like?

  • Cybertruck.

  • And we launched the upgraded three, which is actually a fantastic car.

  • I recommend trying it out.

  • It's really a great car.

  • And it's only $216 after gas savings, like total cost of ownership, it's basically 200 and something dollars when compared to a gasoline car, a similar gasoline car.

  • So it's really a great deal and a fun car.

  • And the performance, Model 3 performance is, well, it's like, you know, faster than a Porsche 911.

  • It's just a great, great car.

  • So yeah.

  • So yeah.

  • And of course, Model Y became the best-selling vehicle globally.

  • And this is something that we predicted.

  • So, you know, I think I said in 2022, Model Y would be the biggest car in the world by dollar volume sales, and that 2023, it would be the biggest in unit volume, and it was.

  • And again, this year, it will be the best-selling car on earth.

  • So yeah.

  • Obviously, we've got some new products that we're working on under the covers.

  • And I think these are, I think this is going to be pretty special.

  • So you know, some of them, I think people maybe at first may think, oh, it's not going to be that amazing, but just wait.

  • It will be.

  • So yeah, and Tesla's obviously way more than a car company.

  • You know, we do a lot of software at Tesla.

  • You know, about, I don't know, roughly half the, or a very huge percentage of the engineering we do is actually software engineering.

  • So Tesla's, I'd say, as much a software company as it is a hardware company.

  • This is a very big deal, because car companies are not software companies, normally.

  • So this matters a lot.

  • So things like our autobidder software for energy storage, all of the software that controls the cars, the megapacks, the powerwalls, the solar, obviously for AI and full self-driving are a big deal, insurance, service and collision, that Tesla also writes a lot of software internally that helps, that we call the Tesla operating system internally, that is head and shoulders above what any other company has.

  • I think probably better than any Fortune 500 company.

  • The Tesla internal software is just way better.

  • So it's, yeah, it's just far more than what people normally think of as a car company.

  • And Tesla's also the leader in real-world AI.

  • So there's really, this is a big deal.

  • Like Tesla is ahead of Google, you know, OpenAI, anyone on real-world software actually taking in video and making decisions based on video.

  • No one can, no one is even close.

  • And it's getting better, I'd say, with each passing month, if not each passing week.

  • So, yeah.

  • And I think most people here have tried out version 12.

  • We did say like unsupervised full self-driving would be version 12.

  • So we are actually just keeping the version arbitrarily at 12 and then like calling it 12.4, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, but it's actually really like version 13, version 14, but anyway, this is an arbitrary designation.

  • So 12.4 is actually like a whole different version than 12.3 and 12.5 is a whole different version of 12.4.

  • So you'll see really giant improvements.

  • I think sometimes a factor of 10 improvements between successive versions.

  • With that, thank you very much for your support.

  • Thank you.

  • So...

  • Thanks, guys.

Hey guys, welcome, welcome to the Tesla shareholder meeting, and I just want to start off by saying hot damn, I love you guys.

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