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  • Hey guys, welcome to Lingua Marina.

  • If you see me for the first time, my name is Marina and I love learning English.

  • I've moved to the US nine years ago and I've been improving my English ever since.

  • And I'm wearing pink today because the summer is finally here.

  • Oh my God, I've been waiting for it for so, so long.

  • Do you realize that summer is the time of the year when we have more energy?

  • And what if you dedicate 30 minutes every single day to learn English?

  • Just 30 minutes.

  • By the end of the summer, your English will be unrecognizable because dedication is everything and just 30 minutes a day can get you really, really far.

  • Also, fun fact.

  • In the US, summer starts on June 20th in 2024 and ends on September 22nd.

  • So you're right on time.

  • When I lived in Russia, summer started on June 1st and ended on August 31st.

  • America is different, but that means more time for you to learn English.

  • Today, I'm going to show you the plan that we came up with for this summer and feel free to introduce it into your daily routine and come back in September and comment on this video and share your results.

  • You know, I have so much more energy when the sun is shining, when I'm traveling and I'm ready to conquer the world.

  • I'm ready to acquire new skills.

  • I'm ready to do something new.

  • And I want you to feel this energy this summer and pour it into something you're excited about, your English.

  • Now, without further ado, let's move on to the plan.

  • I am going to explain to you the system called 10-10-10.

  • So basically, every day, you're going to dedicate 10 minutes to learning vocabulary.

  • You're going to dedicate 10 minutes to improving your grammar and you're going to dedicate 10 minutes to practicing English.

  • And that means speaking or writing.

  • And by focusing on these three areas, you're going to have so much progress.

  • Let's start with the first 10 minutes that you're going to dedicate to your vocabulary.

  • It is essential to expand your vocabulary in various topics related to daily life.

  • Let's look at these topics.

  • Food and drinks.

  • Learn the names of different foods, dishes, cooking terms and types of beverages.

  • Travel and tourism.

  • Vocabulary related to transportation, places to visit, accommodation and activities.

  • Three.

  • Hobbies and interests.

  • Musical instruments, sports, arts and crafts, games, etc.

  • By the way, I'm going to name 10 topics here and it's up to you how you want to spread them out.

  • But I would do one week per topic.

  • So, for example, week one, you take the topic called food and drinks and Monday you do drinks.

  • Tuesday you do different dishes in American cuisine.

  • Day number three, you explore Italian cuisine and so on and so forth.

  • And this is how it normally works at language schools.

  • This is how it works when you study English using a book or taking a course.

  • Then the second week you do travel and tourism and so on and so forth.

  • So we have 10 categories, which means two and a half months.

  • Number four, family and friends, relationships, personality traits, common names.

  • Number five, health and fitness, terms related to health, medical services, types of sports and exercises.

  • Number six, nature and environment, plants, animals, weather, geographical features.

  • Number seven, technology and Internet, devices, software, social media, Internet slang.

  • By the way, I want to show you something, guys.

  • When you're listening to this, you're like, Marina, but how do I come up with all the words?

  • Chad GPT, let me show you something.

  • Hey, can you give me a list of 20 words related to travel and tourism?

  • Sure.

  • Here are 20 words related to travel and tourism.

  • Passport, itinerary, destination, accommodation, flight, excursion, backpack, currency, tourist landmark, suitcase, reservation, international guidebook, sightseeing, transit, festival, local expedition and culture.

  • You're amazing.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Perfect.

  • So and this was Chad GPT, free app, free for everyone.

  • And you can interact with voice or what you can also do.

  • You can ask it to come up with 20 words.

  • You can ask it for explanation to every single word.

  • You can ask for examples on how to use this word.

  • And this is how you come up with a plan.

  • And then you only leave the words that you want to learn and you cross out the words that you already know and don't need to practice anymore.

  • So Chad GPT is there for you.

  • Number eight, culture and art, art genres, theater terms, musical styles, working professions, job titles, business terms.

  • Number 10, school and education subjects, types of schools, academic terms.

  • And don't forget that at LinguaTrip, we have a special guide with 300 essential words and phrases that you have to know.

  • And this list is also perfect for expanding your vocabulary.

  • This is basically for someone who wants everything gathered in one place, verified by teachers and beautifully organized.

  • Check out the link down in the description box.

  • Now let's move on to our next 10 minutes.

  • And these 10 minutes are going to be dedicated to your grammar.

  • Depending on your level, you may choose to focus on different topics.

  • If you're a beginner, present simple, present continuous, intermediate, past perfect, conditional sentences, advanced, subjunctive mood, advanced passive structures.

  • But again, you can ask Chad GPT to come up with grammar topics related to your level.

  • Let's take a look at a three-step approach to mastering your grammar.

  • Step number one, learn the rule, understand the usage and structure of the grammar point.

  • Number two, practice, do exercises, fill in the blanks and make corrections.

  • By the way, if you want to practice English, you can practice by taking one of our LinguaTrips courses.

  • We have a special summer sale going on to help you achieve your dream of speaking great English and to help you expedite the process during the summer, because you will have a course that has all the information in one place.

  • You will have video classes.

  • You will be connected with other students.

  • You will have access to support.

  • You will have a chat with the teacher.

  • So you will have this dedicated experience to improve your English.

  • Whether you are starting from elementary or aiming for proficiency, we have tailored programs for different levels.

  • So we have three courses on sale from elementary to intermediate, from intermediate to advanced or bestseller, from advanced to proficiency for someone who wants this extra challenge.

  • When you purchase any of these courses, you get access to our speaking club for three months for free, which means a lot of speaking practice this summer.

  • Plus you'll get a grammar guide that's suitable for your level.

  • Don't miss the opportunity to practice and improve your English this summer.

  • The link will be down in the description below.

  • Click it and enroll.

  • I can't wait to see you in our courses.

  • And yes, I promised three steps to mastering your grammar.

  • So remember, you learn the rule, you practice.

  • Now, number three, apply, create your own sentences and use the new structure in writing or speaking.

  • Now the last step is speaking, writing 10 minutes every single day.

  • There are several ways you can practice that.

  • First, of course you can join our speaking club, which means you're going to be interacting with real people.

  • Otherwise you can interact with technology.

  • Hello, chat GPT.

  • I'm here again.

  • Talk to me.

  • I feel lonely.

  • I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling lonely.

  • Sometimes sharing what's on your mind or exploring new interests can help.

  • Do you want to talk about what's been going on?

  • Or maybe we could discuss a hobby or interest you have.

  • See, it's so easy.

  • She wants to have a conversation with me and she can help me practice my English.

  • You can also ask her to pay attention to your mistakes as well and highlight them during your conversation, which is really cool.

  • And, um, again, technology is cool, but we all like to speak to real people.

  • Maybe you challenge your husband.

  • We did that with my husband.

  • Challenge your husband, challenge your friend to speak English.

  • You can also have a money pool where you put your money.

  • And if somebody, where you put like, I don't know, $10 each.

  • And if somebody refuses to speak English, the one who still insists on speaking English takes the money.

  • How about that?

  • It sounds like you found some creative and fun ways to practice English and make it a bit of a friendly competition.

  • Using technology like this can be a great supplement, especially when with those highlight features you mentioned and involving friends or family, like challenging your husband.

  • Definitely as a social element.

  • Okay.

  • Got it.

  • I got it.

  • You're just repeating me, but thanks for giving me the compliment.

  • Thank you, chat GPT.

  • Okay.

  • And the last thing I wanted to mention is that you can record yourself and listen to yourself.

  • That's very important because there's so many things that we don't notice when we speak English, but we notice them later on.

  • So that was it.

  • This is the 10, 10, 10 system for your summer time to practice, time to be responsible and proactive in learning English, please subscribe to our channel for more English language resources.

  • And please check the description for all the useful links.

  • Thank you guys so much.

  • And I will see you more during the summer, right?

  • And come back in September or October and share your progress.

Hey guys, welcome to Lingua Marina.

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