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  • English for you, get together, we can have a lot of fun, for you chat and talk to me, these are lessons you can take, get up, let's go, it's time for us to start to live it, honey, hop on board and we can go,

  • English for you, English for you.

  • It really does. It's like we're closing a significant chapter of our lives. Time has flown by.

  • I'm super pumped, but I'm also a little nervous about what comes next. The thought of everything changing is a little frightening.

  • Try to think of it as a new beginning. We'll experience new things and meet new people.

  • That's true. What's your plan for the future?

  • I'm planning to study engineering. What about you?

  • I don't have a solid plan yet, but I'm leaning toward medicine. I've always wanted to be a doctor and help people.

  • It sounds like we both have our paths set, but let's promise to stay in touch no matter where we end up.

  • I promise. After all that we've been through together, you know we're friends for a lifetime.

  • You're right. We won't let our friendship fade with distance.

  • Welcome everyone to English for You. I'm Adam.

  • And I'm Elsie.

  • And today we are talking about school graduation.

  • Now, did you feel nervous, Elsie, when you graduated from high school?

  • No, I wasn't nervous at all. I was super excited.

  • Really? Okay.

  • But I thought I might not see my close friends again, so I was a little bit sad.

  • All right. Well, yeah, I mean, and that's a fear that most people probably have when you are graduating.

  • And everyone in our article today will be talking about two friends that are facing that same situation.

  • So now let's check out their conversation.

  • Okay, everyone. On the eve of graduation, two friends, Evelyn and Lucas, reflect in the school garden.

  • 那這邊看到的時間是Eve.

  • Eve這個是什麼時間呢?

  • 這個是前一夜或是前夕。 那Graduation就是畢業典禮,所以在畢典前夕啊,

  • Evelyn and Lucas, they reflect.

  • Reflect這個動詞是仔細思考、反省。

  • Yeah, they're thinking all about the memories.

  • Yeah, think about what they did together or maybe at school or what they learned.

  • Exactly. And so Evelyn starts off our conversation by saying,

  • Can you believe it, Lucas? Tomorrow's our graduation. It feels so surreal.

  • Surreal這個形容詞是超現實的, like something from a dream.

  • Yeah, like I can't believe it's happening. It seems like, you know, it's so mystical.

  • 所以real是真實的嘛,那surreal就是超現實的。

  • And what does Lucas say?

  • Well, Lucas answers by saying, it really does.

  • It's like we're closing a significant chapter of our lives.

  • Time has flown by.

  • So in that last sentence, we hear Lucas say it's a significant chapter of our lives.

  • Significant is an adjective and it means important or having an important effect or meaning.

  • So everyone, we can say as an example, winning the championship was a significant achievement for the team.

  • And we also heard Lucas say time flies by or time flies.

  • And that means that time passes quickly or seems to go by fast.

  • A lot of times you'll hear us native speakers saying time flies by when you're having fun.

  • 那這邊為同學們整理一下喔, 剛剛講到的significant這個形容詞是重要的或是有特殊意義的。 那有一個字搭配在後面,這個字是other, significant other, 指的就是重要的另一半,那可能就是配偶啦或是伴侶。 那再來呢,我們看到a significant chapter of our lives, 他在講的就是我們人生當中的一個重要篇章。 那再來Adam有提到的time flies by或是time flies,指的是時光飛逝。 那在課文當中用的是這個現在完成式,指的是時光已經飛逝,時間已經過去。 所以是time has flown by.

  • It's two o'clock when you start, and then your mom's like, hey, it's dinner time.

  • You're like, what? Where did the time go?

  • Where did the time go?

  • Right, time flies by.

  • Well, let's see how Evelyn responds.

  • Evelyn says, I'm super pumped, but I'm also a little nervous about what comes next.

  • The thought of everything changing is a little frightening.

  • And then we see the word pumped.

  • Pumped is an adjective, and it means feeling excited or energized.

  • So I could say, I'm so pumped up or I'm so pumped to finally start my new job tomorrow.

  • We also see that she's a little frightened.

  • It's frightening.

  • So we see that as an adjective, and it means something that is scary or causes fear.

  • So an example we could all use, everyone, is the movie we watched last night was so frightening that I couldn't sleep afterwards.

  • 所以剛剛看到的pumped,或是pumped up,指的就是興奮的,熱情高漲的。

  • So like you, before you go to the gym, you listen to rock music to get yourself pumped.

  • Yeah, exactly.

  • I've listened to rock and heavy metal music, and it really gets me pumped up to go to the gym and hit the gym really hard.

  • So we can say, I'm pumped or I'm pumped up.

  • Exactly, yes.

  • 那再來還有一個形容詞是frightening,可怕的、嚇人的。 想到接下來的人生當中,一切都將改變,確實是挺嚇人的。 所以令人害怕的,我們用frightening這個形容詞。 那如果是人本身感到害怕,我們說frightened,也就是scared的意思。 所以我們可以說somebody is frightened of something.

  • 那原型動詞是frighten這個字,那就是害怕、驚嚇。

  • Frighten somebody 是某人驚嚇,frighten somebody to death 那就是把某人給嚇死。

  • And I'm frightened of you when you get angry at me.

  • Alright, well, Lucas goes back by saying, try to think of it as a new beginning.

  • We'll experience new things and meet new people.

  • Think of something or somebody as, we see in that sentence, means to consider something or somebody in a specific way.

  • So you think of something or think of somebody as something else.

  • 所以這個呢,中文我們解釋為認為是。 那Lucas就說了,把它想成是新的開始吧,我們會經歷新的事物,然後也會認識新的人。

  • Alright, and so Evelyn responds by saying, hey, that's true.

  • What's your plan for the future?

  • 你對未來有什麼計劃呢?

  • Evelyn就這樣問了Lucas.

  • So Adam, what was your answer when somebody asked you this question before your graduation?

  • Before graduation from high school, like what's your plan for the future, Adam?

  • That's a good question, because I really didn't know.

  • I didn't have that specific idea of what I wanted to do.

  • And I was kind of jealous of people that already knew what they wanted to do after high school.

  • So I was kind of, you know, I don't know.

  • I will go to college, but I don't know really what I want to do.

  • What about you, Elsie?

  • I knew at that time I wanted to study English.

  • And I wanted to major in English.

  • So you already knew from the very beginning.

  • Yes.

  • OK, well, let's get back to Lucas and see what he has to say.

  • Well, Lucas says, I'm planning to study engineering.

  • What about you?

  • Engineering是這個Lucas想要學的東西, 那這個是工程學、工程設計是個名詞, 那出來之後可能就會成為一位engineer、工程師。

  • It takes a lot of time and studying to be an engineer, right?

  • Right. What about Evelyn? What does she want to do?

  • Right. Let's see what Evelyn has to say.

  • Well, Evelyn is maybe like me, right?

  • So Evelyn says, I don't have a solid plan yet, but I'm leaning toward medicine.

  • I've always wanted to be a doctor and help people.

  • OK. And we saw the word solid.

  • I don't have a solid plan yet.

  • Right. All right.

  • What does it mean?

  • Well, we'll talk about it here.

  • So everyone, we heard Evelyn say, I don't have a solid plan.

  • And solid means something you can trust or depend on, and it has a strong foundation or basis.

  • So an example sentence we could say,

  • Sarah's knowledge of math is solid.

  • She always gets top grades in the subject.

  • So she has a strong foundation for math.

  • So it is very solid.

  • Solid, this adjective, is explained here as solid or definite.

  • A solid plan is a definite plan.

  • In addition, solid can also refer to a solid or solid.

  • In addition, we also see lean toward something.

  • This is an adjective.

  • So when you say, I'm leaning toward something, that's my current adjective mode.

  • So Evelyn is currently leaning toward medicine, because she wants to be a doctor and help people.

  • Right. So she doesn't have a solid plan, but she likes medicine.

  • So she's leaning towards that direction.

  • Right.

  • OK. And Lucas answers by saying, it sounds like we both have our paths set, but let's promise to stay in touch no matter where we end up.

  • OK. So we see the word where no matter where we end up, and end up means to finish or find oneself in a certain situation, usually without planning it that way.

  • So end up in this sentence means wherever we eventually find ourselves or wherever we eventually go, but we'll stay in touch.

  • end up, 这个片语代表的是最后处于某个状态, 结果成为。 所以它后面有三种接续下去的方式。 第一个你可以加上ving, 第二个你可以加上形容词, 第三个你可以加上介系词, 介系词片语。 所以呢, end up losing all his money, 这可能会是一个结果,对不对?

  • 比如说某事发生, 然后这个人最后失去了他所有的钱, 这边的losing all his money 就用到losing这个ving, 那再来还有像是他很爱花钱, 所以最后变成一个broke, 破产的状态, 那这个broke就是个形容词, 或者是有人做了坏事, 然后最后end up in prison, in prison这个介系词片语, 那就是代表他被关进监牢里面了。 所以很好记, 他这个字就是一生的时间。

  • We won't let our friendship fade with distance.

  • So there we see the verb fade, and fade means to slowly disappear, lose importance, or become weaker.

  • So an example we could all use everyone is, the memories I have of my childhood home are starting to fade as I get older.

  • So they're not as clear as they once were.

  • They're going away.

  • Fade这个动词呢, 指的是逐渐消失, 变得无足轻重, 那我们可以用fade away来说。 那另外呢, fade也可以是褪色啦, 变暗或是衰退的意思。

  • For example, the light is fading, 代表灯光越来越暗。

  • Clothes, 衣服也会接上fade这个字, 那代表什么呢?

  • 代表你的衣服的颜色渐渐褪去。 所以最后呢,

  • Lucas就跟Evelyn说, 我们一定要stay in touch, 保持联络, 不要让我们的友谊因为距离而逐渐消失。

  • So it was a lot harder then.

  • So you had to call somebody.

  • You had to actually call somebody and hope they didn't change their number.

  • So it wasn't as easy to stay in contact or keep in touch with someone after you graduated.

  • Right, but are you still in contact with some, maybe your high school friends?

  • I have one that I am still in touch with, yes.

  • And actually everyone, that brings us to the point or brings us to our 4U chat question.

  • And it says today, what are some ways people can maintain relationships after graduation?

  • So after graduation, people can maintain relationships by by what?

  • hanging out together sometimes?

  • Yeah, you know, maybe once a month?

  • Right, making a plan making a plan to meet up.

  • Right, yeah.

  • And also with technology these days, you can always just add someone to whatever app that you're using.

  • Yeah, your WhatsApp or your LINE or WeChat.

  • Right.

  • I mean, we never did it because in the US, everyone, a lot of people after high school graduation, they might go to different cities.

  • And so the college I went to was about 12 hours away from the city I grew up in.

  • 12 hours away by driving?

  • By driving, yeah.

  • So about 2 to 3 hours by flying.

  • And so it was hard to stay in touch.

  • But I think it is important to maintain some of those friendships.

  • Yeah, give each other a call once in a while.

  • Exactly.

  • And what do you guys think?

  • What are some ways maybe we didn't talk about that you can maintain relationships after graduations?

  • What will you do?

  • All right.

  • Well, stay tuned for the next one.

  • My name is Adam.

  • And I'm Elsie.

  • We'll see you next time.

  • See you soon.

  • Vocabulary Review

  • Significant

  • Chocolate is a significant part of this cake.

  • Without it, the cake would taste completely different.

  • A national flag is a symbol that can have significant cultural meaning.

  • It represents a country's identity and culture.

  • Pumped

  • The crowd was pumped for the football match.

  • There was singing and cheering all around.

  • Frightening

  • Walking through the dark forest was a frightening experience.

  • But I had my big brother with me.

  • Solid

  • The lawyer presented her argument with facts and solid data and won the case.

  • Lifetime

  • My father did many great things in his lifetime, including raising a family and opening a successful business.

  • Fade

  • The singer only really had one popular album, but then she faded from public view.

  • Graduation

  • Reflect

  • Surreal

  • Engineering

  • Lean toward something.

  • I hope you enjoyed this video.

  • If you did, please like and subscribe.

  • Thank you for watching.

English for you, get together, we can have a lot of fun, for you chat and talk to me, these are lessons you can take, get up, let's go, it's time for us to start to live it, honey, hop on board and we can go,

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