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  • Because I'm in a bad mood.

  • About what?

  • Oh, I don't know.

  • Maybe it's because you just, um...

  • Mmm...

  • He's in such a bad mood, he can't even finish his sarcastic comeback.

  • Oh, poor thing.

  • Oh, boy.

  • Yum, little gummy bear.

  • You know what I do when I'm feeling down?

  • I pretend to be happy till I find that I am.

  • I thought you just ate chili dogs.

  • The chili dog is a crucial stage.

  • But the part is, you need to get up and get back into the swing of things.

  • We'll have you on, Bryce.

  • Get back into the swing of things.

  • I don't care!

  • Darn it!

  • Why can't you just go away and leave me in peace?!

  • Hey!

  • Uh, guys?

  • If you're all hiding so I get up, I'd like to point out that technically I haven't left my bed.

  • So you don't win.

  • Fine.

  • Then I guess if everyone's really gone, then no one will mind if I do this.

  • Ah!

  • It hurts!

  • Ah!

  • I think I fractured a nose and sprained an ear or something.

  • Ah!

  • I probably need some very expensive medical help unless someone gave me a magic kiss.

  • Hmm.

  • What is going on here?

  • I made a terrible wish!

  • And now my whole family have disappeared!

  • Good.

  • Morning, Mrs. Pumpernickel.

  • What a beautiful day.

  • Yes.

  • That's why we live in Brickopolis, where nothing ever goes wrong.

  • Hark!

  • It looks like Little Jimmy wants to tell us something.

  • Ah!

  • I am Gumborg, your creator.

  • Yay!

  • Gumborg has come back to spread love and guidance!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ow!

  • Little Jimmy, I banish thee to the eternal swirling void of Lavatoria.

  • Gumborg the Destroyer will be back when the toilet tank is full.

  • Being in a bad mood isn't as fun as I thought.

  • I need something that'll lift my spirits.

  • Something that will nourish my mind and heart, filling it with joy.

  • Something that will prove to me that the world isn't such a bad place.

  • Approximately 46% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fish, aquatic life, or swimming, and that figure is expected to rise in the coming minutes.

  • And now for the weather.

  • Well, today will be great, if you don't mind extreme acid rain and high smog levels.

  • And here we have a family of rare golden toads, the only three of their kind left on the entire planet.

  • The only two of their kind left on the entire planet.

  • The only one of its kind left on the entire planet.

  • And now for a commercial break.

  • Are you unhappy with the way you look?

  • You should be.

  • With our shampoo, you can desperately try to attain unreachable standards of digitally altered beauty.

  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  • Ah!

  • What?

  • This is the first time the TV hasn't given me the answers!

  • Or at least distracted me from the question.

  • There has to be something that'll cheer me up.

  • Oh, I know!

  • Music!

  • I will use the power of music.

  • Look at me as I'm standing here.

  • I got happy on my face, I got nothing to fear.

  • I got my legs, eyes, ears, my teeth, and gums.

  • I got six working fingers and opposable thumbs.

  • Life can make you smile.

  • Oh, whoa, look around and you'll see it everywhere I sit.

  • Life can make you smile.

  • So I carry on smiling, cause I haven't gotta care.

  • A power shower can lift you from a rut.

  • Although the shower curtain keeps a-stickin' to my butt.

  • I love an orange juice, so I fill it to the brim.

  • But after cleaning my teeth, it tastes pretty grim.

  • I love the scent of flowers, but so do all the bees and the pollen.

  • Picked up my allergies.

  • And video games will always stop me feeling glum, though.

  • After an hour, they start to hurt my thumbs.

  • Life can be a trial.

  • Look around and you'll see it everywhere.

  • Life can be a trial.

  • But I'll try to get through it and pretend that I don't care.

  • But this game's too hard, I got stuff I'm never late.

  • That ain't the only thing about it that I hate.

  • I got the sun on the screen and the net's too slow.

  • And the ice has diluted down my soda, don't you know?

  • There's the dripping faucet and the creaking door.

  • Man, I'm so exhausted, I don't take it anymore!

  • Why is life so vile?

  • Look around you without to bring you down, I say.

  • Why is life so vile?

  • And even this song has become annoying now!

Because I'm in a bad mood.

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