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  • Do you know the cinnamon you bought in the grocery store might not be the real cinnamon?


  • And what is cinnamon anyway?


  • Well, you might think cinnamon is cinnamon, the things you put in cinnamon rolls and apple pie, right?


  • As it turns out, it's not that straightforward.


  • So today we will dive deeper into the question of what cinnamon actually is, with CAA.

    是以,今天我們將與 CAA 一起深入探討肉桂到底是什麼的問題。

  • Hi, I'm Xiao Xiao Lou, welcome to What People Also Ask, where I search something seemingly obvious and share with you some of its plot, aka People Also Ask, aka what other people are searching on Google that relate to your query.


  • Today's query is Saigon cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, and regular cinnamon.


  • What are the differences?


  • We will start by exploring what is cinnamon, what are the differences between different varieties, and are the differences actually matter?


  • So let's start with our first question, what is cinnamon?


  • As it turns out, cinnamon is actually not one species.


  • Cinnamon refers to several plant species, and the commercial spice products they produce, all of which are part of the cinnamomum genus in the Lauraceae family.


  • Only a handful of cinnamomum species are cultivated for their spices.


  • One of the most commercially available cinnamons is cinnamomum spherens, or C. velenicum, which is known as Ceylon cinnamon due to its origin in Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylon, and is considered true cinnamon.

    肉桂中商業化程度最高的一種是球形肉桂(cinnamomum spherens),或稱絨毛肉桂(C. velenicum),因其原產於斯裡蘭卡(舊稱錫蘭)而被稱為錫蘭肉桂,被認為是真正的肉桂。

  • However, the status of Ceylon cinnamon as the only true cinnamon is subject to ongoing debate and discussion.


  • In addition to Ceylon cinnamon, the majority of cinnamon traded globally comes from three other species, often called Cassia.


  • This kind of cinnamon includes 1 cinnamomum Burmani, aka Indonesian cinnamon, or Padang Cassia, 2 cinnamomum Cassia, aka Chinese cinnamon, or Chinese Cassia, 3 cinnamomum aka Saigon cinnamon, or Vietnamese Cassia.

    這種肉桂包括 1 cinnamomum Burmani,又名印尼肉桂,或巴東肉桂;2 cinnamomum Cassia,又名中國肉桂,或中國肉桂;3 cinnamomum,又名西貢肉桂,或越南肉桂。

  • According to an article titled Cinnamon Market Size and Shared Analysis, Growth Trend and Forecast, published by, which is a market research and consulting firm providing insight and analysis on various industries and the market worldwide, in 2018, Indonesian and China were responsible for 70% of the world's cinnamon production, with Indonesian contributing nearly 40% and China 30%. 是一家提供全球各行業和市場洞察與分析的市場研究與諮詢公司,其發表的題為《肉桂市場規模與共享分析、增長趨勢與預測》的文章稱,2018 年,印尼和中國的肉桂產量佔全球產量的 70%,其中印尼貢獻了近 40%,中國貢獻了 30%。

  • In the grocery store, specialty store, and online, cinnamomum usually label as one of the following, Saigon cinnamon, cinnamon, aka regular cinnamon, and Ceylon cinnamon.


  • But what are the differences between them, and how do you know which is which?


  • So what is the difference between Saigon cinnamon, regular cinnamon, and Ceylon cinnamon?


  • This question can be answered by two articles, one article titled The Difference between Saigon cinnamon and regular cinnamon, published by, which is a health and wellness website that provides information and advice, and another article titled Why is Saigon cinnamon stronger than Ceylon cinnamon, was published by, which is an online retailer of artisanal spices, herbs, and gourmet ingredients.

    有兩篇文章可以回答這個問題,一篇題為《西貢肉桂和普通肉桂的區別》,由提供資訊和建議的健康網站 發表;另一篇題為《為什麼西貢肉桂比錫蘭肉桂強》,由手工香料、草藥和美食配料在線零售商 發表。

  • According to these two sources, the differences between Saigon cinnamon, regular cinnamon, and Ceylon cinnamon lies in their origin, flavor, and chemical composition.


  • Within them, the only true cinnamon variety is Ceylon cinnamon.


  • Sources from Cinnamomum Ferrentii.

    來源於 Cinnamomum Ferrentii。

  • It is made from the inner bark of the tree, which naturally grows into sticks or quills as it dries.


  • Sri Lankans remain the principal supplier of true cinnamon bark and its leaf oils.


  • It is considered the original and authentic form of cinnamon, with a distinctive flavor and aroma that sets it apart from other varieties.


  • However, the notion of being the only true cinnamon is subjective and open to debate, as different cinnamon species and cultivars can also offer unique quality and benefit.

    然而,"唯一真正的肉桂 "這一概念是主觀的,有待商榷,因為不同的肉桂品種和栽培品種也能提供獨特的品質和功效。

  • So in this case, the term true itself is subjective.

    是以,在這種情況下,"真實 "一詞本身就是主觀的。

  • For now, you only need to know when people referring to the term true cinnamon, they are usually referring to Cinnamomum Ferrentii, aka Ceylon cinnamon.

    現在,你只需要知道,當人們提到真正的肉桂時,他們通常指的是 Cinnamomum Ferrentii,又名錫蘭肉桂。

  • Kassia cinnamon, on the other hand, while are not quote-unquote true cinnamon, are the type you will find in most grocery stores and are considered to be more affordable.


  • One exception is Saigon cinnamon, which is a type of Kassia cinnamon, but it is regarded as a premium variant and is typically found in specialty stores or online.


  • Other cinnamons that are simply labeled as cinnamon are usually Chinese cinnamon, aka Cinnamomum Kassia, or Indonesian cinnamon, aka Cinnamomum Bermini, which are two commercially available cinnamons that are considered to be more affordable.

    其他簡單標為肉桂的肉桂通常是中國肉桂(又名 Cinnamomum Kassia)或印尼肉桂(又名 Cinnamomum Bermini),這兩種市售肉桂被認為更實惠。

  • Saigon cinnamon, regular cinnamon, and Ceylon cinnamon have distinct flavors due to their origin in different tree species.


  • These trees contain varying amounts of a compound called cinnamonadahyde, which is responsible for cinnamon's flavor, aroma, and color.


  • The highest concentrations of this compound are found in Vietnamese varieties, such as Saigon cinnamon, aka Cinnamomum Loryroid.

    這種化合物在越南品種中含量最高,如西貢肉桂(又名 Cinnamomum Loryroid)。

  • Consequently, Saigon cinnamon has a much stronger, spicier, and more intense flavor compared to regular cinnamon, while Ceylon cinnamon is considered delicate.


  • To summarize, Saigon cinnamon, aka Cinnamomum Loryroid, also known as Vietnamese cinnamon, has the strongest flavor among all cinnamon varieties due to its high cinnamodahyde content.

    總之,西貢肉桂(又名 Cinnamomum Loryroid),也被稱為越南肉桂,因其肉桂醛含量高,在所有肉桂品種中味道最濃。

  • Regular cinnamon usually refers to Kassia cinnamon, which includes Chinese cinnamon, Cinnamomum Cassia, and Indonesian cinnamon, Cinnamomum Bermini.

    普通肉桂通常指卡西亞肉桂,包括中國肉桂(Cinnamomum Cassia)和印度尼西亞肉桂(Cinnamomum Bermini)。

  • Cassia cinnamon varieties are more widely available and are considered to be more affordable than true cinnamon and Saigon cinnamon.


  • Ceylon cinnamon, Cinnamomum Theron, is considered true cinnamon and is originated from Sri Lanka.

    錫蘭肉桂(Cinnamomum Theron)被認為是真正的肉桂,原產於斯裡蘭卡。

  • It has a more complex and delicate flavor compared to other varieties, and is particularly valued in English and Mexican desserts.


  • So how do we tell Saigon cinnamon, regular cinnamon, and Ceylon cinnamon apart?


  • Well, you can tell them apart by just reading the label.


  • If you do not trust the label, you can tell them apart using various methods.


  • For example, a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry in March 2014 highlights that cinnamon that we commonly use comprises four primary cinnamon species, and demonstrates a simple, fast, and reliable analytical method that can be used to differentiate four different species of cinnamons.

    例如,2014 年 3 月發表在《農業與食品化學雜誌》上的一項研究強調,我們常用的肉桂包括四個主要肉桂品種,並展示了一種簡單、快速、可靠的分析方法,可用於區分四個不同的肉桂品種。

  • In this study, the researchers obtained a 53-cinnamon sample from McCormick and Co.

    在這項研究中,研究人員從麥考密克公司獲得了 53 個肉桂樣本。

  • Inc., which is an American food company that manufactures, markets, and distributes spices.


  • And then they put this sample into a special machine called a mass spectrometer, which analyzes them and creates a unique footprint for each cinnamon species.


  • These footprints are like graphs that show the amount of different parts in each cinnamon sample.


  • By looking at and comparing these fingerprints, a scientist could see special patterns that were specific to each type of cinnamon.


  • This way, they could tell the four main cinnamon species apart from each other accurately.


  • So what are the benefits and risks of Saigon cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, and regular cinnamon?


  • According to a Healthline article, cinnamon has been studied for its potential health benefits, including managing blood sugar levels, promoting circulation, and providing beneficial antioxidants.

    根據 Healthline 的一篇文章,肉桂的潛在健康益處已得到研究,包括控制血糖水準、促進血液循環和提供有益的抗氧化劑。

  • Some research suggests that cinnamon may help regulate blood sugar level, particularly in people with type 2 diabetes.

    一些研究表明,肉桂有助於調節血糖水準,尤其是對 2 型糖尿病患者。

  • Additionally, cinnamon has been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties and may contribute to improved blood circulation.


  • However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of this benefit, and individual response may vary.


  • It is important to consult a healthcare professional before using cinnamon as a supplement or making significant dietary changes.


  • In addition, too much cinnamon may cause health problems due to the presence of coumarin, a toxic compound found naturally in several plants, including cinnamon trees.


  • Coumarin gives cinnamon its aroma, but excessive amount can lead to liver damage.


  • So how much cinnamon is safe to eat?


  • According to the European Food Safety Authority, a tolerable daily intake of coumarin is 0.05 mg per pound, 0.1 mg per kilogram of body weight.

    根據歐洲食品安全局的規定,香豆素的每日耐受攝入量為每磅 0.05 毫克,即每公斤體重 0.1 毫克。

  • For Saigon cinnamon, this equates to about 1 teaspoon, 2.5 grams daily.

    就西貢肉桂而言,這相當於每天 1 茶匙(2.5 克)。

  • Consuming cinnamon within this limit is considered safe.


  • It is important to be cautious with intake due to the potential risks associated with high coumarin levels.


  • The coumarin levels differ significantly between Saigon cinnamon, regular cinnamon, and Zalong cinnamon.


  • A study published in the National Library of Medicine titled Cassia cinnamon as a source of coumarin in cinnamon-flavored food and food supplements in the United States found that only a trace amount of coumarin in Zalong cinnamon, while cassia bark contains substantial levels.


  • Therefore, Zalong cinnamon is considered to be a safer variety.


  • Finally, I want to spend a little bit more time talking about the lesser-known Saigon cinnamon.


  • So what is Saigon cinnamon?


  • The question is answered by Wikipedia's Saigon cinnamon entry and another article titled What is Vietnamese Saigon cinnamon, published by

    維基百科的西貢肉桂條目和 發表的另一篇題為《什麼是越南西貢肉桂》的文章回答了這個問題。

  • is a food recipe and lifestyle blog run by Todd Porter and Diane Khoo, a photographer and food stylist duo, featuring diverse recipes, gardening tips, and travel stories.

    Whiteonricecouple.com是一個美食食譜和生活方式博客,由攝影師託德-波特(Todd Porter)和美食造型師黛安-邱(Diane Khoo)二人營運,內容包括各種食譜、園藝技巧和旅行故事。

  • According to these two articles, Vietnamese Saigon cinnamon, scientifically known as cinnamomus floriroi, a type of cassia tree native to the mountain region of central and northern Vietnam.

    根據這兩篇文章,越南西貢肉桂學名為 cinnamomus floriroi,是一種原產于越南中部和北部山區的決明子樹。

  • Among cinnamomus varieties, Vietnamese cinnamomus is considered to be the most aromatic due to its high concentration of essential oil, which accounts for its intense sweet and spicy flavor.


  • Harvesting process for Vietnamese cinnamomus typically takes place during the summer months, when the oil content is at its peak.


  • Once harvested, the bark is stripped and allowed to dry, which causes it to curl into long, curled strips measuring about 12 inch to 16 inch in length.

    樹皮採摘下來後會被剝離並晾乾,使其捲曲成長條狀,長度約為 12 到 16 英寸。

  • These stripes are the most authentic form of Vietnamese cinnamon and are highly sought after by culinary experts.


  • Vietnamese Saigon cinnamon is often used in small quantities to enhance the flavor of various dishes, ranging from baked goods to stews to soup stocks.


  • Its rich, sweet, and robustly spicy taste is often likened to red hot candy, setting it apart from other cinnamomus varieties that may be more subtle sweet or even lack sweetness altogether.


  • Due to the high demand for this spice, it's not uncommon for merchants to mix in or add other inferior cinnamomus varieties to Vietnamese cinnamomus.


  • It is important to taste the cinnamomus before purchasing to ensure you are getting the authentic product.


  • The real deal should have an intense sweet and spicy flavor, reminiscent of red hot candy.


  • Vietnamese cinnamon is available in various forms, including whole bark, sheets, broken bark pieces, and powder.


  • Each form has its own use in culinary application, but it's essential to be cautious when using Vietnamese cinnamon due to its potency.


  • When cooking with it, start with a small amount and adjust according to taste, as its high essential oil content can easily overpower a dish with cinnamon flavors.


  • Saigon cinnamon, although a popular marketing term, is somewhat misleading as it is not produced around Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon.


  • Instead, it is cultivated in the central highlands of Vietnam, particularly in the Qua Ninh province.


  • So can you use Saigon cinnamon for baking?


  • This question can be answered by an article titled What you should know before using Saigon cinnamon, published by, which is a website that provides food-related content, including recipe cooking tips, kitchen hacks, and insight into popular food brands and trends. 是一家提供食品相關內容的網站,內容包括食譜烹飪技巧、廚房小竅門以及對流行食品品牌和趨勢的見解。

  • So according to this article, yes, you can use Saigon cinnamon for baking.


  • Although it has a more intense and papery flavor compared to Ceylon cinnamon, it can still add a unique earthy and spicy sweetness to your baked goods.


  • Saigon cinnamon's strong flavor comes from a higher concentration of cinnamodide in its essential oil.


  • However, be mindful of its higher coumarin content, which can be toxic if consumed in large amounts.


  • Here are some cooking tips and advice for using Saigon cinnamon in baking.


  • One, start with a small amount.


  • Since Saigon cinnamon has a stronger flavor than Ceylon cinnamon and regular cinnamon, begin by using a smaller quantity than you would with Ceylon cinnamon and regular cinnamon.


  • You can always add more if needed, but it's difficult to reverse the intensity once added.


  • Two, taste and adjust.


  • As you are preparing your recipe, taste your batter or dough and adjust the cinnamon quantity as needed.


  • This will help you achieve the desired flavor without overwhelming the other ingredients in your dish.


  • Three, pair with complementary flavor.


  • Saigon cinnamon pairs well with flavors such as apple, pear, chocolate, nut, and warm spices like nutmeg, cloves, and allspices.


  • Experiment with these combinations to create unique and delicious treats.


  • Four, be mindful of coumarin content.


  • Remember that Saigon cinnamon has a higher coumarin content, which can be toxic in large amounts.


  • Limit your daily consumption to no more than one teaspoon per day.


  • Five, use in both sweet and savory dishes.


  • While Saigon cinnamon is a popular addition to sweet-like cookie, pies, and cakes, it can also be used in savory dishes.


  • Try using it in marinade, wraps, or as a spice in curry's recipe for a surprising twist.


  • Six, store properly.


  • To maintain the freshness and potency of Saigon cinnamon, store it in an airtight container aware from heat, light, and moisture.


  • It will help preserve its flavor and extend its shelf life.


  • Following these tips, you can make the most of Saigon cinnamon's unique flavor profile, enhancing the taste of your baked good while also enjoying its potential health benefit.


  • But wait, do different cinnamon actually taste different when used in baking?


  • How much is the difference?


  • So, do different cinnamon actually taste different when used in baking?


  • According to an article titled, True cinnamon is pricey, but is there any honest difference?


  • Published on Chicago Tribune.


  • Yes, different types of cinnamon can taste different, with some subtlety in their flavors.


  • However, the differences are usually subtle and may not be discernible, especially when used in baking or cooking.


  • The two most common types of cinnamon are Saigon cinnamon, often referred to True cinnamon, and Cassia cinnamon.


  • While some people may argue that Saigon cinnamon has a more sophisticated, subtle flavor, blind tasting has suggested that most people cannot tell the differences.


  • The main flavor component in cinnamon comes from a group of essential oils, which can vary slightly between different spices of the cinnamon's genus.


  • However, as mentioned, these differences are typically so minor that they won't significantly impact the flavor of your baked good.


  • During a taste test conducted by Washington Post Food, different cinnamon types were tested, including dollar store cinnamon and more expensive variants.


  • The results were inconclusive, with both cheap and pricier cinnamons have fans and detractors.


  • The overall flavor was a supermarket standard, suggesting that price and supposed quality do not always correlate with preference.


  • In the end, most tasters found that the cinnamon tasted different when tasted in simple syrup.


  • The differences were harder to discern when the cinnamon was used in cinnamon toast.


  • This suggests that the differences in flavor between different types of cinnamon become even less noticeable when used in baking or cooking.


  • As such, it's often more practical to choose your cinnamon based on price rather than subtlety of flavors, unless you are using it in a context where its distinct flavor will be highlighted.


  • If you made it to the end of the video, chances are that you enjoyed learning what people also ask on Google, but let's face it, reading PAA yourself will be a pain, so here's the deal, I'll do the reading for you and upload a video compiling some fun PAA once a week.

    如果您看完了視頻,您很可能喜歡瞭解人們在 Google 上也會問到的問題,但面對現實吧,自己閱讀 PAA 會很麻煩,所以這樣吧,我來幫您閱讀,每週上傳一段視頻,彙編一些有趣的 PAA。

  • All you have to do is to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon, so you won't miss any PAA report that I compile.

    您只需點擊訂閱按鈕和鈴鐺圖標,就不會錯過我編寫的任何 PAA 報告。

  • So just do it right now.


  • Bye!


Do you know the cinnamon you bought in the grocery store might not be the real cinnamon?


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