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In these highly polarized times, bipartisan cooperation in Congress is rare, except for when it comes to this one thing.
We have a bond to Israel that's much stronger.
It's a moral commitment because it is a democracy, the only democracy in that area.
And under the circumstances, that is why American presidents and the American people in the future will support all out the survival of Israel.
For nearly eight decades, the American public, politicians, and president have all remained largely unified in backing Israel.
近 80 年來,美國公眾、政客和總統基本上都一致支持以色列。
But even as public support has split sharply in recent months over concerns about its ceaseless assaults on Gaza, the U.S. government's position hasn't budged.
To the contrary, Congress has been quick to condemn and even censure members who've dared to stray from the standard script.
Israel has a right to defend itself.
Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East.
Criticizing the Jewish state is anti-Semitic.
So I wanted to find out, how did these talking points get so firmly cemented in the first place?
What do our politicians stand to lose for going off message?
And what does the U.S. stand to gain by maintaining its bipartisan, lockstep support for the tiny country with enormous baggage?
This is why Congress is obsessed with Israel.
Roll the intro.
From Jerusalem, the city of prophecy and universal inspiration,
I bring you the traditional Hebrew greeting, Shalom.
We set up the Israeli government in Palestine, moved some of the Arabs out, and done things over there that never have been done in that part of the world before.
Thank you to my partner on today's video, PDS Debt.
感謝今天視頻的合作伙伴 PDS Debt。
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謝謝,PDS 債務。
For generations, the U.S. has been Israel's most powerful and steadfast ally.
And though this latest war with Hamas isn't the first time our government has faced public pushback regarding Israel's tactics, the recent outcry has successfully forced the administration to work a little harder at appearing to give a shit about humanitarian concerns.
In 2023, the U.S. transferred $80.9 billion of military aid to its allies and partners, the highest annual total ever, marking a nearly 56% increase from the previous year.
2023 年,美國向其盟國和合作夥伴提供了 809 億美元的軍事援助,是有史以來最高的年度總額,比上一年增加了近 56%。
Meanwhile, neither the State Department nor the Department of Defense has ever trained or assigned personnel to monitor how its arms transfers are used.
This lack of oversight, combined with mounting concerns about the death toll in Gaza, led Democrats in Congress to push for more accountability.
So back in February, President Biden issued National Security Memorandum 20, barring any recipient of U.S. military aid from restricting the delivery of humanitarian aid.
It also gave the State Department a May 8 deadline to report to Congress on credible and reliable written assurances that each country receiving U.S. military aid for an active conflict is using those supplies in compliance with international humanitarian law. On May 3, five days before that report was due, Colorado Rep. Jason Crow led a cohort of 86 Democratic lawmakers who signed a letter to Biden claiming that despite Israel's claims, it has indeed violated international law and obstructed U.S. aid deliveries to Gaza.
該決議還要求美國國務院在5月8日的最後期限前向國會報告可信和可靠的書面保證,即在當前衝突中接受美國軍事援助的每個國家在使用這些物資時都遵守了國際人道法。5月3日,在該報告到期前五天,科羅拉多州眾議員傑森-克羅(Jason Crow)率領86名民主黨議員聯名致信拜登,聲稱儘管以色列聲稱,但它確實違反了國際法,並阻撓美國向加沙運送援助物資。
On May 7, it was announced that the administration would not make its deadline — partly over concerns that Israel's assurances of compliance couldn't be trusted.
5 月 7 日,政府宣佈不會在最後期限前完成任務,部分原因是擔心以色列的履約保證不可信。
The same week, the White House paused a shipment of 3,500 bombs to Israel, fearing they'd be used against the more than 1 million civilians sheltering in Rafah, the last major Hamas stronghold in Gaza.
同一周,白宮暫停向以色列運送 3500 枚炸彈,擔心這些炸彈會被用來對付在拉法(哈馬斯在加沙的最後一個主要據點)避難的 100 多萬平民。
If they go into Rafah, Biden said, "...I'm not supplying the arms."
Though holding back that shipment caused Republicans in Congress to accuse Biden of abandoning Israel in its time of need, little has tangibly changed. The pause had no impact on a foreign aid bill signed in April that included $15 billion in Israeli military aid, as well as $9 billion in humanitarian aid for Gaza. So to be clear, we gave the Israeli military $15 billion to continue its offensive against Gaza, and then $9 billion in humanitarian aid so Gaza can attempt to recover from the bombardments and attacks that we're also funding. Perfect. Conscience cleansed.
雖然暫停援助導致國會中的共和黨人指責拜登在以色列需要幫助的時候拋棄了它,但這並沒有帶來什麼實質性的改變。4月份簽署的對外援助法案包括150億美元的以色列軍事援助以及90億美元的加沙人道主義援助,暫停援助對該法案沒有任何影響。所以,說白了,我們給了以色列軍方 150 億美元,讓他們繼續對加沙發動進攻,然後又給了 90 億美元的人道主義援助,讓加沙能夠從轟炸和襲擊中恢復過來,而我們也在為這些援助提供資金。完美。良心得到了淨化。
On May 10, Secretary of State Antony Blinken submitted the overdue NSM-20 report, which despite acknowledging numerous credible claims to the contrary, concluded that Israel had not obstructed humanitarian assistance to Gaza.
5 月 10 日,國務卿安東尼-布林肯提交了逾期未交的 NSM-20 報告,儘管該報告承認有許多可信的相反說法,但其結論是以色列沒有阻礙向加沙提供人道主義援助。
Career State Department official Stacey Gilbert resigned in protest just a few weeks later.
幾周後,國務院職業官員斯泰西-吉爾伯特(Stacey Gilbert)辭職以示抗議。
Gilbert joined a handful of other staffers who've resigned since the war began last October, including Hala Raret, an Arabic-language spokesperson who told The Washington Post that she resigned after it became clear that internal discussion about U.S.-Israel policy was unwelcome, unlike almost every other subject during her 18-year career at the State Department.
吉爾伯特加入了自去年 10 月戰爭爆發以來辭職的其他幾位工作人員的行列,其中包括阿拉伯語發言人哈拉-拉雷特(Hala Raret),她告訴《華盛頓郵報》,她辭職是因為內部討論美以政策顯然不受歡迎,這與她在國務院 18 年的職業生涯中幾乎所有其他話題都不同。
I lay all this out to demonstrate that people are speaking up against Israel's brutality at various levels of our government. Yet, no matter what happens, it seems like the U.S.'s allegiance to Israel can't be shaken. To find out why, I think it's worth going way back to the very beginning to see what motivated our alliance in the first place and find out how the relationship has evolved. Turns out, the U.S. has sided with Israel since day one.
Palestine was a British colony from 1917 to 1948, and during that time the U.S. wasn't really involved. In 1947, we were part of the U.N. General Assembly vote approving the 1947
從 1917 年到 1948 年,巴勒斯坦一直是英國的殖民地,在此期間,美國並沒有真正參與其中。1947年,我們參加了聯合國大會投票,準許了1947年的
Partition Plan, in which 56 percent of Palestine would be awarded to the Jewish residents of
根據分治計劃,巴勒斯坦 56%的領土將劃歸猶太居民。
Palestine who made up 30 percent of the population, and the 70 percent of the population that was
佔總人口 30% 的巴勒斯坦,以及佔總人口 70% 的
Arab would get squished into 44 percent of their own homeland. The proposal was rejected by surrounding Arab states and the Palestinians, and fighting broke out. On May 14, 1948, the day
阿拉伯人將被擠到自己家園 44% 的土地上。這一提議遭到了周邊阿拉伯國家和巴勒斯坦人的拒絕,雙方爆發了戰鬥。1948 年 5 月 14 日
British rule in Palestine was scheduled to end, Israel declared itself an independent state, kicking off the Arab-Israeli war. Eleven minutes after Israel announced its statehood, President
英國對巴勒斯坦的統治即將結束,以色列宣佈獨立,阿以戰爭由此拉開序幕。以色列宣佈建國 11 分鐘後,美國總統
Harry Truman issued a statement making the U.S. the first nation to recognize Israel's independence.
Now, why was the U.S. so eager to jump into bed with a tiny new nation already embroiled in conflict? According to former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Samuel Lewis, there were six main reasons for Truman's declaration in 1948. One, re-election. Truman was up for re-election and knew he couldn't afford to lose the Jewish vote. Many American Jews were lobbying for a Jewish state at the time, and after making his decisive move of support for Israel, Truman secured 75 percent of the Jewish vote and ultimately won re-election. Though it's worth noting that Jewish people account for about two percent of the U.S. population, so let's not get any conspiratorial ideas about Jews controlling election outcomes, okay? Number two, guilt. In 1924, the U.S. passed a new immigration policy called the Johnson-Reed Act, which established new literacy tests and quotas to curtail European immigration and preserve the ideal of U.S. homogeneity. The result was that U.S. borders were almost entirely sealed off to the European Jews who were later murdered in the Holocaust. In 1948, that guilt was powerful. Three, humanitarianism. Jewish people who had survived the Holocaust clearly needed somewhere to go, and it's not like we wanted them to live here. Four, Judeo-Christian enthusiasm. Anytime there's a biblical excuse to do something, a lot of folks will get excited. The
現在,美國為什麼如此急於與一個已經陷入衝突的新小國同床共枕呢?根據前美國駐以色列大使塞繆爾-劉易斯的說法,杜魯門在 1948 年發表聲明有六個主要原因。其一,連任。杜魯門即將競選連任,他知道自己不能失去猶太人的選票。當時,許多美國猶太人都在遊說建立一個猶太國家,杜魯門果斷做出支持以色列的舉動後,獲得了75%的猶太人選票,最終贏得連任。不過值得注意的是,猶太人約佔美國人口的 2%,所以我們還是不要對猶太人控制選舉結果抱有任何陰謀論的想法,好嗎?第二,內疚。1924 年,美國通過了一項名為《約翰遜-裡德法案》
Bible says that the Israelites are supposed to inherit that land. This angle shouldn't be underestimated. Today, evangelical Christians are more uncritically supportive of Israel than Jewish people are. Five, ignorance. American politicians simply didn't understand the complex history of the region and how devastating the creation of Israel would be. Oops. Six, idealism. Americans love an underdog story, and something about the Jewish people fighting for their independence really appealed to Truman's personal sense of justice. And as a culture, we've held tightly to this narrative ever since. And if you're like, wait, Lija, what about the most obvious reason we stick by Israel, the strategic advantage that comes with having a close ally in the Middle East?
聖經》說,以色列人應該繼承那片土地。這個角度不容小覷。如今,福音派基督徒比猶太人更無條件地支持以色列。五是無知。美國政客們根本不瞭解該地區複雜的歷史,也不知道以色列的建立會帶來多大的破壞。哎呀。第六,理想主義。美國人喜歡弱者的故事,而猶太人為獨立而戰的故事確實吸引了杜魯門個人的正義感。作為一種文化,我們從那時起就緊緊抓住了這一敘事。如果你想說,等等,麗佳,我們支持以色列的最明顯原因是什麼? 在中東擁有一個親密盟友所帶來的戰略優勢?
Amazingly, strategy didn't become an official cornerstone of our relationship with Israel until the 80s. Still, our bond definitely strengthened throughout the intervening years.
令人驚訝的是,直到上世紀 80 年代,戰略才正式成為我們與以色列關係的基石。儘管如此,我們之間的聯繫在這些年裡還是得到了加強。
As the Cold War heated up and the USSR solidified its hold over more of the Middle East, President
Kennedy sent Israel US Hawk anti-aircraft missiles in 1963, along with assurances of military support in the event of an Arab invasion. In exchange, Kennedy was able to negotiate some concessions regarding Israel's burgeoning nuclear research center, which we were obviously really keen to keep a close eye on. Where Kennedy had unlocked the door, Lyndon B. Johnson kicked it down. LBJ was already a major fan of Israel, having supported every aid package and voting against any sanctions during his time as a senator and majority leader. As the USSR steadily increased military aid to
1963 年,肯尼迪向以色列贈送了美國 "鷹 "式防空飛彈,並保證在阿拉伯入侵時提供軍事支持。作為交換,肯尼迪通過談判在以色列新興的核研究中心問題上做出了一些讓步。肯尼迪打開了這扇門,林登-約翰遜卻把它踹開了。林登-約翰遜本來就是以色列的忠實擁護者,在擔任參議員和多數黨領袖期間,他支持每項援助計劃,並投票反對任何制裁措施。隨著蘇聯不斷增加對以色列的軍事援助
Egypt and Syria, Israel became an essential bulwark against Soviet encroachment, as well as a vital tool for securing oil. So to help maintain the regional balance of power, Johnson ignored CIA recommendations and sold Israel more than 200 M48 tanks, plus A-4 Skyhawk and F-4 Phantom planes.
在埃及和敘利亞,以色列成為抵禦蘇聯入侵的重要堡壘,也是確保石油安全的重要工具。是以,為了幫助維持地區力量平衡,約翰遜不顧中情局的建議,向以色列出售了 200 多輛 M48 坦克,以及 A-4 天鷹和 F-4 幻影戰機。
He also never pressured Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. This was the birth of the US's commitment to what's known as Israel's Qualitative Military Edge, or QME, meaning the technological, tactical, and other advantages that allow Israel to deter numerically superior adversaries. But that doesn't mean Johnson approved every request Israel made. In 1967, when Egypt blockaded the port of Eilat, Israel called up the US like, hey guys, we're in big trouble. If you don't send us some more weapons, we're definitely getting our asses kicked. But the
他也從未迫使以色列簽署《核不擴散條約》。這就是美國對以色列所謂 "定性軍事優勢"(Qualitative Military Edge)的承諾的誕生。"定性軍事優勢 "是指技術、戰術和其他方面的優勢,這些優勢使以色列能夠威懾數量上佔優勢的對手。但這並不意味著約翰遜準許了以色列提出的所有請求。1967 年,埃及封鎖了埃拉特港,以色列打電話給美國說:"嘿,夥計們,我們有大麻煩了。如果你們再不給我們送些武器,我們肯定會被打得屁滾尿流。但美國
American intelligence community quickly did the math and concluded that actually, Israel was positioned to defeat any combination of its neighbors within 10 days. Since the Vietnam
美國情報界迅速計算後得出結論:實際上,以色列有能力在 10 天內擊敗其鄰國的任何組合。自越南戰爭以來
War was already underway and causing quite enough of an international relations headache for the administration, LBJ rebuffed Israel's request. And as it turned out, they did not need our help. On June 5th, 1967, Israeli warplanes set out to launch a preemptive strike on Egypt's air fleet. In less than 35 minutes, Israel reached its destination. Within minutes, more than 400
當時戰爭已經打響,給政府的國際關係造成了相當大的麻煩,是以,LBJ 拒絕了以色列的請求。而事實證明,他們並不需要我們的幫助。1967 年 6 月 5 日,以色列戰機出發對埃及機群發動先發制人的打擊。不到 35 分鐘,以色列就到達了目的地。幾分鐘內,400 多名
Egyptian combat planes were destroyed. 75% of the largest air armada in the Middle East was gone.
埃及戰鬥機被摧毀。中東最大的空中艦隊的 75% 消失了。
In the week that followed, Israel launched a three-front campaign against enemy forces triple its size. By the end of the Six-Day War, Israel captured territory including the Sinai Peninsula,
Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights, and Old City of Jerusalem. Broadly speaking,
Americans were impressed. David had defeated Goliath in a moral fight for independence.
At least that's how our press reported it. Evangelical Christian Americans were particularly excited about this win. They'd always been down with Israel because, like I said, since in the Bible, God promised land to Abraham, that's basically a real estate contract.
Evangelicals were also stoked to regain access to Old Jerusalem, where worship had previously been heavily restricted. A Washington Post journalist challenged the religious awe that many felt about the Six-Day War. Working as quickly as the Lord of Genesis, Israel recreated the Middle East in six days. To this day, evangelical support for Israel remains strong.
But let's not pretend this is all about religion. According to political scientist Stephen Spiegel,
但我們不要假裝這一切都與宗教有關。政治學家斯蒂芬-斯皮格爾(Stephen Spiegel)認為:
Richard Nixon was the first president to see Israel as a strategic asset. In 1971, he increased military aid from less than $100 million annually to more than $300 million per year. The next major flashpoint in our relationship with Israel came two years later in 1973. Egypt and Syria, both backed by the USSR, teamed up against Israel in an attempt to recapture land they'd lost in the Six-Day War. This time, Israel was genuinely in deep shit. So President Nixon jumped into action, telling Henry Kissinger to send everything that will fly. What followed was the largest airlift in American history, followed by Israeli victory three weeks later. By the end of the war, nearly 53,500 people had died, the most casualties from any military confrontation between Israel and its neighbors up to that point. In the aftermath of the fighting, the U.S. played a central role in negotiating peace agreements, hoping to stabilize the region and prevent the need for U.S. intervention in the event of another serious military conflict. In 1978, President
理查德-尼克松是第一位將以色列視為戰略資產的總統。1971 年,他將軍事援助從每年不到 1 億美元增加到每年超過 3 億美元。我們與以色列關係的下一個重要爆發點出現在兩年後的 1973 年。埃及和敘利亞在蘇聯的支持下聯手對抗以色列,企圖奪回他們在六日戰爭中失去的土地。這一次,以色列真的陷入了水深火熱之中。於是,尼克松總統立即行動起來,告訴亨利-基辛格派出所有能飛的飛機。隨之而來的是美國曆史上最大規模的空運,三週後以色列取得了勝利。戰爭結束時,將近53,500人喪生,這是迄今為止以色列與其鄰國軍事對抗中傷亡
Jimmy Carter brought the Israeli prime minister and the Egyptian president to Camp David to broker a peace agreement. The Camp David Accords laid the groundwork for the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty of 1979, the first of its kind between Israel and any of its Arab neighbors. That same year, Carter's
吉米-卡特將以色列總理和埃及總統帶到戴維營,促成了一項和平協議。戴維營協議》為 1979 年簽訂的《埃以和平條約》奠定了基礎,這是以色列與其任何阿拉伯鄰國之間簽訂的第一個此類條約。同年,卡特的
United Nations ambassador, Andrew Young, was forced to resign after it became known that he had concealed a meeting with a representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO. Young was too hip for the room, frankly, and according to the Washington Post, in just five months on the job, Young had become a controversial figure for his off-the-cuff comments about how Cuban troops were a stabilizing force in Angola, and how the British, the Russians, the Swedes, and the people of the New York City borough of Queens were racists. He was summoned by the president after telling Playboy magazine that Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford were, in fact, racists. Young wasn't the only American to voice doubts about Israel, but he was one of relatively few. In 1978, South
聯合國大使安德魯-揚因隱瞞與巴勒斯坦解放組織(巴解組織)代表的會面而被迫辭職。據《華盛頓郵報》報道,在上任短短五個月的時間裡,楊就成為了一個備受爭議的人物,因為他隨口就能說出古巴軍隊如何成為安哥拉的穩定力量,以及英國人、俄國人、瑞典人和紐約皇后區的人如何是種族主義者。在告訴《花花公子》雜誌理查德-尼克松和傑拉爾德-福特事實上是種族主義者之後,他被總統召見。楊並不是唯一一個對以色列表示懷疑的美國人,但他是相對少數的美國人之一。1978 年,南
Dakota Senator James Aberesk, the first Arab-American to serve in the Senate, authored a penthouse article called the Relentless Israeli Propaganda Machine. It's worth noting that Aberesk wasn't bound by fears of political retaliation at that point. When writing the article, he'd already decided not to run for re-election, saying, nothing ever really changes, it's the system itself.
達科塔州參議員詹姆斯-阿伯雷斯克(James Aberesk)是第一位在參議院任職的阿拉伯裔美國人,他在閣樓上撰寫了一篇名為《以色列無情的宣傳機器》的文章。值得注意的是,阿伯瑞斯克當時並不擔心政治報復。寫這篇文章時,他已經決定不再競選連任,他說:"沒有什麼會真正改變,改變的是制度本身。
Anyway, then Senator Aberesk wrote scathingly of the culture of complicity already surrounding
Israel in U.S. Congress. The worst kind of intellectual terrorism is reserved for the politicians who dare to question Israel on its policies. Israel has so wrapped itself in its state religion, Judaism, that any criticism of its politics is immediately branded as criticism of its religion. Thus, the critic is accused of anti-Semitism, a charge that has served to silence even the mildest questioning of Israel's policies. A senator was complaining about this in 1978. However, during the Reagan administration, official rhetoric shifted away from moral reasons to support Israel and towards more strategic ones, because morally, things were getting pretty questionable. During the Reagan years, a series of policy moves tied U.S. defense structures much more closely with Israel than ever before, at least in part motivated by a desire to exert more influence over Israel to help keep it in line. Twice in 1981, Reagan voted to sanction
以色列在美國國會。最惡劣的智力恐怖主義專門針對那些敢於質疑以色列政策的政客。以色列將自己包裹在其國教--猶太教中,任何對其政治的責備都會立即被打上責備其宗教的烙印。是以,批評者被指責為反猶太主義,這一指控使得對以色列政策最輕微的質疑也噤若寒蟬。1978 年,一位參議員就曾抱怨過這一點。然而,在里根政府時期,官方的言論從支持以色列的道義理由轉向了更具戰略性的理由,因為從道義上講,事情變得很有問題。在里根時期,一系列政策措施將美國的國防結構與以色列緊密地聯繫在一起,至少部分原因是希望對以色列施加更多影響,幫助
Israel and postpone arms shipments due to Israel-led hostilities in the region. To rein Israel in from further actions that could disrupt regional stability, in November 1981, Israel and the U.S.
由於以色列在該地區主導的敵對行動,以色列和美國延後了武器運輸。為了遏制以色列進一步採取可能破壞地區穩定的行動,1981 年 11 月,以色列和美國簽署了一項新的協定。
formalized our strategic relationship with the Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU. It established joint military exercises, cooperation on joint readiness campaigns, and the establishment of a
Joint Supervisory Council. Just days later, Israel extended its jurisdiction into the occupied
Golan Heights, causing the U.S. to pause the MOU until 1983. Reagan's biggest flip-flop on Israel came in 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon, leading Reagan to halt a third arms shipment, citing concern that the ammunition would be used against civilians. Sounds familiar. According to Richard
Murphy, Reagan's ambassador to Saudi Arabia, the president was deeply disturbed by the images he saw from the ground in Beirut. He made it very plain that he wanted this to come to a stop when the human side was pushed in his face. But the face of the human side would soon change when in 1983, 241 U.S. Marines were killed in Beirut by local protesters. Six days after the Marines were attacked, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 111, reinstating strategic collaboration with Israel. Soon, Israel and the U.S. had established a new formal joint political-military group that has convened every six months since to collaborate on planning and training efforts. In 1985, Israel was facing high inflation, large government budget deficits, and slow growth. To help stabilize and reinvigorate Israel's economy, the U.S. and its BFF created the
墨菲 里根駐沙特阿拉伯大使 總統對他在貝魯特看到的畫面深感不安他明確表示,當人性的一面被推到他面前時,他希望這一切能夠停止。但是,1983 年,241 名美國海軍陸戰隊員在貝魯特被當地抗議者殺害,人性的一面很快就會改變。海軍陸戰隊遇襲六天後,里根總統簽署了第111號國家安全決策指令,恢復了與以色列的戰略合作。不久,以色列和美國成立了一個新的正式聯合政治軍事小組,此後每六個月召開一次會議,就規劃和培訓工作進行合作。1985年,以色列面臨著高通脹、鉅額政府預算赤字和經濟增長緩慢等問題。為了幫助以色列穩定經濟並
Joint Economic Development Group, which meets annually to this day to discuss economic policy.
By the mid-1980s, lobbyists no longer needed to push Congress hard to side with Israel.
到 20 世紀 80 年代中期,說客們不再需要極力推動國會站在以色列一邊。
According to international relations expert Helena Cobben, many members of Congress had long been used to applying different standards to actions undertaken by Israel than those undertaken by any other government, including their own, across a wide range of issues. In 1987, tensions between Israelis and Palestinians boiled over into what's now known as the First Antifata, which lasted until 1993. All told, several hundred Israelis and nearly 2,000 Palestinians were killed before the Oslo Accords were signed and the fighting paused. The Palestinian Liberation
根據國際關係專家海倫娜-科本(Helena Cobben)的說法,長期以來,許多國會議員習慣於在一系列問題上對以色列採取的行動採用不同於任何其他政府(包括他們自己的政府)的標準。1987 年,以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之間的緊張局勢驟然升溫,演變成了現在所說的 "第一次反法塔事件",一直持續到 1993 年。在《奧斯陸協定》簽署和戰火平息之前,共有數百名以色列人和近 2000 名巴勒斯坦人喪生。巴勒斯坦解放運動
Organization, or PLO, recognized Israel's right to exist. Israel recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people, and Israeli troops agreed to withdraw in stages from the West Bank and Gaza. In 1994, the U.S. successfully brokered a peace treaty between
巴解組織承認以色列的生存權。以色列承認巴解組織是巴勒斯坦人民的代表,以色列軍隊同意分階段撤出約旦河西岸和加沙。1994 年,美國成功斡旋了巴以之間的和平條約。
Israel and Jordan, and the following year, the Oslo II Accords established Palestinian self-government in Gaza and 40% of the West Bank. And for a brief, shining moment leading up to the new millennium, it looked like the U.S. might actually be able to pull off playing peacemaker in one of the most contested regions on Earth. But Y2K had other plans. Thank you to my Patreon community and my YouTube members for supporting the research and work that goes into these videos.
翌年,《奧斯陸第二協定》在加沙和約旦河西岸 40% 的地區建立了巴勒斯坦自治政府。在新千年到來之前的短暫、光輝時刻,美國似乎真的能夠在地球上爭議最大的地區之一扮演和平締造者的角色。但千年蟲另有打算。感謝我的 Patreon 社區和 YouTube 會員對這些視頻的研究和製作的支持。
I love making these videos free and widely available for as many people as possible, because I believe strongly in access to legal and political education. And your contributions on Patreon or YouTube membership allow me to continue bringing you this content for free, week after week. To say thank you, as a member on Patreon or YouTube, you'll receive early, uncensored, ad-free versions of these videos, as well as special extra content and more.
我喜歡免費為儘可能多的人提供這些視頻,因為我堅信法律和政治教育的可及性。您在 Patreon 或 YouTube 會員平臺上的貢獻讓我能夠繼續每週免費為您提供這些內容。為了表示感謝,作為 Patreon 或 YouTube 的會員,您將提前收到未經審查、無廣告的這些視頻版本,以及特殊的額外內容和更多內容。
So please consider joining today.
The year is 2000, and President Bill Clinton has summoned Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat to Camp David to discuss borders, settlements, refugees, and Jerusalem. But the negotiations fall apart, and mistrust on both sides soon sparks a second
2000 年,比爾-克林頓總統召集以色列總理埃胡德-巴拉克和巴解組織主席亞西爾-阿拉法特前往戴維營,討論邊界、定居點、難民和耶路撒冷問題。但談判破裂了,雙方的不信任很快引發了第二次
It lasts until 2005, when Israel agrees to fully withdraw from Gaza. But while the antifata rages,
這場戰爭一直持續到 2005 年,以色列同意從加沙全面撤軍。但是,在反加沙戰爭肆虐之時
President George W. Bush doesn't have a ton of bandwidth to spare. Early in his presidency,
Baby Bush seemed eager to distance his administration from the Israeli-Arab conflict as much as possible, while remaining friendly with Israel. After 9-11, he began pursuing a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, hoping to build Muslim support for his war against the Taliban in Afghanistan. By 2003, a U.S. policy had developed calling for the democratization of the Arab world as a means of preventing terrorism. It was basically a recycled version of our Cold War stance towards communism. If you bring them democracy, terrorism won't happen. Easy. When Obama came to power, he continued to emphasize peace, but was eager to set his foreign policy apart from President Bush's. Obama believed that reaching out to former enemies like China, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, Cuba, etc., and meeting them halfway was the best path to compromise. He gave particular focus to warming up relations with the
小布什似乎急於讓自己的政府儘可能遠離以阿衝突,同時與以色列保持友好關係。9-11 事件後,他開始尋求解決巴以衝突,希望為他在阿富汗對塔利班的戰爭爭取穆斯林的支持。到 2003 年,美國製定了一項政策,呼籲將阿拉伯世界民主化作為防止恐怖主義的手段。這基本上是我們冷戰時期對共產主義立場的翻版。如果你給他們帶來民主,恐怖主義就不會發生。這很簡單。奧巴馬上臺後,繼續強調和平,但急於將自己的外交政策與布什總統的外交政策區分開來。奧巴馬認為,與中國、北韓、委內瑞拉、俄羅斯、古巴等昔日的敵人進行接觸,與他們進行半途而廢
Muslim world, making trips to Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia without visiting Israel. In 2010, after right-leaning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected, Vice President Biden did go to Israel, but it ended badly, with Biden publicly condemning Israel's plans to build thousands of new Jewish settlements in contested territory. Gradually, Obama came to embrace the idea that he couldn't force peace if he wanted it more than both negotiating parties. Still, the vibe between Obama and Netanyahu remained frosty at best. This led 300 U.S. congresspeople to send a letter urging then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to stop squabbling with Israel and get back on the same page. They wrote,
拜登曾訪問過埃及、土耳其和沙特阿拉伯,但沒有訪問過以色列。2010年,在右傾總理本雅明-內塔尼亞胡再次當選後,副總統拜登訪問了以色列,但結果卻不盡如人意,拜登公開譴責以色列在爭議領土上新建數千個猶太人定居點的計劃。漸漸地,奧巴馬開始接受這樣一個觀點:如果他比談判雙方都更渴望和平,那麼他就不能強求和平。儘管如此,奧巴馬和內塔尼亞胡之間的關係仍然冷若冰霜。這導致 300 名美國國會議員致信敦促時任國務卿希拉里-克林頓停止與以色列的爭吵,回到同一起跑線上。他們寫道
Our view is that such differences are best resolved quietly, in trust and confidence, as befits long-standing strategic allies. 300 members of Congress saw the Obama administration getting the tiniest bit feisty with Israel and banded together across the aisle to remind the administration to toe the line. In 2011, Obama became the first American president to formally support a two-state solution based on the borders in place before the Six-Day War in 1967. In response to that declaration, Senator Mitt Romney said Obama had thrown Israel under the bus. Hamas and Netanyahu also rejected the suggestion. To help smooth things over, in 2016, Obama signed a new Memorandum of Understanding, providing Israel with $38 billion in U.S. military support over the next decade, reiterating our steadfast commitment to the security of the state of Israel.
我們認為,這種分歧最好在信任和信心的基礎上悄悄解決,這才符合長期戰略盟友的利益。300 名國會議員看到奧巴馬政府對以色列的態度變得有些暴躁,於是跨過黨派聯合起來,提醒政府遵守底線。2011 年,奧巴馬成為第一位正式支持以 1967 年六日戰爭前邊界為基礎的兩國解決方案的美國總統。針對這一聲明,參議員米特-羅姆尼(Mitt Romney)說,奧巴馬把以色列扔到了公共汽車下面。哈馬斯和內塔尼亞胡也拒絕了這一建議。為了幫助平息事態,2016年,奧巴馬簽署了一份新的諒解備忘錄,在未來十年內向以色列提供380億美元
Experts at the foreign policy think tank the Washington Institute say the agreement was also a message to Israel's adversaries that Washington's support for its ally remains uniquely deep, despite recent policy disagreements. In practice, that looks like $3.3 billion a year in foreign military financing and another $500 million for programs for the Israeli mobile all-weather air defense system called the Iron Dome. There aren't many strings attached regarding what weapons can be purchased or how those weapons can be used against civilians, for example. The only real catch is that most of that aid, 74% of it, must be spent in the U.S. So our government basically gives Israel coupons to buy American-made military equipment. Cool. Trump, of course, quickly established himself as one of our most pro-Israel presidents to date. In December 2017, the U.S.
外交政策智庫華盛頓研究所(Washington Institute)的專家說,該協議也是向以色列的對手發出的一個資訊:儘管最近在政策上存在分歧,但華盛頓對其盟友的支持仍然是獨一無二的。在實踐中,這意味著以色列每年將獲得 33 億美元的對外軍事資助,另外還有 5 億美元用於以色列全天候移動防空系統 "鐵穹 "項目。至於可以購買什麼武器,或者這些武器如何用於對付平民等問題,並沒有太多附加條件。唯一真正的問題是,大部分援助(74%)必須在美國使用。是以,我們的政府基本上是給以色列提供購買美國製造的軍事裝備的優惠
became the first nation to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, even though Jerusalem is one of the most hotly contested sticking points in peace negotiations. In 2018, Trump's administration slashed aid to the Palestinians and the UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
儘管耶路撒冷是和平談判中爭議最激烈的癥結之一,但美國仍成為第一個承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都的國家。2018 年,特朗普政府削減了對巴勒斯坦人和聯合國近東巴勒斯坦救濟工程處的援助
Refugees. As the PLO office in Washington, D.C. closed, the U.S. opened an embassy in Jerusalem.
In 2019, Trump recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel for the first time since the land was captured by Israel in 1967. And in 2020, Trump's administration brokered a series of deals to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab states, including the UAE and Morocco. Once
2019 年,特朗普承認戈蘭高地是以色列的一部分,這是自 1967 年以色列佔領該土地以來的第一次。2020 年,特朗普政府促成了一系列協議,使以色列與包括阿聯酋和摩洛哥在內的幾個阿拉伯國家的關係正常化。曾經
Biden came in, he initially focused on encouraging more nations to reach normalization agreements with Israel, which critics say is a betrayal of the Palestinian cause, while condemning moves by
Israel that could threaten a two-state solution, like expanding its West Bank settlements, for example. In 2021, the Biden administration successfully brokered a ceasefire between
以色列可能威脅到兩國解決方案,例如擴大約旦河西岸定居點。2021 年,拜登政府成功斡旋了以色列和以色列之間的停火協議。
Israel and Hamas after fighting broke out over clashes at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and evictions of
Palestinians in East Jerusalem. In 2022, violence spiked again between the two sides, and Israel launched counterterrorism operations in the West Bank. The largest of these operations kicked off in July 2023. And in response, Biden reiterated the U.S. mantra of supporting Israel's right to defend itself, this despite a somewhat fraught relationship between Biden and Netanyahu over the years. According to old Joe, he once, years ago, signed a picture that later sat on a young
東耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人。2022 年,雙方之間的暴力活動再次激增,以色列在約旦河西岸發起了反恐行動。其中規模最大的一次行動於2023年7月啟動。對此,拜登重申了美國支持以色列自衛權的口號,儘管多年來拜登和內塔尼亞胡之間的關係有些緊張。據老喬說,多年前,他曾經在一張照片上籤過名,這張照片後來被放在了內塔尼亞胡年輕的
Netanyahu's desk that read,
Bebe, I love you, but I don't agree with a damn thing you have to say.
Again, this collegial, intimate, even familial language reiterates the impression that the ties binding the U.S. and Israel are deeper and stronger than any political actor alone could shake. Shortly after the October 7th attack that saw Hamas terrorists murder more than a thousand Israelis, Biden flew to Israel and hugged Netanyahu on the tarmac in Tel Aviv.
拜登這種同事式的、親密的、甚至是家庭式的語言再次給人留下這樣的印象,即美國和以色列之間的聯繫比任何政治行為體本身所能撼動的更加深厚和牢固。在 10 月 7 日哈馬斯恐怖分子殺害了一千多名以色列人的襲擊事件發生後不久,拜登飛往以色列,在特拉維夫的停機坪上與內塔尼亞胡擁抱。
It's been more than seven months since Hamas's initial attack on Israel, and more than 36,000
自哈馬斯對以色列發動首次襲擊以來,七個多月過去了,超過 36,000
Palestinians have died with no end in sight, even as Israel has been accused of genocide and other war crimes by the International Court of Justice. Polling from May 2024 shows that 70% of U.S. voters support a permanent ceasefire, 83% of Democrats, 65% of independents, and 56% of Republicans. That's a nine point increase from support for a ceasefire since November 2023.
儘管以色列被國際法院指控犯有種族滅絕罪和其他戰爭罪,但巴勒斯坦人的死亡仍看不到盡頭。2024 年 5 月的民意調查顯示,70% 的美國選民支持永久停火,其中民主黨人佔 83%,無黨派人士佔 65%,共和黨人佔 56%。這比 2023 年 11 月以來的停火支持率提高了 9 個百分點。
This rift has caused immense strain for President Biden, who would really like to win a second term this November, but whose actions towards Israel have alienated vast swaths of voters, including a large population of Arab American voters, especially in Michigan, a state Trump won by just over 10,000 votes in 2016. Republicans see Biden pausing that singular arms shipment as a betrayal of Israel. In contrast, Democrats see Biden's refusal to pause any additional arms shipments as a betrayal of the Palestinian people. Well, some Democrats. Though a handful of progressive members of Congress have spoken up against Israel's crimes, their critiques haven't been received warmly, to say the least. In November 2023, Michigan representative and the only
這種裂痕給拜登總統造成了巨大壓力,他非常希望在今年11月贏得連任,但他對以色列的所作所為疏遠了廣大選民,其中包括大量阿拉伯裔美國選民,尤其是在密歇根州,特朗普在2016年以1萬多票贏得了該州的選舉。在共和黨人看來,拜登暫停運送這批武器是對以色列的背叛。相比之下,民主黨人則認為拜登拒絕暫停運送更多武器是對巴勒斯坦人民的背叛。好吧,是部分民主黨人。儘管一些進步的國會議員曾對以色列的罪行直言不諱,但至少可以說,他們的責備並沒有受到熱烈歡迎。2023 年 11 月,密歇根州眾議員、唯一的
Palestinian American member of Congress, Rashida Tlaib, became the 26th House member in history to receive an official censure. Hers was for promoting false narratives regarding the October 7th, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.
巴勒斯坦裔美國國會議員拉希達-特萊布(Rashida Tlaib)成為歷史上第 26 位受到官方譴責的眾議院議員。她的罪名是宣揚有關 2023 年 10 月 7 日哈馬斯襲擊以色列的虛假言論,並呼籲摧毀以色列國。
Censure is the step before expulsion, though it's far less consequential. A censure mostly amounts to a black stain on someone's permanent record or a badge of honor, depending on who you ask.
The House voted 234 to 188 to censure Tlaib. 22 of the yay votes came from fellow Democrats.
眾議院以 234 票對 188 票通過了對特萊布的譴責。22張贊成票來自民主黨同僚。
Of particular concern was the representative's use of the controversial phrase, from the river to the sea. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the rallying cry is fundamentally anti-Semitic, calling for a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan
特別令人關切的是,該代表使用了 "從河到海 "這一有爭議的短語。據反誹謗聯盟稱,這一號召從根本上說是反猶太的,它呼籲建立一個從約旦河延伸到大海的巴勒斯坦國。
River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the state of Israel, which would mean the dismantling of the Jewish state. But many of the people invoking the phrase argue that from the river to the sea is simply a call for peace and equality for the Palestinian people.
從河到地中海,領土包括以色列國,這將意味著猶太國的解體。但是,許多引用這句話的人認為,"從河到海 "只是呼籲巴勒斯坦人民實現和平與平等。
But look, some of the people shouting from the river to the sea do mean it in the first way, as a call to eradicate Jewish people. And it's hard to tell which camp somebody is in at first blush while, for instance, strolling past a campus protest. So some sensitivity around the phrase is understandable, but for sensitivity to so quickly escalate to official censure is yet another sign that the playing field isn't even. Claims of anti-Semitism, among other tactics, have helped keep Americans, both in and outside Congress, blindly loyal to Israel for generations.
From the start, a handful of tactics have had an outsized impact on U.S.-Israeli relations.
As we've already discussed, both in this video and my video on student protests, conflating criticism of the Jewish state with anti-Semitism shuts down even the potential for meaningful conversation about Israeli policy. In 2019, Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar was the subject of a House resolution condemning a series of allegedly anti-Semitic comments she had made since 2012. The main focus was something Representative Omar said during a town hall meeting in 2019. She said,
正如我們在這段視頻和我關於學生抗議活動的視頻中已經討論過的,將對猶太國家的責備與反猶主義混為一談,甚至扼殺了就以色列政策進行有意義對話的可能性。2019 年,明尼蘇達州眾議員伊爾汗-奧馬爾(Ilhan Omar)成為眾議院一項決議的主題,該決議譴責她自 2012 年以來發表的一系列涉嫌反猶太的言論。主要焦點是奧馬爾眾議員在 2019 年的一次市民大會上所說的話。她說:
Critics said the comment played on anti-Semitic stereotypes, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance. And we talked about that in my George Soros video, which you can check out after this. California Republican Representative Juan Vargas responded to Omar's comments, saying that
責備人士說,這一評論利用了反猶主義的陳舊觀念,包括雙重效忠和效忠外國的有害神話。我們在喬治-索羅斯(George Soros)的視頻中談到了這一點,您可以在視頻之後查看。加利福尼亞州共和黨眾議員胡安-巴爾加斯(Juan Vargas)對奧馬爾的言論做出迴應,他說
Trump said she should resign, which she didn't. Omar was removed from the House
Foreign Affairs Committee, but the resolution condemning her never passed. Of the resolution's four points, three were about anti-Semitism, but the fourth went wider, invoking
This is fascinating considering that the Jewish state has methodically disenfranchised large portions of its Muslim population to maintain Jewish authority. Also weird to see the First
Amendment invoked while censoring a congresswoman's speech. The U.S. has long seen Israel as our ideological brother in the Middle East, and boy howdy do we love any excuse to meddle in the
Middle East. Israel belongs to many of the same clubs we do, the UN, OECD, IMF, World Bank, WTO, etc. And in addition to cooperating closely on military things, we've established numerous scientific and cultural exchange programs, including the Binational Science Foundation, the Binational Agricultural Research and Development Foundation, the Binational
Industrial Research and Development Foundation, and the U.S. Israeli Education Foundation.
But all this coordination and cooperation isn't out of the goodness of anyone's heart.
We make a ton of money off one another. Remember that 74% of the billions of dollars in military aid we give Israel is basically just coupons for U.S. equipment and services. We're Israel's number one trading partner. Our commercial and economic collaborations span sectors including IT, biotech, the life sciences, healthcare, energy, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, defense industries, cybersecurity, aviation, and more. According to the U.S. Embassy in Israel, critical components of leading American high-tech products are invented and designed in Israel, making these American companies more competitive and more profitable globally.
Cisco, Intel, Motorola, Applied Materials, and HP are just a few examples. On top of that,
U.S. companies established two-thirds of the more than 300 foreign-invested R&D centers in Israel, helping transform it into a so-called startup nation of advanced tech. In my video about student protests, we talked about how much more difficult it would be for American universities to divest from Israel today than it was to divest from South Africa in the 80s. And this is why.
在以色列的 300 多個外商投資研發中心中,有三分之二是由美國公司建立的,這有助於將以色列轉變為所謂的先進技術創業國。在我關於學生抗議活動的視頻中,我們談到了美國大學今天要從以色列撤資要比上世紀80年代從南非撤資困難得多。原因就在於此。
Our economies are incredibly entangled. As a Judeo-Christian nation, Israel already had a massive leg up on its neighbors when it came to relating to Americans. But beyond religion, race also became a point of connection. The role of white supremacy in upholding U.S.-Israel relations has long been noted by pro-Palestinian voices. While Islamophobia lays the groundwork for the dehumanization of Palestinians, the precarious notion of Jewish whiteness further complicates the dynamic. On the one hand, Jewish Americans have been legally considered free white persons since the Naturalization Act of 1790. And today, 94% of Jewish Americans identify as white. On the other hand, European Jews were intentionally excluded in later immigration policy while they were being systematically exterminated. As Eric Goldstein, Associate
我們的經濟糾纏在一起,令人難以置信。作為一個猶太教-基督教國家,以色列在與美國人交往方面已經比鄰國有了很大的優勢。但除了宗教之外,種族也成為聯繫的一個點。支持巴勒斯坦的聲音早已注意到白人至上主義在維護美以關係中的作用。仇視伊斯蘭教為巴勒斯坦人的非人化奠定了基礎,而猶太白人這一岌岌可危的概念則進一步加劇了這一動態的複雜性。一方面,自 1790 年《歸化法》頒佈以來,猶太裔美國人在法律上一直被視為自由白人。如今,94% 的美國猶太人都認為自己是白人。另一方面,在後來的移民政策中,歐洲猶太人被有意排除在外,而他
Professor of History at Emory University explained in The Atlantic, Jewish identity in America is inherently paradoxical and contradictory. What you have is a group that was historically considered and considered itself an outsider group, a persecuted minority. In the space of two generations, they've become one of the most successful integrated groups in American society, by many accounts, part of the establishment. And there's a lot of dissonance between those two positions. So the question of whiteness in America is less about skin tone than it is about power. The status of Jewish whiteness could be interpreted as a measure of safety. Outsiders tend to see the prominent place of Jewish people in America and believe their power is entrenched, is certain. However, that status feels less certain within a community whose history has been defined by a long series of expulsions and rejections. I bring this up because how much power
埃默裡大學歷史學教授在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上解釋說,猶太人在美國的身份認同本質上是矛盾和自相矛盾的。一個群體在歷史上被認為是外來群體,是受迫害的少數民族。在兩代人的時間裡,他們已經成為美國社會中最成功的融合群體之一,在很多人看來,他們是體制的一部分。在這兩種立場之間存在著許多不和諧之處。是以,美國的白人問題與其說是膚色問題,不如說是權力問題。猶太人的白人地位可以被解釋為一種安全度量。局外人往往看到猶太人在美國的顯赫地位,認為他們的權力根深蒂固,是確定無疑的。然而,在一個歷史上被長期驅
Jewish people are perceived to have versus how much they feel like they have 100% shapes our conversations about Israel. I'm not saying this to defend white identifying Jewish people who refuse to interrogate their contributions to upholding white supremacy. I'm just pointing out that this fundamental difference in perception makes this issue even harder to talk about. And what we can't talk about, we can't hope to understand, which brings us to propaganda. In his 1978 penthouse article, Senator James Averesk wrote that it has been fashionable from the beginning to write stories favorable to Israel and unfavorable to the Arabs. Israel was depicted at the outset as an underdog and Americans will by nature side with that particular role. Thus, the optic through which Americans view the Middle Eastern struggle is almost exclusively Israeli.
猶太人被認為擁有的權利與他們認為自己擁有的權利的程度100%地影響著我們關於以色列的對話。我這麼說並不是要為那些拒絕質疑自己對維護白人至上主義所做貢獻的認同白人的猶太人辯護。我只是想指出,這種觀念上的根本差異使得這個問題更加難以啟齒。而我們無法談論的東西,也就無從理解。參議員詹姆斯-阿弗雷斯克在 1978 年的閣樓文章中寫道,從一開始,寫對以色列有利、對阿拉伯人不利的報道就是一種時尚。以色列從一開始就被描繪成一個弱者,而美國人天生就會站在這個角色一邊。是以,美國人看待中東鬥爭的視角幾乎完全是以色列。
That overly one-sided point of view would not be possible without the generous help of the
American media revising the struggle to make Israeli aggression appear to be self-defense.
Averesk offers numerous examples of the American press's asymmetric reporting throughout the 60s and 70s, highlighting one particularly egregious instance in 1977 when the Washington Post reported on secret CIA payments to King Hussein of Jordan. The story led the news for the next week, yet hardly anyone followed up to mention that the $10 million Jordan had received over 20 years was only one-eighth of the amount the CIA gave Israel over the same period.
阿韋爾斯克列舉了許多美國新聞界在整個 60 和 70 年代進行不對稱報道的例子,並特別強調了 1977 年《華盛頓郵報》報道中央情報局向約旦國王侯賽因祕密付款的一個特別惡劣的例子。這篇報道在接下來的一週裡一直佔據新聞頭條,但幾乎沒有人在後續報道中提及約旦在 20 年裡收到的 1 000 萬美元只是中情局在同一時期給以色列的金額的八分之一。
When asked about the omission, the Washington Post admitted that it knew about the payments to Israel but didn't think they were worth mentioning because they seemed to be under different circumstances. Averesk goes on to accuse the majority of the U.S. press for blacking out reports of torture, beatings, wrongful imprisonment, forced relocation, and deportation of Arabs in occupied territories. Today, social media has disrupted traditional information channels, giving Americans far more access to on-the-ground information than ever before. Yet as pushback from
當被問及這一遺漏時,《華盛頓郵報》承認,它知道向以色列付款的事,但認為不值得一提,因為它們似乎是在不同的情況下發生的。Averesk 繼續指責大多數美國媒體對被佔領土上的阿拉伯人遭受酷刑、毆打、非法監禁、強迫遷移和驅逐出境的報道視而不見。如今,社交媒體已經打破了傳統的資訊管道,使美國人獲得比以往任何時候都多得多的實地資訊。然而,隨著來自
U.S. officials and press pundits to the student protests sweeping the nation have revealed, it's still not popular or safe to criticize Israel. And when public opinion begins to waver, pro-Israel lobbyists are ready to fight for the status quo. Numerous organizations advocate for
U.S. support of Israel. The largest and most politically powerful is the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee, APAC. Its members wield influence through grassroots organizing, advocacy, and fundraising, primarily among American Jews and Christian evangelical churches.
Founded in 1954, today APAC claims to have more than 3 million members. Its popular annual conference in Washington, D.C. typically boasts around 20,000 attendees, plus appearances from top U.S. politicians, including Biden and Trump. In 2021, APAC formed a PAC to funnel its money directly to candidates for the first time. According to OpenSecrets, APAC and its affiliated
亞太會計師協會成立於 1954 年,目前擁有 300 多萬會員。每年在華盛頓特區舉行的年會通常有約 2 萬人參加,拜登和特朗普等美國政要也會出席。2021 年,APAC 成立了一個 PAC,首次直接向候選人輸送資金。根據 OpenSecrets 的資料,APAC 及其附屬機構
PACs poured nearly $50 million into political contributions and independent expenditures during the 2022 election cycle. Predictions for spending during 2024 start at $100 million.
在 2022 年選舉週期,政治行動委員會投入了近 5000 萬美元的政治捐款和獨立支出。2024 年的支出預測從 1 億美元開始。
One of APAC's strengths is that it's a single-issue lobbying group.
They fund politicians on both sides of the aisle. Getting on APAC's good side and getting their funding is as simple as promising to be a true friend of the Jewish state. As you might imagine, they've been busy lately, strategically identifying candidates to run against any member of Congress who's called for a ceasefire and or an end to USAID to Israel. Though APAC supports both Democrats and Republicans, its current targets are all Democrats, specifically a group of 19 liberals in the House known as the Squad. APAC has already found challengers to take on Representatives Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Summer Lee of Pennsylvania, Cori Bush of Missouri, and Jamal Bowman of New York. In the last quarter of 2023, APAC gave Bowman's opponent in the
他們為兩黨的政客提供資金。只要承諾成為猶太國真正的朋友,就能得到亞太慈善協會的青睞並獲得他們的資助。正如你可能想象的那樣,他們最近忙得不可開交,在戰略上物色候選人,與任何呼籲停火或終止美援署對以色列援助的國會議員競選。雖然全美和平行動委員會既支持民主黨人也支持共和黨人,但目前的目標都是民主黨人,特別是眾議院中由 19 名自由派人士組成的 "小分隊"。APAC 已經找到了挑戰者來對付明尼蘇達州的伊爾汗-奧馬爾(Ilhan Omar)眾議員、賓夕法尼亞州的夏日-李(Summer Lee)眾議員、密蘇里州的科裡
Democratic primary, George Latimer, more than $600,000, more than 40% of his total campaign contributions. But Bowman's outspokenness wasn't entirely a liability. In the same quarter, he raised over $730,000, mostly from Arab and Muslim grassroots organizations and individual donors. For comparison, Bowman barely raised $200,000 in 2021. But no one has fared quite as well as Representative Rashida Tlaib. Since the start of Israel's war in Gaza, she's broken fundraising records, bringing in nearly $3.7 million, mostly from grassroots, small, and first-time donors. And despite its best efforts, APAC hasn't been able to find an opponent to run against her. Tlaib represents one of the largest Arab American communities in the nation, so there's little chance that a pro-Israel candidate could actually take her spot.
在民主黨初選中,喬治-拉提莫(George Latimer)獲得了 60 多萬美元,超過了他競選捐款總額的 40%。但鮑曼的直言不諱並不完全是一種負擔。在同一季度,他籌集了超過 73 萬美元的資金,其中大部分來自阿拉伯和穆斯林基層組織及個人捐贈者。相比之下,鮑曼在 2021 年僅募集到 20 萬美元。但沒有人像眾議員拉希達-特萊布(Rashida Tlaib)那樣表現出色。自以色列發動加沙戰爭以來,她打破了籌款記錄,籌得近 370 萬美元,其中大部分來自基層組織、小額捐款者和首次捐款者。儘管 APAC 付
Outside its PAC, APAC continues lobbying for policies favorable to Israel. One of its latest bills was called the Maintaining Our Ironclad Commitment to Israel Security Act, which sought to ensure a role for Congress in any decision to suspend or delay U.S. arms sales to Israel.
在其 PAC 之外,APAC 繼續遊說制定對以色列有利的政策。其最新的一項法案名為《保持我們對以色列安全的堅定承諾法案》,旨在確保國會在任何暫停或延後美國對以色列軍售的決定中發揮作用。
Now, a lot of folks are big mad at Biden for his refusal to meaningfully condemn or combat
Israel's actions in Gaza, and honestly, fair. The situation is a truly depressing example of politics coming before people, and it is stomach-turning to watch our tax dollars go to funding a genocide. But I hope this video has given you some context to see how much bigger this is than the Biden administration or any single president. Looking back on our relationship with Israel, there are multiple points that it feels like a supernatural thing to do.
Like any time dissent was voiced, a unified shield went up. But that shield is cracking in real time, and we just have to keep up the pressure. Many of our politicians are old as hell and have been drinking Israel's Kool-Aid for decades. Former House of Representatives
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Senate Majority Leader
Chuck Schumer are among Israel's most powerful and reliable supporters. But the younger, more progressive newcomers should offer some hope. They're less reliant on traditional fundraising structures and are often much more motivated by humanitarian concerns.
They won't be silenced as long as they have the grassroots support they need to keep going.
And that's where we come in. Check whether any of the squad members are from your state and rally around them. If you care about seeing a shift in U.S. policy away from Israel, we have to make sure that critical voices remain in Congress. Yes, as usual, I'm telling you to vote. Because not voting, or voting third party at least for president, is not going to change the system. Continuing to show up, despite the fuckery, and having patience because changing a system takes time, is the work that we all need to be doing. Shout out to my newest supporters, as well as supporters in my royal tiers. And a very special shout out to my multi-platinum supporters, T. Latranger Lucas, Joshua Cole, Thomas Johnson, Safiya Sams, Anthony Giles,
這就是我們要做的。請查看是否有議員來自您所在的州,並團結在他們周圍。如果你們希望看到美國的以色列政策發生轉變,我們就必須確保國會中仍有責備的聲音。是的,像往常一樣,我要告訴你們投票。因為不投票,或者至少在總統選舉中投給第三方,並不能改變制度。我們需要做的是,繼續出現在公眾面前,儘管這一切都很糟糕,但我們要有耐心,因為改變一個制度需要時間。向我最新的支持者以及我的皇家層級的支持者致敬。特別向我的白金級支持者 T. Latranger Lucas、Joshua Cole、Thomas Johnson、Safi
Tay, and Brett Piontek. Your generosity makes this channel what it is. So thank you.
Tay 和 Brett Piontek。是你們的慷慨解囊成就了這個頻道。謝謝你們
If you liked this video, you might enjoy my video about why conservatives hate George Soros.
Thanks so much for watching, have a good day, buh-bye!