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  • Go Go They have they did they did they do their tweets yet?

  • I guess I suppose I should be a good senpai and and respond to their tweets Also, I can tell you right now I cannot say one of these names Wow I am so sorry.

  • I will Not be able to pronounce your name Tweet I cannot say wow Wow Why?

  • We need a nickname for her.

  • How do I what do I what do I call her?

  • Because that's too hard Wow Wow You know, it sounds too much like wawa that's why we need a better nickname for it because it sounds For me when I say it, I make it sound too much like wawa use last name pan pan Pantera Pants chan Pants chan, that's kind of a cute name panty Would she let me call her panty?

  • Is that too much of a senpai bully?

  • Is that is that too much bullying already?

  • Foreign

Go Go They have they did they did they do their tweets yet?

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