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  • It's 7pm, January 1st.

  • You told yourself this is it, the year you achieve those goals.

  • Get the freedom you've always desired and actually make something of yourself.

  • So you're sat at your desk, laptop open, working on your new business.

  • At least, that's what you told yourself.

  • And after 48 YouTube videos, 3 hours later, you're still sat there.

  • Nothing achieved.

  • No real progress made.

  • Most people want to get fit.

  • Most people won't.

  • Most people want to build a successful business.

  • And the reality is, they won't.

  • And the reason why most people won't do these things is because their brains are fucked.

  • And if your brain's fucked, well, you're fucked.

  • In order to build anything great, you must have the ability to focus.

  • Focus on one particular task for hours, days, weeks on end.

  • And if your brain is fucked, how do you expect to do that?

  • So this is how to unfuck your brain.

  • Part 1.

  • You're distracted.

  • I think we can all agree that having focus is vital in building anything great.

  • So what is focus?

  • It's the ability to dedicate 100% of your attention to one singular thing.

  • And so, if you're not focused, you must be paying attention to multiple things, otherwise known as distractions.

  • And quite frankly, we're all losing the ability to focus.

  • We're all distracted.

  • Simply put, we can't do anything anymore without multiple streams of input.

  • I can bet you've already scrolled down to the comments, checked your phone, and when you do shit like that, without realizing it, you're brainwashing yourself.

  • Training your own mind to need overstimulation.

  • To only function with distractions.

  • And with a brain like that, how the fuck are you planning on staying focused?

  • Just switch off your phone, switch it off, and leave it in another room.

  • Then leave it there for 24 hours.

  • You'll soon find out, you're addicted.

  • Not to the phone, but the distraction.

  • You're addicted to distraction.

  • And if you continue to feed this addiction, none of this video really matters.

  • You won't reach your goal.

  • So to stop this addiction, you're going to go through a 30-day protocol.

  • Now, each day of this protocol will be split up into 30-minute segments.

  • From 1am to 12pm, 30-minute segments.

  • Then as you go about your 30 days, simply track what you did in each of those 30 minutes.

  • By the end of it, you should have clear data of what pointless shit you do in your life.

  • Then all that's left to do is remove the pointless shit.

  • Sounds simple, but what have you really got to lose?

  • So just try it out.

  • Most people don't know what to do with their life.

  • And this is because they don't know what they want.

  • And when you don't know what you want, you can't know what to do.

  • And when you can't know what to do, but know there's things to do, you're left confused.

  • And this is the stage where most people stay their entire lives.

  • They either never work on anything great, because they don't know where to start.

  • Or work on the wrong thing their entire life, and have nothing to show for it but regret.

  • And this stage I'm talking about is commonly referred to as the anti-zone.

  • Most probably where you are right now.

  • That stage in your life where you don't know what to do, but want to do something.

  • But you don't know what or how to get there, so you don't do anything.

  • That's the anti-zone.

  • And to get out of this stage in your life, you need to do one very simple thing.

  • You need to enter the zone.

  • Now the zone is a place that's highly recognized by your favorite athletes, business owners.

  • And according to a study back in 1989, the single happiest place a human could be.

  • So, what is it?

  • Well, most likely you've experienced it before.

  • It's that feeling you get when you're lost in something.

  • Like when you're playing a video game.

  • When you're so deep in the task at hand, the outside world just doesn't seem to exist.

  • Now imagine you had that feeling all the time, locked in, focused with zero distraction.

  • Now that's where we're aiming to be here.

  • No more confusion, just total focus on achieving your goal.

  • And to get that, all you really need to do is clearly define some things.

  • First, where do you actually want to go?

  • No bullshit, don't overcomplicate it.

  • Just stare at your wall and think until you have your answer.

  • Then when you have that clearly defined, simply figure out the steps to get there.

  • And as long as you actually take action on these steps every day, you'll remain in the zone until you've reached your destination.

  • Because think about it, all the zone really is, is a hyper state of focus.

  • Focus on one specific task with steady progress being made.

  • Part three, your diet is shit.

  • As a human, we operate inside a system.

  • You wake up, go about your day, go to sleep, repeat.

  • Now this system has inputs and it has outputs.

  • The inputs being things like your food, your sleep.

  • And the inputs have a direct effect on the outputs.

  • You sleep for two hours tonight and tomorrow you'll perform like shit.

  • We all know this, so why do we ignore our diet?

  • I'm sure you've opened up a book before, read two lines, then forgot what you've just read.

  • That's your diet.

  • Inputs and outputs.

  • You eat like shit, then you're going to think like shit.

  • And if you think you can build anything great with a brain that thinks like shit, well, you know the answer.

  • So if you're looking to make a change in your life and give better outputs, fix your inputs first.

  • Because it's all well and good finding your goal and planning the steps to get there.

  • But if you're in a vehicle that's broken, no matter how hard you try, you're not going to get there.

  • So stop neglecting your diet.

  • And it's easy to ignore, but just trust me, give yourself good inputs and the great outputs will come 10 times easier.

  • And not only that, you'll have a clear, unfucked brain.

It's 7pm, January 1st.

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