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  • One evening, the strong gusts of wind broke his kite, and it got stuck in a nearby tree branch.

  • Raju felt disheartened. He wished his kite could reach the stars.

  • That night, the wind blew the kite into the sky.

  • Raju felt disheartened. He wished his kite could reach the stars.

  • That night, his grandmother took him to the roof and told him a story.

  • Look, Raju, she said, even a broken kite can travel like the stars.

  • Raju looked on in amazement. His grandmother smiled and continued,

  • Every night when we sleep, broken wishes and dreams float like kites.

  • They drift on the winds, talk to the stars, tell them stories, and then return with the morning rays.

  • Raju loved this story. He took the broken kite down from the tree and placed it in his room.

  • Before going to bed, he whispered his wish to the kite's string.

  • I wish my kite could really fly to the stars one day.

  • The next morning, Raju woke up to see a beautiful rainbow outside his window.

  • He felt as if a smile was floating in the air.

  • His eyes went to the broken kite, which had been hanging in his room all night.

  • It now had rainbow colors on it, as if it had truly visited the stars overnight.

  • Raju realized that dreams, like the wind, are both delicate and powerful.

  • Even if they are broken, they can fly, reach the stars, and return on the winds.

  • The key is to believe in them with all your heart.

  • This story teaches us the importance of not giving up and keeping hope alive.

  • Broken dreams, like broken kites, can still travel and teach us something special.

  • We should never stop dreaming, because the wind never stops and dreams fly like the wind.

  • I hope you enjoyed the story. Please do hit the like button, share and subscribe for more videos.

  • Thank you for watching.

One evening, the strong gusts of wind broke his kite, and it got stuck in a nearby tree branch.

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