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  • Why is cinnamon called cinnamon in English?

  • The word "cinnamon" in English has its roots in ancient languages.

  • It comes from the Greek word "kinnamon," which itself was derived from the Hebrew "ginnamon" and the Phoenician "kinnamon." These terms were used to describe the aromatic species obtained from the inner bark of trees in the genus Cinnamon. The spice was highly valued in ancient times, used for flavoring, medicinal purposes, and even as an offering in religious ceremonies.

  • The trade of cinnamon was significant in ancient times, with the spice being imported from Asia to Europe. The Latin term "cinnamomum" was adapted into Old French as "cinnamon" before entering Middle English.

  • These etymological paths highlight the historical importance and widespread use of cinnamon across different cultures and periods.

Why is cinnamon called cinnamon in English?

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