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  • Hello, I am Adrian Eglinton and welcome to this channel.

  • This is a channel about the Blue Moon Manor trad in the traditional craft, what outsiders call traditional witchcraft.

  • If you have no first-hand knowledge about the traditional witchcraft is probably completely wrong.

  • The traditional craft is a very personal and largely private and sacred path.

  • The traditional craft is a mixture of many things that is integrated into daily life.

  • We do not view it as a religion as much as a spirituality or a spiritual practice.

  • Most of us may do libations to some gods or spirits but we generally do not worship gods.

  • Most do believe in the first cause or universal consciousness and it is considered a primary obligation to always strive for general and greater spiritual knowledge.

  • Thus self-development and greater knowledge is always a key objective.

  • The craft often includes herbalism and magical workings which is nothing more than a direction of energy towards a purpose or goal.

  • Therefore many crafters do healing.

  • We call upon spirits for our workings and for guidance.

  • Therefore many crafters are involved with spirit journeying which can take the form of lucid dreaming or astral travel which we call crossing the hedge.

  • Of course there are differences but in general they're all about the same.

  • In the past the craft was sometimes called the nameless art because the practice of the craft had no name.

  • The practices and customs of the traditional craft has always been seamlessly integrated into daily life.

  • Thus the craft is not considered separate from daily life.

  • Instead it is very much of an attitude, belief system, practices and customs that are a part of Do not confuse the traditional craft with Wicca.

  • The traditional craft is very old.

  • Wicca was invented in 1950s as a new religion.

  • We have completely different beliefs, practices and customs than Wicca and a very different magical system than Wicca.

  • Therefore anything you think you know about Wicca does not apply to the beliefs, practices or customs of the traditional craft.

  • So I hope you will enjoy this channel and whether you be a seeker or have only a Earth, the universe and your spirit.

  • Until next time, bye!

Hello, I am Adrian Eglinton and welcome to this channel.

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